Category: Mutilation phone sex

Bloody Lena and the Feast


Strangulation phone sex

I’m going to beat your fucking ass into submission, you got damn whore. Lena is a black slut who took my boyfriend from me and got pregnant for him, ever since that moment I’ve hated that fucking bitch and I swore that I was going to get her back. It just so happened that Lena pulled up to my office with car problems not knowing that she was at my office building. I noticed this piece of junk car from my office window immediately I knew it was hers, I saw her get out of her car, and I told my secretary to go down and see what the problem was. I didn’t want that fucking bitch to see my face I knew she would be afraid because I had a reputation of being a little bit cruel. My secretary went down to check out what was going on and she reported back to me but that clunk of junk the lady was driving has stopped completely, and she needed someone to call her a mechanic, it seems that Lena was having all sorts of problems not only could she not get that piece of shit car started but her phone was out of battery. This was the perfect situation for me to enact my revenge. I told my secretary to invite her upstairs and let her know that she would be assisted without issue. I left my office and told my secretary to seat her inside of my office and pull all of the shades closed. My secretary did as I said and Lena had said in my office comfortably for about 15 minutes before I walked in and locked the door behind me. Lena looked shocked to see my face, so before she could scream well, I pointed a gun at her forehead I told her if she made a sound I would kill her on the spot. I gagged her mouth and tied her hands and feet to the chair that she was sitting in and I told her while shaking my head that she had stopped at the right place. I slapped her fucking face until it was good and red. I yanked her top off and squeezed those milk filled tits. I put her in a closet and waited until everyone left the office so that I could have her all to myself. I’ve been having dreams of torturing that bitch for so long, and now I get the chance to do all I want. In my dreams, I cut her up into a thousand pieces and fed her to a group of savages. I took a hammer and bludgeoned her until she was a bloody pulp of mush. Now I’m going to get the chance to do everything that I have always wanted to do to that fucking cunt. There is just no need to be kind I don’t have any incentive to let her live, so I guess the feast is on.


Murder phone sex Fantasies

Lunacy is fun


Taboo phone sex

I’m going to fuck your fucking ass in the fucking throat with my big hard strap-on bitch. You said you wanted to be the hot piece of pussy well guess what Tramp you’re the hot piece of pussy for sure now, but you got to pay for it. Oh, you thought I was going to be helpful to you when you got to my house you thought wrong sweetie pie. I am going to rip your fucking heart out and bake it. When I get done with you the things that you’re going to see I’m going to teach you not to ever fuck with me again in the wrong way. You thought I forgave you for what you had done well you thought wrong sorry fucking bitch. I’m going to teach you right I’m going to rip that fucking pussy apart and put it in a grater I’ll snatch you limb from limb, and that’s just the beginning of what I’m going to do to you. You are a fucking tasty piece of cunt meat whore. You’ve always thought you were a pretty girl and I’ve always known, but you’re a fucking cunt bitch. I’m done being fake nice to you-you’re at my house now that means you’re in my territory and I’m the ruler here. I am going to shit on your face and make you eat it, stupid bitch. I’ve always hated you I could not ever stand you, and now I get to do what I genuinely feel like doing to you which is torture you in every way known to humanity. It’s going to be a happy Christmas for me after all.

Snuff Phone Sex in My Home

snuff phone sexHe was the kind of guy who called me for snuff phone sex. In fact, he may have been one of my callers. He was some one who knew me at least because he told me things no stranger would know. He broke into my house. Some how got in without tripping the alarm. I had taken an Ambien, so I was out cold. That was until a cold blade and heavy breathing startled me awake. He told me if I made a sound, he would kill me immediately. I thought I would likely die anyway, but if I listened to him for now, maybe I could escape. I let this fat sweaty man who seemed to know a lot about me fuck me. I tried to think of anything else but this fat slovenly fuck on top of me with a knife to my throat. He thrust in and out of me until he came. He smelled awful. He felt worse inside me. I thought, this was over. He got what he came for, now he would leave. That was his form of foreplay. His knife moved off my neck and down between my legs. I gasped as he slid the knife inside my pussy. I cried as he sliced up my insides. I could feel the warm blood of my gutted womb spilling out on to my bed. He left me to bleed out in my own home on my own bed. He whispered in my ear, “Now there will be one less worthless whore in the world,” and he left me for dead.

12 Days of Castration Phone Sex Continues

castration phone sexCastration phone sex? Chop off your balls, Paul. Cut off your dick, Mick. I love making rhymes for losers who need their junk removed. It is the 12 Days of Castration Christmas. A few days left, and I have been super busy. For every loser I castrate for free, I castrate several for pay. Last night, this rich prick Brock got his balls removed. He was one not by choice. His wife paid me my largest some yet to mutilate her husband’s cheating genitals. Castrate your cock, Brock. He is a boy’s club sort of man. Comes from money, makes money and puts his dick in every stripper and Hooters’ girl across the US. Not to mention, he spends more money on sluts than his wife and son. She wants to stay married to him but wants to make him unable to fuck. Brock is my favorite kind of man to mutilate down below. Self intitled and lacking a desire to be castrated. Wifey asked for a dirty castration too. A healthy bacterial infection between the legs makes a man appreciate what he has more. Wifey let me in the house on a night he was home. She drugged him as instructed. When I arrived, he was not happy. I don’t look like the kind of woman he associates with. I spelled out his dirty deeds. I told him his punishment. He made me a counter offer to mutilate his wife. He pissed me off from the get-go, so his wife stripped him naked and I used his belt to separate his cock from his balls. Normally, I’d use a castration band to dull the pain and stop the blood flow, but I wanted this prick to feel the pain. Loser passed out on me. Saw his blood spurting out while I sliced his nuts off and passed out. When I carved “cheater” on the side on his dick, he woke back up. I used a dirty blade. I didn’t cauterize the wound. If he survived, he would be dependent on his wife to pee. Well, maybe he’ll think before he cheats again.

He Didn’t Need It Anyway

I’m a sadistic bitch that worships the acts of Dahmer’s and I absolutely love the brutality of being a sadistic phone sex Goddess. My love of rape fantasies and dismembering the cocks of my victims is such a fucking high. I really love to sever their penises off and fry them up in truffle oil with some mushroom caps and feed it to them before they bleed out completely from the violent ass fucking I gave them with my cheese grater strap-on. There is no better high than feeling the last breath of a victim whose face I sit my round ass upon as I make a nice slow severing of both their heads. I love to finish off my fuck toy with a nice big piss down their severed throats.

Sadistic Phone Sex

Ended With Snuff Porn

Snuff Porn

 As usual I walked right into my own damnation when I entered the casting for a ditzy blonde whore that gets gangbanged to death. I was a white girl amongst a bunch of escaped convicts that were on death row for manslaughter that consisted of deadly rape fantasies. The thought of such a fictional -in my little mind it could not be real- kind of starring role as the victim. I play victim so fucking well that I was able to sway the producers to instantly take me to the shoot location in an old abandoned prison. Then again it could simply be that I was the dumbest hot broad that showed up for the role. I received the invite for this snuff porn slid under my apartment door that morning.

Showing up I was disoriented as I found some nice wine in a basket at my door and took to trying it and some of the snacks before leaving. Upon arriving I was blurry visioned sweaty and a little tipsy. The camera man helped me out of my clothes and I had five guys surrounding me laughing as they tugged at my tits, pushed and grabbed at me. I was being man handled and they could smell the moisture growing between my legs. They shoved my face down in a old mattress and started ripping my ass and cunt open with the multiple of cocks penetrating me in a gangbang rape porn scene.. They were so big and they were hurting me grabbing my neck and choking me as their cocks penetrated every orifice. I couldn’t breathe and was getting strangled. It was surely the end of me but I knew I was cumming like mad all over those cocks.


Bloody Muse


Cannibalism phone sex

I know this bitch named Casey she thinks she’s my friend, but I’ve got something in mind for her. Casey gets on my fucking nerves I’m going to show her I’ve been wanting to, but I guess I was waiting to give myself a beautifully twisted wrapped Christmas present. Fucking bitch Casey you’re not worth anything friendly, and I’m not able to be any kind of sweet. I tricked that dirty fucking cunt bitch into coming to my house so that I could torture her and mutilate her body. I really didn’t even have a reason except for I was jealous and jealousy motivates works of art in me. I’m sure you’re aware of the expression “Put a Little Love in Your Heart” oh, well I am going to put a little blood in Casey’s heart. I got Casey to my house I gave her some pills in a drink, that knocked her out cold then I started my work. First I took my straight razor and cut little blocks of skin out of that whore. I placed those blocks of skin that I cut out of her scandalously beautiful body onto my sewing table, and that’s my skin sewing table. Did you know that skin dry’s like leather and sews so nicely? I then began the work of cutting her skin deeper I wanted more tissue so that I could fry it and feed it to her when she woke up. I cut those little toes off one at a time, and they were pretty little toes but she doesn’t need them after I get done with her walking won’t be a priority. I decided that I was going to feed those toes to my special Bubble Guppies. When I got done with those toes, I started cutting those fingers off one by one because fingers only get in the way of my artwork. I feel like when I get done with Casey, she’s going to be a fucking Masterpiece bloody art. Next time going to cut off that pretty little fat Pearl tongue. Finally, after everything was cut up, I started to cook each piece of her body. I garnished my lovely little slut cunt’s parts with rice and green beans. My sweet Casey woke up horrified, screaming in pain, so I stuffed a well-seasoned toe in her mouth and made her crunch down. Casey begged and pleaded for me to stop, but nothing could help her nothing at all. Would you like to know what else I did to my bloody Muse? Are you hungry for a sexy slut treat?

Painful Playtime

Taboo Phone Sex

Daddy and I love our play time. He loves abusing my tiny slut body! Our playtime usually begins with Daddy warming me up with brutal punishment on my ass and cunnie. He starts by strapping my arms and legs down while I’m completely naked. Then he pins open my cunnie by stapling my cunnie lips to my legs. The pain sears through my body, but I am Daddy’s good little pain whore and I take it!

Then daddy takes out his long riding crop and starts whipping my back, my bum and around to my cunnie. Daddy then starts making delicate cuts all over my body, using the blood as lube for his rock-hard cock. Daddy only unties me, so he can force fuck my swollen cunnie! Daddy then bit down on my nipple tearing and peeling the flesh back and in the gaping wound, he thrusts his cock in and out fucking my oozing breast!

Daddy cums in my mouth and cages me back up until our next playtime.




snuff porn addict

snuff pornMy boyfriend became quite the snuff porn addict. He would spend all day smoking bowls and getting high. He wouldn’t stop jerking till he would cum all over the place. I knew it was a matter of time he would take his aggression out on me. As much as I wanted to be a supportive girlfriend I didn’t want to have to be subjected to all the pain he was trying to inflict on me. One day I came home from work and I saw him jerking his cock watching the most grotesque snuff stuff. I saw the shift in his eyes and knew he had been brewing with all kinds of sick thoughts. I knew it was over for me. He was going to get his wish whether I agreed or not. He was going to make me his rag doll and torture me till he was satisfied. He did just that. I was taking load after load and letting him prolapse my tight ass. I couldn’t say no my whole existence was for his pleasure.

The 12 Days of Castration Phone Sex Christmas

castration phone sexThe 12 Days of Castration Phone Sex Christmas has officially begun. I am castrating a loser for free every day until Christmas. Normally, I charge 10 grand to take a guy’s loser nut sack. You would be surprised how many guys beg me to take their nuts. Some want a clean castration, others prefer it dirty. Dirty as in catch a nasty infection dirty! I am charitable to a point. My 12 Days of Castration spree will all be dirty castrations. Ted was the first beneficiary of my charity. He has been begging me for years to cut his nuts off, but he just never had the funds to pay me. He is a broke ass loser. His little dick is 3 inches. He can’t even pay hookers to fuck him. He has a dead end job and few friends. I am doing the world a solid by making sure he cannot reproduce. Never will he be a baby daddy. We never needs more sad sacks in the world. I surprised him at his place. The fucking loser had the audacity to tell me to leave. No fucking way. He begged me almost daily for years and now I am going to take his nuts for free and he tells me to leave? I clocked him in the head. Loser went down like a sack of potatoes. I tied him up, stripped him and then tossed some cold water in his face to wake him up. I was holding my rusty knife to his nut sack. The moment he spoke, I sliced his nuts. A dirty cut too. Usually, I would cauterize the wound, but this punk ass didn’t deserve any mercy. I tied a sock around the wound, so he wouldn’t bleed out, but he was going to lose some blood and have a nasty scar from the procedure to remind him always of what a worthless piece of shit he is. Merry fucking Christmas.