Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Cannibalism phone sex: Kidnapped And Baked To Perfection.

Cannibalism phone sex

I never really thought I’d enjoy cannibalism phone sex so much. But there’s something seductive and amazing about the thought of being cooked and eaten while someone literally gets off to it. It’s making me incredibly horny right now just thinking about it.

Just imagine some hot little thing walking down the street, her plump juicy ass peeking out from below her skirt as you pull up to offer a ride. But you have so much more in store for her than just a simple ride home. Little does she know you’ve removed the door handles and reinforced the seat belts so they can’t be easily removed. She has no idea what she’s about to get into.

So, she meekly stumbles into the passenger seat as you reach over and “assist” her with her seat belt. Making sure that your prize is nice and secure and can’t escape once she realizes that crawling into a stranger’s car was actually a very poor choice.

Can you imagine the look of fear and shock on her face when she finally realizes what trouble she’s in? Because I sure can. The thought of her being actually terrified makes me so horny and excited. I may have to actually take a break from writing to play with myself for a moment.

Imagine holding a chloroform-soaked cloth over her face so she passes out. You have to get her into the house somehow don’t you?  Imagine the feeling of her body weight against you as you begin to caress her, feeling every inch of her to make sure she’s a good specimen for the night.

Prepping her, placing an apple in her mouth, rubbing her down with some herb butter, and getting her nice and prepared to go into the special oven. To become your teen phone sex dinner. It’s quite a sight to think about, isn’t it? Come let me help you finish the story. Maybe we can make it better together.

What Are You Thankful For?

Gothic phone sex


Of all the things you have to be thankful for, is gory, grimy, filth filled Gothic phone sex one of them?  Do you give thanks for all of the rainy, depression filled days and nightly dreams riddled with nightmarish visions of death and violence that plague your very being, or are you only grateful for the few fun filled, sunny days and magical moments of joy that trickle down through the tragic parts?  You know that you couldn’t have one without the other, right?  Have a seat, let’s talk real shit this Thanksgiving.  No turkey, no stuffing, no pumpkin-fucking-pie, I don’t even have a table for you.  Just you, me and some talk that might be a little hard for you to hear.  You need it, though.

I’m sure you’re appreciative of all of the dumb shit you have in your life: cars, house, family, status.  People love having that shit, how it makes them happy, I’ll never know.  What I want to know is do you give gratitude for the little, darker things in life that people usually don’t think about.  You know, the parts of life that some individuals are forced to reckon with that you might not necessarily think about because it hasn’t happened to you in your sheltered, pathetically unaware existence.  Not yet, anyway.  We’ll see how our talk goes and where this conversation takes us.

Of all things, I bet you’re most grateful for your loving family, huh?  Loving wife, attentive parents, maybe a rugrat or two running around?  Family is what makes holidays great, right?  You’re oh, so thankful for the clan in your kitchen cooking up a storm so that everyone can stuff their stupid faces and get fucking fat and watch stupid football and blah-blah-fucking-blah.  Isn’t that right?  Well, are you thankful for having a father who didn’t beat and abuse you and come into your room every night to have his way with your tiny little body?  And are you thankful that your mother never chained you down and whipped you with everything she could get her hands on and violated your virgin hole with random objects from around the house?  Do you give thanks to your parents for not using rape and torture as punishment when you were frowing up?  Maybe you should.

How about your closeted whore of a wife?  Are you going to thank her for not gaslighting you, taking all of your money and driving you completely fucking insane?  She could, you know.  You men are pretty trusting of the women you let into your lives.  Look at us talking now, for example.  Do you really think it’s smart to let a feminine force like me into your life when you obviously have so much to lose?  Not your smartest moment, I’m sure, but here we are.  Anyway, your cuntbag wife could just pack up your crotch goblins and all of your possessions and leave, one day.  You should tell her thanks for not being a complete psycho and taking you all out with some sort of poison or just flat out blowing all of your heads off with a shotgun.  I bet she’s thought about it.  

Never thought about being grateful like that, have you?  Grateful for all of the unfortunate things that haven’t happened to you that, very easily, could’ve.  And they still could, you never know.  Your mom might choke on a turkey bone and keel over at the table, stranger things have happened.  Your whole family might just die in a fiery car wreck while you’re all out driving around looking at Christmas lights.  If that’s your path, then so be it.  Or maybe, just maybe, the whole time I’ve had you here, distracted by both my bold, naked beauty and my wide open, rabbit hole of a mind, I sent a few friends over to your house to have some sadistic fun with your beloved family for Thanksgiving.  Hypothetically, if I did send some sordid baddies over to your place to eat all of your food, fuck your mom, wife and tots in front of your dad before they baste his brain with buckshot, would you be more thankful if I told my friends to let the rest of your family live or If I had them just take out everyone in the place?  Be honest.


My newest Snuff porn FuckTot Express

Snuff pornMy newest Snuff porn is called Fuck tot express. A train that delivers specialty girls into the hands of Chester the molesters all over the country. Every car is themed with horrors so degrading and sadistic! And Variety is the spice of life. We have chocolate tikes, Yellow babes and even some Latin sweet flesh! Mothers are on the train as well. The added effect of devastation and pain! Heightening the deaths and force violent fucks of our brat meat! Any man needing to have a youngin will be lining up to take a ride with us. Torture and mayhem erupt on the fuck tot express. The wind carries the screams of dead girls away. The train only stops when All of our victims hearts have stopped. The scene cuts to a discarded pile of corpses and me. I’m a novice and pretend I have no idea how to get rid of theses mounds of dead bodies. I grab a chain saw and start ripping through bones and blood flies everywhere. The movie ends with me bathing in the blood of my victims, during the “blood rain!” Snuff movies like this make my teen Horror slut cunt ache! 

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies: Kidnapped and snuffed by Mr. Troy.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

The look of shock on my face when Mr. Troy, pulled up to me had to of been apparent to him. I was so shocked that my science teacher would actually offer to give me a ride home, crawling into his vehicle he locked the doors and started down the road. That’s when he began telling me about his murder phone sex fantasies. The things he was saying had my heart racing in fear of what was about to happen to me.

He informed me that a few of his buddies were waiting for me at his house, that he had sent pictures of a few girls to them and I was the chosen one.  Quickly reaching for the door handle to climb out of the car, it didn’t take me too long to realize how fucked I was. I was definitely in danger being this close to him when he quite clearly had bad intentions on his mind. Pulling up to his garage out back of his house, it was a good distance, no one would be able to hear me if I screamed. My heart racing I tried to get away as he opened the car door, grabbing me by the hair he drug me into the building. Where I saw two great big men standing before me.

“On your knees, Bitch” I heard a voice from behind me as they quickly shoved me down kicking my legs out from under me. Their hands were rough and firm on my skin, I knew there would be bruises the next day if I made it through this. They were all wearing masks, standing there naked. Cigirrets and knives in their hands as one of them walked over his boot finding its way to rest on my midsection. Pushing himself into me I let out a grunt before feeling another kick me in my thigh. Immediately sent a cramp up my leg as I screamed in pain another blow to my head “Shut up, Girl” they said.  As I heard the ciggies being lit before pressed into my skin, the sizzling noise was masked by my screams.

“We’re going to torture you then murder you, you dirty slut” they said laughing to themselves as I whimpered begging for my life to be spared. “I won’t’ tell anyone!” I cried out as they began punching me, filling all of my holes with their cocks as their cum just dripped from my body.

To be continued…

Roleplay phone sex is where I can roleplay Sex with dead bodies

Roleplay phone sex

Roleplay phone sex is what I like to go on i get to roleplay and do as i want, even have Sex with dead bodies. I have had to watch my sadistic uncle fulfil his rape fantasies all my youth and one night it went too far. As usual i was my uncle’s accomplice and had to find him a young dumb slut or I would be the one punished. Once he got her in the house, he tied her up and had me undress her. He strangled her while telling her she better be ready to give me some live Ass rape porn. I was nervous for her but a bit excited. After all this time I have secretly started enjoying watching my uncle abuse and give them Torture sex of their young life. He shoved his cock down her throat making her choke and forced me to hold her down.  When he was ready, he flipped her little body.   I knew it was time. He was going to make his Ass rape fantasy true like he does every single time. My uncle spread her ass and shoved his cock deep in her little tight asshole. He gave me a good anal rape porn scene and as much as i tried to fight it, my cunt got wet. He grabbed her by her neck and used her asshole to jack his cock off. Even when her body went limp, he still kept fucking her until he came inside her ass. Now I like to watch people have Sex with a limp slut.  

Accomplice play with a hot barely legal Babysitter phone sex Princess?

Babysitter phone sex

Could you imagine combining babysitter phone sex and accomplice fun? The way it would feel to know that you had a partner in crime to commit the horrible acts you’ve been dreaming about should absolutely make you feel super horny and turned on.  I would love to be that person, the one who gets the little creatures together that you intend on snuffing. There’s nothing I want more than to assist you in making your cock explode with need.

Just imagine me calling you and inviting you over to the how I’m babysitting at. Telling you not to worry that I’ve put the little ones down and you and I can have some fun together. I bet your mind would be racing with thoughts of fucking me, when little did you know you’d be having sex with dead bodies while we mutilate and do fucked up things to them.

Does that turn you on? The thought of having sex with corpses? The thought of hearing the last dying breath of air escape a perfectly little set of lungs. Let me give you what it is you crave, weaving a tale of destruction that may even be too much for you.

Are you ready to snuff some brats?

Snuff sex has nothing on me and my sadistic mind

Snuff sexI am the monster slut you are looking for.  The sadistic whore of your filthy Snuff sex dreams. Hell has nothing on me and the things that I love to put my sex toys through. It’s the only way my pussy can truly be pleased. I love rubbing my cunt and cumimg while watching the scene unravel. Her tits are perfect, perky, and round. The perfect trophy to keep around. I slice that massive mound off her chest. Her blood was not the only thing that made a mess. I came so hard my body shook with pleasure. I squirted everywhere and her screams made it that much better. I swear she got wet but maybe that was just me. everything about her has been perfect so far. Even hunting her had me cumming watching her try to fight you. God she is so feisty I wonder if she knows this is literally the fight of her life

 The thrill of the hunt is nothing compared to the thrill of watching you torture and take the holes of this worthless little whore. The way she begs as she suffers and her blood drains slowly from all her many wounds. You are a savage as you force your cock in her using all her newly acquired holes to jerk your cock. I know you are rocking her world. It’s been days since we caught her and brought her here and today is the day that we end her.

You grab a drill and I know exactly what you are going to do. You drill a hole in her head perfect size for your massive cock to use, I sit on her face as she screams in my cunt the vibrations and sounds are almost enough. I almost came right then and there but I’m saving it for when you cum. Now fuck her brains out and take that whore she is all yours!

Snuff sex has nothing on the truly Sadistic things is crave

Snuff sex Snuff sex has nothing on the true degradation that I crave. I can’t help it, the only thing that can turn me on are things that only the mind of a truly evil bitch can come up with. I need blood! The red, warm, sticky life force gives me a high that I chase. The bloodier and more mutilated the encounter gets, the better! My twisted sick mind goes insane at the sight, smell and the palpable fear. Each time blood squirts or a cry for mercy vibrates through the room, my pussy pulsates threating to cum right then and there.

The smell of iron and the sight of my liquid kryptonite are not the only thing this sadistic whore craves. I need the echoes of the screams as a worthless toy is being tortured. The pain that I am witnessing them endure at your hands doesn’t seem to be enough to me. I think real slow deliberate pain is overdue, so you know like any good sadistic slut, I’m going to help. I grab a pair of garden sheers and start cutting off fingers and toes. I want this torture to be prolonged, but also need my fix of blood and screams.

“No one can hear you! Scream as loud as you want! You actually will make this more enjoyable than I thought!” I hiss as I place my tight wet pussy over this slut’s face. She is our fuck toy now baby so don’t mind me while I use her face. You are force fucking the hole that used to be her pussy and ass and I love the way your bloody dick look going in and out. She is moaning from pain as she slowly bleeds out and the vibrations are screaming my name. I can’t help it I’m covered in her blood and the sight is too much to bear. I squirt down her throat as I smother her with this round juicy ass. She is chocking and drowning in my sweet nectar, and I should let her up for air. But fuck it I’m going to water board this bitch with my cum and maybe if she makes it, we can go from there! I know you like fucking their dead bodies anyways!

Snuff Porn “The Killing of Francie”

When it comes to Snuff Porn, the best part of it is when I have a real victim to decimate. These guys come begging for my attention. The attention of a sadist is certainly the edgy guys love. I am always laughing at and humiliating these pathetic idiots.

So the other night this little twerp came by and confessed he wanted me to kill him. I told him awhile back that he should just drop dead. He would follow me around campus. I finally cornered him and told him he was a worthless twerp. He groveled some more and I pulled him inside a room. The room with ropes attached to the floors. I shoved the twerp down and kicked him.

Binding him to floor I looked down on him. I stomped him in the chess and laughed. I told him I am filming his death. I turned on the lights and there was an audience of 100 or so sadistics. I was live streaming the film on the internet for money. He begged and I said just shut up and die.

Snuff Porn

Murder phone sex Fantasies are a gift

Murder phone sex FantasiesI frequently have Murder phone sex Fantasies. Maybe it’s because my life is so hard being the slave of these horrible men, but the sweet release of a bloody, grim, horrifying demise seems alluring instead of scary. I dream of it often, laying there while my abused cunt is sore and bleeding from the recent reaming or torture session, hoping that somehow the bleeding doesn’t stop and I simply cease to exist. I want to die, I want to be killed, I want tomorrow to never come and I always get my hopes up whenever I feel a new pain or something breaks inside while they fuck my black ass rough and hard and raw. It’s fun for them, subjecting me to Mutilation phone sex, turning their domestic late-night ‘snack’ of a whore into something worse just because I didn’t have the power to fight back or the will to run away. The windows are open, the door is right there, but I can’t move. I never can, and anytime I think of it one of them comes around the corner with some new guy and they pull me back down to hell one nasty fuck, one horrifying cut, one bloody scream at a time. I know they eventually plan to let me die, when I’ve become too used, too worthless, too abused and lifeless. I just hope it’s soon, that maybe they underestimate what I have left and end it too soon. I want to still be here to choke on my blood, I still want to remember my bastard crack whore husband when I breathe my last breath and collapse onto the floor in a puddle of was and potential. I need to go out quickly, to be used for Snuff porn, and somehow I get my hopes up every single time someone calls, hoping that it’s going to be the guy that pays enough for them to do just that…