Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies Should Be Explored

killer phone sexDo you have killer phone sex fantasies? I know I do. I grew up too late for the golden age of the hitch hiker. I think it would have been hot to hike across the US trading my fuck holes for grass. My luck, however, I would have gotten into a car with Ted Bundy and ended up murdered, be-headed and buried in a state forest somewhere in Washington state. I think, however, my fascination with the serial killers of the 70s and 80s, made me have these killer fantasies. The thought of being violently attacked while hitchhiking has always made my cunt wet. I know. I am a sick bitch. My fantasies run dark. Sometimes, lovers will engage a dark fantasy with me, but most times I am too dark even for violent snuff porn dudes. I do not know if it is all the coke I do, or just my nature to be violent and crave violence. It does not matter why I am so dark and twisted. It only matters that we get off to my twisted fantasies. I had a caller last night who indulged me in a hitchhiking / murder fantasy. He picked me up hitchhiking along a country road. I thought he looked nice and wrongly assumed that he was safe. We got high in the car, then he snapped. Hit me so hard I passed out. I woke up bound and gagged in a cabin in the woods. The guy I thought was a nice man, had a bunch of men in the cabin and they all had rape phone sex fantasies for the stupid hitchhiking whore. I had a killer headache from the blow to the head. I was dizzy and out of it, but they did not care. I was not going to live. They were fucking me before they killed me. I was pretty much passed out when they started dismembering me. They fed my remains to the coyotes. It was a dark fantasy, but one that drenched my pussy.

Gangbang Rape Porn Home Theater

Gangbang rape porn

My most prized pieces of pornography are my old 32mm reels of homemade gangbang rape porn.  I’ll never sell them to anyone for any amount of money, they’re priceless to me.  If you want to see them, you’ll have to come by my place and watch them with me, otherwise you can fuck off.  These things are gash slashing gold, there’s nothing like them out on the internet today, except for maybe the black market on the dark web.  My classic, torture and blood filled fuck flicks are one of a kind and I’ll never get rid of them no matter what.

If you just want to see some butt slut get slapped around by a bunch of assholes or jack off to a fine little fuck pig getting pummeled by a pack of fat guys with huge cocks then I’ll just direct you to any number of the free hardcore porn sites.  You can see a pussy vessel do just about anything you want without paying a penny on the web, you don’t need, and probably can’t handle, my harrowing fuck flicks.  These kidnapped bitches aren’t acting and neither are the men that are fucking the life out of them.

Unscripted screaming, impromptu multiple penetrations, flayed flesh on the fly and gallons and gallons of blood.  If that’s what you want to beat your meat to then we’ll set up a time for you to swing by and check out my shit.  I’ve been wanting to get my projector out anyway, we can make a night of it.  Just a warning; some of these sluts aren’t alive at the end of the flick.  Hell some of them bleed out halfway through it and you get to see a bunch of guys have sex with dead bodies for a while then fill those fuckable corpses full of cum.  Don’t ask me if you can “just buy one” when we’re done, I’m not selling you a goddamned thing except a ghoulishly good time.  Sound agreeable to you?  Just remember to bring cash, I don’t operate a free porn theater, friend-o.  And I hope you aren’t expecting any popcorn, this isn’t that kind of show. 


Torture sex gave me my first kill

After seeing my uncle have so much Torture sex i knew i had to get away. Being my uncle’s accomplice was getting old. I wanted to do my own thing. I was tired of taking orders. I ran away and got picked up in the next town over. I knew was a sicko by the way he looked at my teen body and how he would grab his cock and licked his lips. Ge pulled off to a truck stop and told me he needed rest. I went to the backseat and closed my eyes for a bit, I made sure to sleep with my knife under me. I woke up to him on top of me ripping my panties off. I couldn’t move because of the weight of his body on top of me. He ripped my asshole open as he shoved his cock deep inside me. He kept fucking me hard as i screamed that i was going to kill him. He laughed and kept fucking me.

Torture sex

I finally got my hand free and put the knife to his throat. He pulled his bloody hard cock out my ass and pleaded. Saying he was just sick and ill and it isn’t his fault. I told him he was just a pig like my uncle and with one swift move sliced his cock off. He screamed and that is when I sliced his throat too. I shoved his cock in his mouth and cleaned myself up and took anything of value. That is what he gets for using me for his Rape phone sex fantasies.

The worse date ever

bloody phone sex

We matched! What a handsome guy I thought, looking at the notification on my screen. I alre dy knew he was because we took some classes together and he was really popular. ,I sho ld have known it was too good to be true. The gu  never even gave me a second look and made fun of my lack of curves. It did ‘t stop me from thinking maybe he had changed his standards and would give this slim girl with the crooked nose a chance. Call i  low self-esteem all you want, but when you live in a city that’s as fickle as the south beach, you know damn well that looks matter, but also, things are everchanging.  We ch ted for days, and he invited me over. I thou ht he was joking about his fascination withth bloody phone sex. When w  had our first date, he showed me tons of videos of snuff stuff. I thou ht he was pulling my leg, but then he cornered me and told me to get ready to bleed. All his friends wanted a piece of me.

Snuff Porn is What I Love to Watch and Make

snuff pornI love snuff porn. Do you? I am not the kind of girl who watches sappy ass flicks like The Notebook or The Titanic.  Just not who I am. I love violence and gore. When I was a young girl, I was not watching Disney movies like most girls my age. I was not into cartoons or wholesome family entertainment. I inherited my grandfather’s sick perversions. I have the serial killer gene. My grandfather helped me nourish it too. I am not the typical serial killer though thanks to my grandfather. I do not harm animals. I do not have a type other than a breathing human being. I do not have a dump site like most serial killers. I do not even have the same method of operation that often links unsolved murders to an identifiable serial killer. My grandpa trained me to stay under the radar. I am a serial killer phone sex bitch that no one knows about yet because I kill under the radar. Things I learned as a schoolgirl from my grandpa included never killing someone that I had a personal beef with, or at least a beef with that could be traced. Never kill in my backyard. Never kill the same person repeatedly. Never kill the same way twice so a pattern can be identified and never leave a body to be found. My grandpa had to clean up my botched first kills. That was when he took me under his wing to teach me how to be a well oiled killing machine. I am sort of like a female Dexter. I know how to clean up DNA and leave no trace of a body. But I do not just kill bad people. I kill anyone who annoys me or pisses me off, or I kill out of convenience. I am a natural born killer though. Snuff phone sex comes easy to me, but if not for my grandpa, I may have been caught ions ago. Everyone needs a mentor. Let me be yours.

Broke in and got Ass rape porn

When I was young, I dated a wild guy with a big dick. The last time I saw him, he gave me live Ass rape porn. He had a crazy idea about breaking into this place a few blocks away. The couple was older and had lots of money, he said they kept it in their closet. I didn’t question what he knew, that was the submissiveness in me from when I was young. We broke into their house and put a gun to their heads. We demanded for them to show us where the money is, but they wouldn’t. He made me put the gun to the man’s head as he threatened to hurt his wife. When didn’t believe him, he slapped her and started choking her until her husband yelled at the location of the money. My boyfriend got up and went to get it and came back smiling. I thought we were going to leave but that is when my boyfriend pistol whipped the guy and slapped his wife. He ripped her clothes off and screamed for me to keep the gun on her husband. He pushed her on her belly and spread her legs. That is when he ripped her asshole open with his hard cock. I watched as he ripped her asshole right in front of her husband and me. He didn’t stop until she was bleeding and that is when he started choking her. When her body went limp that is when I saw he moaned out and filled her ass up. He then got up, shoved his bloody cock in her husband’s mouth and shot him in the head. We split the money and that was the last I hear of him.

Ass rape porn

The Gift Of A Proper Farewell!

Murder Phone SexI had been wondering what to get you for your birthday, your tastes are so specific… then you told me about your best friend’s daughter dying and I knew just what you wanted. You told me that you always wanted to fuck her and she had died in the prime of her youth, what a waste of perfectly good pussy I thought. There I was on the phone making arrangements with the funeral director for a private viewing, I told him it would be a special moment before she was seen by her family for the last time. I told you that we were going on a romantic date, we entered the funeral parlor and you finally saw all my hard work.

I had lit the place with candles, the casket was open and waiting on the bench was the second part of my gift, her little sister; all tied up, naked and scared. You looked at me in amazement as you finally understood, I brought you here for the fuck you missed out on. Your cock was hard as soon as I opened that dead sluts dress to reveal her perfect cold body, her little sister screamed around her ball gag as soon as I touched the bitch. I snatched her up and sat her on top of her dead sister so you could fuck her young tight cunt. I opened the dead slut’s mouth and you slid your cock in, fucking her mouth hard as I played with her little sister’s pussy getting her all ready to take your dick. I told you to fuck her and cum in her cold dead sister’s mouth so her family could taste you on her lips as they said their final goodbyes!

The Teen Phone Sex Slasher!

Teen phone sex

I spent New Year’s Eve making a couple of pretty, young fuck pigs’ scariest teen phone sex fears into a brutal reality.  What, did you think I’d spend the night imbibing with a bunch of dumbasses that do nothing more with their idiotic little lives than find reasons to convene and get shit faced?  Do you even know me?  First off, I drink alone.  Second, go fuck yourself.

I have a client who hates his stepdaughter and has wanted to teach her a lesson for as long as he’s been a patron of my sick services.  Last week, he was torturing one of the pieces of kidnapped fuck meat I keep in my basement and mentioned that he was taking his woman out on the town while his wifey’s little bitch was having her best friend over to watch scary movies for New Year’s.  The idea hit me instantly; they needed a real life slasher to terrorize them and I knew exactly how to do it.

Creepy skull mask, black cloak, big fucking hunting knife.  Obviously I had access to the house so I didn’t worry about how I was going to gain entry at all.  My inside man told me I could hide comfortably in the basement, the little bitch never goes down there because she’s afraid of it.  That’s exactly what I did.  Lingered in the lowest level of the dwelling and listened to them do their stupid standard teen girl stuff while I snooped around and waited for the right moment to strike.  

I couldn’t have planned it better, they were watching some old “cut ‘em up at camp” movie when I slowly crept up behind them and waited for a really tense moment.  Just before the screen scream queenie got grabbed, I snatched one of the little sluts by the foot and, in the matter of just a couple of seconds, dragged her into the darkness behind the couch.  Honestly, I had no idea which one of them I had, it didn’t really matter at that point.  The one in front of the TV had no clue what had just happened and didn’t even start panicking until she heard her friend scream.  

He just wanted me to scare his stepdaughter, he didn’t want her to die.  I’m happy to report that I controlled myself and she is alive.  Beaten, sliced, stabbed, tortured and anally penetrated, yes.  But alive.  Her friend, not so much.  She shouldn’t have run and tried to get away from me, all that did was get my adrenaline going and once that happens, all bets are off.  What can I say?  Don’t hire a killer to do your dirty work if you don’t want killer phone sex, Guy.


Butchered By a Cannibal

Cannibalism phone sex


The Butcher has me in his clutches. He sharpens his cleaver as he prepares to finish me off. I cannot believe that I am here. I was kidnapped, taken to a butcher shop  where I was hung on a mental, sharp hook in a dark, cold freezer by my upper back until he was ready to butcher me. When he took me down to be butchered, he tenderized me with a hammer. Bang bang bang against my skin and bones. He would break every bone that I had in my body, causing me excruciating pain. I screamed bloody murder and begged for him to stop, but he would not listen to my pleas. Now I am laying on a large chopping board, unable to move due to my bones being broken and waiting for my fate. The butcher got out a guide to butchering humans, read it for a few seconds, took his meat cleaver and chopped my foot off. I screamed until I couldn’t scream any more. “My foot! Why did you take my foot?” I cried. He took my foot and started licking the bloody meat on the part he chopped off. It looked like it took everything in his power to not eat the entire foot right there, and put the foot down so he could resume to butchering my body. I don’t remember much after my foot was chopped off as I passed out from the blood loss. I might have ended up in someone’s stew. 

Knife Play Phone Sex to Ring in the New Year

knife play phone sexOn the last day of the year, knife play phone sex is how I will celebrate. I am a sadistic bitch. I love to kill drunks on New Years Eve. Last year, I killed about 30 folks. Random acts of violence that went unsolved. Most of my murders were never even linked together. That is because I do not have a type. I hate most people. I will kill a man or a woman, a boy or a girl. Black or white, I do not care. I use knives mostly, but I have so many knives in my collection that I can kill 30 people in a night with a different knife. That always throws the cops off. New Year’s Eve is my favorite night to kill. That is because there are so many folks out who are drunk and stupid. Easy prey. Drunk and stupid are not enough for me to waste my energy on you, however. There are tons of drunk and stupid people in the world. I would not have the time to make snuff porn for all the drunk and stupid people in the world. I look for the ones who have a long history of being drunk and or stupid, or people who do something I find egregious. It is not hard to piss me off though. I kill for many reasons. You try to force yourself on me, you will die and or get castrated. I will kill you for attempting to shame or humiliate me. I cannot let men think they can talk down to me. And I cannot let women think they are better than me. I kill little ones because they are germy, needy and annoying. I am just a sick bitch. I promised myself that tonight, I would kill even more than last year. Either you can be my victim on a killer phone sex call, or you can be my accomplice. Which do you prefer?