Category: Rape phone sex fantasies

Who’s Watching The Babysitter?

Babysitter phone sex

My favorite babysitter phone sex story is from the first time I stalked, raped and murdered a promising young duty bound teen.  I’ll never forget it, it’s as clear in my mind now as it was the night it happened.  It was all over the news, I’m sure you heard about it.  Turned several lives upside down and completely shook a sleepy little lower middle class town to its core.  It was great!

I was traveling, took my tortured soul on a little road trip for some insipid inspiration.  I do that from time to time.  It’s good to get out and get a different perspective on life, plus it takes a little of the heat off of me back home.  I stopped at a gas station in a podunk town that couldn’t amount to more than a smeared splotch of fly shit on a map.  As I filled my tank, I noticed a bob haired teen walk out of the station and down the road toward the setting sun.  The urge struck, so I discreetly followed her to a quaint little house on a hill.

I sat in hiding for just a few moments before I saw a man and woman exit the home in what seemed to be their fanciest clothes, get into their car and zip off down the road.  At that moment I knew that I had just followed a babysitter and that this fateful night was going to be her last on this miserable, muck covered earth.

I was a patient predator, as I always am.  My hiding spot in the treeline was absolutely perfect and, when the time was right, I pounced.  It was just before midnight when I made my way around the house in the shadows and started testing windows.  The second one I tried was unlocked and I slipped my tiny self inside of it in a heartbeat.  Making entry is always so easy, you’d think a good babysitter would be more vigilant.  Stupid whores.

As luck would have it, I landed myself right in the little rugrat’s room and didn’t even wake the little fucker as I crept out and into the dark domicile.  The only light on in the place was in the living room, an ironically named area, considering what was about to happen.  I silently stalked through the hallway until I caught sight of my intended target, doing homework on the couch as she watched the Late Show.  

I could’ve just slipped up behind her and started strangling, but I like a fuck pig to be afraid of me before I take them out.  The smell and taste of fear in the air is absolutely exquisite.  If you haven’t had the pleasure, Man, you’re really missing out.  I waited for the girl to look up at the T.V. then I stepped out of the darkness right in her line of sight.  She jumped so high up off of the sofa you’d have thought that she had springs in her ass.

After the initial shock, there’s always a moment of confusion.  No one ever thinks that the 5’6” tiny framed blonde that’s standing in front of them is going to cause them any harm.  At first, anyway.  Once they process the look on my face as a malicious one, they seem to understand.  This simple servant slut didn’t get it until I had gotten halfway across the room leaving mere feet between us.  Poor little piggy, she even made it to the telephone and fingered out 911 on the buttons.  That was all I gave her.

As the operator answered on the other end, I wrapped the phone cord around her thin little neck a couple of times and pulled back with all of my might.  We fell to the floor as the operator answered and I rolled her so I ended up on her back, choking her out the whole time.  All the operator heard were grunts and gurgles as I wrapped the ball of cord in my right hand and jerked down her pants and panties with my left.  As her entire head started turning purple, I unzipped my fly, whipped out my fat black strapped on dildo and forced it into her tiny teen cunt.  She hacked out a few wails and moans as I went back and forth from pussy to ass and back again.  I could hear the operator on the other end asking questions, struggling to understand what was happening.  

I kept going, making sure the sitter had just enough air to live through the brutal pounding I gave her hot holes.  She started groaning and writhing and, just as her tight rims spasmed and clenched down on my dildo in an enormous orgasm, I tightened my hold until there was no breath or life left in her.  Perfect.  I stood up, ripped the phone out of the wall then took a couple of pics to memorialize the moment.  Then, I stuffed my fake black cock back into my trousers and darted out the same window I entered, leaving the little one safe and sound in their bed.  The police have no leads, I’m pretty sure they think they’re looking for a guy. Sexual assault with no seminal fluids, though.  That should tell them they’re not on the right path.



Snuff Porn Keepsake

snuff pornDo you watch snuff porn? I do, but I make it too. I have been a snuff peddler for several years now. Just like you can hire a hit person if you know where to look, you can hire a snuff movie maker too. Sometimes, guys hire me to execute certain people they know and preserve it on film. Others hire me to kill anyone fitting a certain description and kill them on film. Most men are too squeamish to get their hands dirty. They will, however, hire some one like me to take all the risks for them. I am a skilled killer. I was trained by a serial killer, who was never caught. He was also my grandfather. I went hunting all the time with him when I was little. I learned so much from him. No one like him that I have met yet. Most of you are too candy ass to make your own snuff movies.

When Ty found my ad on this black op site on the dark net, he knew he finally found the person to make his fantasy a reality. He wanted to kill a little girl. Like a super young schoolgirl. He just needed the right partner. He found his perfect match with me. I knew where to find the girl and how to dispose of her so no one would ever find an iota of her DNA. I also knew how to preserve his memory on film. I use 8MM film and an old camcorder. Nothing linked to the Cloud or any form of Internet. That is how perverts get caught nowadays. I took the risk of kidnapping the girl and brought her to my kill shack for him. He was waiting like an excited boy on Christmas morning.  I should have put a red bow on the cunt’s head. LOL. He explored his long-standing rape phone sex fantasies with her. I watched enjoying the show. He destroyed her tiny holes. He fucked her bloody raw. That is when I came into finish the job. A few slices in the right places and she bled out. I filmed it all for his spank bank. I am expensive as a videographer, but worth every scent when you get your little snuff flick keepsake.

Gangbang Rape Porn in a Bar

gangbang rape pornJust another day in the life of a gangbang rape porn druggy whore. I was sharing fantasies with this dealer I know. I do not go to him often, but when I do, I must tell him a dark fantasy that I have. Usually, I must tell him while he is skull fucking me. Last week, I made up a story about a gang bang in a club. Honestly, I was just rehashing the Jodie Foster in Accused gang fuck on a pinball machine scene in The Accused movie, LOL. I just said pool table instead. I wanted coke. I did not want to have a true confession talk. I got my coke and forgot all about him until last night when I was at my local dive bar. I go there all the time. Most of the working-class Joes have coke or weed and they share. I know a lot of them, but last night, it was a bunch of new faces. My high ass thought maybe I was at the wrong bar. I had a few drinks and was about to leave when a guy wanted to buy me a shot. I did that shot with him and the next thing I knew, I was being dragged by my hair to the back room kicking and screaming. I wanted nothing to do with these new men. They started exploring their rape phone sex fantasies with me on the pool table almost verbatim the way I described it to the drug dealer who wanted a dark fantasy before he would give me coke. I knew in my fucked-up head that he was behind this. They even sodomized me with beer bottles like I described. I was screaming for help. No regulars in the bar. It was all strangers who had no problem fucking all my holes with their cocks, fists and beer bottles. I am a taboo queen. I do a lot of coke and fucked up shit for coke, but this was some fucked up shit this guy did to me. He took a dark fantasy I confessed to him that was not even my fantasy and made it a reality. One I will never forget. I was their ass rape porn star for 45 minutes of hell. I need to be careful which true confessions I share with dealers.

Anal Rape Fantasy On Goth Teen

I was a gothic teen when I was young and the hottie slut all men drooled over. When I was babysitting one night, I decided to drink from the parent’s liquor cabinet while the brats were asleep and no noise around. I started playing with my cunt when there was a knock at the door. I checked no one was there so I went back to masturbating. That is when someone jumped on top of me, covered my mouth and tied my hands. He pulled a knife out and cut my shirt off and pants. He pushed me on my tummy and forced my legs open, I felt his cock being forced into my ass. The pain of him ripping my asshole open with his fat cock shot up my body but I concentrated on the knife he had. He was fucking me rough and hard, my hands got loose. That is when I was able to rip the knife from his hand and shove into his arm.

Goth teen phone sex

He fell off of me and I jumped up and stomped on his dick and balls. I made him tie himself to the table, that is when I cut his dick off, gave him a new pussy and shoved it into his mouth. He used me to make his anal rape fantasy come true, so he was going to remember it forever just like I did. Now I’m a sadistic bitch who makes men like him have brand new pussies to fuck.

Forced to be His Ass Rape Porn Star

ass rape pornHe said I had an ass for ass rape porn. I told him my days of being a submissive bitch for all men were over. I told him that he needed to find another ass to abuse because he was not worthy of mine. He was not wanting to hear that. He thought he was all that and a bag of chips, but he was a loser in my opinion. That is why I walked away from him, or I tried at least. He followed me out of the club and ran me off the road. It was dark, so at first, I struggled to see who had pushed me off the road. I was in a ditch, when he came up the driver side and pulled me out of my car with force. He drugged me after he dragged me kicking and screaming out of my car. I woke up in his dungeon. I had no clue where I was, but I knew this was not good for me. He started insulting me. Telling me I was nothing but a blonde bimbo who forgot her place. He put a belt around my next and squeezed it fast, choking me. I could barely breathe. I had no clue who this guy was or why he picked me. Maybe he likes a challenge. Maybe I represented all the bitches who have snubbed him before. I was in for some snuff sex though because he had me tied down to a bench with my ass in the air. He was stronger than he looked. Perhaps, he was on meth or something. His adrenaline was pumped, and my ass paid the price. I fought the best that I could, but he had me tied up well. Plus, the constant strangulation with his belt made me weak because I was passing out every couple of minutes. He held me captive all night. Honestly, I was not sure that I would make it home ever again. But he grew tired of me and released me back into the wild like an animal he tortured. One of these days, this taboo phone sex whore will not be so lucky. I swear I have more lives than a cat.

Satanic Goth Phone Sex

Bloody phone sex

I chopped their cocks off one by one. My revenge was a sacrifice ritual I made for my saints. Remember the humiliated torture a biker gang put me through as they gangbanged my holes with no remorse? Well I’m back ten times fold and I’m giving them what they deserve. As I made my entrance into their clubhouse. I walked in disguised as a biker whore. Off the rip the head boss wanted a piece so I led him in. Hahah I really left him on the floor passed out with pliers squeezed to his nuts. Ouch! Then I waited behind a door knowing that his little pig pawns were going to walk in to check on him. Not too long after I led them all in and threw a smoke grenade which made them all pass out. All of them got their balls busted or dicks cut off using tools, electricity and my knives. There was one specific biker I was targeting. With him I legit tied a rope to his big black cock and I cuffed him to the wall. Want to know what I did with him? I tied the other rope to his Harley and burnt out rubber all over the pavement causing hot tire chunks to land on the whole gang. That gave those suckers a third degree burn!!! When I sped off his dick flew off his pelvis behind me… I was speeding down the road with a limp black dick dangling tied to a rope. Fuck these bitch ass biker lame cock dirty bastards. I seduced them into their own disability. My perfect revenge sounds like a movie scene but it’s not. I’m for real. I will pickle that beat up bloody cock using all the blood and busted balls as a gift for my saints. That will protect me from getting gangbanged ever again. I am invincible bitches.

Filthy Fuck Hole Snuffed

Your filthiest sadistic fantasy can be carried out using a filthy fuck hole like me for snuff phone sex. In fact I beg that you use me. Take those aggressions out and if your a cheating bastard of a male then I am the perfect one to destroy when that bitch cunt woman of yours finds out and kicks you to the curb.

Yeah you just need a fuckslut to destroy now don’t you. Get in your crack smoking stupor and grab me up at the club when I am leaving. You follow me because I was a total cunt to you. Yeah it was me that tossed my drink in your face when you drugged stupid brain told you it was a good idea to grab my tits.

Well that pissed you off more didn’t it? You smoked some more rock and saw me walking past the alley as you were getting that high on. You were in that daze now weren’t you. And pissed at all women because you fucked a dumb babysitter and your wife found out. That dumb whore bragged to her about it, and claimed Rape phone sex fantasies as the reasoning.

That left you out. You are staying in a roach trap of a rental room and destitute. What woman in her right mind would fuck you? None. So here I am walking by. The one that humiliated you, a dumb cunt stranger. You have your chance…

Snuff Phone Sex

I Put His Daughter in Snuff Movies

snuff moviesHe wanted his daughter in movies. Just he wanted her in snuff movies. He came to the right woman. His daughter is a hot teen slut. Only this little slut is a prick tease. She cock teases her daddy, then when he gets an erection, she demands money or presents to not tell mommy. She is draining his bank account blackmailing him. Plus, he knows if he forces himself on her like he wants, he will have to kill her because she would tell his wife. He had a predicament, but I was the right woman to help him. I talked to him and decided the best thing would be to set her up. Make it look like I wanted her to be my next scream queen. I tell unsuspecting girls and women all the time that I am a scout for a horror movie production team, and they always believe me. I even have cards and a fake web site set up in case someone Googles me first. I told him he could explore his rape phone sex fantasies for his daughter without her knowing. He was all on board. I accidentally on purpose bumped into her at the mall. Such a self-absorbed teen twat. Vacuous too. She deserved to die. She will grow up blackmailing and cock teasing men for life if someone does not stop the little cunt. I was the perfect person to stop the little whore. She came with me to my kill shack willingly. She thought I was going to audition her. Daddy was waiting for her in a black executioner’s mask and outfit. Dumb cunt thought he was who she was screen testing with. She did scream well when her own farther started fucking her. I made a snuff flick, but it was a teen rape porn first. Daddy finally got his revenge. I told him he could leave his DNA all over her because with me as his partner, I would make sure her body was never found. She is coyote shit now. Who can I help you murder and fuck? I hope she is young. They are the most fun to kill.

Drop Dead Necrophilia Phone Sex

necrophilia phone sex

If you’re a fan of necrophilia phone sex, then I might just be the right whore for you. Do you think about what it would be like to snuff the life out of a woman and then have your way with her body? I wonder if you would like fucking her more when her body is still warm, or if you’d prefer to wait until she’s cold? Knowing a pervert like you, you’d probably want to do both. Maybe that cold, dead cunt will feel really good on your cock. And you’ll be able to say you’ve done something that not many men have done.

I would absolutely love to help you pick out your victim. We can decide what she’ll look like, who she will be, and even where you’ll pick her up from. Maybe she’ll be a date. Maybe you’ll kidnap her from the mall. Whatever fantasy scenario we come up with, it’s sure to be the best fucking phone fuck you’ve had or will ever have. Are you ready to take a walk on the extreme dark side with me? Sluts like me may look so sweet, but we’re as wicked as they come.

Extreme Bondage Phone Sex

bondage phone sexSometimes bondage phone sex is just foreplay to snuff. I agreed to let this drug dealer tie me up for some pictures. He was going to pay me in cocaine. To me, that was easy money. He has a fetish site on the dark net that specializes in all kinds of kinky fetishes. He loves to use mature women as models too. My normal drug dealer hooked me up with him. When my dealer cannot handle the amount of blow, I need or he is running low on supply, I see Mario. He is this young Guido like guy. Looks more like a pimp than a pornographer. I have modeled for him. It has been rough, but not deadly. That all changed this time. When he tied me up, he brought in some men. He said we were making a gangbang rape porn. I was not really sure I wanted a bunch of men I did not know violating me, but he promised me more coke. I told myself I have done worse because I have for coke. These men were beasts. Tall and broad with monster cocks. I may be a seasoned anal whore, but those cocks were big even for my standards. I was afraid to say much more. I mean, I was bound and contorted. I was not sure I would ever walk straight again if these men fucked me. My ass got the brunt of the abuse.  Two monster cocks with no lube penetrated my ass simultaneously.  I am an ass rape porn star, but I had over 20 thick inches in my ass at once. I was moaning in pain, but they just fucked me harder. I covered their cocks in ass juice which is just a nice way of saying shit and they forced their dirty dicks down my throat. I did get coke, but I left my pride on the cutting room floor.