Category: Mutilation phone sex

Castrated Anal Sex

Castration phone sexYour pathetic dick deserves to be castrated, cut off and shoved up my tight, dirty little asshole while it’s gushing blood! I’m going to wrap your throbbing cock up tight with a rope, cutting off the circulation and laughing my ass off at you as I watch your shaft and balls turning blue and purple from being wrapped up so tightly! I’m just going to be sitting over here, playing with my cunt as I watch you squirm and suffer! I’m sharpening my butcher knife, I need to make sure it’s ready to slice off your manhood! Oh yeah, I want it to be gruesome and bloody, a torturous experience just how you like it! I raise my arm up high and violently cut that pulsating dick off of you, your blood splattering all over me as I castrate your pathetic cock! I’ll cut the balls off separately because I want you to feel the agonizing pain one after the other! Once i’m finished, i’m going to bend over in front of you and fuck myself with your castrated cock! I love the feeling of the gooey, sticky blood and flappy skin as it plunges in and out of my tight fuck hole. It feels like a piece of deflated bubble gum, all soft and rubbery, so disgusting! It looks sickening as I use it as though it were a dildo, covered in your flesh and blood!

Inmate Vs. Cattle Prod Dildo

Snuff sex

She is pinned to the St. Andrews cross, hands, and wrist bound to it. I grab the cattle prod hanging on the wall for uncontrollable inmates, but I like it for the pain and how it gets these stupid bitches attention. Her body flinches as I jab her in the side, my cock pulses when she screams in pain. The wonderful thing about this cattle prod is that it’s shaped like a nice long dildo.

“Convict 98996 Paulina, do you have any last words before your sentence is carried out?” “I do, Fuck you pig!” I smile at her, she’s about to die anyway so “say what you want, I get to go home tonight.” She glares at me and I look her right in the eyes as I start to fuck her with the prod. She is enjoying it, I play with her nipples getting her aroused, asking if she is going to cum. “Yes, yes, yes please I am going to cum” I laugh sadistically, just so you know your death will be when you are cumming, so if you want to live for a while longer I suggest you hold it.” She mouths off again and I just start to play with her clit while this big metal prod splits her pussy open. Suddenly I could tell that she was cumming but trying to make it look like she wasn’t. “
Well, I guess this is goodbye you worthless bitch.” I turn the cattle prod on, her eyes roll back, her body shakes violently. I leave the prod on zapping her from the inside. I laugh a bit, her insides are probably burned to a crisp. “Good, murderous old bitch.”

Torture sex

Castration Phone Sex: The Best Part is What I Do with Your Nuts Afterwards

castration phone sex Castration phone sex is hands down the sickest fun I can have on the phone. I love telling losers exactly what I am going to do to their testicles. My pussy gets wet at the graphic detail. Every loser who calls me for this specialty is different. I never remove two guys’ junk the same way. Where is the fun in that for me? Variety is the spice of life. I enjoyed telling a loser last night after I removed his balls with a castration band and a rusty saw, that I was going to deep fry his nuts and eat them. My spin on Rocky Mountain oysters. As he laid there in pain, bleeding all over the place, I was deep frying his nuts in olive oil and scallions. They ended up looking like fried perogies, just a lot smaller. Not quite as tasty either. Sat down across from him and ate his balls. I’m not a savage. Of course, I offered him some too. He tried to politely refuse, so I forced a few bites down his throat. Your host offers you something to eat, you eat it, even if it is your own balls. How do you think I will remove your nuts? I will let you in on a little secret. The best part is not removing your balls; it is what I do with them afterwards.

Punished With An Acid Bath

Sadistic phone sexI was a very naughty little slut and went behind my Master’s back and fucked another man without his permission. Stupid me, I thought I would be able to be slick enough to do it without him finding out but he went through my cell phone and found the evidence of our text messages and dirty pictures before I could erase them out of existence. I am so fucked! I knew that I had a really brutal punishment coming my way whether I liked it or not. My anxiety was out the roof anticipating what harm he had in store for me. After a torturous beating with a crowbar, he threw me into a bathtub as I was half conscious and he began to fill it up with acid. My skin immediately started to burn and melt off as I screamed bloody murder in such anguished pain. Master stood over me and laughed like the evil mother fucker that he is as he watched me flop around like a dying fish. He gets off on such torturous pleasure when it comes to giving me my horrific consequences. I could hear my body sizzling as I succumbed to my injuries. Yes, I was taught a harsh lesson but I deserved every bit of it and i’m glad that Master decided to stop at the acid bath, he loves me too much! I’ll have to keep this in mind the next time I think about stepping out on my sadistic, psychotic Master!

Neutered makes for a better pet.

castration phone sexLove those roleplays. Castration phone sex has to be the most fun as I watch you quiver and quake wondering if tonight is the night that you lose those fun bags. You always wanted to be a little faggot with a pussy anyway. So, just let me finish this job and make you into a panty slut.  I love fucking as much as anyone but some men shouldn’t be allowed to have the tools to procreate. You are one of them. Spreading your nasty seed and infection among women wherever you go. Knocking up pussies and making little bastards. Oh yes, I love “fixing” your kind. You don’t deserve that large pair of danglies. So, here’s a nice drugged beer and the crazy notion that I might let you fuck this pussy too.

Except this time you are the helpless one, waking up hogtied and your nutsac banded like a bull calf. It’s swollen like a purple balloon. So much more fun to pop them that way. I have my razor tipped stilettos on. Shall I dance all around your “boys” or just make it quick and clean with a straight razor. Or maybe, just slow and painful cuts until you are begging me to just end it all. Oh, I love being a dark, evil ball busting slut. I think you’ll be making this decision for me. Scream louder when I pick the right choice.

Execution by Torture Sex and Humiliation

torture sex

Torture sex death and humiliation is what I was sentenced to for my crime of disobedience. The judge ordered my death immediate and public. My executioner was into extreme pain and degradation. Before we even left the courtroom, he had me stripped naked and in shackles. I was escorted to a room. The room where I would soon die. There was a variety of people watching in awe as I was spanked repeatedly. My body was exposed and prodded. Nipple clamps were attached to my tits. My cunt was whipped. My legs were spread wide and I was tortured with a menacing vibrator. When I got wet, I was mocked for being a pain slut. I was tied to a post and whipped and tortured while strangers gawked and cheered for my death. I tried to beg for forgiveness for my insolence, but my fate was already sealed. My executioner was having too much fun torturing my female parts. I liked the pain, but I was afraid to die. I didn’t want to die.  I denied that I liked the pain, but my wet cunt told a different tale. My executioner informed me that I would die a painful death when I orgasmed. I tried not to cum. But the pain was too intense. I am a pain slut after all. I died cumming, naked, exposed, being tortured in my ass and my pussy while strangers masturbated and cheered my death.  If only I had met my executioner under different circumstances….

Dark Gothic Evil

goth teen phone sexWhen you think of goth teen phone sex, you’re thinking of me. The sound of her head splitting wide open and the smell of blood made your cock rise high. Even as her brains oozed out, she was moaning. “Fuck her if you like” I whispered and giggled. I knew you wanted to fuck that dying pussy and lick the blood from her mouth. You jumped on her like a starving mongrel, pushing into her tortured cunt. I had split it from clit to asshole hours earlier with my razor blade dildo. She had been beautiful. Long blonde hair and blue eyes. The prom queen who had rejected you and told everyone about your small penis. The wounded look of defeat in your eyes had sent me into a rage. I had cornered her in the bathroom the night of the prom and chloroformed the cunt. Now, she belonged to us forever. We experimented with all of my toys. Who knew how many items could be shoved into a pussy? We fucked her with every sharp tool in the shed. Guess the bitch wouldn’t be making fun of anyone else ever again. I almost let her live. Allowing her disfigured face to be seen in public was too much kindness. So goodnight, princess. May your soul dance forever in the swamp where we dump you for the gators.

Do you have murder phone sex fantasies like me?

muder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies are so intriguing don’t you think? For me, it’s always a little tiny bitch that I want to kill. I want her small and weak and delicate and I want to take all of her beauty and innocence from her slowly and painfully. She’ll be my little doll that I can dress up… and cut up into little pieces. I’ll start by tying her up so she can’t squirm around then I want to start slicing pieces off of her. Maybe cut her little face, break her little nose or pop her fucking eyes out. All those little things that hurt so bad but won’t kill her, I want her to last as long as possible. I’ll break her bones one by one until she is just a broken bloody little doll, that’s when I will finally fuck her with one of my wicked strap on cocks and fuck her to death!

Cut Off My Cunt

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Cut off my cunt. Tie all my limbs down and open me up so you can see my insides really good. My screams do not matter at all, you are on a mission to mutilate my tiny pussy so that I can never feel pleasure anymore. Knowing that it will actually cause me a lot of pain any time I am touched below my waistline turns you on so much. You heat up a knife on the stove and explain exactly how this going to go on. You are going to first slice my clit off then go on to remove my lips. The practice is held in many countries with great regard as a way to suppress women and you just think it is exactly what a dirty slut like myself deserves for prancing around the way I do in those skimpy outfits. You remove the knife, which is red hot by now, and in one slow cut take my clit away from me. I passed out from all the pain. What happened next??

Devoured by Wolves

Snuff Sex

I was kidnapped by burly looking mountain man. He left me hogtied in a burlap sack in the back seat of his old truck as he took me somewhere far away. When the truck stopped, he dragged me still in the sack across the ground. When he released me, I could see we were outside in the night. By the vivid detail in the night sky, it was clear we were very far from any civilization. Barely able to see in the dimly lit night, I could barely make out the silhouette of a chain link fence surrounding us in the yard behind an old log cabin.

He pinned me to the ground as he ripped off my clothes, causing twigs and stones to dig into my back. Although, I barely noticed the pain as I tried to fight off this strange man. He pulled out his cock from his pants and forced himself inside my dry pussy. I squealed from him going too hard and too deep, but he didn’t care. He tore through me like truck stop whore. His rough hands gripped my throat tight enough to cut off my breathing. I choked for air as he continued to beat up my cunt and abuse my body.

By the end, I didn’t even have the energy to lift myself off the ground. I laid still on the ground, hoping he would leave me for dead and I could escape into the night. But when he went into the cabin, I heard to sounds of metal gates being lifted around the perimeter of the fence. Keeping completely still, I listened for any signs of movement. I heard scuffling and then a deep growl. My stomach dropped as I made out the faint view of the hungry wolves surrounding me. Before I could even scream, they pounced, ripping apart my flesh and snapping my bones. The searing pain of teeth tearing me limb from limb was the last thing I experienced before I slipped into the dark.