Category: Rape phone sex fantasies

Snuff Movies are My Foreplay to Murderous Fun

snuff moviesSnuff movies are my foreplay. I am not the typical girl. I do not need men as lovers. Sure, a nice cock feels good, but I have a battery operated boyfriend who does the job for me. Men are complicated. They get attached to me and I cannot have that. I do not need a stalker. I do no even need a lover. I need an accomplice though. Men are great partners in crime. I really enjoy hunting with an equally sick man. I was watching snuff flicks last night. Watching girls get slaughtered and fucked, turned me on. I had to hunt for pussy. I wanted to sink my knife into tender age flesh and see the bright red blood. I can kill on my own. I do it all the time, but I do not do damage to those puffy bald mounds like you can. I want to watch a man explore his rape phone sex fantasies with young girls. I want you to be my accomplice.

You were not available, so I went with Ted. He was this guy I met on the dark net. He expressed a desire to fuck something young and hairless. I reached out to him. We struck up an online friendship. He decided last night we should meet, and I told him to cum over. I had a little slut already picked out for us. I had already kidnapped her from a different state. She has been in my dungeon for a few days. I just needed the right accomplice to turn her into a teen rape porn star. He was everything I hoped he would be. He was tall, handsome and sadistic like me. He enjoyed fucking her.  He ruined her tiny fuck holes. If I was going to let her live, she would have required stitches. But I told him to destroy her because she was going to be coyote food. I need men like him in my life. I love to kill but I love to watch men destroy tiny holes with their cocks just as much. Game to hunt with me?

Taboo Phone Sex Roleplays Help You Explore Your Darkest Fantasies

taboo phone sex

I enjoy taboo phone sex roleplays. The darker the better for me. Most of my callers have a dark fantasy that they want to explore. My typical calls involve mommy rape fantasies. Some callers have a snuff fantasy. Often, I am the victim. It is fun to be the accomplice though too. I did a hot role play recently that combined violence and race play. My phone accomplice wanted to destroy some nigger whores. Why would I say no to that? Sure, I am typically the victim, but I understand there is a hierarchy in this world. I may be a white bitch, but that is still above a nigger whore. We kidnapped a nigger whore and her two little niglets. We brought them back to his place so we could destroy them. Oh, how I enjoyed destroying those niglets while that black mama whore watched and cried. I love rape phone sex fantasies. When it is not me getting force fucked, that is all the better. I pinned down the little niglets and started fisting their tiny holes. They were crying in pain. They had no understanding of what we were doing to them. They just were scared and hurting. The world is overpopulated with niggers. Me and my sexy accomplice were just doing what needs to be done to rid the world of future welfare queens. Nigger girls are here for white men to use. They serve no other purpose than to take the white man’s seed. My partner in crime fed those niglets his great white seed while the nigger momma watched in horror, helpless to save her baby girls. Once we had fun fucking those little brats, we killed them and the mother whore too. You did not think we were going to let a bunch of nigger whores live, did you? I am a snuff porn accomplice. No one usually survives.

Roleplay phone sex is where I can roleplay Sex with dead bodies

Roleplay phone sex

Roleplay phone sex is what I like to go on i get to roleplay and do as i want, even have Sex with dead bodies. I have had to watch my sadistic uncle fulfil his rape fantasies all my youth and one night it went too far. As usual i was my uncle’s accomplice and had to find him a young dumb slut or I would be the one punished. Once he got her in the house, he tied her up and had me undress her. He strangled her while telling her she better be ready to give me some live Ass rape porn. I was nervous for her but a bit excited. After all this time I have secretly started enjoying watching my uncle abuse and give them Torture sex of their young life. He shoved his cock down her throat making her choke and forced me to hold her down.  When he was ready, he flipped her little body.   I knew it was time. He was going to make his Ass rape fantasy true like he does every single time. My uncle spread her ass and shoved his cock deep in her little tight asshole. He gave me a good anal rape porn scene and as much as i tried to fight it, my cunt got wet. He grabbed her by her neck and used her asshole to jack his cock off. Even when her body went limp, he still kept fucking her until he came inside her ass. Now I like to watch people have Sex with a limp slut.  

Teen Rape Porn Helps Make Your Daughter a Good Daddy’s Girl

teen rape pornDo you like teen rape porn? I love helping men make it with the teen whore of his choice. I have been making a name for myself if the brat porn world. I have an eye for natural talent. I think it is because I was once a teen slut for daddy and his friends. Back in those days, daddy would snap dirty pictures of his young blonde whore. He helped me have an eye for girls like me once upon a time. I have a guy who is friend of my former master who hired me to help him with his own daughter. I was happy to do that. Brought back memories too. This guy was more loving with his daughter than my father ever was with me.  It was hot to film though. Daddy’s dick popped her cherry. It was not snuff sex. He was gentle with his baby girl. I was jealous, because gentle was never something my daddy was with me. My client had a big dick though and it did some damage to her little pussy. Shredded her cunt until it was raw and puffy. He kept saying things like be a good girl for daddy. Do you think about fucking your daughter. What I did for this client was make a home movie for him to keep as a memory of the first time he fucked his baby girl. His daughter was not an enthusiastic daughter, but few are at the time. You have to fuck your girls into being good little whores. They come around. I have been helping this guy work on making his daughter his perfect sex slave too. As a former daddy’s girl, I know what works and what does not to make a young teen slut a willing daddy’s girl. If you have rape phone sex fantasies for your daughter, I am here to make them cum true for you.

Terry has Sex with dead bodies

Rape phone sex fantasies

I just killed my boyfriend! I let him in on my secret of being a naughty little huntress and it just didn’t seem to sit right with him.. I expected him to accept me as is and be willing to understand my Snuff porn addiction.. Well the difference is I don’t watch it I prefer creating it.. I brought him downstairs to my basement and showed him all the little graves I have down there.. I’ve managed to get pretty creative. I have been using gloss to cover them up..

I get off on being able to see every little dead body beneath my feet as I masturbate.. I showed him all the little cunnies I have in cages and he began to vomit! At that moment I knew my secret wasn’t safe.. I turned on some Teen rape porn and tied him up! I forced her tight little cunnie down on his cock.. I guess those tight teen bodies gave that pathetic fucking loser a hard on..

He wouldn’t accept or confess that in some way it actually turned him on.. I figured if I forced him to stretch her little asshole open and smother her tight sweet cunnie all over his face.. He would accept that he was no different than me.. That didn’t quite work. He almost manipulated me to believe that he was willing to do the dirty little things that I do..

That was until I caught him in the bathroom on his Cellphone trying to initiate a call.. That fucker tried calling the cops. I walked in with a machete and chopped his fucking head off. See he could have survived would he have been more understanding. Before I bury him I want to rub all his blood all over my body and massage my pussy with his limp frigid dick.. Who wants to join me while I have Sex with dead bodies?

Home Invasion is Easy if You Stick to My Plan

Home invasion phone sex


One of my favorite types of terrorizing a helpless tramp is scaring the titties off of some dumb bitch who’s home alone and watching her get forcefully fucked by one of my brutal buddies with a little bit of home invasion phone sex.  Being a pervy accomplice to a peeping tom that’s ready to step up his voyeuristic game with a little B&E really gets my adrenaline going.  The asshole stretching sodomy and cunt fisting fuck action that follows gets my pussy juice flowing.

I always plan the whole thing out, you can’t trust a guy with this type of shit.  Sorry, but you guys are kind of morons when it comes to this stuff.  They say that most serial killers are men, I say that most serial killers who get caught are men.  Psychopathy doesn’t discriminate, everyone is susceptible.  We all go a little mad, sometimes, women are just better at pulling it off.  I find the fair little fuck pig we’re going to utterly violate, stalk her for several weeks to get her routine down pat then formulate our angle for getting inside of her place.

When break in night comes around, the guys are always super anxious and excited no matter how much I’ve prepped them on the plan.  You’re all a bunch of amateurs, but the anticipation on your faces is kind of cute, not gonna lie.  If you can keep calm, cool and collected it’ll go down pretty smoothly.  If you can’t control yourself and deviate from the plan in any way, I make no promises.  And if you get too weird and draw a bunch of attention to us, I’ll be out and on my merry way before you even know I’m not there anymore.  Follow my well formulated plan and you’ll be forcing your fuck stick into an unwilling babysitter butt or jamming your junk into some housewife’s slamhole in no time at all.  

I hope you can contain yourself long enough for us to get to that point.  I love it when dumb bitches are bent over taking it from behind while their faces are being forcefully pushed into my pussy.  Slut screams feel so good on my sadistic slit, I want that bovine to bellow and yelp all over my snatch while you show her what you’re really made of.  That’s the best part for me, don’t fuck it up by being overly eager.  Don’t worry, we’ll get in the house and you’ll get to cream some unsuspecting whore snatch and stretch out a never-fucked asshole before the night is through, I guarantee it.  You just have to stick to my accomplice phone sex plan.


Evil Phone Sex Murder of Whore

Season of the whore means season of Evil phone sex murderous sessions of a phone whore. It’s true that I was recently abducted and missing for a week. Then a site mysterious appeared with me as the star. The star snuff victim in a live stream.

It was after my shift at the club where I wear very little serving cocktails to highballers in a Gold Club. A couple of the clients paid me a grand to come with them for a little fun. I was taken to a large estate and in the very back was a maze, a torture room and a dungeon. I saw all kinds of girls there bound, and caged.

The guys assured me that I would not be a part of that. That there will be no cage to keep me. They had better plans. I was tied to wooded device and tortured with the most massive cocks. These were huge beast cocks and I fucked to my very last tendril of life.

Evil phone sex

Tortured Cum Whore

Taboo Phone Sex

I love the sweet idea of taboo phone sex and using it to torture a little, innocent, and sweet cunt. I have the perfect girl for you. She was raised to be a proper girl with perfect manners but behind her parent’s backs, she lives in the nightlife with drugs and so much sex! They think she is some young and innocent virgin but she’s really some slut. I think she deserves a punishment don’t you baby?  I have her here tied up for you. I take a knife and start making slits on those pretty and ‘pure’ pussy lips. She isn’t gagged because out here no one can hear her screams! Your turn baby! Take this knife and do whatever you want to her!

Knife Play Phone Sex Gives Me More Ways To Kill and Torture a Loser

knife play phone sexI love knife play phone sex. A knife is my best friend. It is my weapon of choice. I will always pick a knife to kill you with. It takes more skill to kill with a knife than a gun. I can kill with a knife. I can torture with a knife. I can castrate with a knife too. That is my favorite thing to do with a knife. Balls are overrated. I think they are a privilege that should be revoked by women like me. When I met Toby at the bar, I knew he was a tool. I saw him spiking women women’s drinks. I watched and waited for my opportunity. I am stealth. While he was spiking a woman’s drink, I spiked his. I always carry drugs on me because you never know when you must drug a tool or a young cunt. Anyway, I hit on him. I distracted him from the Goth babe he was trying to drug. I could have made him a snuff porn star. I decided to cut off his balls instead. It is a permanent reminder of how bad actions have consequences like losing your balls. When we were in his car, I made him think I was going to give him head. When I was near his balls, I pulled out my knife and sliced them off. He never saw it coming. He was screaming in pain. He was bleeding too. Normally, when I castrate a man, I will cauterize the wound. It will be nasty, but there will not be so much blood. This guy was a predator. He deserved the pain and the disfiguration of an impromptu castration. I am no patron saint of women, but he was in my bar. He was drugging my Goth friends. He was an outsider. You want to drug and fuck women, go to some coed bar. I will even help you. I am goth teen phone sex bitch, however. You come into my bar, drugging my people, you will lose your junk. I have castrated men for far less.

Snuff sex has nothing on me and my sadistic mind

Snuff sexI am the monster slut you are looking for.  The sadistic whore of your filthy Snuff sex dreams. Hell has nothing on me and the things that I love to put my sex toys through. It’s the only way my pussy can truly be pleased. I love rubbing my cunt and cumimg while watching the scene unravel. Her tits are perfect, perky, and round. The perfect trophy to keep around. I slice that massive mound off her chest. Her blood was not the only thing that made a mess. I came so hard my body shook with pleasure. I squirted everywhere and her screams made it that much better. I swear she got wet but maybe that was just me. everything about her has been perfect so far. Even hunting her had me cumming watching her try to fight you. God she is so feisty I wonder if she knows this is literally the fight of her life

 The thrill of the hunt is nothing compared to the thrill of watching you torture and take the holes of this worthless little whore. The way she begs as she suffers and her blood drains slowly from all her many wounds. You are a savage as you force your cock in her using all her newly acquired holes to jerk your cock. I know you are rocking her world. It’s been days since we caught her and brought her here and today is the day that we end her.

You grab a drill and I know exactly what you are going to do. You drill a hole in her head perfect size for your massive cock to use, I sit on her face as she screams in my cunt the vibrations and sounds are almost enough. I almost came right then and there but I’m saving it for when you cum. Now fuck her brains out and take that whore she is all yours!