Category: Mutilation phone sex

Lets Watch Snuff Movies and Cuddle

snuff moviesIt is Halloween mother fuckers. Let’s spoon and watch snuff movies. Okay, so let’s not spoon. I do not spoon or cuddle. But I am all about snuff flicks. Watching them is hot, making them is hotter. So, if I were your partner in crime, who would you want to snuff? You can pick anyone. Young or old. Male or female. Someone you know or a total stranger. I usually go for young girls to kill first. I have slaughtered my share of fucktards too. Some men are just too stupid or annoying to keep on breathing. Girls are just fun to kill. They bleed more. They cry more. And they do stupid shit which can be entertaining too. Last week, this girl gave me a chase into the woods. She was in high heels trying to run in the dark. Those woods I know like the back of my hands. I could run in stilettos blindfolded. The bitch ran straight into a coyote’s den. Took the kill away from me and gave it to them. I still enjoyed it, however. Those hungry wolves saw dinner. They ripped her to shreds. I wanted the honor, but I will not deny nature’s beautiful creatures a tasty meal. She took a long time to die. Coyotes play with their food. They understand me and respect me too. I often bring them the remains of a snuff porn victim as a snack. They get rid of the evidence for me. Because I feed them, they will never attack me. I was bummed, but I did get to hear and watch a hot teen slut get ripped to shreds and devoured alive. I bet that is still more than you have ever enjoyed. Next one I will make sure I drug better so she does not become coyote kill.

Marley pieces

mutilation phone sex

Mutilation phone sex makes me go to pieces! Today they found what was left of my body. I was found in a drainage ditch a short drive from my home. They found my head which had been severed by a piano wire, most of my torso which had bite marks in it, and one of my hands. From what they could see I had been beaten before being dumped on the side of the road. What they don’t know is how it happened. You see I met a guy online who promised to fulfill every fantasy that I had ever had. We had talked about my depression and how I ultimately kill myself but that I would like to enjoy it. He agreed and so we met at a cabin in the woods. He took this last picture of me and then we began. He tied my arms up above my head, tied my legs up behind me and put a gag in my mouth. He then lowered the ropes enough that he could fuck me from behind. But before that happened he used my body like a punching bag. There was’t even a spot that didn’t have bruises on it. While I was crying and going in and out of consciousness he took a couple of big bites out of my torso, he looked up at me grinning with my blood and flesh running down his chin. He then removed my gag and got behind me. My pussy was wet already so he slid his cock into me and started fucking me by holding onto my hips so I didn’t swing away from him. After a few strokes he pulled a piece of piano wire from his pocket and wrapped it around my throat. He used that to hold my body in place while he both strangled and fucked me. I could feel the wire cutting into me but I tried to concentrate on the fucking I was getting. I started choking and he leaned down and said this is it I can’t wait to hear you take your last breath. All I could see was stars and then it all went black. He finished the job by completely removing my head from my body, then using the same wire to slice through my hands and feet. He then gave my cold lips a deep kiss and dumped my body into the ditch. It was exactly how I wanted to go but wish that the animals had done a better job of taking off with the rest of my body.  

Knife Play Phone Sex Fun

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex can go all sorts of ways with me. One of my favorite uses of knife play is for hunting young tender age girls. Hunting for young flesh you get to fuck, and I get to slice, and dice is a fun date night. I can line our pockets with money too because I have a couple contacts who help me get rid of evidence. One will buy used up young girls and sell them on the black market to sex traffickers. You can fuck the shit out of her, and I can pass her on to him for a profit. The other one I know, takes body parts for organ donations on the black market. Do you know how much corneas, hearts and kidneys go for these days? I am a conservationist. I believe in using every part of a victim. That means your get to fuck the shit of her, even ruin her little fuck holes. And once you are done with your fun, I will sell what is left of her. If she is still breathing, I can sell her into the sex trade and what you did to her will look like foreplay. If she freshly dead, I can make a 911 text to my organ peddler and he will quickly harvest her young viable organs. Either way we have fun and make money. I am the best accomplice sex partner because I let you have your fun and I ensure there is no evidence left to send you to prison.

Violent Torture Sex Movies Turn Me On

torture sexTorture sex turns me on. I will watch lots of torture porn movies. That is what I call horror films like Saw and Hostel. I love them. I enjoy seeing women mutilated, dismembered and eviscerated. I masturbate to that kind of gory violence. I know I am warped. I was home alone last night. My husband and the boys are on a fishing trip. I stayed back because I require a bed and indoor plumbing. Plus, I wanted to get high. In a tent with my sons and husband, not much alone time to get high. I tried the camping thing once with them and it did not go well, so I stayed backed to party. I was watching all these violent horror movies, snorting lines and playing with my pussy. Honestly, I was super horny. I got on Alt.Com to see if I could find a playmate for the night. That is a fetish hook-up site. I was happy to discover a neighbor on there. He lives a few blocks away. Married like me but likes his sex life to have a bit of kink. He came over after his wife went to sleep. He had a gym bag with him. A bag of tricks he called it. He did a line with me, put on some snuff porn and started to abuse my body. I had to call him sir. It began with nipple clamps, restraints and some flogging. Then he did more coke and got more violent. He started fisting my asshole and pulling the chain on my nipples until they bled. I was wet as could be. He made me lick his fist clean which had bits of shit and blood on it. I just licked my lips and begged for more. For hours we played rough BDSM games. My body was bruised and battered the next morning. I just did some more coke and went back on for another playmate.

He Craved My Torturous Ways

snuff sex

He was a creep. The creepy neighbor that lived in an overgrown yard that cloaked the shabby shack of his dwelling place. He kind of stirred my interest as a serial killer type. But one day he was the prey that ventured into my den. He needed to use the phone, and I had no fear of him, he was my neighbor and the better type to be neighborly with. I hate normal boring fucks. So I was intrigued and he has entered my Snuff sex den of no return. I let him in and asked him what his story was. He was shy and only grunted a little about needing to check in with his parole officer. I blocked him from the phone and asked him again. What is your story? You live like a bum and have a dirty demeanor about you. Do you torture live things? He got hard. I laughed at him as I took my boot knife out and ran the blade from his neck down the front of his filthy white t-shirt. So it’s torture sex then. I asked what his parole was for. Are you a p type? Are you a fucking perverted violator of little cunts and assholes? He got nervous and I saw a spot in the front of his trousers. Oh, look at you. Mr. Creeper is going to jizz in his pants. I moved the knife to the spot and poked at it with the point. I like torturing imbeciles and you are the perfect kind. No one will miss you! As I slit his trousers open and drew blood from his erect cock. I slid the knife down below his balls and told him I was going to fuck the sin out of him with my sadistic phone sex. I mounted his filthy warm corpse and rode that dick. I thrive off of blood and semen in my vagina and I was getting just what I needed as  started stabbing him in the heart.

Torture sex

Knife play phone sex, making that dick into Pate’

Knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex is the way to play with me. You want my pussy soaked? Then let me use my handy sharp dagger to slice you flesh. Your thigh meat taste heavily in my mouth and more you scream the more I fucking love it. Blood dripped down as I used my tongue to catch the blood. My hands snake to your pathetic little cock.

How did you ever think you would ever to get fuck my pussy. Daddy was right about you. You are a fucking nice guy with a limp little dick and now I swear I will make it into a pate’. I come from a long line of evil men and women and I have a hand in the very best snuff porn all because it makes my pussy quiver and my mouth water. I am the cat and your dick is my pathetic little mouse.

My dagger makes it first cut and you have the most delicious squeal. Once more and your cock is hanging by the tubes you piss and cum out of. I leave it hanging and come back after turning on my electric meat grinder. I think its time for the final act of a nice cock going into that grinder as you scream to the heavens.

No one can hear you!

And now for the final act as Brutus my big black friend comes in and wants to use your ass and mouth like a good dickless slave you are. I told you I was absolutely evil!

Kill Me Please with Snuff Phone Sex

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex is what I live for. So many men are highly creative when it comes to killing or hurting me. I love to be hurt. I know I am sick bitch. Born a pain slut. I will die a pain slut. From being vampire dinner to being sexually mutilated and dissected, I love blood and guts. MY blood and guts. I want you to hurt me. I want you to bring your a-game to kill me in an epic fashion. Every day I wake-up, I wonder if it will be my last. I hope it will be my last because I am a stupid cunt. I know I am not girlfriend material. I will never be married. I will never have a family. No one will come looking for me when I disappear. I might not even miss being alive either. I have had a death wish since I was a schoolgirl. Honestly, I do not know how or why I am still alive. I guess because most men decide I am good for their rape phone sex fantasies and if I am dead that cannot keep force fucking me. I let any man fuck me. All good things must come to an end though, right. I am not going to fight you when you kill me or fuck me. I will embrace my death and just say, “Finally.”

I Love Making Snuff Porn

snuff pornSnuff porn inspires me. With it being my favorite time of year, snuff flicks are on my TV 24/7. I watched this Japanese one last night that sent me out to hunt. A man was force fucking and torturing young schoolgirls. They were little Geisha looking girls. Skinny schoolgirls with bald pussies and virgin holes. Their legs were long and lean. When they stood together, there was not enough flesh for inner thighs to even touch. The man had ropes around their necks and like some macabre puppet master he was pulling strings and choking them. A few he strung up and watched them piss themselves and swim in the air until their bodies went lifeless. I was wet. I was in the mood to recreate the film. I had no luck finding any Asian young cunt, but I did find young twin sisters. Stupid little girls believed I was a friend of their mother’s sent to pick them up. Their parents never warned them about strangers. My luck. I took them to an abandoned warehouse I sometimes use for making homemade snuff movies. It is abandoned. It is off the beaten path. It is perfect killing ground. I drugged my little victims and when they woke up, they were collared and naked. I had a camera rolling to catch it all. I could have used your help, but I am strong enough and sick enough to take care of two schoolgirls on my own. But if I had you, you could have fucked them. I love killing young girls, but I do not have a cock. I stabbed their bald cunts. I gutted them like pigs. And I loved every moment, but it would have been more satisfying for you to shred their little holes with your cock first. They died painful and gruesomely. I filmed it for my spank bank because I love watching little girls die by my hands.

Kidnapped by Midgets

Taboo phone sexI was walking down the street last week when I was grabbed from behind by a group of midgets…sorry, little people, and thrown into the back of a van!

There were at least four or five of them and they were freakishly strong!

The immediately tied my hands and feet and stripped my clothes off!

We pulled into a car wash where they blasted me tender cunt with the high pressure cold water and began scrubbing my body with the giant foaming brush!

The water stung and the brush felt as though it had removed several layers of skin! I was red and raw!

I tried to scream but my attempts were muffled by the gag in my mouth! The more I struggled, the more they laughed in their high pitched lollipop guild tone and talked about cleaning the filthy whore for their master!

I could not help but wonder who they were referring to!

We pulled up to a stone lean to in the woods that lead to an underground chamber. The stench of piss and cum was everywhere and the place was dimly lit by flamed torches.

Your godlike presence appears before me, yet you are dressed in black and even your face is hidden! You press a glowing cattle brand on my ass, searing my still raw skin and holding it there to intensify the pain!

You pierces my nipples and clit with a burning thick needle and fit me with a heavy chain! The piercings tear at my flesh as you pull them behind me and attach them to a single ring just above my blistering ass!

A short leash is hooked to the ring and you give my ass a hard kick with your dirty boot, sending me to my knees! Your voice makes my clit quivers as you order me to crawl behind you. Any struggle resulted in a quick yank, sending oddly erotic pain throughout my tits and cunt!

You feel me paw at your leg!

My eyes are pleading…Please! I want to be the one you hurt!

Seeing the tears ruin my mascara brings a slight smile to your face!

Please don’t deny me the sting of your hand on my face, the scraps on my knees as I crawl to you or the bruises on my neck from the grasp of your strong hands!

“All in good time”, you say, “All in good time!”

And then a quick yank, again reminds me of my place on my knees crawling behind you……





Auditioning for Snuff Movies

snuff moviesI want to be in snuff movies. I have no desire to be in mainstream movies. Most of my girlfriends have done porn or had bit roles in cheesy B horror films. Me? I have been in much darker, authentic films. The kind of films that make men very wealthy. I know this underground director. I have long tried to get an audition with him. I have fantasized about being on his casting couch. I finally got my audition. I had to bring my A game. I showed up looking sexy. When I got on the stage, I was told I had 20 minutes to convince him I was the right whore for his snuff porn.  I know I am the right whore. I sat in the chair, spread my legs and grabbed a serrated blade laying on the table next to me. I began with licking the blade until I cut my lip. I licked the blood seductively across my lips. I moved the blade down my body, pressing it firmly against my right breast. I sliced off my nipple. When I heard his assistant gasp, I knew I was in the right direction. I did not have forever to audition, so I had to speed up the process by putting the knife between my legs. Blood, my blood, was dripping down my stomach from my severed nipple. The site of the blood made my future director hard. Another good sign. I took the knife and crammed it up my cunt. I am a pain slut. I have never pierced my pussy so deeply with a long blade before, but I was auditioning for a once in a lifetime part. You know. The kind of role a woman is willing to die for. I almost did. I got the part. The die part will have to wait until we begin filming.