Category: Mutilation phone sex

A Book For Her

I don’t often keep my slaves for very long. A few months is pretty much the longest they survive. Either I get tired of them and they no longer bring me pleasure, which insures their death in a slow and painful fashion as punishment for displeasing me in any way. Or they simply can’t stand  the torture inflicted upon them for my pleasure and they wither away. Weakness tends to take most of them and yet this too makes my pussy wet, knowing that I wore them down physically and emotionally. Demonstrating my dominance and superiority yet again. However Val was with me for almost nine years. She was in her late 20’s when I “obtained her” I won her from a friend who had enslaved her a few months before she became mine. When I first won Val I inflicted as much pain as I could upon her to test her will. Each time she surprised me. Torture that had caused others to pass out, cry, plead and beg for mercy, she took with a glassy look in her eyes, rarely flinching and never, ever crying out. She challenged me each and every time to push things further, to find more ways to inflict more pain. The constant challenge she presented brought me earth shattering orgasms and spawned more deviant ways to torture her. Yet each time she withstood my abuse, and I would cum not only from the pleasure of torturing her but from admiration of her resolve. After having her for about a year she happened to get pregnant  when a close friend won the chance to fuck her in a poker game one night. Fuck I was pissed when she started showing and I stepped up the torture for the rush of watching her loose the fucking thing at my hands. But true to form Val didn’t loose it, she had that little fucker and to my delight it was a girl. I made sure it was well cared for because if this little fucking thing had half of what her mother did in guts and fortitude she would be an excellent second generation slave. Over the years the mother/daughter duo has provided me with many hours of pleasure. Val died last week and I have to say I felt a slight twinge of sadness, but knew I still had her offspring. As a slave she certainly was not getting buried or getting any type of ceremony honoring her life or service. However I did feel like I wanted to keep a piece of her. So I gutted and skinned her, feeding her flesh to her daughter over the last week. I bottled her blood and stretched and dried her skin. I have cut her skin into pages creating a book bound by her dried intestines and using her blood as ink. I have begun to pen some of the most horrific moments of our time together to enjoy in the future. I am naming it “Valley of Death”torture phonesex angie

Black Market Find

Torture Phone SexWell, well, well.  Take a lookie at what I found just floating around for sale.  Isn’t she just, the most precious thing you have ever laid eyes upon? I’m not going to keep her of course, I’m going to make more money on her.  You see when she arrived, her skin was just so lovely, not a dent on her.  The people I deal with, do not want that sort of item for purchase.  They want something that excites them the moment they see it.  I took it upon myself to some DIY work.  I think the colors just bring out her pain all the more, don’t you?

It’s amazing what a blow torch can do in the right hands.  I already got in touch with this really fucked up dude that I came into contact with a few years ago.  He is into sexual sacrificial practices. He even has this house, not a shack mind you, but a house, on a lake, where he sometimes does this treatment of posing his playthings in different positions, then securing them, and then pumps in carbon monoxide until they stiffen up into that position. He is very artistic.  He is coming by the place tomorrow to check out the goods.  I still have some work to do.  Her face for example.  It’s too pretty, it needs some distressing, add some patina to it.  Maybe I can just pop out one of her eyes, something along those lines, or give her a nice bruise on her cheek.  I’ll think of something.

I just hope she gets top dollar, which she should, I mean she is more than likely going to become some sort of fucking statue in the man’s dinning room or something.  All I know is I cannot wait to see the finished product.


Castration Phone Sex

Castration Phone SexLast night it was brought to My attention that I have never given even the slightest view of My ass in any of My pics.  Since the phone call started out with Me smothering this person, I thought it only fitting to show a picture of My perfect ass.  There you are, I hope you enjoy it, it will be a long time before it is seen again. 

Now, onto what this is really about, which is one of My all time favorite subjects, Castration.  Not just your every day surgical castration mind you.  This has a specific twist to it.  Last night during the aforementioned phone session, as I was pushing the weight of My full self down upon an uplifted face so I could cut off the breathing, I began to run My nails over this person’s ball sack.  Far be it from me to leave it at that.  I took it one step further. 

I keep My nails sharp, you never know when you might need a weapon, and good strong nails can come in handy if need be.  I pressed first against the underside of the thin skin, adding more and more pressure until it ripped.  Then, I went onto the other side of the sack.  I applied steady, hard pressure until once again, the skin gave way to allow Me to bury my nails inside.

He started to thrash about, which made me grin.  I wanted to do more then simply give him a cause to get stitches.  I wanted to obliterate the very existence of his testes.  I crawled between his legs, lowered My head, exposed My teeth, hooked the skin on my eye tooth, and pulled back.  The fragile skin pulled away, ripped, tore, and ended up just being a flap over the objects that poured out.

I saw what I was looking for, I lowered My head into the muck.  I came up with one mother of pearl colored testicle in My mouth. I looked at him before popping it between my teeth and spitting it upon his chest. Then I went back for the other.   This one I kept tightly wedged between My teeth as I started My ascent up his body.  By this time he was shaking, his breath was shallow and rapid, the pain was washing over his face.  I hovered over him, pressing the testicle to his mouth.  I instructed him to open up, he did so, both him and I together bit into it, it was immediately decimated, which made this the most glorious kiss I have ever experienced in My life. 

Collection of Scissors

tool picThere are so many medical instruments I could use to dissect my victims whether they are dead or alive but one of my favorite choices is scissors. I believe scissors are much more personal than a knife or even a sharp scalpel. When using scissors, you get to feel every bit of flesh material slicing with each and every snip. The terror in the victim’s eye just sends chills throughout my entire body from the feeling of the continuous cutting. I can cut into the flesh precisely so that it looks more like a work of art than some deviant act. Like cutting up paper dolls, it looks like the shape I desire them to be. Perhaps it looks extreme when I completely snip off eyelids, nipples, and even the stupid bitch’s clitoris. Who gives a fuck when you are having fun with a sharp pair of scissors in your hands. However, that is all so trivial when in comparison to cutting them open so you can slice their heart out. Hmm, I wonder who will be the next one for me to cut up?

The Perfect Storm

torture phonesex karma1My mood matches the raging storm that has been rumbling for days now without letting up. The wind howling, the rain beating down with angry fists while the night fills with the loud angry screams of the thunder. Nights have rolled into days and the raging storm has created equal darkness no matter the time of night or day. My mood and blood is raging now too, I am restless and eager to escape the captivity created by the storm.
Finally I can’t take any more captivity and I have to escape. By the time I reach town I am soaked and the darkness has filled my heart. I must find release for both my pussy and my rage.
As soon as I walked into the little cafe I heard her mouth. Loud and obnoxious and full of herself, just the kind of mouth you want to shut. And then she looked up at me and it was self righteous and demeaning. Oh yes I would teach this one a lesson!
I wait patiently as my cunt gets wetter thinking about the satisfaction of taking this chick down a notch or two or three…
I brought a few things with me because I knew I couldn’t wait to get someone back to my place. The roaring inside me had to be tamed.
I dragged her into the alley and began beating her mercilessly as my pussy gushed with satisfaction and my heart began pounding faster. The adrenalin and the release of all my frustration raging as I throw blows. Finally I am tired of beating her limp body and it is time to drag her home to finish what I started.
I get her home and tie her to a tree while I prepare for her to wake up. I take out my needle and thread, and as soon as she is awake, looking at me through the slits that were once her eyes, I get to work. Sewing those steely eyes closed, cutting that sharp tongue out of her mouth, before sewing it shut are just what I need for on earth shattering orgasm before leaving her there tied to the tree in the storm.
I sleep well, satiated and dreaming of what I will do to her in the morning.


torture phonesex karma5The lights in the night sky have been strange and unnatural of late. As I sit and watch fascinated I find my mind wondering to the possibilities. Could it be UFO’s? The idea of aliens brought wild thoughts to my mind and made me horny as hell. What could be better then fucking an alien? What do their dicks look like? Do they even have dicks? Do they abduct humans like in the movies and do grisly experiments on them? My pussy was alive and wet with the thoughts! Little did I know….
The lights continued to dance in the dark night sky over the next several days. They seemed to get closer each night. My thoughts got stronger, the fantasies in my mind more intense with each passing night as I laid on the ground watching and masturbating, cumming over and over again.
What is that sound? The leaves are rustling near by. I have lived out here for a long time and know the sound of the animals of the night. This was no animal. I got up and crept into the dense woods dimly lit by the moon light. I could not believe what I was seeing…they walked up right but they certainly were not human. I watched from my vantage point pinching my nipples which were now hard as hell while my pussy got wetter. Finally I lost site of them and went back home to fuck myself into a frenzy thinking about what I just saw.
I was fast asleep when I felt the warmth of the light and felt myself floating. I had to be dreaming right? Wrong! I was being abducted! I could not move, could not talk but I was aware of what was happening.torture phonesex karma6
Once inside the craft I could see several bodies on metal tables being poked and probed. It was eerily quiet and smelled very sterile, almost like a hospital, but not exactly. I could feel my pussy getting ready to explode as they put me on a table. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a man in some type of device with a girl kneeling in front of him sucking his cock and I exploded uncontrollably. I felt their cold, clammy hands between my legs pushing into me, gathering my cum. Then I felt the searing pain of a metal rod being shoved into my abdomen. The rest was a fog, but when I woke up in the morning there were sores all over my stomach where they had their way with me. And I came again!
I hope they come again tonight!torture phonesex karma

Strangulation phone sex is what makes my pussy Melt!

Strangulation phone sex with Storm

I have always enjoyed hurting people. It comes so easy for me. And there are so many deserving fucks out there. They are simply alive because it is illegal to kill them. I don’t really worry about the legality of it. If you deserve to die. Then you deserve to die!  Normally I wait to find the perfect prey. Sweet and innocent. But sometimes I get a call from a friend needing help. Kevin has helped me lots of timesStrangulation phone sex with Storm 2. When I wanted to watch him force his cock deep inside some young thing. But this was the first time he had called me. When I got to his house he waiting for me. He told me how he had taken a little thing from the park last week.  He had used her over and over. And was growing quit fond of her. The problem is his family was due home tonight,  and he has to get rid of her.  He liked her so much he couldn’t do it himself.  He was always a tad weak. Great for fucking anything I caught. But not a killer type. So I had him show me this little morsel. A very pretty little thing. Long dark hair. The biggest blue eyes I have ever seen. And what really made my pussy hot was the nipple clams and ropes tied around her. She was covered in tiny cuts and bleeding everywhere. I almost came on myself just looking at her.   Kevin was eager to use her again before I finished her off. I enjoyed listening to her scream while he buried himself deep inside her. When he was close to shooting his load I wrapped my fingers tight around her neck and started to squeeze. I watched her eyes water and bulge out.  As the life left her little body she started to spasm. Locking down on Kevin and draining him dry. I wished we could have spent more time playing with her. But his family was coming home. So I gathered her up and carried her off. Only looking back at the bloody table once. Next time I will spend more time getting what I want… Next time.

He Wanted Accomplice Phone Sex That Would Sock It To Him


accomplice phonesex angie1He called because he wanted to know if I would be his accomplice again. As soon as he asked me to bring my sharpened scoop I knew what was to cum. My pussy juice dripping down my leg I put the metal to the sharpening stone and made sure it was razor sharp before I left for his house. When he opened the door I saw her in the corner, cowering and whimpering, her young body not fully developed, her long blonde hair flowing down her back but when she looked at me with those wide eyes, not blue, not grey but a smokey color somewhere in the middle, my pussy responded and I knew why he wanted her. As soon as my feet crossed the threshold and the door closed behind me he was on her like a man possessed, yanking her up by her hair and dragging her into the bathroom, shoving her to her knees in front of the toilet and motioning me to sit on her back. I face the wall and straddle her back taking her hair in my hand and waiting for him to get into position. I know he is going to rip her tight little ass open and my bare pussy is rubbingaccomplice phonesex angie2 against her back as I get ready. I hear him grunt and I shove her head into the toilet, holding her under the water as he rams into her deep and hard. Rubbing my cunt against her soft young skin I ride her as she bucks and tries to get a breath. Finally I pull her up so she can get one big gulp of air before shoving her face back into the toilet. He is fucking her in a frenzy now and I know he is almost ready for the best part of this. He pushes me off her and grabs her hair from my hand spinning her around and shoving her head back so I can do what I came here to do. I grab the scoop and cut her eye right out of the socket before he shoves the head of his dick in the gaping hole. I look down at him and say the words that he is waiting to hear. ” Shove it in baby. You know you want to feel the warm, softness of her brain against your cock. And I want to see the fluid push out of every orifice as you explode inside her head” In an instant we are both cumming rubbing our oozing juices all over her limp body. I love being his accomplice!


Snuff Phone SexTorture Phone Sex


I didn’t See Anything….

imageedit_41_6089133888My boyfriend’s friend betrayed him-It was time for the MOTHERFUCKER TO DIE!!!!! We invited the traitor out to a cozy cabin, in the outskirts of town-desolate, the only cabin in existence for miles.  We told (I will call him traitor-Joe-HAHAHA) that we were having a party of sorts.  He was to be tortured, killed and fucked when dead.  Joe arrived and was immediately lured into our bedroom.  The lights were dim.  I laid on the bed naked.  I asked him to tell me if he ever thought of fucking me and if today was his last day on earth, would he want to have me.  He said that if today were his last day on earth, he would want to be fucked by my boyfriend/his soon to be ex friend. I got up, wrapped myself in a satin sheet that was on the bed and left the room ( I sat outside of the room with my ear glued to the door).
Soon after-wards, I heard the sounds of sex…. moans, grunting, skin slapping-fucking and sucking  noises….followed by chilling screams, pleading, and then sounds of bones crushing, stabbing, a neck breaking, flesh tearing and blood splattering.  My boyfriend called me into the room and was covered in blood.  He told me to watch him fuck Joe, the way he fucked him over.  I looked at Joe’s mutilated corpse and I watched my boyfriend mount his corpse and shove his cock inside of his ex friend’s bloody ass.  After a few seconds, he let out a loud moan, pulled out of him and shot his cum all over the bloody corpse.