Do you have castration phone sex fantasies? If you dream of having your dick or balls lobbed off, you are in the right place. I will not prevent you from mutilating your genitals. In fact, I will egg you on. The problem is that most men with fantasies of getting their balls chopped off, lack the balls to actually do it. That is why guys call me or hire me for castration. I don’t back off. Once you have paid me, your balls are coming off regardless if you get cold feet or not. Jeremy paid me $3,000 to castrate him then tried to back off. Maybe some women would be like oh that’s free money. Not me. They way I view it is if you pay to have your nuts chopped off, you don’t deserve to have them, and you certainly don’t deserve to reproduce. The world doesn’t need another looser. He thought he could fool me by giving me a fake name, but I ran his prints on the money he gave me. I have connections. I showed up at his place last night and did the job I was paid to do. If he would have played by the rules, I would have sedated him and given him a clean cut. Instead, I gave him nothing for the pain and I used a jagged blade. Instead of sealing the wound properly, I used my hair straightener. I left Jeremy in need of medical attention. I will leave you the same way if you try to back out of an agreement. A deal is a deal.
Category: Mutilation phone sex
Castration Phone Sex: A Deal is a Deal
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies for Women
Girls like me have rape phone sex fantasies too. No, I am not submissive. No, I am not talking about you force fucking me. Just the opposite actually. Last night, I made my fantasy a reality. I bought this super huge dildo to peg a guy’s ass. I didn’t which guy until last night, but my special large dildo was in my purse just in case I met him. I did. I knew who he was the moment I heard the way he was talking to his wife in public. I waited and watched. Eventually, he went to the bathroom. It was a dark night club, so no one could make me out from a distance. I walked into the men’s room right behind him, pushed him in a stall. I am scrappy. I had his pants torn off as I was putting on my huge strap-on for some ass rape porn in a night club bathroom. Did I mention, I bedazzled my strap-on with razor blades? When I fucked his ass, I shredded it too. His entire asshole was mutilated. I let him know that I could sever his dick too if I wanted. He was going to need medical attention when I was done, but he could live or die. The choice was his. If he wanted to live, he needed to treat his wife better. If he wanted to die, then he could fight me. He wanted to die. He put up a fight; he started yelling something about no bitch telling him how to treat another bitch. He had an average dick, nothing to warrant his cockiness. Well, he had an average dick until I cut it off and flushed it down the toilet. I left him bleeding out on the bathroom floor. I went and joined his wife at her table. We had to celebrate the gruesome, violent death of her misogynistic asshole husband. No woman will have to say me too with me around.
Ass Rape Porn Star Fantasy
Daddy has a hot fantasy he wants to act out with me! He loves hot teen ass rape porn! Ever since I was a wee girl, daddy has shown me his favorite sadistic porn snuff movies. I was destined to be Daddy’s star victim and like he always said, the best snuff porn is the one you make yourself. Daddy’s been preparing me for a long time. First he had me tied up in the best position for our hardcore, gory porn. Daddy loves restricting my hands and legs as tightly as possible, the tighter the better. Then he preps my tight teen asshole by lashing and burning it with the crack of his whip! Daddy’s favorite part of ass rape fantasies is inviting as many strange men to force my tight asshole open with their cocks! One after the other, they tear my virgin asshole open and violently fuck me until I can no longer scream! A great snuff porn whore like me craves the pain!
Cheap Thrills
A girls night out turns in to a night of torture sex. I was out with my friends and noticed this guy who was my type to the T. After trying to conversate with him I gave up. The man wasn’t big on words. I decided to move on. He wasn’t having any of that. I guess he speaks more with his actions rather than his words. He dragged me out of the club and took me to his place. I was already fucked up so I went right along with him. I wasn’t going to say no. I am a cheap slut deep down, and I have always liked it when a guy puts me in my place. I can’t stand prim and proper men. I love the guys I can’t take home to mom. Violate me and use me to your likings. I know once you are done with me you will toss me out like the trash whore I am. My tight ass won’t be intact when you finish with me. Take your time and have me endure all the torture fuck me . I have no say so. Treat me like a cum slut. I love when you spit on me and cum all over my face. Show me you own me, and you don’t care about my pain tolerance. I love bloody phone sex and pure pain.
Butchers Delight
I am in luck I found a beautiful big titted young thing to dismember for you. She answered my online ad for a photoshoot. She was a junkie and strung out. She met me at a quaint hotel on the east side. You love brunettes with dark eyes and pale skin. She saw me and instantly trusted me. I took some before shots and had her strip naked. SO slim and perfect for you. I asked her to call a couple of her hot female friends over and we would do some crank. I also would triple her pay. So stupid this whore was. They passed my test by doing some nasty poses and licking tits and pussy for me. I knew then That after a few hits they would come back to my lair. Your waiting with the saw and knives. Each little slut is tied and fucked for hours. Then we get bloody. Limbs are cut off and still, they get fucked. Only now your underground snuff friends are joining us for the butcher fest. They love fucking cut limbs as they bleed out. All three are dissected and strewn across the cement floor, cum oozing out of every mutilated part. I invite My boyfriend over after and we fucking in the remains until the wee morning hours. Then get to work on putting these bitches body parts on ice and having the local butcher shop pick up quaily fresh meat!
Hotel Torture Sex
Torture sex is what got him off. I picked him up in a high-class bar. I was dressed respectfully. I was not looking to be a submissive whore. Not that night at least. I thought we had a connection. He was married too, just looking for a little fun on the side. His hotel room was one of the classiest places I had ever seen. Way out of my league, but I knew it was just sex. When I came out of the bathroom, he jumped me and tied me up to his hotel bed. He just kept laughing about what a whore I was because I came back to a hotel with a stranger. I thought he just wanted to fuck. I was not prepared for snuff sex. He put a ball gag in my mouth so I wouldn’t draw attention to his room. He spent an hour doing all sorts of things to my pussy. He fisted my cunt. He fucked me with a 12-inch fat dildo. He stapled my pussy lips to my flesh, so my cunt stayed open. He pierced my clit too. I think I might have died in his room if it had not been for the front desk calling to inform him his wife was downstairs. He untied me and pushed me out the door super fast. I had to pull the staples out of my own pussy causing a bloody painful mess. I should have said something to his wife, but I was afraid he might kill me if I lingered. I ran down the stairwell to catch an elevator. I was a hot mess. I am sure folks in the swank hotel thought I was some druggy hooker whore. I know better than to try to speak out against men as sadistic as he was. It never ends well for me. I was alive and that was all that mattered.
Ass Rape Porn Drug Mule Gets Destroyed
I fucked up big time. I thought I could take a little blow off a shipment. I am a drug mule for my boyfriend. I was only taking a little and I am his girl. I didn’t think he would get that pissed. I was wrong. When I came back from the pickup, he knew the shipment felt light. He knew I was high. He smacked me across the face. I cried, apologized, pleaded and begged, but the damage was done. He tied me up and sodomized me for hours. He choked me while he rammed his dick in my ass. My ass was sore. It was bleeding and prolapsed. I felt like an ass rape porn star. I begged for mercy, but I got none. When his dick tired out, he fisted my ass. He put his entire damn arm up my ass for a few lines of coke off a huge brick. He kept saying, “Whores need to know what doesn’t belong to them.” My ass was never this abused. I finally saw his bad side and it scared the fuck out of me. He got pissed that he got shit and blood on his hand, so I had to lick it off. I still can barely walk. He fucked my ass up good.
Slave Snuff Slut
Daddy found a good buyer for my cunt. All my life Daddy has been grooming me to be the most perfect snuff fuck slave for the highest bidder. I’ve waited in my cage like the perfect slave whore all day until Daddy brought my new master to play with me. Master loves to torment me and torture my little body. Now that it belongs to him, he can do whatever he pleases. First, he peeled my pussy back and slit my clit off with rusty scissors, the pain was excruciating but a good slave whore knows to moan and beg for more! Master slid his knife across my tiny tits and slice off my tiny nipples. For dinner master gouged meat and skin from my thighs and fed me them on a bed of rice. He wants me to eat myself and drink myself slowly to death while he plays with my guts. Would you like to be my master?
GangBang Rape Porn While Waiting on an Uber
Gangbang rape porn happens at the most unexpected times. I can tie one on when I want to. I love closing a bar down. Normally, I go to my local bar when I can’t find a suitable fuck buddy for the night. The weather stranded me downtown. I was waiting on an Uber ride, but it was taking forever because of the weather. I decided to wait inside this dingy little bar. There were not many people in the place. Enough for me to pass the time until my ride, however. I was doing shots with some crusty old men. It was harmless enough, until the bartender locked the door from the inside and told the guys it was closing time. It was like that phrase was code for fuck the whore. One guy tied me up with rope used in case of needing a window escape. While he bound and gagged me, his buddies got naked and primed their cocks watching their pal tie me up like I was raw meat. These crusty old men turned vicious on me in a matter of seconds. Honestly, I didn’t think they had it in them. They looked old and harmless. They rammed their dicks in my ass and face. They slapped and punched me, one guy even branded my ass with a large W for whore. They came in and on me for over an hour and my fucking Uber ride was still not there. I had no way to escape my snuff porn hell. The men finished when they all came on me, covering me in cum. I got kicked in the cunt a few times before the bartender tossed my fucked, naked ass out the door in the cold just in time to catch my Uber ride. It was an awkward ride home.
Snuff Porn Princess
Daddy was pissed at me last night. I had a date with a guy I met on Tinder. I didn’t know that Daddy could see everything I did on my phone. I told him I was going to the store, and he punched me in the face. Before I could get up, he yanked me up and tied me up so I couldn’t go anywhere. He stripped me first. I was bound to my limbs like a package of meat. Daddy had this look on his face like I had killed his best friend. He was circling around me seething. He spit in my face, slapped my little titties and kicked me in the stomach a few times. He knew what I was up too. In that moment, I realized he saw my phone. Daddy wants me as his slave only. He never wants to share me with other men, not even his friends. I tried to apologize. I knew if I lied, it would be worse for me, so I came clean about wanting to hook up with a cute boy. Daddy was silent. His silence scares me more because I never know what he is thinking. He went into the kitchen and emerged with one of those big lighters. He burned my clit; he completely mutilated it. The pain was excruciating. “Now that you have an ugly pussy, no other man will want you whore,” he yelled. He left me tied up in pain crying until the next morning. I am never going to have another man. Daddy will kill me first.