Category: Mutilation phone sex

Lost in the Jungle

Cannibalism phone sex

I did not realize that when I accepted a study abroad invitation with my college classmates that I would be fighting for my life in the Amazon jungle. I suppose I had it coming to me. I was the most popular girl in the most popular sorority on my college campus- I obviously wasn’t accepting the offer for the boost on paper. I figured that partying drunk and high in the Amazon rainforest would be fucking lit. I guess the jokes on me because another classmate on the trip had his eye on me. And it wasn’t just to fuck me- let’s be real, most guys want to fuck me, even girls. Who knew that selfishly partying in a sacred forest would lead to my surprising demise. I should have known my classmate was up to something when he told me to follow him into the dark. The next morning I woke up naked and tied up while he carved me up like a thanksgiving turkey. He began at my cunt making careful cuts while I was wailing in agonizing pain. The sicko loved it, he said he couldn’t wait to eat my pussy- literally. After I was disemboweled for all to see, I was fed my own entrails while my ribcage was pulled open, all the while my exposed cervix contracted around the various cocks that my male classmates plunged inside of it. The pain burned throughout my body while they began impaling me on a spit. I was about to become a piggy whore roast for all my classmates!

Tasty Rena

Cannibalism Phone Sex


I want to be your perfect little victim. I crave being used and degraded and tortured like the worthless piece of meat I am. I would fight and scream so perfectly for you. You can tie me up and gag my sweet mouth to muffle my cries. You can draw out the pain and torture as long as you want to. Cut me and make me bleed. Slice pieces from my flesh, cook them up and savor me. Force me to partake in the meat of my own body. Watch my face contort and tears stream down my face as I fight back the nausea that comes with the thought of eating my own flesh. Beat me to tenderize the meat and then butcher me. I want you to cut me up and keep all the best parts in the freezer. Cook delicious meals and remember your best victim while you eat me.

Cannibalism Phone Sex Fantasies

cannibalism phone sexI have cannibalism phone sex fantasies. I know that is pretty sick, right? I fantasize about being killed, cooked and eaten by a man. Not sure where my fantasies come from. I am a submissive whore, but I want to live. Well, most days I want to live. I saw a movie a couple years ago called The Green Inferno. It is a horror movie about some college do gooders lost in Amazon jungle. They find a lost tribe who thinks they are dinner. Watching men and women being tortured as meal preparation made my pussy wet. I started thinking about a hitchhiker picking me up and having me as dinner. I thought about meeting the real Hannibal Lector and him dining on my flesh. The idea that I can serve a man better in death than I can in life gets me off.  I don’t want it done slowly though. I want to be tortured first. I also want to be seasoned. Sautee my tits in an olive oil, butter my insides as well as my outsides and season me with some garden vegetables. I want the man who consumes me to get a hard cock smelling my flesh burn. So, what do you think? We can make a snuff porn and have dinner together!

Snuff Phone Sex during a Blackout

snuff phone sexIt was a snuff phone sex kind of night. I lost power for over 12 hours. Most of the city was in the dark. I had a few options. I could use a lantern and read a book, or I could go hunting for a victim. I am no fucking Laura Ingells, so I got knives, hopped in my car and went to see what sort of trouble I could get into to pass the time. My city lost its damn fucking mind. They were acting like the zombie apocalypse had arrived. It was a blackout not the end of the world. People were looting stores and shit. I saw this one crack whore looking bitch looting a pharmacy. I knew she was just looking for a fix. She needed to go. Just a druggy whore who will cost tax payers money. I waited for her to pop a bunch of pills then I stabbed her. She screamed but not much. She was too wasted. That was a quick kill and not as much fun. I like them when they fight, put up a struggle. I walked around town some more and found a teen girl. She was dressed like a socialite’s daughter. She likely was a rich bitch that got stranded. I watched and followed her for a bit. She was looting like everyone else, but by the looks of her, she didn’t need to loot anything. She was doing it for the thrill, because she could. The same reason I make snuff porn. I knew she would understand when I killed her. She fought. She fought hard too. Kicking and screaming as I stabbed her. I gutted her like a pig. Drove my knife into her flat stomach and ran it up to her sternum. Her guts spilled out, but she was still alive. Not for long. I enjoyed watching her watch herself die. I held her head as she took her last breath. I was going to find a third victim to kill but the damn lights came on. It felt like a Purge night. I hope the main city transformers blow again.

Bondage Phone Sex

Bondage phone sex


You waited for me to come home and blindsided me with a baseball bat as soon as I shut the door. When I woke up my head was pounding and there was blood dripping down my face. But beside that, I couldn’t move. You had stripped me naked and bound my arms to my sides with the rope you brought in your kit. You forced me onto my stomach and I felt your cock slide against my pussy and slowly ease inside. I couldn’t scream since you had stuffed my panties in my mouth and then duct taped my mouth shut but I cried as you fucked my pussy. I screamed into the gag as you pulled out and forced your way into my tight virgin asshole, pounding it bloody as you turned me into an anal cum dumpster. You groaned out as you filled me up and I breathed a sigh of relief as I thought it was over. That’s when you grabbed the baseball bat. You beat me senseless with it and I was starting to lose consciousness as I felt it cold and hard against my sore gaping ass. I must have passed out from the pain while you sodomized me with the bat because I don’t remember anything past the point of you forcing it deep inside my asshole and pounding me with it. I was left bloody and broken and used up.

Snuff Sex in a Disappointments Room

snuff sexI put an ad on a fetish site for snuff sex. I was feeling kinky. You inspired me. I spend so much time on the phone getting fantasy slain, that I wanted a more authentic feeling experience. It was stupid. It was dangerous. It was one of the hottest experiences of my life. Many men responded to my ad. Turns out quite a few men love the idea of no taboo fun with a snuff whore. James was the man I selected to meet. Not sure why, but he sold himself well as a lifestyle BDSM slave owner. When I arrived at his house, I was led to his dungeon. Hot damn, he was serious. He had a bed with a cage underneath for his slave to sleep. He had every BDSM device imaginable. I was looking for more than BDSM fun, however. I wanted violence. I wanted torture sex. That was when he led me to a room I never would have known existed. He called it his Disappointments Room. It is based on Gothic history. It was a room in a house to hide people, mostly retarded, sickly and deformed offspring, wives and family from the public. It was like these individuals never existed. They never knew life outside this room. It was horrifying to think that a man like James could keep a slave hidden away in his own home and no one would ever know she was there. I was about to enter this room but was not sure I would ever leave. He tied me to a table with leather restraints. He pulled out a bunch of surgical instruments and that was when I had regrets. He told me what a stupid whore I was, as he sliced flesh from my breasts. He mutilated my breasts and my pussy, performing Dr. Jekyll experiments on my sex organs. I saw the camera rolling and knew this was a snuff porn and likely not one I would survive.

Snuff Porn Maker Needs an Accomplice

snuff pornSnuff porn is always on my mind, but tenfold during summer. I was stalking the community pool late this morning. All these precocious brats were cock teasing old perverts at the pool. I saw one teen slut in a fucking thong bikini bottom. Can’t vote or drink but shaking her ass all around the pool teasing the daddies there with their little ones. I don’t get it. These little whores can wear almost nothing and get pissed off when men ogle them. Hell, their parents get pissed when men look at them cross eyed and they let their girls go out of the house looking like hookers when they are still young girls. I am on your side guys. If girls look like whores, they should be treated like whores. I kidnapped the biggest looking whore at the pool as she was going home on her bicycle. Put her in my trunk, tossed the bike in the river. Drove her to my cabin in the woods, also known as my kill shack. I have her naked, strapped down and scared shitless. I have been having some fun mutilating her tender flesh. Don’t worry, I am saving the best part for you. So, if you like accomplice phone sex calls, I have a young whore ready to be fucked and tortured. Game?

Killer Phone Sex Is Foreplay For My Lover

It’s a great time in the Summer with our partying into the wee hours of the morning. My lover and I will often go out and find some crackwhore breeder and lure the little gutter brat from her with a variety of means. If the whore is preggo it’s best to take care of things before she brings a useless waste of space into the world already an addict it’s the least thing this world needs. I love it when the addict breeder is nice and young and can destroy her real good as we abort that blackhole ghoul from her belly. Nothing makes me more excited then seeing the dead eyes of this cunt roll into the back of her head and her diaphragm stops contracting and flattening as she is no longer breathing. She’s just another piece of garbage for the garbage man.

Killer Phone Sex

Torture Sex for Coke-What Was I Thinking?

torture sexHe said it was torture sex I would enjoy. He was wrong. I don’t think any woman enjoys torture.  If I wanted my bag of coke, however, I had to let him do his medical experiments on me. He was like some sort of demented med student. He sells coke and high-end pharmaceutical drugs, but pills have never been my problem. I like cocaine. Cocaine doesn’t always like me though. Thankfully I was high last night because he put a cattle prod in my cunt and shocked me. It was the most awful pain ever. I was pissing myself and convulsing. He was stroking his cock. He said this was for a medical experiment. Instead of paying me cash, he was giving me coke. This was no medical experiment. This was torture for pleasure, his pleasure. He put the cattle prod up my ass too. I twitched so bad I thought I was having a seizure. Honestly, this was as hard as I had ever worked for a bag of blow. He even used a speculum on me and sprayed my insides with some sort of chemical. It burned and made my pussy bleed. He said he was sterilizing me, but I had a hysterectomy last year. He was just torturing me some more. I let him think he had left me barren because he got off on my tears. I just wanted my bag of fucking coke, but he was not yet done with his medical fetish phone sex experiments. He pierced my clit with a hat pin and laughed as I bled. I wanted to scream to him to just give me my damn coke, but I knew better. He was a sadist and I was his muse. I think he might have been a Nazi doctor descendent. Thankfully, I got my coke. I went home and dulled my pain with white line after white line.

Snuff Bondage

bondage phone sex

A trained submissive snuff whore such as myself knows that my time is coming. My teen holes have been beaten and torture fucked in every way possible that for my last playtime, Master decided to help me go out with a bang. Master has kept me tied up and knotted stuffed inside a kennel all week, I was practically begging for punishment. Master laid me out and stuffed his fingers then his huge fist deep inside my cunt until he pounded and fisted my cervix until his full arm was thrashing my guts. Master smashed his cock right into my gaping holes and cut my stomach open so I can jerk his cock off inside of me while I bled to death. My hands gripped around his rock hard cock and I used my own entrails to stroke his cock until I passed out and stopped breathing, squirting and gushing from my gaping teen cunt for the very last time.