Category: Mutilation phone sex

Abduction Leads to Torture Sex

I was just out for a walk the other night, nothing unusual, I took some hallucinogenics and thought it was too claustrophobic inside and needed air. I was walking through an Large abandoned parking lot minding my own business when it went down. It was a warm night and I was wearing a thin shear dress like something Stevie Nicks would wear and was carrying my sweater close to my chest I was not prepared for what came next. A loud broken down car approached me with a guy missing his front teeth and wearing a bandanna around his forehead was trying to talk me into getting in his car. I told him I was fine and tried walking faster. He threw the front of the car in front of me and opened his door. Yanking my wrist with one arm and slashed me in the head with a bottle in his other I was knocked unconscious. I was shoved into the back of his loud junky car and he sped off as I tried pounding at the windows and screaming. There was a police car with an officer in the parking lot but he didn’t hear the commotion. I was fucked. This guy took me to his shack in some really dilapidated part of town that must have been condemned. Rats ans roaches were everywhere as he shoved me inside. He tied my wrists with a rough rope and put duct tape over my mouth. I had my dress, panties and bra sliced off of me as he shoved me on a filthy stinking mattress. I was being violated and sliced as he took his pleasure from and he continued with me through the next day. I bled, my body stung from the cuts and bruised up cunt, breasts and ass. I was butt naked but he was passed out and I crawled my way out as roaches crawled on me and rats were biting at me. I barely made it out the door when a dog came at me with his teeth bared.

Torture Sex

Snuff Porn Victim

snuff pornI make more snuff porn than I watch. I was minding my own business at the store the other day. It was broad daylight. There were not many people out. I would have been home, but I needed some groceries. I was not aware that I picked up a stalker. I was parked around back. As I was putting my grocery bags in the trunk, some one hit me on the back of the head. I woke up on the ground with some fat fuck on top of me. He was pushing his cock into my pussy. I started to fight him, but he was a lot bigger than me and he had me pinned. I had no idea who he was. I think I was just a victim of opportunity and pent up frustration. He started choking me and I kneed him in the nuts. That was a mistake. He grabbed a broken bottle laying on the ground and shoved it up my cunt. He fucked me raw. I was bleeding. I could feel the blood gushing down my legs as he slashed my cervix. I was screaming in pain, but no one came to help me. Some people saw what was going on from a distance and still did nothing to help me. I was defeated. This fat fuck was doing to me what my callers dream about during their rape phone sex fantasies.  He never spoke to me. He just force fucked me and shredded my cervix until I was sure he left me barren. When he finally got off me, I couldn’t move. I felt some of my insides on the outside. I was battered and bruised. He stood over me laughing. He kicked me, spit on me and as if that was not enough, he pissed on me. As I struggled to get up and get to my car, I kept falling. No one would help me. I was not sure it was because the nation is in a frenzy over this virus or if it was because I am a worthless whore.

Snuff Porn Sex is Still Possible

snuff phone sexThis snuff phone sex bitch has isolating down to an art form. It is easy for me. I don’t have boyfriends. I don’t have family. I don’t have friends and I work from home. I can go days without seeing anyone. I can go months too. I don’t need human contact. I prefer to be alone. The only problem is I like to kill. Now that I can’t hunt at malls or bars, I am left with finding prey online. That is what I did last night. I found some desperate loser in need of pussy and so desperate for it, his better judgement was out the window. He has a thing for Goth girls. And that thing for girls like me got him killed and castrated. I spiked his drink. He wanted to get down and dirty from the get-go. Eww. He was short, dumpy and not attractive. He thought that after a week of self-isolating I was that desperate for cock. I would never be that desperate for cock. Never ever that desperate. The spiked drink kicked in fast. He was going to be a fun kill. One I would take slowly and savor. In these times, I don’t know how easy it will be to find another jackass loser like this one. I castrated him first. I waited until he came too, so he could feel me slicing his balls off. Then I cut his dick off. I didn’t just slice it off either. I skinned his dick first, then I cut tiny bits off until he was a bloody stump. He kept passing out from the pain. I ended up stapling his eye lids open and sticking smelling salt up his nose. I then slice him open like he was a dead cadaver. I was making some sick snuff porn and getting fucking wet. He died while I was playing with his insides. He went too quickly. I didn’t have the intense satisfaction for death that I normally get. I guess I am back on the hunt for another stupid loser tonight.

Asphyxiation Whore

strangulation phone sex

How do you like your bitches to be when you call for asphyxiation fetishes? Do you want a struggle? Does it make your cock throb and drip when you hear me squeal and beg for my life? I won’t be able to beg for long because your hands are more than ready to grip my throat, right? I see you rubbing them together covered in black gloves. The sadistic glint in your eye makes my heart beat against my rib cage like a frightened bird.I can’t believe this is happening to me. You said I have no safe word.
I lay on my back beneath you and plead with bloodshot eyes. Your dick responds and you laugh at my suffering. You release me just enough to let me get some air. Then you dive directly back into strangulation phone sex and then you pierce me with your raging hard cock. Your thumb presses bruises into my neck but it doesn’t matter, no one will see them. The makeup will cover them, if you even allow my body to be recovered. I understand that you might keep me for personal reasons. Can you think of any uses for me after?

Streaming Ass Rape Porn While Self Isolating

ass rape pornAss rape porn videos are make the right women bank under quarantine. They are also making them sore. I have a sadistic girlfriend with an ass fetish and a penchant for making money. We are both coke heads. She is just more dominant than me. She lured me in with the promise of coke. We partied, then she said she wanted to play with my ass. She knows I am an anal slut. I was high and my nasty freak flag flies, so I let her use my ass. I thought she was just getting off and passing some time.  I didn’t realize she was streaming it and the rougher she got was not because she wanted to hurt my ass. It was because guys were tipping her to use the bigger dildos and to go faster on my ass because they wanted to hurt my ass. I was high as fuck but feeling every inch of this one dildo in my ass. It was bigger than any cock I had ever had in my ass. It was hurting my ass more than a gang of cocks too. She had me in this contorted position which I later found out was to keep me from seeing the video screen. She didn’t want me to know she was profiting off my ass and my pain. At one point, I begged her to stop. I mean my ass was bleeding. I can take a hardcore ass fucking and star in an anal gangbang rape porn and not bleed. She destroyed my ass for her profit. I thought we were friends and she ruined my ass for money. I can’t sit and I can’t shit right, but she is sitting on coke money. I must keep whoring out my old body hoping that some dude will exchange sex for coke.

Stone Cold Slut

sex with dead bodies

If sex with dead bodies is something that gets your cock hard, then I’d say now is your time to shine! Imagine the body count in the next coming months. All I can say is that I don’t so much fear death if the end result includes being fucked by you. I want to be chased and tortured until my icy cold body lay there waiting for you to fully enjoy. Just a stone cum receptacle for the taking. I only hope that you preserve my dead corpse and enjoy it for awhile. Knowing full well that it’s exactly the demise I’ve been fantasizing about all my life. To lay there motionless in your sadistic embrace. Imagine being able to dress me in anything you like. Like your own personal ‘real girl’ doll, but instead I’m your dead girl.
I do wonder how many times you’ve thought about squeezing the breath put of some beautiful woman you see regularly at the market or the post office. Or are your fantasies a bit more violent and bloody? I’d really like to hear about those gory details. It sends icy cold shivers down my spine, while it warms up my tight little cunt.

Mutilated Slut

mutilation phone sex

I’ve decided to take my dark and twisted fantasies to the ultimate level. I’m going far beyond mutilation phone sex. It’s time to let my sadistic lover have his fun taking me out. He’s been cutting pieces of my flesh off day by day. He promised to flay me and cook me up one slice at a time while I’m still alive. I just know he’ll feed me to myself as he slices away my life. Why does it make my pussy so wet thinking about him mutilating me before he ends it all. I’ve been cumming like crazy thinking about him removing parts of me while he leads me to death.
I know it really excites him too. He gets so breathless when he jacks off over my bound body. He slams his hard cock into my cunt while he digs the knife in and takes pieces of me while fucking me senseless. I can not wait to give him my life. I just know that he’ll fuck my corpse too, after he finishes me off. He tells me He’s going to use me once I’m gone. The thought of being fucked after death makes me so damn wet.

Snuff Sex is the Best Sex

snuff sexSnuff sex is the only kind I have. I am sort of a black widow and female praying mantis combined. I kill most men I fuck. I kill most brats I meet too. Sometimes, like the other day, I kill daddy and brat in the same night. I met this handsome stud online. I like to fuck. I just don’t do romance or relationships. I don’t spoon or cuddle and I don’t want to get to know anyone. Brandon knew my terms. I thought he understood. He told me he was single with no brats. I hate brats. I have no use for a live one, at least not for long. I arrived at his place which I thought was a bachelor pad. I was down to fuck, but he wanted to make love. He had the audacity to tell me he thought I would make a good stepmother. What the literal fuck?? I hopped off his dick, grabbed a knife and sliced his balls off. He never saw it coming. He started crying like a bitch. That was when his demon spawn ran in the room. She was pretty young. You would have liked her. While her pathetic loser of a daddy watched, I killed her. It was the stuff snuff porn dreams are made of. I sexually mutilated her tiny sex organs as she screamed for daddy. Then I gutted her like a pig while daddy watched in horror. Her blood was sweet and sticky. I licked it off my fingers. I looked him in the eyes before I gutted him too. I told him this was all on him. It was his fault his baby girl was dead, and it would be his fault he was dead too. I gutted him and masturbated in his entrails. I will kill you too if you mistake me for a girlfriend.

Entrapment A Snuff Porn

It was a really dreamy thing that become just another snuff porn. I was invited to a beautiful dinner by a surgeon. He was older and very handsome with strong hands. I loved having him as my Master when we played in the dungeon. He was really appealing to my submissive needs as a victim. He was such a perfectionist and fixated on aesthetics. His suggestion of me moving in as his Mistress was even more appealing and exciting. He set me up in a beautiful flat in London. I had never been overseas and had gone into it so wide eyed and dovish. Little did my naive little mind grasp that there was more than I was understanding. The scene in London is very dark and underground. My surgeon Master had a following and a specialty. He was the Butcher. I was just another dumb blonde American for his divine followers to enjoy. I was just fuckmeat that got tenderized and glazed before the destruction of all my holes. I was wooed into the darkest of situations and to be butchered and put back together like some kind of Frankenhooker was his ultimate pleasure. There was no future for me as I was just a sadistic phone sex victim.

Snuff porn

Cannibalism phone sex

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex can be very fucking erotic. Normal people don’t think about how sensual flesh-eating can be. But then again if anyone got in your brain, they would know you are far from normal. I once sliced off part of my thigh just to taste what human flesh would be like. Something happened to me. I felt this urge like I was turning inside out and wanting to orgasm just from chewing my very own skin. SO I gave my boyfriend some of my thigh meat and his cock seems to grow, I felt like this was the best-kept secret. A drug more intoxicating than heroin. And have had some good black, mind you. I then sliced off part of his chest, just a tiny slice. And we shared that as I got on his wildly unexplainable hard cock and we came in a power bonding so intense, I blacked out. I bet you and I could have some snuff phone sex that fucking good, just me and you in a world only we understand…