Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Surgeon Amputates My Limbs and Drills My Brain

Medical fetish phone sex


The surgeon has me strapped down to the hospital bed. I feel groggy after he had injected some kind of sedative. He says that I am prepped for surgery, but I didn’t ask for any surgeries. I see his tool station with all of the devices he will use to torture me. There lie surgical scissors, a bone cutter, sutures, retractors, a dilator, and a cranial drill. He had his sterile gloves on and was ready to tear into me. Even though he sedated me, I could feel everything that was happening to me. As he sliced into my leg, he noted all of the muscles, nerves and ligaments. Then, he took his surgical saw and sawed into my bones, completely detaching my lower leg from the rest of my body. I wanted to scream out in pain, but I was too drugged to make a sound. He continued with the rest of my body, cutting off my left hand and my right arm. Each procedure left me  in agony. Once I finally got up from my stupor, I screamed at the top of my lungs and begged for anyone to help me. The surgeon took his cranial drill and shoved it into my forehead so that he may continue his surgery in peace. 

Follow My Snuff Sex Plan or Else

Snuff sex

When I’m providing the snuff sex fuck pigs for some deranged degenerate to dick down, I have to be the one who decides how the distressed damsels are dispatched.  Not because of my lust for blood or for anything overly psychotic, I just know how to kill a bitch without making too much noise, plain and simple.  I don’t want to draw any unwanted attention to ourselves and when you mix murder with fucking, guys tend to forget about the world around them and go a little nuts.  You can’t trust that kind of energy to make sound decisions and I can’t have some idiot blowing my cover no matter how much he pays me for my sexy slaughter services.  I got a good thing going, here, I won’t let anyone fuck it up.

Case in point; this fucking guy.  He’s been renting my rotten little wretches to use and abuse for about a year or so, usually just sticks to typical torture and beating my kidnapped beauties up with his bare hands.  I was a little surprised when he asked for some sluts that he could slay while he smashed, but dark desires usually escalate in these guys, that’s just how perversions go.  He’s a pretty good client, usually follows my commands to the T, so I didn’t think that this jump would be too much for him.  I was wrong.

The plan wasn’t hard to understand, it was going to be a simple two girl motel strangulation.  He even told me he was excited to see the life in their eyes fade out as his hands squeezed tighter and tighter around their throats and their holes squeezed tighter and tighter on his rock hard prick.  I had them slightly sedated and partially stripped down just as planned.  He was supposed to slap them around and scratch them up or whatever before ripping their undies off and having his way with their incapacitated cunts and unaware assholes.  He said he was going to make sure he came as they were gasping for air and their eyes bulged out of their sockets, those were his exact words.  Nope.

He beat on them and shredded their bra and panties right off of them just as planned.  He pulled out his dick and, right before jamming it inside of one of those unconscious cum sluts, he pulled out a pistol and shot them both in the head.  POW-POW!  It happened so quickly, I didn’t even have time to react.  In the moment, all I could do was gather my things and split, self preservation kicked in and took over.  I ran out of the room as he was going to town on the bloody blonde, hunks of her brain slowly oozing down the headboard.  

It didn’t take long for me to compose myself, there’s no way I’ll ever be tied to it.  I was really mad at myself for not seeing it in the guy for a while, but I’m over it.  I put him on my long list of losers who deserve to die and his time will come soon enough.  No one fucks up my world like that and lives to revel in it.  If you want to have sex with dead bodies then I’ll provide you with every ounce of fuck pig flesh you need to get your rocks off, easy-peasy.  You better follow my murderous plan though, Pally.  I don’t enjoy running, it makes me mad.


You Love Fucking Dead Sluts

Necrophilia phone sex


I am nothing to you. I was nothing you when you cornered me in the park at night, got out your big steak knife and sliced my throat, a steady stream of blood spurting from the wound, with ease, and I am nothing now as I lay dead before you. This is the perfect opportunity for you to fuck a dead body, fresh from your kill. I dressed for easy access, which makes it easier for you to rip off my panties, lift up my skirt and force your cock into my pussy. Your precum is making my dead pussy wet and allowing you to slide in and out of it as fast as you please. You love fucking this body, especially as it is about to get cold. It is just a fuck toy for you to use, was never a person. If I wanted to be treated like a person, I wouldn’t be dressed like a whore. If I were still able to feel my body in the afterlife, I would enjoy your abuse. You bet my deceased pussy is getting wet right now from being abused by you. Use me like the cum dumpster I am. 

Lolita Murder phone sex Fantasies

Murder phone sex fantasies

Lolita Murder phone sex Fantasies. Your hard cock is strained and untouched, you need a hot whore and some little lolita to get tortured to cum to! So, you call my snuff lines and get ready to fap that big dick. I answer, naked and horny while I touch my hot and wet pussy with a cute lolita whore. “I’ll rape her nice and rough for you, daddy! ~” I say before shoving my fingers into that little bitch, popping her cherry. Her pussy juices and blood run down my fingers while I brutally fingerbang her to please your hard cock. She screams and cries, begging for me to stop, but I don’t. Your cock is close to cumming, then you tell me to kill that whore. Hehe! I love to murder sweet lolita’s. Torture phone sex always makes my dripping wet fuckhole squirt! I take my big kitchen knife and put it to her throat. She’s so scared, I can’t help but to cum and squirt all over the whore’s body and take a quick piss all over it! Mm, I slowly slit that little slut’s neck, watching the blood pour from her thin and soft skin. She gurgles and chokes all over her blood, before she slowly fades into exquisite death.

No Place Like Someone Else’s Home for the Holidays

Home invasion phone sex

There’s nothing like home invasion phone sex for the holidays!  I like Christmas just as much as the next brainwashed consumer, but do you really think I’m going to spend all of my time and money decorating and and doing my place up for the season?  Of course I’m not but I don’t want to deny myself cheer and merriment and all of that bullshit.  That’s why, every December, I find a fun little family to hold hostage and use to create the Christmas that I’ve always wanted, the Christmas I never had.

It’s never hard to get into a place, I just use my door to door hunting tactic.  I go from house to house early in the month under the guise of giving out free advent calendars to families in the area.  I don’t mess with the ones who simply take the calendars graciously and send me on my way.  Their reward for being both nice and cautious is their lives, though they’ll probably never realize that they had won anything other than a festive box full of chocolates.  The first bunch of suckers to ask me if I’d like to come in out of the cold and drink hot cocoa with them, they’re my mark.  Nice, maybe, but not very smart.  Not very smart, at all.

When you go into an unfamiliar dwelling and the inhabitants are right in front of you, you have to be very inconspicuous with how you case the place.  I’m always sure that everyone in the family is present before I let myself loose, I don’t want any surprise brothers or sisters popping up mere hours into my plan and ruining everything.  A quick glance at the family photos hanging on the walls does it.  Once everyone has gathered and we’re enjoying one another’s company over hot cups of chocolatey goodness, I let them all know that I have more to give them than advent calendars.  Indeed, I have some really bad things in store for them for the holidays.

Mom and Dad will always react in one of two ways when I tell them I’m there to make sure their Christmas is hell, scoff or laugh.  Both responses are met with a ball peen hammer to the hand so they know I’m serious.  Everyone will scream, some of them will try to run.  To get quick control, I wrap Dad up in a choke hold, whip out my straight razor and tell everyone I’ll slit his throat if they move one more muscle or let out the tiniest of peeps.  Show the family that Dad is powerless against you and they’re all yours.

I have the offspring bind their parents, without variation.  I force the boy or boys to perform fellatio on their father and jack off all over their mother’s face while the girl or girls and I watch.  For days, the parents, bound the entire time, get violated and penetrated by their sons while the daughters and I watch.  After a week or so, through our many talks and shared observations, the girls start to understand my reasoning behind creating the ultimate suffering in their parents.  Stockholm syndrome at its finest.  A couple of weeks into the holiday hostage situation and they’re barking out orders and torturing their parents just like I would.  Even give their brothers some heavy handed treatment without any suggestion on my part.  It’s kind of crazy how it always works out in the same manner, as though I’ve tapped into some psychological nerve of fucked up families that lets me play them all like puppets.  That’s the best Christmas present I could ever get. 

Of course I have to off the whole clan when I’m done.  I like to do it by the new year, start the next one out fresh, but sometimes I have a little too much fun with my holiday families and stick around well into January.  The sister I befriended this year is crazy as hell, she’s going to kill her mom before Christmas even gets here if I don’t cool her out a little.  I guess worse things could happen, but I want her to be around to get her big present… watching her very own dear little ones tear their father to pieces as he screams and cries and begs for mercy.


All I want for Christmas…

Kidnapping Phone Sex Every holiday season is a horror show around my house, daddy coming home drunk almost every night, my brother and his friends constantly letting their customers in and out of the house at all hours. You have to understand that because my mother died around Christmas, my father is always dreading this time and because I look like my mom, I get beat really brutally every year. I’m lucky if I don’t end up in the hospital on the day after Christmas, daddy usually likes to fuck me hard and break some bones too. I know he has something up his evil sleeve, I’m so terrified of what could happen this year, all I want for Christmas is to keep my holes from gaping!

Fantasy Phone Sex Lines Let You Explore Your Darkest Thoughts

fantasy phone sexFantasy phone sex lines like mine let you explore your dark side. There is nothing illegal about our thoughts. I love talking to perverts who like naturally bald pussies. I talked to a guy late last night who was driving around in his car peeking into people’s windows. He had some wicked home invasion fantasies that got my pussy wet thinking about being his accomplice. He went by this one house with a huge bay window. He could see the family in the living room. He described an idyllic family, like something straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting. When I was a little girl, I always wished I had that kind of family. He described a pretty mom with a handsome husband and what appeared to be fraternal twins, a boy and a girl. They were likely still school age. He parked across the side of the road and called me for a home invasion phone sex fantasy while he jacked off watching the family he was fantasizing about. That really turned me on. We pretended that I was with him. It was dark, but it was early still. We pretended that the family he was jacking off to was asleep. We broke in through the basement door. My partner shot the husband. His blood and brain matter splattered on his wife who was now screaming. I dragged her out of bed and ripped her clothes off her body. I shoved her dirty panties in her mouth to muffle her cries. I tied her up so my partner could fuck her. I went and got the brats. I tied them up, but after I stripped them naked. We were going to explore our rape phone sex fantasies for those young teens. My partner fucked the wife, then he came to help me fuck the son and the daughter. It was a hot fantasy. And knowing that he was outside their home watching them and jacking his cock in his car made our role play even hotter.

Kidnapping phone sex goes wrong so you punish me for it!

Kidnapping phone sex“I’m so sorry master! Please have mercy!” I knew this Kidnapping phone sex was going to turn into me being the victim the moment she pulled away and ran. She was so quick, and I slipped in the mud trying to wrangle this bucking bitch.  Before I could get up you have my feet dangling in the air as you hold me up by a handful of my hair.

“You can’t do anything right can you you worthless slut!?” You scream as you toss me in the back of the car in the place where she was supposed to be. The look in your eyes let me know I was in for the time of my life. I knew there was no point in fighting, but if we can be honest, I know that is your favorite part, so I kicked and screamed and begged you not to take out your frustrations on me. You back hand me hard and blood flies across the back window and then you grabbed my throat and chocked me hard. My vision was closing in when I felt you rip my clothes off with your other hand.

I awaken gaged with a ball gage in my whore mouth and strung by my wrists to the ceiling. You have a flogged and I feel the sting across my round plum ass.  “You had one fucking job!” You screamed as I felt the sting again. “Well, I guess I’ll have to use you as a replacement! Oh, and after this stunt you will be lucky if you make it out after alive! I may just end you the same way we talked about ending that slut. I may torture you with a red-hot knife so it cauterizes all your cuts! Keep you strung up there for days on end playing with you and mutilating you with all my friends! We will have to see where this ride takes us! but buckle up baby because this torture train is leaving the station. The smell of my burning flesh filled the room and my cunt started tingling at the thought of all the torture I was about to go through!

Ass Rape Porn Forcefully Paid

I show up at Midnight wearing a slutty tight little dress that exposes my eye catching cleavage. I have no stockings on as directed. They wanted to film me for Ass rape porn.  My new 6 inch high black patent leather heels on my bare pedicured feet. My panties a pair of thin white nylon panties high cut bikini style. I had a lacy cleavage enhancer bra on in black satin. This was what I was directed to wear when I showed up at the Hotel.

I was working as a call girl, something I do on the side for one of my daddy’s friends. I had a couple of Slavic men to meet with that night. They were very verbal in a language I couldn’t understand. I was slapped around and had my clothes pushed out of the way to get at my holes. These two were very forceful and kept forcing shots of some licorice flavored liquor and lines of cocaine.

As they both finally came close to their time took their final use of me. They penetrated my ass and cunt simultaneously. One grabbed my hair and wrapped it around his fist as he thrusted. The other had his big Slavic hand on my neck and gave no mercy as I hacked, choked, gagged and passed out.

Ass rape porn

Bloody Phone Sex is a Killer Good Time

bloody phone sexWant to have a bloody phone sex good time? I do mean bloody. I am not for the faint at heart. I have been called a gore whore for a reason. I love the site of blood. It is an aphrodisiac to me. I got a taste of blood as a schoolgirl. My first kill, I rarely talk about, but that is not because I am worried about getting caught or anything. I know there is no statute of limitations on murder, but I know no one will ever be able to find me and make anything stick. I rarely talk about it because it was messy and impulsive. I had not yet become the stone-cold killer I am now. I am a snuff porn queen now. Back then, however, I was still learning my way. My grandfather was the only person I ever trusted. He helped shape my sadistic mind. I told him that I had stabbed a bully to death, and I needed help covering up my crime. He was not mad at me. He disposed of her body for me and made it so she would never be found. To this day she is still listed as a missing person. She had lured me into the woods near where I lived and taunted me. I had a small knife on me, and I stabbed her in the juggler. Blood spurted everywhere and covered me. She took a long time to die, but I watched in awe of all the blood and her pain. The bitch had it coming, but I panicked afterwards. My grandpa cleaned up my mess. But that was the one and only time anyone had to clean up my mess because my grandpa helped me become a stone-cold killer phone sex bitch after that. He was a masterful killer himself. Very prolific and never caught. I am his progeny. The days of impulsive killing are long behind me. I got a taste for blood on that first kill, but now I know how to kill without ever being caught. And I can take the risk for you so neither of us get caught.