Category: Mutilation phone sex

Looking for a Partner for My Young Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesI hope you have rape phone sex fantasies. I want to destroy some little holes. This lock down shit has me going darker than I ever go and I go dark. I was going stir crazy in the house over the weekend. I hopped in my car and went for a ride. The city was like some post apoplectic ghost town. No one was on the streets. I kept driving. I was hunting. Hunting sweet young flesh.  I just kept driving. By this time, I was a few counties away. I had driven into the sticks. I was in redneck country. A bunch of inbred dirty brats running around all over the place. No one social distancing. No one paying attention to their spawn they had with their first cousin. Too busy cooking meth in their sheds lol. I snatched a little brat up and we drove off into the sunset. A cute little blonde. She was dirty from playing on the dusty dirt road. I drove her to my kill shack. It is in the hills where inbred Wrong Turn mother fuckers make moonshine and hide from the law. Any crime I commit is blamed on them. My little shack is hidden well and off the beaten path. It looks abandoned to keep suspicion off me. It is not registered. No deed but been in my family for decades. Use to be the love shack where the men in the family took their paid whores and killed them. Now, I take little brats there and mutilate their little parts. This little cunt didn’t stand a chance against a snuff sex queen like me. I stabbed her cunt with a knife. I fisted her gaping bloody hole until my hand came out her belly.  I chopped her up and tossed her to the coyotes. Then I got back in my car and looked for another one. Just wished you were with me. 

Torture Sex of My Boobs

torture sexI deserved torture sex. After all, I was put on this earth to please men. Master told me I needed to be a cock pleaser, not a cock teaser. Too many women just tease. I teased his friends. He had a poker game on quarantine. They just sat farther away from each other than usual. I had to wear a face mask. Nothing else. I wore high heels too. Of course, I would be a cock teaser. My big 38 DD’s were in their faces. My ass was too. Only Master’s cock was on my mind, however. His poker bodies smacked my ass, fingered my cunt, grabbed my tits, but I never touched them though. I thought that would get me punished or worse. Turns out not touching his poker pals got me beaten and tortured. Master wanted me to be a whore, but he never told me that. Since I cock teased his friends, he dragged me to the basement. He tied me up and tortured my boobs. Thick rope bound them; made them stick out like torpedoes. That is when he started punching them. I think he busted one of my saline bags. I yelled in pain like a wounded animal. I could see my boob all lopsided. They were turning purple. Master was hard as a rock as he bit my nipples and punched my fun bags. I passed a pain threshold I did not know I had. My boobs were hanging down and mishappen. I was in pain. All because I did not get master’s friends off. I think I was damned if I do, dammed if I don’t. Master just wanted to abuse me for shits and giggles. Torture phone sex is a sadistic man’s favorite way to pass time under quarantine. I will be lucky if I survive this.

Snuff Sex on My Mind

snuff sexSnuff sex is always on my mind. Right now, however, it is on my mind even more. Stupid people are multiplying and spreading faster than this damn virus. I was at the store trying to get some damn toilet paper like everyone else. This stupid cunt had her cart full of what appeared to be all the toilet paper in the store. Others were asking for one package and she was giving flippant responses. She was a Paris Hilton looking skinny spoiled bitch. She screamed rich bitch entitled whore. No one would miss her. I watched her put her loot into her new Escalade. I followed her home. I needed to know where she lived. She lived in a mansion. She represents what is wrong with this world. Nothing I hate more than self-entitled cunts who think the world owes them and that they are better than the rest of us. She was likely rich from the labor of others. The sugar baby, gfe vacuous type who gets men to pay her way in life. I had to reel in my hatred for her. It was broad daylight and I did not want to kill her in her home. I decided to hunt her at night. A hot bitch like that would be going out. I waited. I stalked her. I prevented her from draining the pockets of a man like you. I ran her off the road, hit her on the head and took her to my cabin the woods. She had some choice words for me, but I dished it right back. I let her know it was too late to redeem herself. I told her she was dying because she is a self-entitled cunt. Then I stabbed her in the stomach and cut up to her sternum. It is painful, but a slow death. I played with her internal organs and stuck my hand through her cunt from the inside. She screamed in pain, which aroused me. I know, I am a sick bitch. She finally died. Quicker than I had hoped. There are more pretty cunts like her, so next time I will do better. Maybe you will join me?

My Knife, Your Balls

Castration phone sex is what you fucking deserve. I see the way you look at those little girls and perverts like you need your nuts cut off, and sadistic like me love to taunt you with that sweet fuck meat and turn the game on you. I like to make you think you will get to do what all those fantasies you have with that young sweet thing. But you see, I’m really hating on perverts today and I think I’d rather turn the little slut into a hopeful sadistic. I want her to become as sick and twisted as me and making her watch what I do to you with my big knife will be something that will traumatize or inspire her. If she is of the right kind of cloth she will be inspired. If she is a worthless little whiny brat… well then there is only one way to go. I don’t need some brat ratting me out, instead I just call up my guys and let them party with her writhing little corpse. Well she will be alive for most of the torture. To have her little slit ripped up and that puckered ass destroyed. She’ll bleed out, I don’t want them to be easy on her, she does’t deserve that, and you don’t deserve to keep your balls… unless, of course you pay me off. Gratuities accepted and your balls will stay intact.

Castration Phone Sex

Snuff Porn at Church

snuff pornI was in the mood to make snuff porn. Perhaps it is all the horror films I have been watching on Shudder or maybe its just my nature. All I knew was that I had to get out of the house and kill something. Kill something young and tender. I got in my car and drove around. My town was a ghost town. No one out. Hunting is challenging because nothing is open. My usual hunting grounds are empty like malls and public parks. I can’t leave the state without my license plate being recorded. I could, however, leave the county. I drove three hours to this city with a crazy pastor saying God will protect him and his congregation Stupid fucks like that are breeders. I knew there would be brats there. I am a blasphemy sex bitch anyway. I have no problem killing on so called holy ground. The world needs one less Bible thumper in the world anyway, don’t you agree? I mean the God fanatics are out in droves and their little crotch fruit will grow up to be just like them. I grabbed a little angel who was in the hallway by herself. She wondered off, I guess. I suffocated her just enough so she would pass out. I put her in my trunk and took her to the woods behind the church. I made it look like a satanic sacrifice. Hail Satan. I mean these are some end of times. I put her in the middle of a pentagon and cut her open. Sliced her tender flesh. Fucked her tiny holes and dismembered her. It was a bloody hell of a scene, but I worked out some aggression and maybe taught those bible thumpers a lesson about having church in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.

Snuffing Out The Junkies is Hot

Accomplice Phone SexDuring these times people have become desperate for money and that makes it a lot easier for me and daddy to have a little fun. We find druggies on the street and offer them a little cash or drugs to come back and make a little video. They never even ask what kind of video, they are desperate. We grabbed a couple of them the other night and after we got them all fucked up, we started. They were dirty and unkept which made it all the hotter. We tied them up and daddy had his way. He didn’t go easy on this group either. He beat them with belts and straps until their skin was broke and blood ran down their bodies. And of course, he let me cut off their tits because that is my thing. For added excitement he used a cattle prod to ram up their dirty nappy pussies, making them scream and shake. It was glorious. My pussy was wet just watching. After torturing them some more he took out his knife and slit their throats as they twitched and gagged on their own blood. Daddy is a sick man so he made sure to get that video camera right up to their faces so he could capture their very last breaths. It was so fucking hot I can’t wait to do it again.

Violent Phone Sex Jezabel

I’m Jezebel, an “Angel of Death” and depravity. A true snuff porn fanatic and sometimes accomplice to the men in power who make theses dark web streams.
Preying on our next sweet morsel is what gets me going, thinking of cutting up our little brats for some “Little Brat Soup”. BLOOD and torture are the only things that puts a smile on my face. I want a sweet thang in pain and begging for mercy. My cunt wants to smoother little faces as you rip them apart! The younger the better. I want your cock fucking them until they are cold and lifeless under you. And still You need to keep going. I am dark and deviant and Taboo phone sex is where you can let out all your demons and be who you really are. I know what gets your cock hard, watching me tear a little orphan girl to pieces and letting you and your buddies fuck her to death! Babysitter to crack whores in our town where girls, and boys go missing all the time, most likely they end up in my meat grinder or oven to be fed to the homeless.
This deviant slut is no means a vanilla bitch! I have two very distinct sides to my dark soul, one is tearing young flesh apart, and making sure no hole goes without being gaped and bloody.
My Violent side is pure killer and torture for men who deserve it! I don’t know if you can handle this part of me. I want to break you, slice off your cock, piece by piece and dismember you like we do those girls. Ass rape porn with you as the star!
Now You have found a willing and more than able slut to satisfy all those deep and dark, hidden desires you have tried so hard to ignore.

Your oh so willing accomplice and Murder whore!


Sex With Dead Faith

sex with dead bodies

I’m going to meet Steven soon. His wife is working out of town and it’s time for him to take what I have promised him. I’ve offered him my mouth, my ass, my pussy and now I have promised this sexual sadist my fucking life. It’s going to be the most erotic moment of my existence, and the final one. Steven needs whores like me to fulfill his endless need to have sex with dead bodies. It’s a fantasy that he had as early as he can remember and an act that he’s been taking part in for many years.
He started getting what he needed through his job but things now don’t allow him the opportunity to ram his hard dick deep into a cold dead fuck hole. He’s going to take me, strangle me and snuff me out to make me of better use to him. Can you fucking imagine how intoxicating it’s going to feel for him to have complete and utter control over my body and to send me to dirt with copious amounts of sperm inside of my corpse? I haven’t been able to stop fucking my ass and pussy waiting for the day to arrive.

Torture phone sex whore

torture phone sex

I have a very special friend that pays me and my brother, from time to time to help him with certain things. He has a very dark fantasy and often needs young whores to torture and snuff out for his pleasure. He knows how good I am at luring little sluts away. My brother is good at snatching them up. I was worried that he would have to resort to torture phone sex if we couldn’t find him a whore to play with. I knew that my city being on lock down was perfect because I could still find whores for him and no one would be around to catch us or to stop them from getting forced into my car. I went downtown to a truckstop that is notorious for being a hooker hangout. I saw a young slut in the parking lot, getting out of a truck. I went over to her and asked if she wanted to suck my brother’s cock for some dope. She looked like a little junkie bitch. She followed me back to my car where my brother was waiting to grab her and force her into the backseat with him. Once we had her in the car, she wouldn’t stop kicking and screaming so I had my brother punch her in the face and knock her out. While she was out, he couldn’t help himself. He pulled her skirt down and force fucked her nasty whore pussy right there in my backseat. I brought her to our friend who was so excited to have this cum filled lot lizard to torture and mutilate. We helped him put her on the table and restrain her. By the time she wakes up, she’ll be tied up and being tortured and I’ll be laughing while counting my fat stack of cash!




Kidnapping Phone Sex Fun in Quarantine

Kidnapping phone sex

Society will always dangle their worthless for me to remove from this planet. Right now Earth is in a reset and the worthless cunts of the world unite in their lame narcissistic ways. It’s so easy to pluck some tasty treat up with kidnapping phone sex urges for those high paying clients. My guys pay me well and they get quite bored abiding by the rules of quarantine. I am a bit of the avoidance type already and go about my life mostly in the Nighttime when the majority of society sleeps. I creep and do the most outlandish things in the forests and graveyards. My boyfriend works graveyard shift as an mortician and our Midnight lunches are always fueled by the unthinkable fun with corpses. Well I got a text from a client he was dying to have a sweet piece of fuck meat to play with in his dungeon. I am always on the lookout for that little rebellious cunt strolling the streets when she shouldn’t be. Sometimes I even get a young teen couple sneaking out from their parents homes to meet up. They  usually end up at the playground of the school across the road from me. I am always keeping watch for the strays. Strays are the best to lure with something cute, something alcoholic or something smokable. I found him a cute little couple last night and told them I had the perfect meeting place for them to fuck at. I delivered them right into their death sentence. I collected the cash and he invited me to stay and have some fun too. I really loved to fist their holes with my studded gloves as he beat and fucked them raw. We didn’t kill these two, not yet. He is enjoying the stress relief of having the two around. To beat and fuck while the other watches. He loves their horror and their holes.

Sadistic phone sex