Watching snuff porn is foreplay for me, but making it is the main course. Why watch it when you can make it is my motto. I have a popular dark net live stream I do once a month. My favorite movie chain is the Hostel movies. I just love the idea of people paying for their darkest desires. I do Hostel with a twist, however. Instead of having some Serbian warehouse where folks must find, I let people all over the world bid to see me torture and kill a victim. They pay to watch the stream and the pay to ask me to do something to my victim. I can do anything they pay to see. I only do it once a month because for one, it takes a lot of planning and preparation to do one stream. Two, I make bank off 12 a year, trust me. I am making more money than Tom Brady right now. Snuff movies are the dark net’s cash cow. I usually get a hot teen slut for my victim. They are the most popular. My viewers love seeing sick and demented things done to young, vacuous girls. I have gauged eyes out, cut off breasts, burned clits, carved names in their flesh, stabbed their ass and cunt with knives, and even peeled the flesh off their bodies. You could say I am the sick one for doing it, but I am just following what my viewers want to see. Teen girls are the meanest girls around. They are stupid and egotistic too. The world is over populated with teen twits, so if one goes missing a month, it’s just one less stupid cunt in the world, right? Wouldn’t you love to watch me do some very bad things to some very young girls?
Category: Mutilation phone sex
Make Snuff Porn, Don’t Watch It
This Is What You want pathetic Loser! Cut that Dick Off!
Castration phone sex Is so pussy wetting for me. Cum and have a valentines treat so I can eat that dick meat! I love castration and cutting a dick off when it is asked for. I would beat those balls for days before cutting. And the cutting would be without painkillers and merciless.. His cock and balls are on the piece of wood. I take a nail and place it on the head of his cock. Taking a hammer, I drive the nail through his cock into the wood. When the nail reaches his flesh, I pound it on in, crushing the head of his cock. Another nail at the base of his cock brings more screams. Then I do the same thing for each of his testicles, driving nails through them and crushing them. Then I untie him and leave him nailed to the piece of wood. I would make sure his puny little penis would also be cut off, and that he had to pee like us girls. Cutting, crushing his balls and even by biting them off. I use the testicles as earrings to show that I am proud to be a castratrix. I even boil and eat that fucking cock because it is my right as an evil whore.. Am I an evil phone sex whore you bet, you asked for this and more!
Please kill me
The assailant grabbed me when I least expected it. I was bound up and unable to escape his ropes no matter how much I struggled. He tortured me psychologically and physically. He left his marks up and down my broken and beaten body, scars, bruises, and scratches. He forced himself inside of me and left a little piece of himself each time. I tried fighting back, but he was stronger than me. In the end, it was me who was begging for him to hurt me. To finish me and just let me die. He had finally broken me in every last way. My body was a broken and bloody mess, mentally I was even worse. Now he was finally satisfied with his torment, he was finished with me. Now that I begged for death, he would not give it. Instead, as one last way to prolong my suffering, he handed me a sharp knife and told me to finish it myself. I plunged it into my gut and prayed it would be over soon as the blood and viscera poured out of me.
Dinner for Two
Daddy loves our nasty play time, I’m his good little pain slut. He loves to abuse my tight little body to the point of no return. Burning my skin with hot rods, slicing off my tiny nipples, whipping my cunt with rods, rope, barbed wire and thrusting bats into my asshole until it prolapses. I take all the abuse like a good little snuff toy. Today daddy decided to invite a special guest to eat his little girl. A gentleman on the internet paid my daddy a pretty penny for a chance to taste me. Daddy made sure to nearly drain me of most of my blood and when the man came, daddy had me nice and plated up on a table. The man started by slitting my throat and cutting my tits off taking a big juicy bite out of them. Then he started slashing various meats off my body for him and daddy to enjoy. I was a snuffed whore dinner for two!
A Bad Seed
Things are getting worse ever since Todd moved back in with my mom he’s being disgusting but even more twisted than usual. Todd is always saying that there is something in our family house that has scared him half to death. My mom and dad are incredibly religious that makes it even worse because Todd is not religious at all he rebelled a long time ago right along with me. I went my way and became a gore-loving slut whore who gets fucked by guys whenever I want to. Todd is more of a secret horror enthusiast he doesn’t even like to tell people about his ghoulish nature. Todd was a fucking maniac last night he went into my mother’s room while she was asleep and he did something you would never believe. I always knew that my little brother was a bit more eccentric with himself. My little brother liked to cut up things at first he started with my dollies cutting off their heads cutting holes into their private parts cutting their little toes off and stuffing them into those holy new vaginas. That was my brother a real piece of sadistic work. What he did to Mommy it was unbearable, but I liked it. Poor Mommy, she should have known that she had a creature on her hands she should have known that was all she could breed was sadistic sexual Satanist creatures. I blame it all on Mommy because I love my brother and I’m so proud of him, he’s an artist. After what my genius brother did to Mommy we joined up, and now we are a team, treachery Incorporated and we’re the best at what we do. I’ll bet you thought that I had a problem with my brothers disgusting vulgar fiendish ways, but I guess you guessed wrong.
Daddy’s Little Torture Whore
Daddy loves his little torture whore! Every day he finds new and inventive ways to inflict pain and suffering on my little body. He loves to tie me up and torture my tits by binding them til they are black and blue and slicing off my grotesque dead nipples. Daddy loves crushing my toes with his steel toe boots and snapping my fingers one by one. The sound of my bones snapping makes daddy so hard. He loves pinning my pussy lips open with thumb tacks to fuck my pussy so hard. He loves to knife my cunt and asshole to carve a nice bloody hole for him to fuck. Daddy also loves to bring little whores that I can watch him snuff and torture. He gouges out their little teeny eyes to shove his thick into their eye socket and fuck their squishy brains until they spill out onto the floor. Daddy loves finding these ways to fuck with me before he fully snuffs me.
King Disaster
Shit on me you fucking nasty piece of big dick monster Maniac. Don’t you want to rub your creamy, dreamy Brown shit all over my sexy porcelain body? I know you want me I know you want this I can tell it I heard all about your nasty Behavior about your vulgar activities that you do with the girls that I know. I think that those girls aren’t as ready as I am to satisfy if you know what I mean those whores are scared of you but not me I’m not afraid one bit I’m always down to do the Dirty Deeds. I want you to shit all over my face and rub it in my mouth and then make me suck your asshole. I have always liked you ever since I found out that you were able ridiculously dirty vulgar motherfucker like you are. You are a filthy son-of-a-bitch, and that turns me on I want to be filthy with you. Let’s have nasty sex behind a dumpster in the alleyway on Skid Row we can be as fucked-up as we wish to. Let me be your shity bitch you know you want me you know I want you we can do this if you want to babe and I know you’re going to have fun. We can mix blood and shit together and fuck like nasty sex monsters. I want you to wrap a tight rope around my tits and squeeze as hard as you can until you make my tits pop in front of your face oozing gooey blood all over the place. Make pain for me make me feel like I’m a nasty fucking slut bitch cunt cum guzzling bastard, Tramp. I’m ready whenever you are King disaster.
Snuff Porn Auction
When you are a snuff porn actress, you have a deviant mind. I had this idea for some fast cash to pay the rent. I would auction myself off to the highest bidder on the dark web. I hid my IP address. I set up a Venmo account and told the viewers I had a death wish. I rambled about what a worthless whore I was and that I wanted to die a violent and gruesome death. I let men bid for the pleasure of killing me. I even let them pay for me to cut myself and do other things that would mutilate my body. I thought I hid my IP well enough not to be found. It was bogus. I just wanted to steal money from wealthy sickos. My plan backfired. Mr. X showed up at my place last night intent on collecting his package. That package was me. I tried to tell him I would give the money back. I had not spent all of it yet. He didn’t want his money. He wanted his snuff sex slave. He tied me up to my bed. Next to my bed, on my side table, he laid out a some scary instruments. This dude was seriously going to get what he paid for. He started by pulling out my teeth. When he started to drill with no numbing meds, I screamed bloody murder. He was a sadist and I was his victim. Mr. X was some computer genius who traced me even through a hidden IP address. He ruined my mouth. Pulled out most of my teeth, left holes in the rest. My mouth was bloody. I was sick from the pain and swallowing blood. I begged him to kill me. He made me ugly, so very ugly. I didn’t want to live. He carved an X on my forehead as a reminder that I am just a dumb whore and cannot outsmart anyone. Now, I really want to die.
Watching Snuff Movies and Masturbating
I enjoy watching snuff movies and masturbating. Can you tell I am a fucked up bitch? Women my age are swooning over The Notebook or When Harry Met Sally, but I am using a fuck machine up my ass as I watch snuff films. The one last night had me wetter than the ocean. It was Japanese I think, Asian definitely. These cunts were super young looking. A bunch of Japanese school girls getting assaulted and abused was act one. The men had on masks. They were tall and burly, line linebackers. Obviously, they were not Asian. They were making these Asian school girls their ass rape porn stars. Their tiny little asses were bleeding. All of them prolapsed. That was just the warm up. What came next was so bloody most women would have puked. I am not most women, however. I am a dirty taboo whore. The more violent the sex, the wetter my cunt gets. The men in the movie had swords. Sharp, long swords that they used to hack these pretty school girls into pieces. I don’t think it was fake. I mean how do you make that kind of CGI? Arms and legs were chopped off. Tits were sliced to bits. The men used the swords as cocks and fucked the mutilated princesses. The girls were eviscerated. There was more carnage on the screen than I have ever seen. My fuck machine was on top speed as I was cumming to bloody, violent scene after another. I know something is wrong with me.
Castration Phone Sex: My Form of Charity
Castration phone sex has a special place in my cold dark heart. Why? Because I am a chartable sadistic. Taking your junk is my way of giving back to the universe. I am not one of these politically correct women. I know there is no such thing as equality. Most men are no where close to being my equal. They are so far beneath me that the shit on my boot has a higher status than them. I do my part by making sure the men who are below shit, can’t procreate. The world needs less men with small dicks and tiny minds to boot in this world. Plus, I love torture sex and cutting off a loser’s testicles is pure torture, physical and mental anguish. Inflicting both gets me wet. Anyway, I am digressing. A friend of mine told me about this dirty old man showing his dick to them at work. He is the boss, owns the business she works for too, so the women workers have endured his sexual harassment for years. I asked her if it was at least big and she showed me a picture she snapped of him last week. Her and some co-workers are trying to build evidence for a class action suit. I told her there is a cap on the money she’d get in such a case and encouraged sweet, poetic revenge instead. You would think an older man showing his dick to hot younger girls would at least have something worth showing. He had a tiny dick. His balls had to go. I was happy to cut them off for her. She loved my sadistic phone sex mind. I showed up at the office like I was robbing the place. I had the boss by knife point. I made him strip naked in front of his female employees. I think he had some twisted fantasy that I would make him do something to the women. Instead, I cut his balls off in front of them as they cheered. His blood sprayed them, but that was a small price to pay for knowing their harasser will never harass them again. Now that is women empowering women.