My friend’s brother is always stalking about how sweet and petite women are supposed to be, how demure. And it makes me want to wretch. I’ve thought about suffocating him with my own spit at night, but I knew that wasn’t even good enough. No, I had to be patient and wait for the right moment.
Since we haven’t been the best of friends, I invited him out for lunch, under the pretense that I wanted to get to know him better. He sat aside from me and I let my hate build to a boiling rate as his mouth flopped about “a woman’s place.” I smiled, evilly, thinking about him finding his rightful place soon enough. After lunch, we headed out to a house that I had previously visited. He thought we were going to have some kind of cookout. Ha!
He looked around, surprised at what he saw: massive women in one corner and skinny men in the other. He laughed and said they were freaks. And, he enjoyed the show, watching as these men sometimes lost consciousness as their heads were squeezed between the thighs of the giant woman. He shouted and called those men, “pussies” and anything he could think of. He shook his head and said, “Damned if I’d let a woman do that to me!” I urged him on, riled him up. “Look, that fucker creamed himself? What the fuck?” He yelled, “You’re not a man!” Finally, as he was getting louder and louder, I stood up and screamed, “Hey, my friend wants to try!” I could see the oh-fuck-you look in his face; but, then determination replaced it. Yeah, he was gonna prove what a tough man he was in front of me and everyone else.
Out of all the women in the pack, the largest stepped forward. Apparently, she had heard him yelling during the exposition and was ready to teach him a little lesson. Laughter escaped my lips and I sat down, ready to enjoy every delicious moment.
He danced around like a freakin’ monkey and I rolled my eyes. Where’d he learn those moves, I wondered. As he tried to make something akin to karate noises, the woman was growing increasingly annoyed. She put her forearm against his throat and threw him to the ground. Her booming laughter sounded like a mix between a gorilla and some monster on television. I loved it!
He continued to ‘mouth off’ and she rubbed her pussy in his face, looking at the audience and laughing. Crossing my legs, I rooted her on; and we seemed to share a connection as our eyes met. Yeah, give that bastard what he deserves! She told him that she would get off of him if he shut up; she gave him several chances and got up. He tried to regain his strength; but everyone could see he was on his last leg. She gave him one more chance to shut-up but he shook his head ‘No’ and she kicked his legs out from under him.
She took off her clothes. Pushed her massive titties to his face. “Suck on momma’s boobies, baby,” she said in her husky voice. She rubbed her bush against him, leaned up so he could see it. His dick was getting hard in his pants and she pointed at it. “Is that all? You have a pencil dick?! You can please a woman like me with no pencil dick!”
I almost fell out of the bleachers laughing. Finally, he stopped moving. The guys who had wrestled before him took turns fucking him in the ass while us women beamed and were pampered. When we were done with him, a couple of the ladies took him to the curb and dropped him. When I was driving past, I saw a sign in red letters that said, “Pencil Dick.” How appropriate! He tried to avoid me ever since that day; I want him to live in fear for a little bit longer…

A few weeks later, I received a drawing in the mail; apparently one of the women in the group was an artist. It was me, my large feet stomping out all of the rejects of the world, all the stupid motherfuckers. That’s right, bitches, I am Giant, hear me roar!