Category: Necrophilia phone sex

My Nightmare

Asleep, deeply asleep but it all seems so real, feel, smell, taste… real. It’s as though I am in some weird wacked out trance or some alternate reality. This all started out rather fuzzy but progressed into a very real experience. Have you ever experienced a dream or nightmare that was very real?

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I was in bed asleep when he came in through my window. The feel of leather caressed my thigh and I stirred as this individual, creature of the night stood over me with his leather gloved hands upon me. I gasped and felt his gloved hand over my mouth, and he leaned in close to me. As he leaned in I smelled a rancid dead flesh smell emanating from him. He leaned in really close as he punctured two tiny holes in the fleshy part of my breast. I felt immobilized instantly, and when he removed his hand from my mouth my attempt to scream was no more than a silent scream.

Paralyzed and unable to make a sound I felt myself get up and on my feet. I was embraced by this thing and lifted into the air and out my window. As we soared over rooftops and trees I felt weightless and had this amazing sensation overtake me. We landed in a room that was exquisitely decorated like a turn of the century rich man’s den or gallery.

Within this room there laid a young maiden pale and fair haired. She was drugged up, and her eyes looked filmed over but wild. I was led to her side and told to eat. I looked at my companion abductor but could not quite view his face, I saw dark glasses, grey skin, and red lips that smiled upon me. I turned back to the girl only to see she was indeed bloodied and flesh ripped about her small frame. “Eat” he repeated to me as a hunger suddenly overcame me and like a rabid animal I began tearing flesh from her body with my mouth. I ingested this flesh and blood stained my mouth and chin.

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I awoke and felt a pang of hunger and upon arising from my bed I noticed dirt and blood stains on my gown. I also noticed that I had been violated sexually in both my ans and vaginally. What actually happened?

Beat Me, Bleed Me, Torture Me, Today, Tomorrow, Forever…

bloody phone sex torture submissiveThis new Master I knew was unusual, not like the others.  I only saw him at night. He was pale. Skin was cold. He was sensitive to light. He was an amazing lover. Strong as an ox. Keen senses. Could heal my wounds he inflicted quickly and quite miraculously. He was extremely into blood play too. I should have known. I have seen enough horror films. But I had trouble rectifying reality from fantasy. That was until the night my Master made me his. Really made me his.

It was a dark and dreary night. I was tied to a wooden table spread eagle. Master had made over a 100 small but deep cuts on my body; on my worthless flesh. Blood was covering my body. Master was hard at the scent and sight of my blood. He would get off not so much on my pain like other masters, but on my blood. He would lick it off my body and never seemed to get enough of my sweet tasting crimson juice. If I got too weak from the bloodletting, he would cut his wrist and make me drink up. It somehow made me stronger, healed me.

This particular bloodletting, Master hit an artery on my neck by mistake. Blood was spurting out everywhere. I was choking on my own blood. I knew I was going to die. Then Master bit me, hard. I felt a chunk of my flesh separate from my neck. I began convulsing, twitching, dying. But then I awakened, almost like new. Master released me. I immediately looked at myself in the mirror, but I had no reflection. My skin was pale and cold. I was on sensory overload. I could hear bugs in the wall, birds outside, toilets flushing. And I was ravenous. So hungry. It scared me. I looked at Master and I knew. I just knew what he was, what I now was.

I have an unquenchable desire for blood now. I’m in need of accomplices to bring me something to feed on, preferably young and tender. In my new found state, I can be beaten unrecognizable, tortured, bled, mutilated, burned; anything brutal I can handle because I have the power to heal myself. So please, hurt me, destroy me, snuff me out.  I assure you I won’t stay dead long. I will heal myself for you to hurt, destroy and snuff out another day.

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Dreaming or Scheming

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It was dark, and I could hear footsteps outside of my door, assuming it was my dad, or some of his friends, I went to turn the lights on and pull my top off. May as well just get ready for the fucking that normally happens. I stopped in my tracks as I glanced around, taking notice rather quickly that something about my room was very off. My bed was at center, no sheets, one pillow, metal frame, the room itself, was barren, all except for what looked to be a man sitting slumped in the corner.
“Hey!” I called out, going to grab his shoulder, to see if he was ok. He didn’t move, so I tried to pull him back, “You drunk or some-”.
I was cut off by the shock that caught in my throat, he fell backwards, the entire front of his body covered in blood, a chunk missing out of his throat, parts of his arms ripped apart.
I wasn’t sure how to feel, something about it didn’t seem real, like I couldn’t put together that there was actually a dead person in my very empty bedroom! I went to the door, trying to open it, but it wouldn’t budge, so the window was my next option. That’s when I got a look at my reflection.
He wasn’t the only bloody one.
It was all over my face, smeared and dried on my cheeks and lips.
I stumbled back, going to the door again, pounding on it, screaming for my daddy to let me out, but the door swung open, knocking me back.
The guy that came in was one of my dad’s work friends, Rick was his name, he towered over me, and when he grabbed my face with those big gruff hands of his something so strange happened, I didn’t go limp or cry like normal, I stood when he pulled me up, and as he started to take his massive cock out, I kissed his neck.
He seemed pretty happy about that for a few moments, grabbing my panties and yanking them off of me. I shoved him to the bed and for some reason… I felt so strong, because he just fell back onto his ass.
I straddled him, my fingers going to my already slick cunt as I pressed down on the cock, being filled up by him immediately as he grabbed my hips and yanked me down. I rode him like that cock was carved out for me by the gods. I don’t know how many times I came, but when he started slapping me around, I grabbed his hands with my sudden brute strength, holding them at his sides as I went from kissing him to biting him.
I remember it being his lips first, the way my teeth went through them so smoothly, I could taste his blood, and his pain. Something about the feeling was breathtaking.
He was trying to get me off of him by then, but there was no way I was giving up a good cock in my cunny just because of a little… split lip.
I kept fucking that dick, kissing and biting more at his face until the feeling of pumping blood from his neck called to me, and rather than spitting out the chunk of flesh that time, I swallowed.
That’s when I realized how hungry I was.
I kept eating him, even after I finished fucking him, I ripped his skin apart, throat torn the last few raspy breaths of his life stuck in my head like a song on repeat.
Ever bite I took, it still felt like I wanted more.
Then the door opened again.
It was time to see who was next.
That was, of course, until I woke up.
God, I was so hungry when I woke up.

My boyfriend is a corpse.

violent phonesex georgiaMy boyfriend decided to attempt to stand up to him, even though I begged him not to. I told him to just leave me alone and forget about me because I never wanted this to involve anyone else. I was hoping that tonight when I came home everything would be fine. Obviously it wasn’t and will never be again.

He wants to destroy me, I swear. He’ll take everything away and break me down until I’m nothing. His cock will get hard watching me suffer, he’ll laugh at my pain and he won’t stop even when I’m broken, crying at his feet.

I could see the blood the instant I opened the door. I could smell it before that, I was just clinging to the hope that it wasn’t real. My boyfriend was dead, on my floor, and he was playing in his blood. He had this huge twisted smile on his face. I just froze. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t feel anything. He was laughing, standing there with his twitching evil dick, covered in head to toe in my boyfriend’s blood. He demanded I take my clothes off and join him, I was too afraid to say no.

He pushed me on my knees in the pool of blood while he rubbed his bloody cock all over my face. Then, he forced it into my mouth. I started to cry uncontrollably, he slapped my face firmly with his hand when I was getting too loud. The blood filled my mouth with a metallic flavor, I just had to try not think about it or where it came from. I had to be a brave girl. Finally, he pulled his cock out for a few moments. He decided I didn’t have enough blood covering my body so he used his hands to collect and smear it until I was covered.

I was told afterward to get on top of my boyfriend’s corpse and fuck it. Rigor mortis had set in so his body was bloated and stiff and so was his cock. I cried and screamed, but he just pushed me down onto my boyfriend’s cold dead dick. Again, I froze. I couldn’t thrust or grind on my boyfriend like we did before. It was too sick and I was too afraid. So he put his cock back into my mouth again, causing me to move slightly against my boyfriend’s cock. He fucked my throat harder and harder, causing me to move more and to feel things I shouldn’t. My pussy wasn’t just wet with blood anymore.

I felt so disgusted with myself. I wanted to die, I wanted him to kill me. He just kept thrusting in and out of mouth with the same fucked up grin on his face. He made sure I came more than once before he finally pulled his hard red bloody cock out to shoot cum all over my boyfriend’s pale face
I was still hoping that he would keep going, that he would kill me. All he did was push me down into the puddle of blood and order me to clean the mess up.

Fucking Monsters

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At some point in your life you were afraid of monsters, or still are.. 

I have a new fear..

He is a monster.

With the new viruses going around master made me get sick. 

He works in the morgue at the hospital in town, which means he has access to all the viruses that normally kill people. 

What ever he gave me made me sick, very sick. 

The combination of viruses has turned my body into a living corps.

I can’t stop him from moving me, I can not squirm away from his touch.

I can’t move but  I can feel every ounce of pain…

He can bend and mold my body to anything he wants as he fucks me.

Tonight he had his spiked cock sleeve on and he slammed it into my ass

I could feel each spike digging into my asshole and ripping it apart as he pushed back and forth into my body..

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I can’t scream..

I can’t even cry..

What has he done to me…

What is he doing to me?

Finally he pulled his bloody cock out and come around to my face and sticks his bloody cock that has pieces of my skin hanging off of it into my mouth. 

I suddenly get this urge for more..

More blood.

More flesh. 

I start to bite down, but I can’t feel my jaw close.. 

What ever is happening to my body I have turned into a monster just like him… but I have a thirst for blood now… 

A Clove and Goblet of Blood

Rape phone sex fantasies Dusty-0

Enjoying the moonlit night sitting outside the Goth Club toking away. Sitting to my right is the hot piece of snatch I lured in. We got her so plastered and for my own pleasure I pulled out my Dior compact mirror, my mini blade and a baggy of the finest white powder. I handed her a small straw after I did a line. She snorted that shit up and her eyes started to roll in the back of her head. I walked her outside where we sat behind the warehouse that housed the club, on a back stoop. 

So here I sit with my prey as she lays back I text my boy toy to come out. He finds us in the back and is carrying his coffin box, all dressed to kill *wink*. Smiling as he sits down he opens the latches and pulls out a surgical pack with a needle and tubes. He starts taking her blood, she had some great veins, all the better for bloodletting. As I watch the dark read fluid flow in vial after vial. The trickle starts slowing so he slips the needle out and we in turn replace the needle with one full of smack. Plunging the smack in her arm she starts foaming at the mouth. We leave her there, and depart.

We return to the club and go in the back fetish room with our favorite barkeep. The fetish room is closed tonight as it’s just a Goth EBM night so no shows. With the pulsating tunes of Rosetta Stones’ “Adrenalin” playing we laugh as I sit between the guys and open a nicely aged bottle of Vampyr wine. I got this bottle at a special party at Anne Rice’s place. I pour us a glass each and Paul pulls out the three vials collected earlier and we empty the contents in our glasses. “To the Life Force” we toast. Sipping the exquisite concoction and snorting a couple lines we are feeling good. 

Rape phone sex fantasies Dusty slut

There is one more vial of my preys blood left and I strip down to my silk and lace bra, and black silk thongs as Paul drips the blood between my breasts and both guys lick it up as I push Adrian’s head down…

After a little indulgence of flesh and blood between us we decide to sneak out back. There she still lay, her lips are blue, and her eyes all the way back, her milky white flesh calling to us.I absolutely love using my strap-on on a fine stiff…

Indulgence builds up the purest kink within me.

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Taboo phone sex with a stiff

Taboo phone sex

He was very attractive: dark hair, tall, and confident. I crossed his path on the way to work only because I took a different route from a friend’s house downtown. Otherwise, I would have never seen him. But, as fate would have it, luck was on my side. I followed him for a little over a week; I knew where he went for dry cleaning and what days; who he was fucking when he could tear himself away from work; and even how he treated his clients. I became a little obsessed, even planting a recording device in his office and car. He was a ruthless stock broker; and, the more I learned about his method of cheating the system, the more I liked him. In fact, I was having second thoughts about killing him; but, of course, my nature got the best of me.

It was not difficult at all… I followed him home like I have done so many times; and, of course he was on his cell phone, making deals. I waited until he had finished his conversation and walked through the door to what should be a sanctuary. I tranquilized him and then drug his limp body to his desk, which I thought fitting to make a holding table. I had drilled holes, attached cuffs, and tried to make it as pretty as possible while scarring the slick mahogany wood. When he awoke, he didn’t struggle; rather, he tried to barter with me. Poor bastard. That made me like him even more.

I had brought an x acto knife and several tools. I sliced into his creamy flesh that probably had never had a bruise; I watched with satisfaction as his rich blood dripped onto the plush white carpet. I told him what I was carving into his flesh and we talked as I did so; I had to stage this carefully and thought that an angry client would be the best potential suspect. After I was done, then I could begin the fun: I sliced both of his nipples, exposing the tissue and taunting him with his own dangling nipples. Then, I dug my heel in the wounds. I sawed off his legs, the bloody masses falling to the ground with thuds. Gurgling blood, he stopped convulsing, and I knew he was dead. Finally, I did something that I hadn’t done in over a decade: I took off my clothes and mounted him, fucking his cock until I came several times. I realized that must have been my ultimate motive…since his dick was the one thing that I had left unharmed.

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you taste like . . . A debased Angel . . .

There’s something so erotic about my special collection of deformed bodies and violated carcasses. Guess what, baby? Bianca has been building her Body Farm, and if you ask real nicely . . . I might just let you have a little taste. So what are your vices? Would you like the Grandmother, still clutching her yarn ball in one hand, and the rotting, decaying flesh of her dearly departed husband’s ball in the other hand? Her dress is torn and exposing her crotchless panties. Such a dirty old bitch . . . she wants it bad. Or will you take her young little granddaughter whose eyes will forever stay frozen in terror? She’s such a sweet little thing. Never knew what was cumming to her until her throat was slit with a box cutter and her lips were sliced off and stitched back onto her own asshole. She was always such a brown-nosing little sycophant. Now she’ll be kissing ass for the rest of her . . . afterlife! Hahaha.

Satan came to me

smoothly slithered
next to my bedside

and whispered

“I am the twisted shepherd”

the father of darkness
here i’ve
scripted a letter

of the artist
i wish you to harness

bring me his carcass..

Yes Master
i’m disaster starved

i’m on a mission
to position

this King in plastic

But first
i wanna fuck him

nothin like
a big stiff dick

climb on top
rock the dead cock

til i get off

See i’m kinda
sick in the head

my thoughts are fed

cravin the dead..

my pretty baby in blue
you look so

beautiful breath.less

You taste like
a debased angel

tell me
how does it feel?


A Sadist’s Home Movie

Mutilation phone sex.jpg

We wanted to make a film, one that we could enjoy…and one that we could send to our next victims; we thought it’d be the perfect cruel joke. It was all set-up.

The little heathen was still screaming for her mommy; it would’ve been funny if I wasn’t growing tired of it. My accomplice was torturing the stupid, young pink ball of flesh while I was sharpening my saw. The girl’s mother was on my table, completely bound; and, I had made the good decision to gag her. She was crying, though, for her little spawn that was being stretched and carved like a Halloween pumpkin.

I dug the teeth of the saw into the woman’s flesh, just enough to imprint the edges; then, I pressed down, the faintest little trickle of blood falling down her forearm and wrist. She yelped with the gag in her mouth; I always enjoy those first few cuts while they are cognizant. It only slightly burned, but she knew that was only the beginning. I patiently sawed through tissue and bone above her right knee; it wouldn’t be a fatal wound and I didn’t want it to be. The sinew and corpuscles were completely visible as the dead leg hit the floor. She wasn’t thinking about her daughter anymore; isn’t it funny how our attention can change at the drop of a pin!

I was happy that the daughter had quit screaming; I looked once more and saw my accomplice shoving his cock into the hole where her small little nipple had been. Returning my attention to my victim, I sliced off her fingers, one by one, with the hedge trimmers. Then, I completed my tasks by removing her other limbs the same as I had done her right leg. She was a stub of a person, now. I untied her and threw her on the ground near the door. I taunted her, “Run, run. This is your chance.” I laughed as she continually fell and struggled.

Finally, when she had given up, I raised her by the hair and slashed her throat, making sure that the camera caught a close-up of her face. Yes, I would watch that over and over again later. The smell of death permeated the room; my accomplice and I were pleased with ourselves. We stuffed the bodies into a garbage can that we’d leave outside of the local daycare.

Mummy’s Revenge

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I saw an advertisement on an online bulletin board that intrigued me; it was a college brat who wanted revenge against his pregnant girlfriend. I wasn’t sure if he was serious, but his anger sounded genuine and worth checking out. Sure enough, when we met at a coffee shop, he didn’t blink when he told me that he wanted his ex-girlfriend dead for cheating on him. I contrived a plan and he agreed.

We kidnapped that whore and tortured her, taking turns beating her with 2×4 planks of wood with nails that ripped her flesh. He struck her pussy with the sharp objects, laughing manically as she bled and cried in pain. She begged for her life, stupid bitch. We extracted each one of her teeth, her skull bleeding profusely. And, then he fucked her mouth with his hard cock while whispering that he was going to do the same to pink flesh inside of her. He was glad that he hadn’t gouged her eyes yet…because the look of horror was priceless.

I took the liberty of carving out her belly, flopping open the flesh and pulling the spawn out of her. She had several minutes to watch her ex-boyfriend spin it on his cock before bleeding out. Then, I told him that I wanted to mummify the spawn, fix it so that he could unwrap it and always fuck it whenever he wanted. I drained the blood and began the embalming process while he kicked around the corpse of his ex.

Today, I read in the paper that some stupid moron had jumped from a building; apparently, he had left a note that described his guilt and the horrid details of killing his ex alone. He was inconsolable, people said, because he learned that she was carrying his spawn. What a fuck-ton, I thought and laughed as a I finished my coffee. The paper didn’t mention anything about the mummified spawn; I guess he didn’t want to be remembered as a complete monster…what a douche-bag wimp!