I’m having a bloody good time tonight. All these bodies. Bloody Phone Sex is what I’m into tonight. I have a load of bodies going to the crematorium so tonight, there are mine to play with. The first thing I do when I come into work, is strip down. Examine what’s come in for the day. Then I have all these fantasies about what could have happened if they had run into me or my friend Shadow. She’s into twisted shit too. Occasionally I have to dispose of some fucked up looking bodies she brings me. A lot of the time, I like to pose their bodies in a fashionably sick and twisted way. I can break their bones and make extremely distorted figures out of them. Other times, I just go wild with knife play phone sex. Cutting pieces off. Cutting women’s breast implants off or just their entire breast. With my job, the possibilities for some sadistic shit is endless. Wanna play with me?
Category: Mutilation phone sex
Bloody Phone Sex
Snuff Porn with a Tender Age Cutie
Snuff porn stars tell me its all fake all the time. But, I watched as my master make a real one. He made it with a girl I brought him. She was a tender age school girl. I brought her home from the mall for him to play with, but she thought I was a friend of her mom’s. Stupid cunt should have known better. You never get into a car with a stranger, not even a woman. Master fucked her up good. I mean his cock alone split that tiny whore in two. Her virgin pussy was all bloody. Her ass prolapsed. There was no way I could return her to her parents. She was damaged goods. Very damaged goods. Her tiny girl’s parts were mangled and bloody. She could not even walk. She kept passing out. I had an idea that made me Master’s favorite slut. Snuff movies bring in the bucks. I told him he should kill her on film. Dissect her like a frog in biology class, but first force fuck her tiny holes on camera. That kind of sick shit, men love to see. They pay top dollar when the victim is a tiny young thing. Master thought my idea was genius. He enjoyed her tiny fuck holes some more before he gutted her like a deer he snagged on a hunting trip. I opened a can of worms. He told me if I didn’t keep supplying him with a tender morsel, he would snuff out me too. I went into fight or flight mode. I am a survivor. If my life depends on leading a little lamb to slaughter, then I will bring him a heard of lambs. Parents better keep their daughters close to home. Now there are two with murderous thoughts for young school age girls on the prowl. Do you like tender age girls? Maybe, I can help you snag one as your playmate too. I promise you, I’m a good accomplice.
Knife Play Phone Sex
Well looky looky what I found on my way to work. Stupid fucking bitch. Who hitchhikes anymore? Knife play phone sex with her should be fun. Usually they’re already dead when I get to slice them up, but today must be my lucky day, and obviously not hers. My shift just started and I’ve got ALL night to play with her. What do you think I should do to her? I’ve already started cutting little slits all up and down her. Not enough to make her bleed out. Oh no, that would take away all the fun. Just enough to frighten her and thrill me. There’s already a nice puddle underneath her that I’ve rolled around in and rubbed it all over my tits and my starving pussy. I climbed up on a ladder so I could straddle her face and made her lick my pussy clean of her fresh blood. It was so exhilarating. I grabbed her by the back of the head grinding my cunt all over her face until I came all over her. She looks so beautiful hanging there with my sweet juices mixed with her blood dripping off of her chin. We’ve got a very long night ahead of us. Call me and tell me what you would like for me to do with her.
Ageplay Snuff Phone Sex, Wanna Be My Accomplice?
Shhhhhh, do you see them? If you’re gonna be my accomplice for snuff phone sex, you’ve gotta be quiet. We can’t let anyone see or hear us. I’ve got special plans for those little fucking brats and nobody is gonna spoil it. Not even you! Go get the car and bring it around. There’s duct tape and rope in the passenger seat, grab it and bring it to me. I’ve been planning this for a while now. Oh the things that we are going to do to them will make every horror movie seem like Disney. Chopping and slicing and mutilating. All the screams and begging for mommy. I’m so excited right now, my pussy is so wet. This is the shit that turns me the fuck on. I can’t wait to get them home so we can have our glorious blood fest. Satan himself would be ashamed if he knew what I had planned. Are you up for the challenge? Don’t wimp out on me now. All that blood. I can’t wait to roll around in their innocent blood. Rubbing it all over my nakedness. That moment when life leaves their beady little eyes.
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies
Murder phone sex fantasies are rampant in my sick mind. Seriously, I meet more people I want to kill than I want to fuck. My callers only feed my killer fantasies. This may be the wrong profession for a Goth chick with murder on the mind. I was watching some insipid Disney film with a caller early last week. He likes young girls. He wanted me to castrate his pervert cock for liking young girls. They way I see it, those little Disney princesses are cock teases. The world needs less of those, not more. After watching Disney cock teases, I went hunting. This was a solo hunt sadly. When young girls are the target of my rage, I prefer a male accomplice. Someone who can enjoy their little fuck holes first. That way none of the little whore goes to waste once I kill her. I can just look at a little girl and know if she is going to grow up to be one of those cheap whores that have way too many babies and expects us to pay for them. I saw the perfect victim at the mall. She looked like a little beauty queen. Whore makeup and slutty clothes and attitude a mile long. She was shaking down old perverts for candy and jewelry. I told her I would be happy to spoil her, but she told me to get lost because she wasn’t into old whores. I am not even 30 yet. I punched her in the face just right to incapacitate her. Tossed her into my trunk. I drove her to my cabin in the woods and did very bad things to her. I should have made a snuff porn of what I did to her. I cut off her clit and her nipples. I fisted her cunnie and ass. I shaved off her pretty hair. I dismembered her just to hear her scream. Then, I roasted her over an open flame and ate her tender age body. No one will find her unless they examine my shit.
Bondage Phone Sex Can Be Torture
I do bondage phone sex daily. You would think I would be extremely good at bondage. I am a good submissive, but the other night, the bondage was torture. I pissed off a drug dealer. I was supposed to sell a few bricks of heroin for him. In exchange for some coke, I was given instructions to sell all the heroin first. I was strung out, desperate. I needed the coke then, so I traded the bricks for coke. He never should have trusted an addict with that much product. It was like an episode of Law and Order. He had one of his thugs kidnap me and toss me in his dungeon. I tried to act like I had been mugged, but he knew I was high. He talked to a few guys on the street and knew what I did. Torture sex was in order as my punishment. He suspended me from the ceiling with my legs stretched out like I was doing the splits in the air. The position alone was torture. Beneath me was a rod with a ball on top. No ordinary ball, but a vibrating egg. Attached to the egg were razor blades. He pulled my ropes that kept me suspended hovering over the torture device so my pussy plunged on it. I felt the skin from inside of my pussy slicing. Blood tricked to the ground. I knew when he turned on his torture sex toy, my pussy would look like raw meat. I begged and pleaded for mercy. I even tried to barter for my life by saying I would be his sex slave for eternity. I tried to convince him to pimp me out to recuperate the money I stole from him. He just smiled as he turned on the vibrating egg of razor blades and said, “No one wants to fuck an old whore pussy.” I passed out from the pain; woke up with a pool of blood beneath me and a ruined pussy.
A Tasty Feast
Approached by this man with a thick Texan accent while drinking at a local bar he was obviously looking to herd me into his dastardly obsessions. Cat calling at me and talking really degrading towards my fine assed body he was really sizing me up. After his easily done forced intoxication of me he ushered e out to his Mercedes SUV where he chloroform me as he shoved me in the back. I awoke naked and shackled in the commissary of an abandoned Hospital with a large part nearby simmering over a fire. Watching the big Texan toss vegetables in the pot as he stroked his cock looking at me with an evil and sadistic smile. I squirmed and whimpered when I realized I was coated in olive oil and cracked pepper and noticing some large cutlery of a butcher on the counter.
He smiled at me as he tested the water then came towards me with a machete. “Well darling I sure wished that anesthetic was a bit stronger and you wouldn’t have to feel this near as much.. but then again my pleasure is purely from watching you squirm, oh, and those screams as I dismember you and drop your parts in the water. But don’t worry fuck doll I plan on basting your insides really good with this big Texas cock.
My Last Babysitting Job
I had just sat down to watch some television after putting the two little angels to bed when I heard a meek little scream come from their bedroom. Assuming a nightmare was just taking place, I sort of brushed it off for just a moment before hearing the second scream. I rushed up the staircase and that’s when I saw you with your cock shoved inside her tiny face, skull fucking her through her eye socket while her small body limply hung off your dick. Her even tinier little sister already ripped in two in her cradle. As soon as our eyes locked, I knew I was next. I ran downstairs and grabbed a knife to try to protect myself with but you threw me to the ground quickly and disarmed me without an issue. You threw me to my knees and made me suck the little one’s brain matter off of your uncut penis which left much flavor to savor. You took your belt off, wrapped it around my neck as I begged for my life. You made me suck your cock while you choked me to death. What a mess for their parent’s had to clean up, right?
Bloody Phone Sex is the Best
Do you like bloody phone sex stories? I embody the term overkill. My shrink diagnosed me as a young girl with antisocial personality disorder with sociopathic tendencies. You kill one slut as a teen girl and you are labeled the rest of your life. She deserved to die. She was a mean girl cheerleader slut who fucked with the wrong misfit. She and her fan club played a cruel joke on the high school outcast. They just underestimated me. I knew who the ringleader was in that group. No one in school took a shit without Clarissa’s approval. Back then, I was all rage, no mind. I didn’t plan my kills well, so I got busted. The entire town knew what a mean cunt Clarissa was, so there were special circumstances in my case. Plus, the bloody details of the case were sealed because of my age. Only the police and my court appointed shrink knew the details about how I carved up the head cheerleader’s body until it was unrecognizable. I stabbed her cunt. I carved my initials in her bald pussy. I put a firecracker up her ass and cunt. Of course, they exploded, which was what killed her. I am not ashamed of snuffing out the school bully. Her followers only feared her. I may have killed her savagely and impulsively, but that was over a decade ago. I still have a love for blood and killing. Just now, I never get caught. Turns out I don’t have to kill because I lack impulse control or because of a need for revenge. I make snuff porn because I like it. I am what the FBI calls a sociopath who lacks remorse. That is because I only kill those that deserve to die. Who do you know who deserves to die?
I Love Cold Dead Bodies
They say find something you love doing and you’ll never work a day in your life. I fucking love my job. Wanna know why? It allows me all the Necrophilia Phone Sex I want. I can’t help it. I just love cold dead bodies. It’s such a fucking turn on. Nobody else ever wants to come in here so the morgue is like my sanctuary. It’s the one place that I can be sick and twisted self and no one will bother me. The first thing I do is strip naked. Then, I carefully inspect the findings of the day. There’s so much beauty in death. My pussy immediately gets moist at the sights. I wanna smell them, taste them. Feeling their cold flesh against my lips. The taste of them on my tongue. I grab cold stiff fingers and shove them up my hot wet cunt. Finger fucking myself with corpse digits.
I wonder what tonight will bring me. I can’t wait.