Category: Mutilation phone sex

Destruction In The Hospital

Medical Fetish Phone sex


I let myself in the morgue with the keycard I had swiped from you. On text in front of a dead body and you knew your medical phone sex fantasies just got real. I unzipped your daughter’s body bag after I pulled her out of the freezer. Did you do this to her? Were you the reason she lay cold and stiff on this slab? Her pussy was mangled, and I knew that someone had forced a cock way to big inside her. But on second thought this happened after she was dead.  I laughed and it echoed off the morgue walls, You couldn’t fuck her in life but you sure got that pussy the second she arrived down here for you. I begin looking for other young ones and discovered sloppy stitch jobs on cunts and asses. Even an old lady and other women had been penetrated after death. You are one sick bastard! I love it. I grabbed a scalpel off the table and sliced your daughters little clitty off. I added a piece of her heart after I found the chest spreader. I was making you a voodoo box of her so you could always have a piece of her near you after a long day’s work of sex with dead bodies!

Necrophilia at its finest you sick fuck! But my cunt is wet and ready for you all over again.

My Snuff Porn Got Real, Too Real

snuff pornI auditioned for a snuff porn a couple days ago. I needed the money. I knew it was staged, but I could likely get hurt or ruffed up still. When you do these kinds of films, you must sign a waiver letting the studio out of liability. Some directors want their films looking so authentic, that a starlet like me may end up black and blue. I was lucky I emerged breathing this time. I did not sign a waiver. That should have been my first red flag. The movie was not being made in a studio but an old abandoned house. That was red flag number two that went over my head. Honestly, I was so desperate for money that I ignored that little voice in my head. I was told this was a scary snuff sex movie. The premise was that me and another girl were spending the night in a haunted house to win some money and we were being stalked by a serial killer. We think its just fake scares orchestrated by the promoter of the contest, but it is a real serial killer. This movie was just the same. This sexy blonde bimbo had an equally sexy blonde bimbo co-star and we thought we were just fucking each other in a creepy house, then suddenly some crazed man jumped out. We thought it was part of the movie, which is was, but this man was trying to kill us for real. We ran naked through the house trying to escape. He caught my co-star and chopped her limbs off with an axe. In that moment, I was never so scared. I realized this was not some staged snuff film. I was fighting for my life. As he came at me with the axe, I ducked and tripped him. Then ran naked out of that hell hole. I ran right to road and got rescued by a stranger in a Ford pickup. I am lucky I got out alive. My co-star did not fare so well. Anyone can make snuff movies these days and not all are staged.

Castration Phone Sex: Don’t Fuck with the Wrong Bitch

castration phone sexCastration phone sex desires are stronger in me the longer I am being told to shelter in place. I am a gypsy. I am used to being out hunting for a fix. A fix for me is killing someone. I have always practiced social distancing expect maybe when I am plunging a knife into someone or I am taking off a pair of worthless nuts. Last night, I wore my skeleton face mask to castrate a complete loser. He is an Internet stalker. Been harassing me for months. I had computer issues awhile back. When you look at as much snuff porn as I do, you pick up viruses. This Geek Squad loser had access to my computer to fix it and he ended up stalking me. Lucky me, he likes Goth girls who hate everyone. I tried everything to get him out of my computer, but he was holding me virtually hostage. I agreed to meet with him. He fucked with the wrong bitch. He needed neutered. The virus worked in my favor because we cannot meet in bars and restaurants. He was going to cook us a romantic meal. Barf. I played the part, but I spiked his beer. Until he was incapacitated, it was hard to hide my bitch face and act like I was into this loser. Once he was out, I stripped him naked and tied him up, so he could not escape. Too bad he was a creepy as fuck stalker and an internet hostage taker, he had a decent sized cock. But no way I was fucking a man who thought he could force me into dating him. That is a Life Time Movie in the making and I am NOT the Lifetime Movie type. When he woke up, he was shocked to see me in control. I let him know this was his fault. His actions alone led to his castration. I cut his balls right off with one swipe of the rusty serrated blade. He screamed like a bitch. I picked his balls up off the floor and shoved them in his mouth. I was laughing loudly. I left him to bleed all over the floor. If he survives, he will have learned to fuck with me and he will never orgasm again.

Can You Survive Castration Phone Sex?

castration phone sex

You’re a Masochist coming to this castration phone sex Seducer. Your dick is in my hands and I have the sharpest big Butcher knife at the tip of your penis. I smile and tell you that I want the thinnest cuts of Carpaccio! A thin raw Italian meat. Your dick is big enough to make me a delightful breakfast! Slice by slice the pain sears through you. You rattle your shackles and scream. No one can hear you bitch! Your cock is going to be tortured and sliced paper-thin for hours. The blood doesn’t bother me as I tie a big thick rubber band around the base and clip your balls off with garden shears. This isn’t just castration, its penis mutilation, and cock cutting! Near the base, you keep passing out. And you awake to the soldering iron as I finish you up. I left you alive with a pee tube. You are a mutant and will never get hard again. But you will be a nice hole for these huge cocks I have coming in so they can prolapse your ass! My work is never done as I drizzle olive oil on your slices of cock and gulp them down!

I Get Off Being Daddy’s Accomplice

Accomplice Phone Sex SierraAnother of Daddy’s customers has been refusing to pay and daddy has sat back and watched as he is living the good life. Partying it up with lots of strippers and lots of drugs. Daddy will ask a few times and then send a goon to try to convince him, but nothing seems to sway this dude to pay up. So, when daddy is at the end he always sends in his tried and true, me. Very few men can resist me, and daddy was really pissed. The guy has a young son who frequents an after hours off the book’s kind of party, so I got all dressed up in my slutty best and went. I spotted the guy, all coked up and drunk as hell. I started making my move and soon I was driving him back to our place. We went in and started fooling around. I let him suck on my big tits and lick my juicy wet pussy. Then I got on my knees and started blowing the guy. I actually gave him quite an impressive blow job. I licked his balls, putting his sack into my mouth and playing with them with my tongue. Then I licked his hard cock, gently from the base to the head. When I tasted that pre-cum, I took him in deeper and he grabbed my head and started throat fucking me. Just as he was starting to cum daddy came from behind grabbed him and cut that dick off. He was in midstream and his cum landed all over my face. He screamed and blood flowed. Daddy handed him a cloth and some ice and his dick and told him to tell his daddy to pay up or next he would be sending his wives pussy back to him. He left and me and daddy were so turned on that he grabbed me and threw me down on the puddle of blood and fucked me so hard. It was one of the best orgasms I have had in a while. I kind of hope he does not pay. I would enjoy cutting off her pussy.

My Own Ass Rape Porn Show

ass rape pornI made an ass rape porn last night. Only, there was no other person involved for once. Normally, some man is using my ass like a chew toy. I needed money. Business has been slow. My husband owns his own business, which is non-essential, so little money is coming into the house right now. I know lots of men are stuck at home with time on their hands. I decided to get on a cam show. I have learned a few things over the years about modern technology. I have lots huge sex toys because I am a kinky bitch. I am no stranger to big cocks or lots of cock up my ass. I am just not usually getting paid to be violated nor am I the one violating myself. I took matters into my own hands. I got viewers to pay to watch me in my own home violate my tight ass. There are plenty of men who enjoy anal torture sex shows. Watching me live assured them I was for real too. I laid out all the sexy toys I had, and several things not deemed for the ass like a baseball bat, a rolling pin and a wine bottle. For the first ten minutes of the show, I just masturbated and talked about my dark desires. After that, the game was on. Men paid to watch me insert things in my ass. I had this one 13-inch long, 9-inch wide black butt plug I scored at a dirty bookstore before shit shut down. There was a bidding war on that toy in my ass. I went with the highest bidder and his bid was more than all the other bids for all the other toys combined. Men wanted to see if I could take something that big and thick up my ass. I did, but not without a lot of pain and a huge mess. That was the thickest thing I ever had up my ass, but I loved every moment of it.

Bloody Phone Sex Victim

bloody phone sex

You may not believe this, but I’ve recently discovered the thrill in using fake blood on my snuff calls, because it really gets me in the mood. Especially for those bloody phone sex calls. I just bought two new gallons of costume blood because I love drenching my body in it while we play out a crime scene together. I love the feeling of that oozing gooey blood red liquid all over my tits while I’m begging for you to spare my life. I especially love it when my roommates come home to find me in a pool of fake blood. With all that said, I’m really looking forward to some bloody massacre type calls, where you show me know mercy and use every torture device you can think of on my sweet innocent young body. The more violent you become, the more of my blood I’ll use, as we get off together. Don’t hold back and don’t be afraid to get rough. I prefer it that way and the bloodier the better.

Babysitter Phone Sex From Hell

babysitter phone sex

You were hired by my parents to babysit me which I assumed was going to be an evening of board games and movies, but you had other plans in mind, didn’t you? For starters you relocated me to an unknown location, where my parents are to never see or find me again. At this location there is a basement that you keep me in. It’s your own little playground of torture and fun and my living nightmare. You visit me there every night and sometimes throughout the day as well. I tremble every time I her your footsteps because I know that nothing but horror and pain awaits me. Over there in the corner is a table where you like to display all of your favorite torture devices, even though you have a lot more upstairs. It’s like this ritual act every time you decide to introduce a new one to me, because you enjoy the look of fear on my face throughout the process. Well I can’t take this fear and panic any more! I want you to end my life and end this terror once and for all!

Teen Rape Porn: I Get Master Whatever He Wants

teen rape pornDo you like teen rape porn? Well if you said yes, that is something we have in common. I do not think of myself as a lesbian, but I do enjoy helping master or you snuff a young muff. Sweet young pink teen pussy tastes and feels good. Young pussy can cock tease men too, and master hates a cock tease. Master had his eye on this super young girl I am babysitting. Well, I am babysitting her for him. He got me a fake idea and created a fake profile on some sitter site. With little ones off school, there is a big need for sitters and not enough time to vet the folks coming into your house. Last night I crawled into bed with my charge. I molested her in her sleep until she woke up and master joined us. I was rubbing her sweet swollen slit. Her clitty swelled at my touch. It was like a tiny dick it was so hard. I slid down between her legs so I could lick her cunt. It needed to be wet enough to take master’s cock. I drugged her before bed, so although she was half awake, doubtful she would remember any of the illegal fun we were having with her. I was gentle on her holes, master not so much. He left the sheets a bloody mess. I had to change them and clean up the bloody crime scene. There was no way this little girl was waking up with no evidence of foul play. I just had to tidy up as best as I could, so it was not obvious when the cunt’s parents came home that we mutilated their daughter’s sex organs. I gave her a shot of tramadol. She would sleep through the night despite the destruction to her girl parts. By the time her parents realize what happened to their girl, I would be long gone and untraceable thanks to master. He is the best accomplice phone sex partner. He has my back, which is why I always get him what he wants.

Microwaved Meat doesn’t tastes as Good! Cannibalism phone sex

Cannibalism phone sexSometimes men tend to forget that I am a cannibalism phone sex specialist. Not only will I murder your whole family and castrate you, but I will also cook, eat, and sell the flesh. Its an erotic undertone that makes my snuff whore pussy so fucking wet, it’s like an ocean. Earl met me in a sleazy ass hotel and needed some deviant sex. He wanted me to put the meat hook in his flesh and ride him while he was hanging. It took a lot of work to set his apparatus up. I did enjoy watching him swing and the blood trickle to the plastic under him. I climbed on him and my clit piercing got caught between us and caused some very good pain as it ripped. That must have invoked my evil Angel of death, more though I was pissed that my anatomy had been disfigured. I jumped down and grabbed an extra meat hook and sliced his dick until it hung in shredded pieces. No one cared about his screams and there was only a microwave her to cook his dick. Rather than ruining this fillet of the penis, I ate it whole while he watched, and the blood slowly poured out of him until his body hung dead and lifeless. I had to call a couple of my Henchmen to load his body and bring back to my dungeon so I could roast his body properly. I would do the same for you if you dared Cross This evil angel of Death!