Category: Mutilation phone sex

Decapitation with Daddy



sex with dead bodies


Daddy has been coming into my room since I was really little and having fun touching my hot little body. I’ve learned so much from our fun times together but I think we’re at a point where I could do without that late night wake up call to suck his cock. Tonight I hid a big knife under my pillow and waited for daddy to come in for his nightly cock sucking session but I had a little extra surprise in mind. As he going down to kiss and lick his favorite young bald pussy, that’s when I pulled out the knife and kissed daddy goodbye. It felt so good to slice that blade through his neck and have daddy’s blood pour all over my lap. The look on his face when his eyes rolled into the back of his head, I knew I wanted to cut his tongue out first so I could make him lick my cunt one last time and eat our my asshole. I cracked opened daddy’s jaw and shit right down his disembodied throat! Then I sat his head up on one of the bed posts so he could watch me fuck his rock solid rigor mortis cock. Oh daddy, I won’t miss you at all because I’m going to keep you around for awhile to use as my own little sex doll just like you’ve done to me all these years. šŸ˜‰ Evil feels so good!

Snuff Sex An Abortive Pleasure of Violence

There’s this real fucking whore cunt that I need to torture and snuff sex her and that demon growing inside of her. I decided to grab a couple of my guys and paid the cunt a visit. We pushed our way in and I cold cocked that tramp as the guys grabbed and bound her to the bed posts. I straddled that cunt with my large hunting knife in hand I fucking get wet looking at the fear in their eyes. I cut her clothes off and those fucking panties I really enjoyed cutting off as I teased her clit with the tip of my knife. I laughed as the guys took over and started fantasy raping her holes and beating her as they banged her sloppy whore holes.

I took a coat hanger from her closet and bent it just right as I stood over her laughing I start shoving that thing up her twat and ripped at that thing inside of her. I ripped that demon seed out of her as she whimpered and bled out the guys and I decided to partake in this bottle of champagne she seemed to have chilling for just the occasion.I can call my brother now and tell him it’s done.

snuff sex

Snuff Dreams

Knife play phone sexI had the most wickedest dream last night I had to wake up and write about it. I was coming out of work getting into my car. When all of a sudden I was grabbed from behind and my head banged up against the car door. My body went limp but I did not pass out. Who ever it was threw me into my car, and handcuffed my wrists behind my back. He drove me somewhere I have no idea where. But when we got to where we were going he dragged me out of car. Cuts my clothes off with a knife, even digging into my flesh as he does. He is punching and kicking at my naked body. I could feel the pain in my dream. And it felt amazing. I could feel him raping me with the knife. Gutting my insides. I could actually feel the blood drip out of cunt. Then without warning he snuffed the life right out of me. And that is where I woke up right before my death. And the blood I could feel dripping out of my cunt was my cunt juices leaking as I squirted. Making a huge mess on my bed.

Snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex, Sadistic phone sex and, Castration phone sex is what i love to role play with you Master. I need a new master just about fucking now. Will you be my new Master? I need a real man to tell me what to do. Life to me is boring when I don’t have a Master telling me what to do. One that will take me out to work the corner. I’m even happy if you take me to the truck stops. I love being a good little fucking fuck slut. Love getting the dick in me all over me. Specially when they cum all over me and make me walk around like that with no shower just full of cum for the whole day. Master I’ll even get my pussy full of cum and get one of the little cum sluts to suck it out of my tiny tight pussy!

Cannibalism Phone Sex For Giving Thanks

Cannibalism phone sex is the best way of giving thanks this season and be sure to season the prey well! Tender is the meat of those young healthy brats and a visit to the Ghetto will allow us a mixture of meats. I like a lean white meat but that dark meat is quite tasty to feat upon also. I like to hunt the prey for the Holiday meals in advance and keep an eye on them. I will groom the little sluts by prepping them with sponge baths and fingering and stroking their sexes. They will get green tea enemas in their succulent little rears. And lube that sweet hole with coconut oil.

Down in the kitchen I will have the oven on low for a nice slow roasting of that tender flesh. While savoring the smell of this sweet tender young ones roasting I am so horny for my accomplices cock. We fuck and drink wine as the main course is ready to devour we can’t help but fuck while ripping that flesh off and ingesting the succulent feast.

Cannibalism Phone Sex


Cutting Off My Sister’s Clit

torture phone sex

So my little sister has always been “Miss Perfect” and it’s always driven me totally crazy. She get better grades in school, she’s a cheerleader (*puuuuuuke*) and I even think mom and dad love her more but I figured out the best way to get even. I’m going to cut that little bitch’s clit right off. I got a hold of some crazy Mexican sleeping pills that are basically roofies and I slipped it into that stupid cunt’s protein shake this morning. On the walk to school she started getting lightheaded and being the good older sister that I am I escorted her to “safety” which was really just the abandoned warehouse we pass by. Once she started to fade off to dream land, I tied her hands behind her back and each of her ankles to the rusty support beams that hold the shanty roof together. There were dead rats and birds all over the place and the place smelled like death. My pussy was getting soaking wet just thinking about how evil I was about to be by mutilating her privates which would make sex painful for her forever. I pulled her panties down and opened up her little labia lips, exposing her clit. Going down on her, licking and sucking the clit to get it nice a plump so I could be sure to cut the entire thing right off. Then I pulled out my trusty scissors that I had just sharpened for this task. Taking them right up to her clit and in one hard *snip* it was bye, bye for lil sister’s clitty! I then shoved it up into her pussy and force fucked her with the scissors for good measure. After I tore her clothes off and punched myself a bunch of times so that it would look like there was a huge struggle. I ended up blaming it on a maniac who tried to kidnap us. Lol She’ll never know it was actually me who did it. Hopefully now she’ll get off her high horse. But just in case, what do you think my next plan should be?

Daddy’s Forced Abortion

Bloody Phone Sex




Daddy found out I was preggo. I guess there’s some rule where if you take a pregnancy test at school the nurse has to call one of your family members. I begged the school nurse not to call my daddy because I knew he would be furious, especially since the chances of him not being the father were pretty slim. Daddy showed up and picked me up from the office. Putting on his sweet and caring daddy act in front of all of the staff but I was shaking. Once we got into the car, that’s when daddy started unfolding the plan at hand. He was going to force my unborn angel out of my belly and that would be the end of that. What ever he wanted to do with the bastard little one would be up to him and I would be lucky to survive the order as a whole. Once we got him he instructed me to lay down on the bed. He immediately sat down right on top of the little bump forming on my belly- jumping on me repeatedly and screaming that I was a whore. I could feel the sack about the burst but daddy wasn’t done. He got a knife and cut my womb open. There was blood everywhere. He then stuck his erect cock into the brand new fuck hole and started fucking my womb, taking the knife inside a few time and making cuts to the already dead precious little. After he was done force fucking my womb, he reached in and pulled out what remained of my little dreamer. He opened her mouth and skull fucked it until his cock came out the other side of her head. After he wrapped her up and made me hold my dead little, saying only one last thing- if you’re going to be a little whore for anyone else than daddy- you’ll be the one wrapped up in dirty shop rags covered in blood next time.

Castration Phone Sex: Lorena Bobbitt is My Hero

castration phone sexHave you been searching for castration phone sex? You may have read it is my speciality. I am a sick bitch. My personal hero is Lorena Bobbit. She didnā€™t take the balls, she took the whole damn dick! I channeled my hero this weekend. I was at this new Goth club. Normally, ass wipe, douche bag hipsters donā€™t frequent such clubs, but I found the one who did. From his skinny jeans to his cheesy pornstache, he annoyed the fuck out of me. Out of all the punk princesses in the club, he fixated on me. He took my blunt ā€œGet the fuck out of my faceā€ statement as flirting. I donā€™t flirt. I either fuck you, kill you or castrate you. He ordered a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. Dude, what the fuck? This is like an Absinthe kind of place. He was the biggest tool I have encountered in a long time. I decided to castrate him in the bathroom. I would cut his balls off and pin them to the bathroom wall as a warning to other guys that this is not a pick-up bar. I made him think he was getting lucky in the bathroom, but it was me who was getting lucky. I told him to show me his cock and balls. When he unzipped his pants, I pulled out his cock. As I was getting ready to slice his ball sack off, I slipped. I took more than the tip! I ended up Lorena Bobbitting him. His pecker was sliced clear off. Blood was spurting all over the bathroom floors and walls. It was a happy accident! I thought perhaps I should call for help. I mean that can kill a guy. I just walked out of the bathroom, with his pecker in my purse. I drove home and fed it to my Pitbull. Next day I heard about a man found in a pool of blood in a new club missing his penis. There was a large search for his severed dick. Ā I just laughed and patted my dogā€™s head.

Knife Work Practice

Bloody Phone Sex


You have been instructing me for awhile on the pleasure of knife play. Having me drag the blade across my thighs first to get used to the sensation then ordering me to press harder and harder. Cutting off my labia was fun although I cannot lie, it did hurt a whole lot. I’m a bit of a self inflicting sadist though, as you know by now for sure. Watching the look in your eyes while we take turns digging the tip of the blade into my flesh and seeing how big and full of pleasure your face grows while I use my body like a personal voodoo doll. You even got these amazing needles that we stick directly into my ovaries from my tummy itself. Being your human pin cushion for your darkest desires is what gets me off. Finally, you get the big knife out that is double sided and have me ride it like a mounted dildo until it cuts me open. Creating just one giant fuck hole from vagina opening to anal wall. We still have more work to do and personally, I look forward to it.

Snuff Porn Remake

snuff porn

I watched snuff porn all weekend. I needed some inspiration to kill. I sure got it. I watched this one movie that dismembered a young girl. It was pure torture, which means pure arousal for a sadistic bitch. I love a bloody kill, especially one that prolongs the agony. No pain, no gain, right? I was soaking wet after all her limbs were removed. The executioner fucked her bloody dead stump too. Fucking hot as hell. I knew just the girl for my own remake and just the right accomplice. My best male friend has been complaining about his bratty neighbor girl. He talks about how annoying she is, but he speaks about her in a way that tells me he wants to fuck her. Just because a little cock tease gets you hard, doesnā€™t mean she still canā€™t die. I knew torture sex may be too extreme for him, but if I got him fucked up, I knew he would get violent. He doesn’t drink because he has some condition that makes him get wacky when drinks alcohol. I spiked his drink with Ever clear grain alcohol. It is strong and tasteless. We went to my kill shack where little April waiting for him. I had her naked, bound and gagged just for him. His dick got hard, so I knew he was happy to see her. He wasted no time. He pounced to fuck the shit out of her. As I saw cum oozing out of her ravaged bald cunt, I started sawing off her limbs. I thought he would freak out, but he stroked his cock harder. He even stroked his cock using her spurting blood as lube. He helped cut her limbs off with me. She screamed bloody murder, which just made it hotter for us both. I didnā€™t peg him as the type to have sex with dead bodies. I was wrong. Ā I have a confession. I licked her dead cunt and it was yummy.