Category: Mutilation phone sex

Ball Busting Evil Phone Sex

You see me at the bar looking hot as fuck and you have to buy me a drink. This is only the beginning of your biggest nightmare of evil phone sex fun. I flirt with you, even though you are the most annoying little twerp that surely has a little dick. I let you buy my time with more drinks and your offer to do some bumps. I won’t turn down free drugs and booze. I especially won’t when they are coming from my next victim. I let you think I’m interested. I even let you take me home. You really think your about to get lucky as I kiss you and let you grope at me. You see, I love it best when my victim is excited. I find it way more satisfying to dig my nails into some nice full balls. I just kiss you harder and bite your tongue as you try proclaiming or pull away from me. My knife blade caresses your ballsack flesh and slides up the shaft. Filet my balls is what I call your feeding me drinks and cocaine. It’s a mating ritual made for ass rape porn. As you struggle with your bleeding dick and balls, I am preparing the finale. The video rolls as I’m exposing your ass and on the screen I force you to look at I am behind you about to make you my bitch.

Evil phone sex

Snuff Sex Makes America Great Again

snuff sexSnuff sex is the only kind of sex I have nowadays. I find even less use for men, people in general with this fucking plague. People are idiots. Men bitching about a haircut, talking about all lives matter, bitching about wearing a mask and complaining about food name changes and statutes being removed and no more rebel flag at Nascar events. I mean why the fuck do they care? Half these idiots are fat old white guys who do not live in the deep south and could not even tell you who the fucking statute is and what that person contributed to history. To me, no white male lives matter at all. All I must do is go on social media and find a jackass with a death wish. I found Bubba. No shit his name was Bubba. He lives a few counties over in a trail park. Poster boy for birth control. Missing some teeth. Big old beer gut yet he had some stupid memes fat shaming chicks on his wall. There was a picture with him in a Confederate flag shirt next to his Ford truck with big old truck balls. He was wearing his Making America Great Again red ball cap and drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer I heard banjo music just looking at him. No way Bubba represents anything great about this country. I decided he needed something more than castration phone sex. I cat fished him. Had him meet me in a no tell motel for a kinky tryst. Like he could get a girl like me, let alone the girl in the picture I cat fished him with. Bubba was so dumb he just thought he was getting two chicks. I drugged him and he hit the floor with a big thud. Bubba lost his balls and his dick. I went Lorena Bobbitt on Bubba because all lives do not matter. And there does not need to be more Bubbas in the world. He screamed bloody murder. I shoved his dick and his balls in his mouth. And I put his Make America Great Again hat over his mutilated sex organs. Normally, I never call 911, but I wanted Bubba to live. I wanted him to know there is a cost to his free speech and sexism. Fat fuck will hopefully learn a lesson. Just for shits and giggles, I carved Black Lives Matter and Trans Rights on his chest. I know that will just annoy the shit out of him.

Torture Sex Doll Mutilated

torture sexWhen you have the reputation for being a torture sex doll, men do not feel the need to hold back their thoughts. I was looking fine last night. I went clubbing with girlfriends. It was weird to be in this bar at half capacity. I am used to wall to wall people. One the one hand it was easier to get a drink and I could hear people talking. On the other hand, there were not as many men to choose from. This one handsome older gentleman spotted me and wanted to talk. He bought me drinks, but he must have drugged them, because I ended up naked and spread eagle on some dingy bed. I had no clue where I was. He was standing over me with a big knife and an evil grin. He spouted off about me snubbing him a few months ago when I had my pick of the liter. He informed me he knew I was a snuff porn whore because he had seen my pictures online. He did not think a whore like me had any business snubbing him. Now, I was paying for a crime I had no clue I committed. I did not remember him. He carved his initials in my belly with the knife and whore on my arm. As I bled, he got hard. I used to be a cutter, so I can handle some pain, but what he did with the knife next was beyond any kind of pain I could handle. He fucked my cunt with a knife while hurling insults my way. I could feel my insides coming out in a way they are never meant to come out. I thought he was done, but he wanted to fuck my bloody ruined cunt. He shot his load in me and laughed that he did not need a condom because he made sure I could never get pregnant. He permanently disfigured my pussy.

Bondage Phone Sex and Torture

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex gets me wet. I love being tied up. I am not sure how I got into it. I think it started with handcuffs in the bedroom. Pretty vanilla compared to what bondage means to me now. I hooked up with John the other night. He promised me some coke if I would let him tie me up and take some photos. I always need coke because my husband no longer gives me access to the family money. He knows I have no control. I will do an entire mound of coke. I will spend my last dime too. My family’s last dime. I am a coke fiend. Many men know this, and they make me deals. I know I am exchanging my soul sometimes, but I can endure almost anything to get a fix. John got me high first. Smart move because I will agree to anything when I am high. I have a much higher threshold for pain too. John tied me to a table. It looked like a conveyor belt of some sort. I assumed he made some sort of make-shift bondage table. It was something more akin to a medieval torture sex device. It was a rack. He tied me up at first and took some pictures. His cock was out, and he was stroking it. He was hard as a rock watching me tied up. I got nervous when he hit a switch of some sort. I felt my body pulling. OMG. I thought he might tear me in two. He came on my face as I screamed in pain. My arm pulled out of its socket. The pain was intense even on coke. John did not mean to go that far, but when he heard the noise my arm made as it popped out of the socket, he came. It was not what I was thinking would happen. John liked it so much, he asked me how much to make a snuff porn next. I got to think on that one. At this rate, he will kill me.

Ass Rape Porn Star Anally Abused

ass rape pornI am an ass rape porn star. Ever since I was a little girl, men have enjoyed violating my ass. It all began with Daddy. He was the first person to force fuck my ass.  Sometimes he shared my ass around with his friends and drinking buddies. I have become accustomed to anal abuse. The men who fuck my ass now are a different breed than daddy and his friends. My father and his cronies were just horny P men who liked the notion of fucking jailbait holes. My anal sex guys now, want to abuse my asshole until I cry in pain and cannot shit right for a week. Even though this one guy has force fucked my ass 100s of times now, it still hurts. He refuses to use lube and gentle is not in his vocabulary. Henry is obsessed with my ass. He wants to gape it and prolapse it too. Every time we are together, he tries to outdo himself from the last time he fucked my ass. Last night, he out did all the previous times combined. He used a baseball bat on my pretty puckered rosebud. I yelped like a wounded animal. For my ass to hurt, you know it is bad. I have a high threshold for pain thanks to all the abuse at the hands of my father when I was a young girl and the many anal torture sex videos I have made. A baseball bat is a lot of wood for any ass. I was a bloody mess by the time he decided he was done. I could barely walk. I shit myself. Pissed myself too. I begged for him to help me. Give me a shot of whiskey or get me a bag of frozen veggies or something. He just laughed at me more.

Mutilation Phone Sex At Its Finest

Mutilation phone sex

Its all my daddy’s’ fault that I am so good at mutilation phone sex. He set me up young. First by force fucking my and my little sisters cunny and making us into his little sex whores while mommy had run off. I still think he murdered her after finding out about the black man down the street, but that is a tale for another time. Daddy was a very sick man. He kept his glass dick filled and made us work the farm in just our undies and degraded us every chance he got. But I was his clean up girl as I was the oldest. See daddy has a habit of taking young girls and women off the street and bringing them back to the old house and doing horrid things to them. Down in the basement is a meat hook and all kinds of bondage and torture equipment. Once he had fucked these little living dolls he needed something to really get his cock off. The Meth made him hard for days. And slicing tits and nipples off was just the start. I would see his precum begin to drip as he sliced faces and pussies next. After he had held them down and smothered them with my pussy he would take a big metal pole and shove it as far as he could up these once beautiful cunts. And after that would be how he got off finally mounting a dead body growing cold under him…

snuff phone sex

Faith’s Cannibalism Phone Sex

cannibalism phone sex

When he told me that I looked good enough to eat, there was no way that I could have been prepared for what he really meant. He told me that he was a Dominant man with a very particular fantasy in mind. I’m a no limits kind of a fuck slut, what could he want that I’m not ready for, right? His voice lowered to a near growl, and his heated breath beat the words into my ear. ” I told you, you look good enough to eat.” My legs went limp, and I fell into his embrace while I scrambled to gain a hold with something around me.
My pussy would always quiver when I had cannibalism phone sex. This was taking place, though. My heart thundered in my chest while the knife shredded my dress like it was made of paper. The cannibal marched me into his kill room and pressed the blade into my fragile neck before dragging it across in one swift motion, bleeding me like a pig. As each drop hit the drain, he told me how he’s feast on me for days, and then the lights faded, and I just melted into death’s arms.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex Fantasy

medical fetish phone sexDo you have a medical fetish phone sex fantasy? I cannot believe I am saying this, but I want to be your victim for it. Some of you can go wicked dark on me too. I love a good fantasy, but I am a pain slut too. I like some torture. Pain is how I cum best, but too much pain and I cannot have an orgasm. That may surprise some of you, but that is how it is for a slave. Too much of a bad thing lol. I hooked up with this guy named Harold last week. I have not fucked since. That is some sort of record for me. Let me tell you the story. Harold, I know from the BDSM circuit. He is a master and a photographer. He has done many of my fetish shoots over the years. He was in town scouting some new talent and asked if I wanted to hook up. We text and stay in touch on social media, but we have never fucked. He prefers young girls. The kind that could get him arrested. I went to his Air B and B and was surprised to see a teen girl with him. At first, I thought I was going to help break the little bitch in, but that was not the case. He was training her to punish and torture used up old whores as he put it. Before the light bulb went off in my head, they jumped me and tied me up. The young girl stripped me naked and started using a taser security guards use on my girl parts. My pussy was tased. My tits were tased too. I pissed myself. I could smell and feel my flesh burning. Harold never touched me. Just his cum did. He shot a load of jizz on my mutilated girl parts and then high fived his protégé. I never saw it coming the torture sex of my girl parts. Now, I am healing until I let my guard down the next time.

Tender Rotting Fuck Meat

My garden is always lush and beautiful and it’s time for more hunting with kidnapping phone sex. I love sweet young flesh, blood and the semen of perverts to fertilize my soil. These little special touches I add to my compost makes my garden grow. It was an accident really, in how it started. I had a little cousin and a boyfriend that was as sadistic as myself. He was a fucking pervert and I was much younger. Thing is, he got me. He encouraged my need to torture the young brat cousin I was always stuck babysitting for her crack whore stripper mama. I had enough of it and I slipped a little strychnine in the whores heroin one day and she was dead in a few hours. Serves the whore right. My boyfriend invited some of his twisted biker friends over to have their way with mama. Let them fuck her dead meat raw. It was great. But where I get to have fun is that brat. I get off thinking about it daily. I was giving her a bath and shoved her head down in the tub until she went limp. My boyfriend was watching and stroking off hard while I did it. He helped me pull her out and got his carnal fixes all in one shot. He fucked her as she was slowly slipping away. Violated that little virgin cunt and ass. It was beautiful. I loved her eyes rolling back and the way she turned blue. We cunt her limbs off, decapitated her and I got to play autopsy with her insides. I buried her in the garden and it was the best thing ever the following spring yielded a nice luscious crop of veggies and flowers. I will soon have her skull dug up for my personal collection.

Kidnapping phone sex

Why I Prefer Knife Play Phone Sex

knife play phone sex

Knife play phone sex is near and dear to me. I am a cutter. I do not cut myself. I cut others, maybe even you. I love the sight of blood. I like the sound of skin tearing. I like cries, whimpers, and screams. Sure, I could shoot some one dead but no fun in that for me. One bullet and a thud. It is over quickly. A knife, however, can inflict pain for hours. A knife can do a lot more than a gun. It can castrate a tiny dicked tool. It can stab the cunt of a trailer trash whore. It can dismember body parts. It can skin the flesh off a person. I can gut a little whore like a pig. I can disfigure a vain cunt.  A knife is perfect for torture sex. A gun is what a hothead uses. I do not partake in crimes of passion or anger. I do not just stab a person. I plan it out. That is how I have never been detected. I plot. I hunt. I observe the patterns of my prey. No rush in killing either. I take my time, so my victim feels the pain and feels the impending death. That is what gets my cunt wet. I am a hunter. I get off on stalking and planning some little slut’s death or even some grown ass prick’s death. You can have your guns. I will keep sharpening my knives and planning my crimes. Care to join me?