Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Choke Her Out

strangulation phone sex

Have you ever been fucking a girl and she asked you to choke her? Were you surprised by how much you liked it? I bet you were. And I’m sure you also had fantasies of taking it further and choking her all the way out, right? I’m not surprised because that happens so many times and that’s why I receive countless calls for strangulation phone sex. Guys seem to love having that kind of control over a woman. Honestly, there’s no better control than wrapping your hands around a woman’s throat and squeezing the life out of her.

What are you going to do with that body once she’s gone? I mean, you might as well fuck her good and hard one more time. Maybe slide your cock right into that asshole because she’d never let you do that when she was still alive. What a fucking cunt. She deserves whatever happens to her. I guess some people just need to learn how to act and it’s too bad for your “friend” that she had to learn the hard way. Let’s talk about how you’d feel while you strangle her. I want to hear every sadistic detail.

Scream Queen Murder Scene

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

Her blood was splattered everywhere; the windows, the walls, dripping down my naked cunt. It was the lube I was using to fuck myself with – a huge dildo in my hand furiously pumping in and out of my cunt. I had slit her throat slowly with a pair of sewing scissors with no regard for the dull, rusty edge. She screamed as I sawed through her throat. She pleaded as she started to bleed right up until I pierced her trachea and she was just a whistle when she tried to speak. I could see the fear marinating in her eyes as I dipped my big dildo dong into her throat and got it into a bloody fucking mess before plunging all thirteen inches into my cunt. I bound her then, and watched her bleed out as I peeled skin from her face to snack on.

It’s the thrill of the hunt, of the kill that drives me. My cunt drips as my stomach growls, eager for the flesh of man. I’m a blood thirsty, lustful demon at my core and if you can’t keep up with me I suggest running in the opposite direction. Else wise, you might end up as my next fucking snack.

Mutilation Phone Sex

Sadistic phone sex Pleasures

Pleasure for me means pain for you. My Sadistic phone sex pleasures are geared around me destroying a worthless asshat or some little brat. I have no qualms on the age of who I destroy. I am a murderess… a serial killer by profession. The things that get me off is maybe a little psychopathy but it’s good. I am of solid mind and when I am feeling down a little drink and torture of a worthless fuck meats cock is awesome. I feast on blood of virgins. I masturbate with the fluid from brains of my victims. Fuck even the dumbest have fluid full of stem cells that will fuel my own regenerative guidance. I will destroy you bitch and you have nothing but pleasure of me doing what I do.

Sadistic phone sex

So if you want a taste of my kind of fun then we can party like vampires. I will stroll in the cemetery and find you a fresh corpse to dig up and see if you can actually get it up and fuck the dead cunt for me.

Murder, Mayhem & a Slutty Cunt

Murder, Mayhem and a slutty cunt are the makings for a horror movie, but it’s my life. As a snuff whore I make it barely out of the weekend alive. It’s totally true that I love to be destroyed, over and over again. I live the life of a dark and filthy overture that is on an endless loop. Some days it feels like a death loop to be real. I wish I did die some of these nights of pure and utter horror. The burning of my cunt when I pee after it being destroyed and looking like ground beef. I fucking swear it practically makes me need to rub one out as I pee in such delirious pain.

My tits get bruised and bloodied. My lips are swollen and a black and blue eye stairs back at me in the bathroom mirror as I see my hair matted with jizz. I am a walking fuck doll after a frat party of hormone high and drunk fraternity boys. They would bash me about and take their turns on me. Every hole left ripped, gaped and jizzed in. I will smell like cheap beer, urine ass and cum. This is my reality and it’s 99% of the time caught on film.

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Pain giving Killer phone sex

killer phone sexKiller phone sex Pain giver Jezabel wishes to hurt you badly. Are you a pain piggy for the ultimate destruction? Need to be beat and shoved full of cock for a mistress with no limits on the pain she gives? I bet you have death fantasies that get you off. Need to be strung up like a side of beef and cut hundreds of times until you bleed out on the floor? Can you time you cum load to the death scene we prepare? That takes a lot of work considering you never know when the final kill will be! Pain p i g g y here pain piggy. Your cock doesn’t deserve to be on your body very much longer. How much are you paying your mistress every year she lets you have your cock? And when are you going to get tired of paying her and just lop it off? I hope at least one of my pain sluts call me on the night of cock destruction from that real life mistress. And I do hope you leave your dick and sanity at the door when I’m done with you! I have murder phone sex fantasies of killing and destroying you inch by inch! 

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

murder phone sex fantasiesDo you have murder phone sex fantasies?  I hope so. I am full of them. People think I am full of rage if I want to kill so many people. Not at all. I just like killing. I do not kill folks I hate or have beef with because that is a trail that leads back to me. I have gotten revenge, but it has been years later and usually done by an accomplice. I like to trade murders. That is where I kill someone who I have no affiliation with for you. And you return the favor. This has long been movie plots, LOL, but it is my way of taking out the trash from my life safely. I am smart and I am patient. That is how I never get caught. Crimes of passion are almost always solved. I met Mark online in a dark net chat room. He had a problem he needed fix. He was looking for a gun for hire to take care of his wife who was milking his millions away in an expensive divorce. He would be suspect number one if he did not have an airtight alibi for the night of her murder. It took me awhile to stalk her and kill her, but that was two years ago. I went to Miami to kill her while he was in Phoenix. I made it look like a robbery gone bad. I told him one day I would need a favor and he could not refuse. I did his murder for hire for free because I knew a day would come when I had a problem that I needed taken care of too. My problem was a former teacher in high school who tried to explore his rape phone sex fantasies with me when I was young. He did not count on me being smarter than him at that age. Even though he was never able to fuck me, I told him one day my revenge would come when he least expected it. I waited almost 20 years for my revenge, and I used Mark to do it. I really wanted to be the one, but it could have come back on me. I thought Mark might balk at it but when I told him the why, he was glad to help. He even castrated the bastard for me. That was his touch. Sexual mutilation is always a female suspect in the eyes of cops, but I would be in the clear. So far no one has come asking questions. Mark and I got away with murder. I will always get away with murder because I am a smart taboo phone sex bitch. 

Killer Phone Sex Electrocution

killer phone sexIt is no secret that I love killer phone sex. It is in my genes. My grandpa ran a prison. He was responsible for 253 executions in his prison over the 20 years he ran it. I have his electric chair. I use it mainly for castration, but every now and then, I hook up the currents so I can kill a loser. I fired the chair up last night for a special guest. My grandpa told me all about how to prepare a subject for the electric chair and how to operate it. There are many things the public does not know about death by electrocution. First, the death row inmate is bathed and completely shaved. That includes the hair on his head and body. I prepare my personal death row inmate for electrocution by shaving every ounce of hair off his body. That includes his nut sack, ass crack and pubes. Electrocuted bodies are messy. My grandpa said to put a butt plug in the inmate’s ass, so he does not shit all over the place. Once my loser was shaved and cleaned, I put him in the chair with the butt plug in. I then slipped a catheter in his pee hole to prevent him from pissing everywhere. I put a leather strap in his mouth, so he did not bite his tongue off with the first electrical current. I strapped his head, chest, wrist, and ankles to the chair, so that his body would not levitate off the chair. I did not have the standard volts to course through his veins, but that did not matter. This was a snuff porn, not a federal execution. I do not have to adhere to the rule of no cruel and unusual punishment. I live for cruel and unusual punishment. So, I made the electrocution last for a harrowing 20 minutes instead of the industry standard of 30 seconds. The smell of burning flesh and the look on a man’s face as his brain is frying, is foreplay for me. I can still smell burnt flesh in my house. Helps me relive my special late-night kill over and over.

Teen Violent phone sex vengeance

violent phone sex The young seductress at play has a violent phone sex story for you. This cheerleader slut at my school set me up. She had a couple of football players come after me and kidnap me to use my fuck holes. I know you, know I’m not even 5 feet tall and super light. It was nothing for them to pull up beside me walking home, and pull me in that jacked up truck. They brought me down to the creek and three of the biggest football starts from my highschool fucked me so much that I passed out from the pain. I woke up in the sand on the creek bank, full of cum and numb. I have to admit I enjoyed it a little too much, but that’s not the point. I knew who had sent them after me.
So I Went to the darkest mother fucker I knew. In his forties and needing a sweet teen whore to fuck up was on his bucket list. I offered him the cheerleader slut to make his rape phone sex fantasies come alive! I lured her into the park after dark by pretending to be one of the hot guys from school. She was so surprised to see me and as she turned to run my very good friend with the sadistic cock knocked her out. We dragged her into the bushes and let him force fuck her ass and pussy until he came. Then we dragged her into his trunk so we could rope up the cunt, bring more men over and snuff her out the way she should be! No body fucks with me. Now its time to castrate and kill those football jocks too!rape phone sex fantasies

Knife Play Phone Sex Cumslut

knife play phone sex

My mom always taught me that you don’t play with sharp things, but that prudish bitch doesn’t know how to have fun. If she would have fucked my dad for fun instead of just to reproduce, she would have found that he could have introduced her to a whole world of fun. She rarely ever put out, but you know who did? Me. And not only did he let me practice all of my dick sucking skills on him, but it got even darker than that. He introduced me to things that make for amazing knife play phone sex calls.

Do you love running a cold steel blade up and down the body of a hottie like me? Maybe you never even draw blood, but even just the anticipation of wondering if that will happen is enough to set my pussy on fire. And when he does break skin with the sharp blade, well, that always sends me into a screaming orgasm. Do you want to talk to me about what that’s like? How far would you take our knife play? I want to hear everything, no matter what my fate ends up being. Don’t worry. I can take it.

Ass rape porn For a druggy whore

ass rape pornAss rape porn is Always in season. A nice tight pink puckered ass opened up and running full of cum gets my Mojo Going. I had this friend of mine who got a little crazy and owed the drug dealer some money. I told her I would take care of it. I invited him and a couple buddies over to get the money out of her ass! I shoved a large bag of cocaine up her ass and strung her up but her wrist from the rafters. Her toes barely touched the ground and were hanging there like a pinata of a slut! Now I gave these Kingpins a choice, I could fist her ass and bring the dope out first and then they could destroy her however they wanted. Or they could all depict a load and then watch me fish out that dope. We would run the risk of her dying prematurely by busting the dope and sending her to her death! But the dope King wanted her to suffer and so they went about fucking the stung up, strung out whore and left me to fist her and try to get the dope out though the sea of cum! Her body was convulsing and I knew that she was overdosing on dope and cock! I don’t these fuck cared because they kept fucking and have sex with her! I love men who have sex with dead bodies after kill!sex with dead bodies