Category: Mutilation phone sex

The Most Exciting Adventure is Kidnapping Blasphemy Sex

The Most Exciting Adventure is Kidnapping Blasphemy Sex. It isn’t often that I get accosted by a group of Satanists. These guys approached me in the Mall parking lot and hauled my ass into their van.

Once I was tied up and had my panties shoved in my mouth they taped my mouth shut. Then the guys proceeded to tied my breasts up while my wrists were bound behind my back. This was all done while they were driving.

Finally the destination was reached. It was an abandoned church and they hauled me in and placed me on an alter. Then the knives came out and they started to carve satanic symbols on my flesh as they curse Jesus, Christ and the fucking Lord. The only Mass I was attending was the black mass of my doom.

Finally as they carved me up they all pulled their dicks out and started to violate every fucking hole. These guys injected me with some narcotic cocktail and then removed the tape from my mouth. They needed to fuck my throat and have me gag and as they went for strangulation and a final deep anal fucking.

Blasphemy sex

Snuff Phone Sex Because I’m Not Someone You Want to Mess With Ever

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex, I do best. The gfe thing, I never do. Perhaps you could call me a black widow. I do not marry men to kill them for their money. However, I will kill a man for not listening to my verbal warnings to get lost or stop calling me baby. Most men see the look in my eyes and know I am not messing around. But some men just do not listen. Not my fault.

Last night, I went to my neighborhood Goth bar because I wanted a drink. Although I do not socialize in that bar, I know most of the regulars and they know me. The bartenders all know me, and what I like to drink. But everyone there also knows I am a loner. And I prefer it that way.

A guy came up to the bar, sat next to me and told the bartender to put my drinks on his tab. He was not a Goth boy or a Steampunk guy either. More like some suit and tie nerd. Even the bartender told him he best move along. But the nerd did not take the hint. So, I looked him right in the eye and said unless you leave now, I will give you free castration phone sex.

He laughed like he thought I might be joking. So, I showed him my knife. But only one. When I go out, I usually have about 5 strapped to my body. The fucking idiot challenged me with, “I’d like you to try, bitch.”

Men Need to Pay Attention to My Body Language and My Words

The bartender looked at the guy with shock on her face and told him he better run now. Even though I don’t do not socialize at this bar or any bar, everyone there has my back. In that place, I can get away with murder and mutilation. And I have many times. So, when this idiot did not heed the bartender’s warning, I unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock and prepared to chop his dick off in the bar.

This idiot thought I changed my mind and wanted to jack him off. Stupidity deserves extreme cock and ball torture sex. So, I sliced his entire dick off and watched the expression of confidence change to one of horror. He passed out. While he was down, I cauterized the wound to slow the bleeding. Other bar regulars helped me take him out of the bar and into his car.

 We drove his car to a park miles away to put him in the front seat. This way he would think he drove himself there. Oh, I drugged his beer.  But it did not kick in until after I severed his cock. I planned it that way. And as a final touch, I put his dick on the dashboard. If anyone finds him soon enough, they can likely sow it back on. He will not remember he was at the bar or how he lost his dick. But he will never come on to another woman again.

Sadistic Phone Sex : The Greatest Fantasy World of Darkness

Welcome to the Realm of Darkness. I am Morticia and I will be your Sadistic Phone Sex Goddess for the most deranged and sadistic adventure.

First I will say that snuffing little brats out is exciting for me. But i am even more excited at the mutilation of men. When I get to enjoy a nice set of freshly removed balls to pop inside my ass, or cunt it’s a fucking hot time.

Then, a favorite of mine is to cut off a penis just so I can fuck the guy with his own dick, in his ass. That is a true love of mine and have him scream in pain. All while he is bleeding out like a slaughtered bitch.

Never underestimate the tremendously evil and demented ways of a sadistic little evil witch like me. When I say I have no limits in how filthy I get and dark, I really fucking mean it. After all nothing like making a crotch goblin a little voodoo doll for the fuck of it all.

Who’s balls are ready to be nailed to my fucking plank of sadistic destruction. My stilettos are ready to get bloody.

Sadistic phone sex

Sadistic phone sex finding the weakness and exploiting it.

Sadistic phone sex             Sadistic phone sex finding the weakness and exploiting it.  It must be remembered that everyone has something they fear. Being sadistic is finding it, exploiting it, hearing the blood curdling screams of torture.

            Next, we tie in the torture games with the sadistic mind set of a snuff whore like me. What do you get? A sadistic torture loving freak that has no boundaries, if they are made, I walk over them.

            Cocks and balls are meant to be to be infected and tied up. Clitoris gets the scalpel just like the penis. Circumcisions are meant to be torturous not some bar mitzvah. At the same time, I could see throwing a party to cut off the head of a penis.      

            Now that is wicked. Seriously, you get money to be mutilated. Mutilation phone sex parties I do so like it. Get your cock cut off and be mutilated and pay me to do it. Make it a party.

            To be sure the Jews got it right there. Quickly now, let’s all line up to have our dicks cut off and give money to one person and collect with the other hand at the same time. Who wouldn’t like that.

            Talk about being sadistic and finding a weakness to exploit. A whole religion does that.

Ass Rape Porn Star Blair Gets Her Ass Shredded for Coke

ass rape pornBeing an ass rape porn star allows me to pay for my coke habit. However, sometimes I pay too much. But this week I almost paid with my life. And my ass needed medical attention afterwards. Rarely do I need medical attention. I am tougher than I look. And I am no stranger to hardcore anal sex or any kind of rough sex. However, this encounter split my asshole like I shit out a bowling ball.

The guy I saw for my coke fix told me I had to give up my ass if I wanted coke. And I did not think it would be as rough as it ended up being. Five days later, I still cannot sit or shit right. Plus, I have stitches in my ass like an episiotomy. So, let me tell you what I endured. Once I stripped naked, I had to bend over and get fisted. Even double fisted. This little home porno felt more like snuff porn than anything else.

My Ass Takes a Beating and Keeps on Ticking

Six men gang banged my asshole. But they used more than their cocks. Fists. Even forearms. Baseball bats and all sorts of household items like eggbeaters and rolling pins sodomized my ass until it bled and prolapsed. It prolapses easily. However, this seemed different. More painful and more bleeding than normal. But I felt everything because they would not let me get high before they started force fucking my ass. And coke makes all the difference. I do not feel anything after a few lines of coke.

For hours, those 6 men sodomized me with every big thing they could find. Plus, they choked and suffocated me too. No one spoke to me. Not even the director of this violent gangbang rape porn. That seemed unsettling to me. When they finished, the director tossed me a wad of cash and told me to get the fuck out. And those were the only words he said to me. I got high and went to the ER before I went home and crawled into bed with my clueless husband.

Ass Rape Porn : The Best Secrets of Anal Bliss

Ass rape porn is the ultimate experience to have with a young whore. As a good assistant, or accomplice my goal is to give up my ass And to find fresh ass. So after I give my ass ring up I will already have a fresh piece of ass or two in the waiting room.

In fact the two young things I had last time, well, they were terribly sweet. It’s that tight young plump asshole of the jailbait school girls that get my Master all worked up. Those plump round butts, spreading those cheeks we see that perfect pink pucker. Untapped virginal ass.

However, there’s a little problem. Sometimes I just get so jealous. And I see him going to town on that ass. And what a fine ass it is. But, ya know that sweetness of the innocent virginal holes being forced open and gaped.

Finally with this jealousy, I have to do something.

Ass Rape Porn

Snuff Phone Sex Comes to Life for Losers Who Live Close By

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex is all I do. Well, snuff, torture, castration and assisting men in force fucking is what I do. I mean I am on a snuff site for a reason. And it is not so men can call me honey and baby. Or expect me to give them the girlfriend or mommy experience either. But every day I encounter more than one dumb ass who clearly cannot read. And sometimes, those dumb asses live near me.

Tyler called me last week. And he called me every pet name in the book despite me telling him not to do that at least a million times. He called me for some boring vanilla shit and did not understand why I wanted to give him castration phone sex instead. The way I see it, if you cannot respect a woman’s boundaries you do not deserve your balls.

So, I Googled his address and found out he lived 10 miles away. That rarely happens. But if I am getting billing info and a guy lives near me, I tell him I am a CA girl. That way I can pay him an unexpected visit like I did to Tyler over the weekend. Of course, the loser still lived at home with his mommy. How pathetic. No way this guy gets pussy. Well, no way now, LOL. I had to stake out his house to learn his habits and figure out a way to remove his nuts without mommy waking up.

I am Not Your Girlfriend or Your Mommy

This guy gave me Norman Bates vibes. But he will not fuck again. I snuck into mommy’s room first and chloroformed her while she slept to ensure she did not wake up. Then I went to junior’s room, put duct tape over his mouth, strapped him to his bed and gave him some extreme cock and ball torture sex. Just what he needed. However, I wore a ski mask to hide my identity. And I never spoke so he would not know my voice.

I chopped his balls off while mommy slept in the next room. This little bitch boy cried and screamed, but no one came to his rescue. My guess, mommy discovered him the next day with blood all over his sheets and his balls stuffed in his mouth barely breathing. Perhaps, I should have killed him, but I think it will be more fun for him to be without balls or an erection for the rest of his life

Knife Play Phone Sex Because It Takes More Talent and Skill to Kill with a Knife

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex is my specialty. My nickname is Wicked Butcher. Some folks do not even know my real name. And I like it that way. I do not want my crimes linked to me. I find it much harder to match up a blade than a bullet. But I literally own thousands of knives. And most of them my grandpa purchased on the black market so they would never get linked to him or me.

Some of these knives are centuries old and priceless too. But since so many of them have been used in crimes, I could never sell them. I find knives the best killing tool. I can stab, cut, slice, dice, skin and gut a person with a knife. And I can give a man free castration phone sex with a knife too. It feels more primal to hunt with a knife. Plus, it requires more skill. A bullet only requires decent aim. I’m a hunter. And I like a fair fight.

I am Like Chucky. Tiny, Stealth, Evil and Violent

Usually, I always strap two knives on my body because you never know when you might need to fight. I am tiny. Barley 5 feet tall and less than 125 lbs. Men underestimate me all the time. Sometimes, I like to pretend that I am a helpless dainty girl to lure a predator. Men never see my knife until it’s too late.

A guy underestimated me last night. Thought he could scoop me up and put me in the trunk of his car. I let him think he captured me. But my knife allowed me to fiddle with the inside of the trunk and end up in the back seat of his car where I stabbed him through the seat a few times. Not enough to kill him. But enough to let me gain control of the car so I could drag him out of the car and eviscerate him. And I took my time too.

So, if you try to harm me, you get torture sex for a long time, including cock and ball torture and castration before I kill you. So, this predator lost his balls, lost his cock and eventually lost his life. Men never see me coming. I am like Chucky. Small, evil and violent.

Snuff Movies are Made to be Watched

snuff moviesDo you watch snuff movies? You may have happened upon one of my creations. Although, my real name is never attached to a movie, if you follow my work, you will see my signature moves. I like to make the snuff flicks as bloody as possible. The more blood and guts in a snuff flick the more popular it seems to be. So, I am just giving the audience what they want.

Over the weekend, I made another snuff flick. And Iive streamed the kill too. Some of my best work. I mean I made it bloody and visceral. This cute drunk coed became my snuff porn star. I let the audience tip me for certain things. And the audience seemed just as depraved as me. Viewers paid to see me mutilate her perky coed breasts. Some one wanted me to fuck her cunt with an ice pick. That got bloody and caused her so much pain she passed out. But I used smelling salts to bring her back.

My Snuff Flicks are Bloody and Torturous

She needed to be awake for this movie until the final blow. The tips poured in as I mutilated her body. One viewer paid for me to carve whore in her flesh with the sharpest knife I own. And I gladly did that. At that point, she appeared to be struggling to survive. She had a lot of blood loss. But I kept the cunt alive as long as I could. I had a money goal to hit with my snuff movie.

The final tip came in after a couple hours of torture. And the final tip requested that I gut her like a pig. So, I got out my sickle and hooked it in her belly button pulling all the way up like I was Candyman, LOL. Her guts spilled on my shoes. We watched the life drain from her eyes. Lots of dings for the show. The last thing that drunk coed saw was my masked face covered in her blood. Even though I never show my face as the executioner of my movies, my fans know my work. I am known for the violent torture sex that leaves a victim gutted like a pig.

Have you seen any of my films?

Killer Phone Sex Beheading After Anal Prolapse Deflowering

Killer phone sex comes in many forms. Last nights run was a damned hard ass riding. Literally the ass was ridden hard with the deflowering and prolapsing of a tight teen hole.

As I was seeking out some fresh ass meat for my partner, it was this teen catholic girl that caught my eye. In fact she was just so adorable with a plump ass and pert tits. It made me sick how cute she was.

Obviously I got a little sadistic with her when I found my partner really enjoyed tapping that ass pucker. So I decided to take a machete and lop of her head. He was still penetrating that ass and just started getting his rhythm.

That very moment I saw in his face the nearing moment of ejaculation I slapped that blade down. Her head went thumb. Then her asshole spasmed. And my partner well, he came harder than ever with a loud grunt.

Killer Phone Sex