Category: Mutilation phone sex

Let’s Eat

cannibalism phone sex

This is going to sound extreme, but what can I say? I’m an extremist when it comes to sex and fantasies. Lately I’ve been fantasizing about cannibalism phone sex. Of course, it must be with the right person. Somebody who would truly enjoy making a meal out of me. And it doesn’t even need to be me! I could be an accomplice and we could dine on some helpless slut together. There’s nothing more intimate than the experience of completely consuming another human. Especially if we do it together. We can savor every delicious bite. Now the real question is do we chop her up in itty bitty bite size pieces or just kind of use a fork and a knife and slice a bite off at a time? There are countless ways we can go about this and I’d love to hear some of your creative ideas.

Remember, the more extreme the fantasy is, the more we both will enjoy it. It’s fun to get lost in these thing we can never act on in our daily lives.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex Torture

medical fetish phone sexHe wanted medical fetish phone sex. I thought maybe that just meant some demented gynecologist fun. Guys love to mutilate and abuse a woman’s private parts. Not sure why, but they do. I was sitting on a table with my legs in the stirrups waiting for the speculum to crank my cunt open. That didn’t happen. What did happen was an electric taser was shoved up my pussy. He shocked my internal girl parts. I was convulsing and going into shock. He just turned up the voltage. I could smell my flesh burning. I was cooking from the inside out. He said it was forced sterilization because a stupid whore like me should not be allowed to reproduce. The pain was beyond anything I felt before. Smoke was coming out of my cunt. My flesh was charred. His cock was hard from my pain. He wanted to fuck my sterile cunt. He wanted to see if the sterilization worked. He fucked my burnt cunt for like 5 minutes before cumming. It felt like an eternity because I was so sore. I have no doubt he permanently sterilized me. My pussy is still in pain.

Bring Your Nagging Wife to me


Domination phone sex

I’m going to make your wife beg for mercy because I’m going to slice her to pieces while my boyfriend rams his cock deep in her bloody busted asshole. Your wife is a bitch, and that’s okay with me because I like to dominate whores. I will dominate her better than anything you’ve ever seen in your life. You hate the way she screams and nags at you well, I’ve got a lesson to teach that fucking cunt, and you’re going to be so happy that I taught her how to behave. Your bitch of a wife won’t defy you again when I’m done. I’m going to beat her fucking face in while my boyfriend fucks her pussy; he’s going to take out all of his anger on her. Your wife is a fucking cum dumpster at least she’s going to be when we get through with her yeah babe you’re going to make sure of that too. I want you to fuck her after we have had a good time with her pussy and her asshole and her mouth. Your wife is such a talkative bitch; she wants to tell her sister everything that you do, but when we get finished with her, she won’t tell anyone. Would you like her tongue snatched out of her body, and her teeth hammered away? I believe that she’ll be a much better cocksucker without those teeth in the way. I know that I’m sadistic and I’m proud of it my boyfriend loves the way that I am. Your wife is such a fucking sleazebag she deserves to be treated like a fucking slut dirty bitch and a nasty whore because she is. You’ve got a disobedient cunt, but we’re going to teach her how to act when I get through with your wife; she’s going to be so submissive to you. Bring that bitch to me; we’re going to fix her. She is a nasty whore who only deserves to be tortured and fucked and put in her place. Aren’t you tired of your wife fucking nagging? I’ve got the answer for you; we will do everything to make sure you’re satisfied, and you’ll get the best out of life.

Torture Sex Death

torture sexIt was a torture sex night for me. I was not prepared for it. I was out dancing with girlfriends. I hooked up with this guy who told me to call an Uber when we were done fucking. He said he doesn’t drive trash home. I was embarrassed and humiliated, so I left. I called the Uber, but I got in the wrong car. Boy, was it the wrong car. He had a fake Uber decal. I never paid attention to what my driver looked like or what car he was driving. This poser drove me to some underground club. He pulled me out of the back of his car kicking and screaming. We were soon inside some dark club. It was a BDSM looking place. It was far more sinister than BDSM, however. This was some sort of torture chamber. As he dragged me downstairs and through hallways, I heard screams. I got glimpses of women being tortured and mutilated. The driver got to a room, knocked then handed me over to another man in exchange for money. He was just the wrangler. This tall handsome man looked me up and down, then strapped me to a table. I saw all the medical instruments next to me on a little metal tray. He started to cut my flesh and peel back layers of my skin. He branded me too with his initials like some cult leader. He fucked me while pouring acid on my tits. My screams of agonizing pain made his cock harder. He started stabbing my big fake boobs as he fucked my ass. My blood made him harder too. I was in pain, crying, screaming and he just kept fucking the shit out of me. The more I cried, bled and screamed, the harder he fucked me. The fake Uber driver drove me to my death.

Cheap phone sex

Cheap phone sex


Last time I checked I was that bitch that made women skin crawl and their voice tremor. As far as the men, I make their dicks hard and make them come even harder. I am that evil bitch that kidnaps bitches for my pleasure and forces my man of the night to rape fantasy her pussy while I watch and please myself. This morning I caught me a nice white whore going for a jog at the park. I snatched that bitch up so fast by her hair and threw her in the van. My male accomplice was the driver. We drove to a nearby lake and had our way with the bitch. He fucked every hole on her body while I sliced ever part of her body. We played a nice game of hide and go seek the bloody limbs. And the winner got to get 3 hours worth of head. That motherfucker won! So I sucked his dick until the cows came home.  That is always one of my favorite games to play. Any more games in mind that we can play?

Over My Dead Body

necrophilia phone sex

Do you ever find yourself fantasizing about necrophilia phone sex? I mean, you would be having sex with a partner who could never say no. She could never talk about to you. You can do whatever you want with her whenever you want it. I mean, just think about it. You can fuck her mouth or ass whenever you have the desire to. And you don’t ever have to worry about her needs when you’re fucking. Because, let’s be honest – dead women don’t have any needs, except maybe a defibrillator and we both know you’re not going to be getting that for her.

A lot of people might think it’s weird to be fantasizing about necrophilia, but I don’t. I’d be more than happy to be that dead girl for you. Maybe on our call you can snuff me out and then have your way with me. You can fuck my body as many times as you want to. I won’t be able to say no. There’s no way I can tell you I am too tired. Doesn’t that sound like a really fun way to spend a night? All you must do is call me so we can get this twisted party started.

Useless Piece Of Shit

He was destined for my abuse and amusement after he was caught red handed. His captors brought this piece of shit to me after he had been drugged and hypnotized. He was pigshit. A useless waste of life and we would have fun with tormenting him before he became excrement of the hogs he’s be fed to. You see this pos lowlife known as Pigshit Powell is truly a worthless waste of space and I am quite happy to accept the fun I will be having with him as a couple of witches set his loser ass up for this. We get to play with him then he becomes exactly what he is, pigshit. He was caught in the act of being a sicko and thief and now he gets to pay. I get to enjoy the punishment and torment then off to the Butcher for him. I really hope to profit off this excrement well, and have a lot of fun torturing him. The idea of making him humiliate and fuck himself with a large cucumber is just great! He used to do such with an innocent daughter and now he will pay. Having him whack his balls until they swell and turn purple is such a sweet thing also as he rips that asshole riding that fucking cucumber. Pigshit Powell is truly a worthless piece of shit.

Sadistic phone sex

Last nut and your last breathe

Suffocation phone sex

I had an invitation to a friend’s wedding. You already know I am not a vanilla type of bitch. I damn sure didn’t want to go to some fancy lame ass wedding. I just agreed to support my friend. I always seem to make my day interesting no matter where I am. I have to nut and I have to kill while busting a nut. It is just that fucking simple! One of the groom’s best man kept staring at me. So I lured his green ass into another room after the reception. I laid my sexy sadistic ass onto the day bed legs spread wide open staring into his eyes. Like magic he was under my spell. I did not have to utter one fucking word. He quickly took his black suit off dick hard ass a rock. He slide his thick snake into my pussy and pounded my walls. I flipped him over to get on top. I rode him like a wild bull. As soon as he started to bust a nut his eyes were closed and I used that opportunity to grab a pillow and cover his face. He tried to buck and get up but I am far to powerful and strong for his scrawny ass. He took his last breath. His last nut. At least he went with a bang!

Dead on the outside but alive on the inside

Sex with dead bodies

I fuck my victims right after I kill them. The image of their lifeless bodies and the warmth on the inside makes me so fucking horny. I am not talking about men. I am talking about these dumb ass useless whores in this world. After you kill a bitch the inside of her cunt is still warm. I have a bitch I just got rid of last night. After putting the whore out of her misery I took my fingers and fucked her and slide my tongue up and down her soft warm clit. I usually have a partner there with me. A male of course. I make him stick his hard dick in the bitch and fuck the shit out of her. I know her pussy is so warm. She lays there like a lifeless doll. I scoop up her blood and smear it on the inside and outside of her cunt. Making it wet so my male accomplice can nut all in her shit. Even after death the whore is still useful. A cream filled bitch that is. She was a whore in real life and still is after death. I know this is the type of shit you want to do with me. We find a bitch. Kill her slowly or quickly whatever floats your boat. Then you fuck the shit out of her dead ass while I watch and play with my pussy. Until we both cum with pleasure. Two sick fucks getting a nut!

Mutilation phone sex

Mutilation phone sexThis is something that is etched into my mind, there forever as something that I think about all the time. It changed me that day, I have never been the same really, not since Mutilation phone sex. I had a master you see, and he loved to use me to make money. He would do phone calls that were set up and force me to do whatever the guys wanted to be done while they were on the phone. One day this guy called and he sounded super evil and sadistic. I was terrified of what it was going to be that made him cum, and it wasn’t long before I found out. The phone was on speaker and I heard him and my master talking, and that’s when I heard “mutilate her breast.” I started to scream already, saying no no no please no. This only got a ball gag shoved into my mouth and I bound even tighter with cuffs against the wall. I am screaming and hysterical as I see the devices he has to use on me. I wail and make sounds I have never made before. They sound animistic and inhuman. My nipple is gone, I am ruined, and am fading out. Blacking out from all the blood loss.