Category: Mutilation phone sex

I am so stupid

I am such a stupid little slut and I do not know why my master even lets me out to pee sometimes. I feel like I should not be aloud to cum or breathe without his permission. I was such a bad girl, my master told me to put my ass in the air so he could give me my daily spanking, and I was such a bad girl. I asked hum if I could have his huge cock afterwards.

Snuff porn

I know better. I am not allowed to ask anything or even blink without his permission and I was way to bold asking for his cock. I need to be punished. Master said he is going to put his shoe up my ass and that he will break my back by stepping on my spine until I beg for forgiveness. I do not know what I was thinking. I will  have deserved everything that master gives me. I just hope I can earn his cock back because I love it so.

Nipples Taste Like Bubble Gum

cannibalism phone sex

It all started out so fun! We had this great little date at the movies and went out for a drink. I was having such a wonderful time with you and I realized quickly how lucky I was to be out with such a great guy. You’re super powerful in town and have all the right connections. It would be a lie if I told you I didn’t love being your young piece of arm candy. You had this look of hunger in your eyes the entire time and I couldn’t place exactly what that look might mean besides you wanted my young tight body close to you. How wrong I was…

Once we get in the car to go home, you ask if I’d like to go back to your place or if I had any interest in going to your apartment. Of course I knew I needed and wanted to go to your house, so excitedly I agree. Once we get there, something did sit right in my stomach though. You had too many things made of a weird type of leather I’ve never seen before. You lean in to kiss me and whisper, “nipples taste like bubble gum.” It was at that point I realized I had made a major mistake. You over took me swiftly, pushing me to the ground and pulling my clothes off. You then proceed to bite off each of my nipples, your fist shoved so far down my throat I couldn’t even bite down to try and get away. I bled to death on your floor, barely alive long enough to really understand what had happened. What did you do to me?



Snuff Porn Accomplice

snuff pornSnuff porn is hot to watch. The sad thing is that most of what you find on line is fake. I have made many a real snuff film; I know when I am watching a fake one. Watching even the fake ones, stirs up the mad murdering goddess in me, however. They make me crave for another kill. Like a vampire smelling blood, I need to feed when I watch a snuff film. I need to kill someone, anyone. I gathered up my knife collection, got in my car and cruised for a victim. It was a lovely night; lots of folks out late strolling the streets looking for love or drugs. One person, was looking for death. He just didn’t realize it yet. He was handsome, older man who was clearly trolling the jailbait runaways. I told him I had a sweet young virgin slut back at my place. He bought it. I offered him a spiked drink at my place. He was soon passed out. I didn’t lie. I have a sweet young thing at home named Amy. She is my young accomplice. I am teaching her the joy of killing. When our victim woke up, he was tied naked on my bed. A plastic sheet underneath him to catch the blood. The fear in his eyes turned us both on. Amy was hovering over his cock and balls with my favorite serrated blade. I was holding a razor blade near his neck. He pissed himself he was so scared. Shouldn’t troll for jailbait pussy if you can’t handle the risk. Amy hurled some harsh words at him as she sliced his balls off. “My pussy is off limits to old perverts,” she screamed as she slashed his dick off too. Blood poured out like a volcano eruption. Amy’s face was covered in blood. He was still alive but in shock. I shoved his cock in his mouth and slit his throat. He bled out. Amy was giddy in delight. So was I. We are a killing team. Whose next?


Killer Phone Sex

There had been lots of reports in the news about the ghost of a samurai going around and killing young, blonde girls after brutally raping them. Many people thought it had to be some kind of hoax- there were never any samurai here. This wasn’t Japan! But girls were still dying, regardless of the ridiculous circumstances. I even thought it sounded pretty silly until I was visited by the vengeful “spirit” myself.

Taking a short cut home, a thick fog rolled in as soon as I was passing by the marsh. It was late at night, but my shift at work ended after the last bus already left, so I had to risk the walk home. That’s when I heard the clanking of armor. Through the fog, the faint figure of a samurai could be made out. Scared out of my wits, I turned to run, but the samurai caught up to me with unnatural speed and made a quick slash across my calves.

Now unable to run, I trembled as the apparition came closer. Pulling out his cock from the metal armor, he lifted his mask to reveal he was no ghost. It was a crazed man who must have found an antique suit of armor. He held his sword to my chest to keep me from breaking free as he frantically thrusted into my dry cunt. Busting a fat nut inside me, he released me from his grip. I shot up and tried to run, but he was quick with the blade as he slashed me so severely through the shoulder, he almost made it clean through my body. He escaped into the night, leaving my mangled body behind.

Prince from hell

Murder phone sex Fantasies

I met this gentleman not too long ago. He had a great personality so it seemed as well as style and a bunch of bodyguards. He approached me in a bar with a drink in hand asking the old pick up line of “don’t I know you from somewhere?” Of course, I smiled and we were off and talking. We got pretty intimate in conversation and I invited him back to my hotel. I was away from home on a business trip and was looking for a great fuck.
We got up to my room and were naked pretty quickly and making out on the bed. I wanted his cock in my mouth. I made my way down and made him reel with my talented mouth and hands. Now, I don’t have a gag reflex but when someone surprises you by jamming something down your throat you are going to react. Mr. Gentleman did just that, and my jaw inadvertently clamped down on his cock and I bit him just enough to make him yelp. He sat upright and pushed me off the bed. He suddenly yelled, “Off with her head!!” I was thinking, what is this Alice in Wonderland and the Queen of hearts, but the bodyguards suddenly came rushing in, kicking down the door and grabbing me by the arms. They were holding me tightly as he walked up to me, he slapped my face and said how dare I put marks on a prince’s cock. “Well to be fair you did jam your cock into my throat, involuntary reaction.” He backhands me then nods at his bodyguards. They each hand him a Japanese samurai sword, and the last thing I heard was “one less insolent bitch in this world.” I think I saw my body as my head hit the floor. The prince picked up my severed head and started ramming his cock into my severed head’s mouth. Once he was satisfied or bored he threw my head down and started to fuck my corpse while blood still pumped from my neck. I love a sick fuck.

Killer phone sex


Anal Gangbang Rape Porn on a Friday Night

gangbang rape pornAnal gangbang rape porn? I love hardcore anal, but what happened to me last night was so much more than a good hardcore ass fucking. The guys I was partying  with were extreme. They didn’t just want to fuck my ass they wanted to destroy it. They completely prolapsed my asshole. It is still hanging out. My ass got sodomized with beer bottles and fists. They had no desire to fuck me. It was all about hurting me, humiliating me, even ruining me. These were frat boys. I had no idea they had such a mean streak in them. “We have tight coeds to fuck whore. We don’t need your used up old snatch,” one guy laughed as he rammed his fist up my butthole. They laughed because I was bleeding and crying from the pain. According to the fraternity president, a stupid druggy whore like me should be used to massive things in her holes. One of the pledges got his pledge paddle to use on me. It was a big piece of wood. Not the good kind of wood either. It took 4 brothers to hold me down while he rammed it in me without lubricant. Not only could I feel it tearing my asshole, I could feel the splinters in places no woman should ever have splinters. That was the final fuck that pulled my rectum out. They took turns sucking on my asshole that was dangling out of my butt. I felt so humiliated. Some of the brothers even tried to piss on my asshole like it was a bullseye. The abuse went on all night. By the time sunrise hit, my asshole looked like bloodied cauliflower hanging out and inflamed. I begged someone to take me home because I couldn’t sit, but they told me I was a stupid cunt, not a date and to call Uber if I wanted home so badly.

Evil Phone Sex Castrating Your Tool of Sin

How do you like it you pathetic fucking loser, to be my main fixation for evil phone sex. I’m very open to the fantasy raping of that ass and making you a castrato singer who’s obviously been castrated. I had always wanted to kidnap a male member of the choir to test out the castration of them and seeing if they become a true castrato.

You will be doomed to servicing the Priest as a good cocksucker you will earn your position in the choir. I’m so glad I got to bring you to my torture chamber and I will forcefully fuck the hell out of that ass and let my biker buds do the same while I come around front with my large hunting knife and whack that peepee clean off of you. Your dickless body being analy fucked as you start to bleed out. Oh, shit, I forgot… I really don’t feel obliged to stop the bleeding. I guess your just trash that needs to be incinerated.

 Evil Phone Sex

Killer Phone Sex

Snuff Sex for Hire

snuff sexSnuff sex pays the bills and then some. He was not my typical client. Guys come to me for assistance force fucking and killing, even torturing girls of all ages. When I asked to see a picture of his victim, he showed me his driver’s license. He wanted to die a horrific death at the hands of a goth goddess. He told me the sad pathetic story of his life. By the end, I wanted to kill him for free. I am no fool, I took the money. I told him he would not know when his number was up. I don’t share the plan of my kills because I enjoy the element of surprise. Five days after he paid me, I broke into his house as he was sleeping. I put a pillow over his face to wake him up. Startled him awake. He tried to take it all back. Even told me I could keep the money, but he didn’t want to go through with the plan anymore. How did I know this was just not part of the game? I tied him to the bed spread eagle before I laid out my torture sex instruments: my knife collection, a blow torch, a saw, pliers, soldering iron and a straight edge razor. If I was going to kill him, it was not going to go slow. I like pain and suffering.  I duct taped his mouth so he could not scream efficiently. I made little painful cuts all over his useless body. I watched the blood trickled down and drip from his wounds. I sliced the skin off his testicles and pulled them out for shits and giggles before sawing his dick off. I castrate lots of men for fun and for profit. Never sawed off a dick before. Bastard passed out, so I stuffed his severed dick down his throat and made him give himself head. That woke him up quickly! I tortured him for hours before I plunged a knife in his belly and disemboweled him. I masturbated as he died in front of me. It was hot. I wish more guys paid me to do what they are too weak to do to themselves. Killing losers is fun.

Cut into small pieces alive

blasphemy phone sexThink you are immune to blasphemy phone sex? You don’t think I can make you renounce your religion and submit to the devil. Let’s play a game. A very special game. Soon you will be begging to die.

You didn’t think I was really flirting with your ugly ass at that club, did you? Oh no. But your puppy-eagerness made you fall for it. You took the drink I offered as I whispered in your ear. I led you to my truck like a sheep to slaughter. You thought you were getting some pussy. But you ended up strapped down on a table in a basement. As you opened your rheumy eyes, you saw the medical tools there.

I stepped out in a black hood. “You said that you would sacrifice yourself to me last night.”  I said, smoking my cigarette. “Are you ready? Or would you like to beg your savior for redemption?” I picked up a scalpel and whacked off a finger.

They all beg for their religious hero to save them. Even as they take that last breath. After every finger and toe is gone and their manhood is in a pan oozing blood and cum. They still believe he will save them. Their final scream echoes and salvation only arrives in the form of death.

Would you like to play a game? Bring me a bitch that you hate and maybe I will spare you.

Snuff Sex in the Club

snuff sex

Snuff sex is not what I was expecting. I was expecting bondage. It was an underground bondage club. That was what the ad said when it was announcing its big grand opening. The ad specially called for bondage whores  to come and explore their underground world. Submissive whores like me soon discovered the ads were just a rouse to lure prey there. I fell for it too. I was not the only one. I was in a room, suspended from an overhead beam when a man in an executioner’s mask walked in. I thought it was role play; master and servant kind of games. After I blew him, I found out bondage was the furthest thing from his mind. He pulled out a very menacing serrated blade. He made sure to tell me in graphic detail about all the pigs he has gutted with that blade. I was quivering. His voice was sinister. The look in his eyes told me that this was no role play game to him. I was right. He cut off my right nipple, then my left one. I was forced to chew on my own whore nipples. The torture sex did not stop there. Next up was both breasts. He cut them off like he was cutting of a chicken thigh to eat. I passed out from the pain and shock of seeing my own blood and flesh pooling beneath me. How dare I pass out. He punched me in the face, breaking my nose and jolting me awake. He skinned me alive. Tore the flesh off my body, slowly and deliberately to torture me. I heard screams and cries from all over. I knew this was no bondage club. This was one big snuff porn shoot, only it was not fake. I was not getting out of this club unless it was in a body bag.