Category: Rape phone sex fantasies

Blood On The Water

killer phonesex knifeThe flyer said it was a midight cruise. A murder mystery would need to be solved. The night promised to be full of intrigue, gore and death would lurk around every corner. I stood there reading the flyer and thinking about how much fun it would be to sabatoge the “fake” killing with some real death. To replace the staged sceenes with real sceenes of murder. My cunt dripping as I imagined the fun of it all and knowing that the prize fund for solving the mystery would not be taken by anyone but myself beause I would create a  new story, a real murder. How long would it take for the creators of the cruise to figure out  that someone else hadd taken control? How much fear and mayheme could I create in a few short hours out on the open sea? I knew I had to get a ticckeet and take this cruise I had to create mass chaose. There would be a method to my madness and no seblane of order of any kind. As the night approached my anticipation began to grow. I could feel my palms getting sweaty as I walked up the ramp to load the eerie vesel. The fear it was intended to envolk was nothing compared to what was about to come. Looking around at all the passangers laughing and drinking as the excitement built and the boat slipped out of the dock I silently creamed my panties. Slipping away to the galley so that I could procure a beautiful butcher knife, my heart was pounding. I took my place at the table in the dining hall an listened to the grisly tale that was being weaved for the festivities to begin. As soon as the place of the murder was  mentioned I went and found my victim, sliding my knife deep into her soft flesh then pulling it out and watching the blood flow my cunt juices began to flow in unison. Her eyes grew wide as her mouth opened and the  blood curtling scream pierced the air. Mingling in with the other passangers while they examined the sceen of what they thought was a staged murder, listening to them watching them ad deciding who I was going to take out next  was almost moore then I could stand. One by one I slaughtered them all. Floating on the open sea, laying on the deck covered in blood, I rested before throwing them over board one at a time. What a beautiful thing to watch the bodies hit the water in the moonlight, slowly sinking into the dark abyss.killer phonesex knife


Fuck Slave Queen

violent phonesex maceyI love to be fucked, everyone already knows this. I like to be fucked by anyone, at any time. This is what all my sweet little fuck holes are here for, so yes I use them, and I used all of them. I am a fuck slave, and I am ready for anything that you can throw at me at any giving time. Men women it does not matter. Point is I LOVE TO FUCK! I want to be fucked in the ass, cunt, and by all means, please feel free to skull fuck the hell out of me. Yes, I am a whore and I love every minute of it. Cum let me be your fuck slave, your on little cum slut for the night. I really want you to cum all over me, and have your way with me all night long, so cum play with me for the night.

Bloody Tools Phone Sex

I disobeyed you again. I was only trying to keep the other girl from screaming. You thought I was trying to have sex with her. You caught me trying to hug her and knowing what a dirty little snuff whore I am, you assumed the worst. I would never betray you, Master, but you don’t listen. I am gagged and  tied and dragged to the dirty old mattress. Your anger is unmatched by anything else here on earth, and I hope that you will finally snuff me out.   You throw me on the bed where your tools hang above on the wall.

The tools are still covered in blood from the last girl who made a mistake. Hammers, pliers, knives, and every other item that was never meant to work on humans. Your sick as fuck toolbox that you’re now going to use on me. I look at the hacksaw and beg for you to just cut off my head. But I know it won’t be that fast or easy. You slap me so hard my head flies back and hits the wall. You come at me with a screwdriver first, my eyes get wide as you jam it right through my stomach.

I can only watch in horror as you splatter my blood everywhere. Tool after tool, you cut and pierce my tiny body, and I am helpless to stop you. I see you finally pick the hacksaw. I feel sick relief and hope that this is the end. I want to feel those last moments of hell,  and I have watched so many other sluts go out this way. I want my turn tonight. I raise my chin, hope in my eyes, and expose my throat to you. You look angry, and instead take my legs and spread them apart, exposing my battered pussy.

You take the rusty, bloody saw, and place it between my legs and begin to saw back and forth on my cunt. Blood spills everywhere, and you laugh like a maniac. You throw the saw aside and climb on top of me and begin fucking my bloody hole. As you cum inside my gaping pussy, I know you will not give me the only thing I wanted tonight – my snuff. My exit. My only way out. 


Accomplice phone sex Storm

I can always tell how much fun I’ve had, by how messy my dungeon is. There is something immensely gratifying about seeing all my tools covered in blood. Dripping in agony And reeking of pain. Sometimes while the bodies still warm and wet I just sit back and enjoy masterpiece that I created. There is something inherently beautiful about a table full of bloody instruments. I considered artwork. Like Friday I picked up a special little treat. I like Jacob have his way with her. He fucked her for hours. Keeping open all of her holes. Using her as his own little cum dumpster. But then I got to have my fun. She was begging for help pleading with me to save her. That is the most thrilling part to me. Those few seconds where I take to pick out the first instrument I’m going to use. With her with a hammer. I started by breaking all of her toes. Then her kneecaps. Then her fingers. Next I moved on to my blades slicing and cutting all around her. I made her bleed as everywhere. Then I chose the screwdriver dabbing her over and over. Making sure I missed anything vital, after all I do want to keep her alive as long as possible. I save all the big stuff from last, the machetes and the saws. Once you start cutting limbs off the bleed out so quickly. Just want to make sure that I cum several times before I use them all up. And when I’m finished, A masterpiece!

Accomplice phone sex Storm 2

Would You Rather Be Eaten Alive or Eat Someone Alive?

cannibalism phone sex mommey tortureThe last thing I remember was hiking in the woods. It was a lovely day. The sun was shining, the leaves were all sorts of pretty colors and I was enjoying quality time with myself. I woke up dazed, confused and starving. But I was not alone. There was a young couple with me, bound and gagged. I did not know where I was or how I got there. It appeared to be some sort of cabin in the woods. I tried to scope out the situation, figure out what kind of trouble exactly I was in. I never could have imagined the trouble I was in. A man with a mask came out of the darkness. He grabbed me by the hair and forced me to look at the couple tied up on the floor. He said with a sinister tone, “Would you rather be eaten alive or eat some one alive?” What kind of sadistic game was he playing? I looked at him dumbfounded, and simply said “I don’t understand.” He explained to me this was a simple task. A simple game of would you rather. But, it was a game I had to play if I had any hope of surviving. He turned the timer on,  put a gun to my head and  gave me 60 seconds to make my decision.

In a moment of panic I screamed out, “Eat some one alive.” Surely this was a hoax, some sort of prank. He dragged me over to the couple. Made me decide if I wanted female or male flesh. The boy looked like Justin Beiber. I hate Just Beiber, so I screamed out male flesh. I then watched him prepare my live meal. Human sushi he called it. He seasoned the flesh, even tenderized it for me  and buttered the skin. I thought he was going to cook this boy alive, but no. I had to eat him, while still breathing, still looking at me, pleading me to stop, begging me for mercy. This was difficult , but my survival was on the line. I think when we are all pushed, we will do drastic things to stay alive. Even eat an innocent person.

My evil dinner host brought me an array of deadly kitchen cutlery and a big plastic bib to catch the blood, the flesh. This was really happening. I really had to do this. The young guy was shaking, tears running out his eyes. I tried to figure out where to begin. I took a knife and cut off his balls. People eat sheep balls, I could eat human testicles. I heard him scream in pain and watched him horrified as I swallowed his sinewy flesh. It did not taste like chicken. It tasted awful, but I chewed it up good and swallowed, reminding myself that this was just a game. I was forced to keep eating, so I tried my best to cut off sections of flesh that enable him to still survive.  I cut off and ate a nose (oddly crunchy),  ears, his penis, a few fingers, a few toes….I was stuffed and nauseated, but being forced to eat more flesh. He was bloody and in pain, likely dying. Perhaps I was doing him a disservice by trying to keep him alive. It seemed as if I was going to have to eat him until he died, or until I died.

I looked at him; his eyes told me it was okay. He had given up. I took a big knife, stabbed it in his chest, pulled out his beating heart and ate it until it was no longer beating.  I can’t believe I ate another person while they were alive. But I guess I would rather live than die. I had no choice. At least that is what I am telling myself to sleep at night….

Blood Rain

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   This dream I had the other night was rather bizarre. I suppose it had to do with the horror movie marathon we did that evening. I was the accomplice to a murderous scientist that managed to manipulate a virus into blood rain. My flesh was greyish green and I had wounds and scars all over me. The hideous scientist would inject me with his penic loaded with antiviral serum by fucking me in every hole.

This evil genius was so fucking hideous and he had this huge penis that oozed green serum. I was force fed this goo with his cock shoved in my mouth. He kept calling me his sinlicious accomplice. I am his succubus seducing and infecting my victims of both sexes. My cunt will infect them with a deadly virus and while this all is going on the rain turns to blood full of viral molecules. 

My scientist of pure evil manifestations continues to infect others making a whole new breed of anti-humans. These things are wandering the streets feeding on human victims and infecting those they allow to live. People fear the zombie apocalypse, but the real fear should be of these things that look fairly normal. They cloak themselves to appear normal and the only telltale sign are their red eyes. 

The creatures real identity will only manifest during their feasting period while they penetrate victims with their unsightly fuckrods of venom. There doesn’t seem to be a cure for this continued manipulation of the human DNA as my mad scientist continues to manipulate and alter the molecular structures being released into the air we all breathe. 

Please, I would beg my scientist of manipulation, stop this madness! Begging him I willfully take his cock inside me allowing him to fill me with his serum, to compel him to bring this epidemic to an end. Please help me in spreading the word or I will fuck you into oblivion. 

Ate Her Alive

I’ve never been so hungry. You always keep us starved, to keep our bodies tiny like you like them. But this month has been hell, you have been extra cruel. My head is spinning and I hallucinate from the starvation you make us go through. All the girls are hungry, and some of them don’t look like they are going to make it. Hell, I don’t know if I am going to make it, not without a meal soon.

I look around, hoping for rat shit, or anything that I could possibly eat. I had to have something or I was going to pass out. I had already drank what little piss I had for the day, and that wasn’t going to cut it. I crawled over to my cell mate and tried to wake her up, to see if maybe she had to shit or piss and if I could eat that. I kept nudging her, but she was zoned out, no doubt even more starved than me. But I kept trying to get a response from her, and she wouldn’t wake all the way up.

In my stuper, I got mad at her and kicked her in the face. I shouldn’t have done that, I was just feeling so helpless, but when I did – her nose started to bleed. Instantly I picked up on the scent of her blood. My mouth began to water and my stomach began to grumble. Oh my god, my hunger was excited by the smell of her fresh blood. I tried to put it out of my mind, but I couldn’t. I reached over and took a finger full and put it in my mouth. It tasted like heaven.

I looked at her emaciated body, and I could see her breathing shallow breaths. My mind began to rationalize that she wasn’t going to make it another day anyway, and she may be my only hope for something to eat. My stomach turned at the thought, but my survival instincts took over. I turned her on her back, and she moaned but didn’t try to fight me. I didn’t have any tools or knives, so how was I going to go about eating her? I decided I would just have to start at the most logical place – her pussy – and eat my way into her flesh.

I spread her skinny legs, exposing her pink pussy. It looked so juicy in a way I had never experienced before, and I placed my mouth down around her cunt lips and began to lick. Drool poured from my mouth, and I pulled my lips back to expose my teeth. I closed my eyes and chomped down on her pussy as hard as I could. I was rewarded with a rush of fresh blood into my mouth and I continued to chew away. I tore off piece after little piece with my teeth and chewed them up and swallowed, filling my tummy with her sweet flesh.  I would live to see another day in the dungeon, and maybe Stephanie would too, depending how long she can stay alive while I eat her up…

They Call Me Fuck Pig

You came into the dungeon, and you had that crazy look in your eyes. You started yelling about how you have too many of us bitches, and that we are so worthless you can no longer even tell us apart. WI knew you were doped out of your mind, and thats when you are at your most dangerous. You declared that you were going to give us each a name, and that we would “wear” our name from now on. I had no idea what you meant, our heads were always spinning from starvation and the drugs you kept us on to keep us in place.

I watched as you took a bucket from the shelf, and grabbed one of the girls from her cage. She couldn’t scream of course, she had no tongue, but she began to cry and tremble. You held her abdomen ober the bucket and slit her side wide open.  The contents of her colon – a mix of liquid and shit – poured into the bucket. She fell limp to the dirt floor, dead instantly. You laughed and said her name was “Ink”. All us girls began cowering to the backs of our cages, not sure what the hell you were doing.

You took another girl out, a tiny blonde with huge tits. You dragged her to the table where your knoves were, and sliced off each of her tits, leaving gaping holes of gushing blood. She screamed in horror as she was bleeding out, and you dragged her convulsing body over to the bucket where you used your fingers to take the shit out of the bucket and use it to write “TITLESS WONDER” across her back as she lay on the floor. Then your gaze turned towards me.

My stomach sank as you approached my cage and dragged me out. I had no strength to fight you, and you pulled me to the bucket by my hair. I kneeled next to the bucket, and you reached in and drew out a handful of stinking shit. You wrote “FUCK PIG” across my naked breasts, and grinned crazily down at your artwork. Then you bent me over onto all fours, reached your fingers over my head and up my nostrils as you shoved your cock in my ass. You pounded my tight ass so hard that you ripped my nose right off my face….

Bondage Phone Sex with Cassandra: Mummified

bondage phone sex taboo painMy Master told me he had just come back from a weekend long seminar at the Serious Bondage Institute in San Francisco. He learned a new bondage technique-mummification.  Essentially this meant I would be severely restrained and wrapped up like a shiny package or mummy.  I have seen mummies. I was scared. I mean not being able to move an inch, and possibly being denied much oxygen scared the crap out of me. But, what am I to do? I am a worthless whore at the mercy of her Master.

First, Master put me into a tight, sexy neoprene hood. Then he laid me out on what is called a Gingerbread platform. He started to wrap my body in a transparent pallet wrap from head to toe, and then from my toes back to my head. Master put me in this contraption he called a “Vertical Vac-Cube.” It felt like a mummy’s tomb. I was completely immobile and trapped in this rubbery thing with a tube in my mouth to breathe. Master then dumped buckets of ice water on me. So cold. The idea behind any of the vac toys, Master said, was “To put the victim in between sheets of latex, and then attach a vacuum cleaner to the space in between the latex sucking the air out, collapsing the latex around the victim and essentially vacuum sealing them in the pallet.” When he extracted me from the Vac-Cube, I looked like the vacuum packed products you buy at the store. It was like I was shrink wrapped. I started to panic because I could not move an inch.  

bondage phone sex torture evilI could breathe through a little tube Master put in my mouth, but because the plastic wrap was sealed so tight on my body, my rib cage was constrained, making breathing very difficult. He laid me out on the slab then wrapped me even further on to the platform. It was now becoming extremely hot in that saran wrap. I was vacuum sealed with another layer around me to restrain me even further. My body was on fire. I was cocooned under two tight layers of thick heavy plastic wrap. I was sweating and my breathing was becoming labored.

Then I heard a strange noise. It was faint as my ears were wrapped tightly like the rest of my body but I could not move my head to see what the noise was. Then I felt duct tape going over my face blinding me, and it felt like he put a layer over my stomach to further immobilize me. I couldn’t even cry I was restrained so tightly. I swear my eye balls couldn’t even move.  Pressure was building up in my body. I was mummified. It was a strange feeling. I felt almost dead. Completely motionless. Hot. Swallow breathing. Darkness. Not much different from being buried alive.

bondage phone sex blonde bitchThen I felt the table I was on flip. Master turned me upside down so the blood rushed to my head. Felt like my eyes would pop out of their sockets. My head felt like it was going to explode. It was all I could do to not vomit. If I did, surely I would choke on my own puke and die. This was the most excruciating bondage position Master had ever put me in. When I thought it could not get worse, I felt the vibrator between my legs. My clit was being over stimulating sending pain all through my body. I could not shake. I could not convulse. All I could do was lay their motionless praying for it all to be over soon…. Soon came hours later when I passed out. I woke up feeling like my bladder would explode too since I could not even pee. If I did surely it would go back up into my bladder. After almost 22 hours of being mummified, Master released me. But I was weak, so very weak and I suspect a few pounds lighter. Master said that was just the beginning, that this was only one mummification technique out of many that he learned. I was in serious trouble.

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Delectable Flesh

I was invited to a party by one of my male friends Robbie and he promised me there would be alot of coke available and plenty of alcohol. This girl can’t pass up a chance to get wasted *wink*. Robbie picked me up just after 9pm, and I was dressed in some spiderweb hose a short scarlet red skirt with a shear meshlike red blouse over a lacey black bra. I also wore some red leather low boots with stiletto steel heels.

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Robbie seemed to really approve of my outfit as he seemed to pop a woody almost immediately. Poor baby, so I gave him a hand and blow job as he drove us to the party. We arrived at this big old house off any main road and it was kinda secluded with an old graveyard flanking it’s rear. As we pulled up I was excited in how creepy the backdrop was for a perfect Hell-o-ween party.

The majority of attendees were male and most appeared they should or were in some form of metal, death metal type bands or scenes. There were a few chicks that were very Morticia Adams types. I did notice a couple younger chicks that appeared WAY out of place, and seemed to be uncomfortable and getting fucked up quickly. I had to muffle a laugh.

Robbie looked at me and mouthed that they were “prey” and will be used for the center of the entertainment. He mentioned they were actually being fed spiked drinks so they would be good and ready when it’s time. For some reason that sent shivers down my spine. I was aware of some of the twisted party’s Robbie mentioned his friends threw and how he’s come to enjoy the taste of human flesh and how good blood pudding made from human blood was.

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As the party got under way there was an accumulation of folks out back around a bonfire. As I approached a few guys were leading one of the “out-of-place” chicks who was pretty near passing out- to a place just beyond the fire. Robbie appeared at my side “let’s get in on the action, Geneva”. We approached the group just in time to see the chick was tied down to an altar and guys were slicing off pieces of her flesh and tossing it into a large cast iron kettle of wine, stock, blood and garlic. One of the Morticia type women was tending the pot and tasting the stewed bimbo as she was calling it. I had to go over and get a taste. It was delectable!