Category: Mutilation phone sex

Medical Fetish Phone Sex Sick Fantasy

medical fetish phone sex

Do you enjoy medical fetish phone sex? I have a weird fantasy. More like a dark desire. I want to go to a sadistic gynecologist. I want to be completely naked and in stirrups. I want to be strapped down and sexually tortured until I pass out or die. I know. I am fucked up. I was at the hospital a couple days ago for a Covid-19 test. I saw all these handsome doctors around and wondered if any of them were sadistic, woman hating bastards. I know they take an oath to help people, but many folks still believe Jack the Ripper was a doctor. Maybe that is where I got my demented medical fantasy. I have a love for true crime. I masturbate thinking of myself as the victim. Sick bitch, I know. Maybe you would like to play doctor with me? Have you ever wanted to sterilize a girl? Or mutilate her sex organs so she will never reproduce or fuck again? You know, ruin a woman forever. My fantasy is dark, but I am constantly masturbating to it.  I am probed with a sharp speculum that cuts my cervix. Shreds my girl parts until my womb is empty. I am strapped down with my internal girl parts in a bloody pile on the floor. You would think that would be enough, but no. I want fucked with a cattle prod. I want my clit burned with a blow torch. I want my labia lips cut off with scissors. Violent and sadistic torture sex of my female parts makes my pussy so wet. And, let’s not forget about sexually mutilating my tits and asshole either. They are up for torture too. Damn, I need some violent fucking. I would settle for some violent phone fun, however. Think you are sadistic enough for me?

Snuff Sex Only

snuff sexSnuff sex is the only kind for me. Consider me a praying mantis. I fuck and then bite the head off my lovers. I am not a romantic bitch. I want to fuck but I do not want to do small talk or snuggle. Hell, I do not even want to hear about your day. That day to day inconsequential shit bores me. I want to stab a man’s eyes out the moment he says something stupid like, “How was your day,” or calls me honey. I hooked up with this Goth dude last night. I thought he understood my rules. Men always think I am kidding when I tell them I do not do girlfriend stuff. I am using men for a quick release, nothing more. I am a black widow without being married. I have killed or castrated, often both, 100s of men plus one after last night. Thousands of men if you count the ones, I would not fuck for a million dollars. I hate men. But I hate everyone. I am a loner type. I am an equal opportunity evil bitch. I kill little ones and cunts too. Little ones annoy the fuck out of me. Germy little fuck trophies that drain your soul should rarely be brought into this world, yet millions of these fucking brats are born daily. I am just population control. Call me Covid, LOL. I get rid of the weak, the meek and the sick. And I get rid of the assholes, small dick losers, gold diggers and vacuous Barbie dolls. The world has run amuck with too many worthless types. Like Trump, I want to make America great again. I do that with knife play phone sex. I am slicing, cutting and stabbing my way to a much better country. My question for you is are you my victim or my accomplice?

Snatch Snack Ala Sushi

I love sushi, and it’s exciting to watch that sweet flesh sliced into perfection. My kind of sushi is a bit of a delicacy. If you are into cannibalism phone sex then this will be hot. Few enjoy this and I do love to slather it with wasabi. I love watching it become inflamed and the being that this sweet flesh meat belongs to squirms and can’t scream. I like feeding her the delicacy that paralyzes her but she is still awake and feels the burning of the wasabi on her snatch. Taking a nice long Yanagiba filet knife and tenderly slicing that sweet clam into beautiful fleshy strips is a bit of a fetish of mine. I like having a young girl or two and a boy to play with. I slice that tender penis flesh into the most exquisite pieces of meat to enjoy with a good Sake and fiery wasabi. I’m really craving a fix now. I guess I need to g to market and get that flesh for tonight.

Cannibalism phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex Whore and Dumb Bitch

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex whores who make snuff films and get high are popular, especially in times like these.  I answered a want ad for a snuff actress. I saw the ad on the dark net. The pay was too good to pass up and as usual, I needed drug money. Cannot be a party whore without party favors. I have done all sorts of staged snuff films. I often end up black and blue, sometimes even bloody, but I heal quickly. This film was a rough anal porn. I am the queen of anal sex movies. I can take anything up my ass from baseball bats to broken bottles

When I showed up at the address provided, a guy tied me up immediately. No script was provided, which should have been my clue that this was not going to be a staged film. Everyone in the industry uses a script for ass rape porn movies. He told me I had no lines. He said my only job was just to look scared and scream in pain. I should have been a scream queen because I have some lungs. Once, my costars started using my body as a punching bag the screams turned real. There were several men with their cocks out and their fists clinched. They went Mike Tyson on my tiny frame. Punch after punch I screamed louder, but that was nothing compared to the noises I made when they began brutally torturing my ass.

They shoved baseball bats, fists, guns, wine bottles, hammers, and even a rolling pin up my ass as they skull fucked me. I regretted the gig. I felt blood running down my ass. When they were done, I had to bend over so they could fuck my prolapsed ass back inside. I realized there was no camera anywhere. When I asked about payment, they kicked me. The man I thought was the director called me a stupid whore as he tossed me out on to the street. I gave them free anal torture sex like the dumb bitch I am.

Castration Phone Sex Makes Me Tingly

castration phone sexI do any sick fantasy well, but I do enjoy castration phone sex more than I should.  The thought of a loser being so self-aware that he knows his balls need to be removed makes me all warm and fuzzy. Yes, I know something is wrong with me. I have heard that since I was a little girl. I used to castrate my sisters’ Ken dolls. I also beheaded their Barbie dolls. I am the black sheep of the family. I take after my great grandfather. He was the head of a private prison that experimented on prisoners for profit. They were guinea pigs for pharmaceutical companies giving my great granddad kickbacks. It was cruel and unusual punishment, but these were the dregs of society, so I never understood why anyone gave a fuck about how they were treated. I was just a little girl, but I understood that those men did not deserve the same rights as me or my grandpa or you. When I was a teen girl, I got to assist him. I was set to inherit his prison when the Feds shut him down. I did get all the prison’s content including the electrocution chair. It was made in 1952 way before I was born. I use it for castration and torture sex now. As much as I love castrating men on the phone, the real deal is what gets me wet. It is just that guys I castrate in my grandpa’s old execution chair do not know they deserves to have their nuts gone. The losers who call me, do. I do not need permission, however, to remove some one’s balls or sexually mutilate their sex organs. I do it for the greater good. Small dicked assholes do not need to reproduce more small dicked assholes.

Sometimes, I am Lucky to Survive Ass Rape Porn

ass rape pornThis is what I look like after ass rape porn. My ass was destroyed on the weekend. My stepson had some friends over for fireworks. It started to rain midway through their fun and they needed something to entertain them. They were high as fuck and in the mood to destroy something. Since I am just a druggy whore stepmom, he decided they should destroy me. I saw them looking at me like hungry wolves, so I ran. I was not strong enough to fight them off or fast enough to out run them. They tackled me in the backyard. As drunk as they were, I was lucky all they did was use me like a gangbang rape porn star. They took turns sodomizing and fisting my ass. They shoved beer bottles in my ass and pussy too. They would shake the bottles, flip the cap off and shoot the beer off in my holes making me intoxicated quickly. I begged for some coke, but my stepson was not being generous. The rain stopped, and I was grateful. At least I was grateful for 30 minutes until it rained again, and they returned their focus on me. This time, they had fireworks in their hands. Roman candles are what they fucked my ass with, along with some other big looking fireworks. I prayed they just fucked me. If they lit anyone of them, I might die or forever be ruined. I was threatened with lighters. I had to act like I loved being violently sodomized to keep from having my asshole imploded. I gave an academy award winning performance just to avoid being blown up. I begged for all their cocks in my asshole at once. I begged for them to nut in my face. I thanked them for using me. I thanked them for their seed. Either my stepson was in a good mood or they were just too drunk to make a mess out of me. I survived one more day, but with him, I never know what the next day will bring.

Knife Play Phone Sex Fun on the 4th of July

knife play phone sexLast night was the night to wreck some knife play phone sex havoc. So many little brats out lighting off fireworks and playing with sparklers. With it being dark and parents drunk, it was easy to snatch a few up undetected. No one was paying attention and with all the noise, no one heard the brats I kidnapped screaming. I came in the loudness and darkness of the night and scooped up three precious little angels. I am sure some one missed them eventually. I drugged them with chloroform. They woke up in my cabin in the woods, naked and scared. I wish I had you with me because I only sliced and diced their bodies. A male accomplice phone sex partner could have fucked these little bald cunts before I mutilated them. It was fun to destroy the future welfare cunts of America, but I like watching them be violated too. A big dick in the tiniest and baldest cunts looks amazing. If you think what I did was so wrong, what the fuck you doing on a snuff site? I am not a vanilla bitch. These little cunts would have just grown up to be your future ex-wives draining your resources but never putting out. They did not go quietly, but we were in the middle of the woods. No one around for miles. Only the wildlife heard their screams. The local animals love screams. When they hear a brat screaming in pain, they flock to my kill shack because they know it is feeding time. They are my accomplices because they eat the remains. When you have me as your partner in murder, I take care of all the evidence.  You can leave your DNA in those tight fuck holes and I will butcher what is left and feed it too coyotes and bears.

Just a Worthless Slut For Daddy

I’m daddy’s little worthless slut that begs him to act out his Mutilation phone sex fantasies on me. I love to have daddy violate my pussy with his huge daddy dick and rip me open. He should stab me multiple times as he pounds my bloodied up cunt. He calls me all kinds of names like worthless little whore and filthy slut. I deserve it daddy and please cut me up when your done stabbing my titties. I want you to fuck me in my holes after you cut me up. Daddy will you please cut my head off and fuck my dead head and keep it to continually fucking it? I want you to love me daddy and love me with your penis in my neck hole please daddy. I’m your dumb little cunt and I deserve to die by mutilation and snuff sex violating my throat after you cut off my dead girls head. Please daddy, kill me. I’m forever your worthless slut. Daddy I want my limbs put into a tree mulcher, please. I want my flesh to be fed to the vermin because I’m a useless cunt and such a fucking brat daddy. I deserve it. I love you daddy.

Mutilation phone sex

I Outta be in Snuff Movies

snuff moviesI met him at a bar. He said I look like I belong in snuff movies. I was drunk. I was flattered. I was dumb and desperate for attention. This was my first night out in months. I drank too much. I fell for false flattery. I have daddy issues. Every time I meet an older man, I try to make him love me. I agree to anything. I do anything. And it will kill me eventually. Mark was just what I was looking for. A handsome man to take me away from the stress. I was thinking some wine, bondage and rough sex. He was thinking more along the lines of snuff porn. He thinks blonde bimbos deserve to die. They deserve to be degraded and humiliated. I went with it because I am so desperate for attention. My daddy issues run deep. He tied me up to one of those BDSM cross boards. It spun me around too. A couple good spins and I was puking from the motion sickness. He was just starting to have fun with me. He whipped me like a Nigger slave. My skin was split open. I was bleeding. He pissed in my open wounds and laughed. A deep sinister belly laugh that filled me with fear. I saw the knives. I knew what was coming. Before he slit my throat, however, he mutilated my female parts. He shoved a blow torch up my cunt. Never felt pain like that before. I went into shock. I was shaking and puking, even pissing myself. I would never breed again. That was the least of my worries though. He just did that for kicks. I was not going to survive the night, so it was all moot anyway. He sliced off my tits and my clit before he slit my throat. Bound to his cross, I slumped like a lifeless doll as the blood flowed out of my body and onto the ground.

Snuff Porn with Fireworks

snuff pornSnuff porn never gets old. Some folks around my neighborhood release tension with fireworks, I release it with killing people. I have never seen so many stupid rednecks in the world as I have just in the past few months. Social distancing has brought out the stupidity in mankind. Seriously, so many Americans are dumber than a box of rocks. I live near the future Darwin Award winners, but I have a policy I adhere to, so I never get caught. I do not kill where I shit. That meant my dumb fuck neighbors were off limits. Since dumb fucks are not isolated to my neighborhood, I got in my car and traveled. I just followed the sound of fireworks. I found a trailer in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of Deliverance looking mother fuckers drinking moonshine and lighting off illegal fireworks. It was like the Satan led me right to these dumb assholes. I got of the car and asked to join the fun. I do not look like the kind of woman who enjoys redneck fun, but they were too stupid to realize that. I spiked their moonshine and when they passed out, I enjoyed a light show of my own. I stripped the Bubbas naked and I bound their wrists and ankles. I lit off firecrackers near their bodies to wake them up. I wanted them to know that this sadistic phone sex bitch was going to have some fun with their redneck asses. I took the biggest fireworks they had and put one in each of their assholes. They were crying like little bitches and I had not even started the fun. I lit the fuses, backed away and waited for the booms. I exploded each redneck. Killed them dead. Exploded them better than I imagined, LOL. I drove off leaving body parts and innards all over the place like a bomb went off. Happy Fourth of July, Fucktards.