Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Evil Phone Sex With Satanic Goddess Aria Turns Killer!

Evil Phone Sex

When it comes to evil, I’m the best. Let me tell you about a little home invasion incident that took place not too long ago. The results will leave you dead in your tracks. It all started with a woman named Emily.

Now Emily was a barely legal hottie who thought she had the world made. She had tits that would arrive before she entered a room and an ass that wouldn’t quit. So, I decided to play my hand at her and see if my gamble would work. Unfortunately, she turned me down, stating she’s not interested in women.

We all know I am quite different from normal women, so I persisted, and she made a mockery of me in front of everyone. I would not let that stand. So, I decided to follow her home that night and after she went to bed, me and my friend broke into her house.

The next thing she knew she was tied up in her own basement, screaming for help. But help was far out of her reach. I knelt to meet her gaze, horror was written all over her eyes as I drew my knife from her cheek down to one of her perfect tits.

She begged and pleaded with me not to do this, she said she was sorry, but it was too late. My knife was already plunged deep into her pathetic little stone of a heart. Blood spewed out of her mouth as she coughed up some more.

I licked the blade clean then let my friend have his way with her corpse, he fucked the shit out of her. Then he left her filled with his cum and my knife in her heart. Don’t fuck with me, I will fuck with you more. Longing for more details? Give me a call I’ll tell you all about it.

Destroy Your Foreign Teen Virgin Bride’s Asshole

Snuff movies

In my country, it is completely legal for men such as yourself to get young girls like me as brides, having as many as 10 young wives at your disposal. All 10 of us are in your home, cleaning for you, fucking you and making you our king. What you really want, however, is to dominate us in ways that you never could in your country. I’ve seen what you have done to your other wives. They come out bruised, scarred and mutilated if they even come out at all. I am wife number 7 and you tell me to come into your bedroom. I cry all the way to your room and am horrified at the sight once I walk in. Blood is on the sheets, scalped hair is all over the floor and I see the decaying remains of a finger that you chopped off of my sister wife on your nightstand. You tell me to lay in bed with you. Not soon after I get on the bed do you choke me and bang my head against the bedroom wall. 

My head is bleeding out and you take that time to fantasy rape my asshole. I cannot scream due to the intensity of the head injury, but I feel every ounce of pain. Then, you hook me up to a machine that I recognize is to draw blood. I have only known it to be used for sick people, but I am injured. You prick me and allow the machine to take lots and lots of my blood. I feel even more faint as I am losing blood from two ends. It is like you would rather preserve my blood than my life. I try to beg you to stop, but you tape my mouth as you take more and more of my blood. I lose consciousness, knowing this is how I will die. 


Kidnapping phone sex in “theory”

Snuff porn I snuffed their cunts and made them enjoy the pain! Their final screams right before I killed them in the garage was the icing on the cake…

I rounded them up from a local school ground during recess.. I was in the mood for darkness after watching a crucial decapitation video on pornhub..

It triggered me into slaughtering a few twits myself.. Snuff porn has a way of altering my entire perspective on the living, especially the innocent.

For me its the younger the better.. I’ve always hoped that someday I’d meet someone who loves torture phone sex; not because of the fantasy but because of the possibilities of finding someone who would really be up for torture sex with local lolitas..

I enjoyed dismantling their fuck-holes with my 15 inch monstrous rubber dick.. Not only is it long but it’s extremely thick.. Stretching their tight virgin slits and hearing them scream like they were starring in one of those realistic Snuff movies is what drives me..

 Accomplice phone sexI always knew from a young age I was destined to do things like this, which is why I decided to live in a rural area.. I wanted to make sure nobody was going to hear the sounds of their last breaths on earth.. The ride down a 6 mile long road looking into my rearview mirror; seeing them in the backseat duct taped and whining is the best start to a miserable ending..

I picture them bloody and headless as they struggle for freedom. I just got through destroying all three of their single digit slits.. I removed all of their organs and stuffed them with cotton. I thought it would be nice, to snuggle them as stuffed teddies for the next couple of nights..

What I didn’t expect was their skin color to darken but I guess those are the after effects of dying.. Their bodies are stiff, probably not going to be the best snuggle bugs but was sure worth the try!  

Mutilation Phone Sex: Just A Slice Or Two…

Mutilation Phone SexHe said he wanted some mutilation phone sex fun. That got my pussy wet just thinking about the type of pain the two of us would explore together. However, over the phone just wasn’t enough. The two of us decided we would meet and play in person. After all, I figured it was just a fantasy and we would have a bit of fun. However, I didn’t realize the limits which he was willing to push when we did meet up. He wanted me to be his Mary Vincent. His hitchhiking slut that he would pick up on the side of the road and have his way with. I didn’t think much about it, exhibitionist sex really turns me on. Therefore, when he started down a nearly abandoned road I didn’t think much about that. My young pussy was already beginning to flood my white cotton panties as we drove down the road, with more time between each vehicle that passed. Suddenly he came to a stop and pulled over. I was excited at the thought that I was going to be his dirty little fuck slut. He opened his sliding van door and reached in to grab me out. I pretended to be afraid, pulling and begging him to stop. However, it was a little deterrent, and he chained both of my wrists in the trunk of the van so that he could have his way with me. After about the third fantasy rape, my wrist was going numb and I really begged him to just let me go. However, he pulled out a hatchet and made it clear that I was not going anywhere. He sliced at my arms, chopping one of them off completely. I screamed as he stuffed his hard cock inside my screaming throat. His groans grew louder as blood pooled in the van. Then chop, he removed my other arm as he climaxed, mutilating my body as he came. I cried, my arms now missing as he pushed me over the ledge into a ditch the van was parked next to. He drove off leaving my mutilated body covered in his cum and delight.

Evil phone sex miracles are made with my body

Evil phone sexThe French call the orgasm the little death and I am searching for death both large and small during evil phone sex. My ambitions, my passions, my fun, they’re all past issues that don’t matter anymore the moment I’m under a knife or man’s torture tools. I seek out greater pains, greater vengeful wrath meant towards others that he can make my problem. Just last night I found myself sliced into and I couldn’t help the moan that escaped my lips and threatened to make my life another scarcity. He’d told me if I was too loud he’d slit my throat, and I thought he meant it. I felt an incision at my bloody dream flow just after I let out my blissful gasp. The thing is, I was still alive, I hadn’t been fully carved into oblivion yet. A sign of his cowardice, maybe, but also a sign of his desire to keep me around a little longer to wreck, destroy, and treat to an oblivion of orgasmic bliss. Killer phone sex just doesn’t get better.

His cock was somewhere, I wasn’t fully sure. So many blades having nicked me, cut me, turned me into a whining bitch. I couldn’t feel anything properly anymore. Maybe I’d lost too much blood, maybe I’d lost my mind. Maybe it was his meaty need roughing up my insides down low and pushing me towards an edge I hadn’t known I’d needed. Or maybe that was yet another blade, permanently scarring me and destroying me for other men. The difference wasn’t in what was really happening, it’s what he wanted to happen. I was a slutty torture slave for his whims and needs and nothing was going to change that, not even an idealized realization of the dark abyss knife play phone sex.

Normal sex doesnt do it for me I need torture sex

I went on a date with a cocky dude but very normal thinking i could have something besides torture sex to get me off. It was fine at first he licked my cunt and asshole right but when he was on top of me fucking my pussy hole and doing nothing else, it was too boring. I flipped him on his back and started riding his cock hard. I wrapped my hands around his neck and rode his cock hard. The harder I squeezed the harder I rode his hard dick. He started bucking back trying to get me off of him but that only pushed his dick deeper inside me. I could see his eyes starting to roll to the back of his head and it made your body shake. As i was cumming all over your dick your body stopped moving. The look you had in your eyes is what you want to see when you have Sex with dead bodies. You want to see the very moment your life leaves your body. I learned that from my sadistic uncle. I also learned the best way to get rid of a body is to make a bonfire.

Torture sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies With Mind Melting Cora!

Murder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies make a dirty victim bitch like me nice and hot. I love all the pain that comes with being a human torture device, ready to receive the wrath and anger that leads to your sexual climax. Human trafficking? I have been there, I guess you can say I really loved every minute of being treated like a dirty fuck slut. My life is useless if it isn’t being used and tortured by horny men who want to take advantage of my youthful appearance and bald pretty cunt. When a stud finds me so sweet and innocent and spikes my drink up for his good time, I consider it a great time of my own. I get to feel the rapid penetration of men who pay just to pleasure themselves inside of my half-dead body. Sometimes what they give me to keep me lucid is too much and I find myself half on the verge of death. I love it whenever someone panics and just decides to take me the rest of the way out. A lamp cord around my neck several times it doesn’t take long till I am fully knocked out Men continue to have their way with me, assuming I am no longer alive. Their dead little fuck toy to take their loads till they wrap me in plastic and throw me out at night. I am a useless fuck toy, do with my body what you like. 


Torture Sex Facilitator

Torture sex

You don’t have to come to me for all of your salacious torture sex desires.  You can go through the whole rigamarole of finding your own fuck pigs, trapping them, imprisoning them and keeping them hidden from the rest of the world so you can do whatever you want to them all on your own.  Why would you need an accomplice like me to help you?  Well, let’s think about that.

First off, how much free time do you have?  If you work a job forty hours a week and then have to go home to feed and entertain a boring family, how much time are you going to have for the hunt?  A proper abduction takes planning and a good amount of prep time.  Do you have the energy to do your due diligence before you capture some dumb cunt to keep in your basement?

That’s the other thing; are you going to be able to hide a whore from everyone?  Do you have any little crotch goblins running around that might find her hidden away in that secret room you keep downstairs?  If she screams loud enough, will they hear her?  If you have a family, you’re better off going with some sort of shed or outbuilding for storing your cream taking catch.  Storage containers are cheap, just put it far enough away from your house so none of your brood can hear her scream and cry out as you do your worst to her.  

I’m not here to give you free advice.  My point is that you don’t need to do all of that.  I keep a constantly rotating lineup of greasy fuck pigs in my basement for you to use and abuse.  I already did all of the legwork for you, all you need to do is pick your favorite piggy.  After that, you can do whatever you want to her as long as you pay me for the pleasure.  It doesn’t even matter if you go too far and turn your abusive round of raunchy reaming into bloody, rage fueled snuff sex.  It’ll just cost you a little more, no biggie.  Then you can clean yourself off and head home to your regular house and normie family without any worry about the cum filled bitch that you don’t have captive in your home.  That’s why you need an accomplice like me.  Figure it out. 


Bloody phone sex with the highest bidder my Master could find.

Bloody phone sexMy master isn’t very selective on who he gives me to for horrendously bloody phone sex. If they can pay and manage to impress him even al little bit, I find myself sold off for a short while like a tool or electronic you can rent at a store. It’s degrading, I belong to master, he deserves my attention and I his! If it was up to me I’d spend all day and night cradling his balls while ensuring his every whim and fancy are tended to. He’d be in his own paradise. Unfortunately it’s not up to me, I have to give my beautiful body to random men, and sometimes those men are like this. Sometimes those men tie me down with metal rope – chains – and don’t care that they’re too tight and are digging into my evil phone sex skin. Sometimes those men are really rough with my bare ass, spanking it hard enough to make it loud. My insides always shift when that happens, squelching a little and forcing a moan from my lips. I don’t like it when that happens, but just like being rented out I don’t get a choice at what my evil body decides to do to my wills and whims. I’m not just a slave to master, I’m a slave to this cursed conditioning and all the lewd ways it makes me a toy to the highest bidder. It doesn’t take me long once I’m tied down and being roughed up to get me gushing and my cheeks red. I’m a blushy girl for a lovely evening on a stone table with a ritual knife. Knife play phone sex actually really gets me going, I love the feeling of my skin being separated while I’m blindfolded and don’t even get a warning. Pain is invigorating and almost makes me forget that I’m not with master making his night a fantasy.

Snuff Sex Bimbo Get’s Used as a Bait Bitch

It was not a usual Snuff sex scenario as they usually go with me. I didn’t respond to any kind of porn ad or get too wasted at the club and easily taken. This time was a little different. The guy that approached me a total swindler kind and sweet talked me into coming up to his Office.

The guy had a legit Office in a High rise and seemed to legitimately sincere about wanting to shoot photos of me for an ad campaign. However, once in the office and the contract I was urged to sign without reading, things turned quickly.

I was ushered out of the office by a coupe of men in suits and hauled into a dark windowed sedan. Blind folded and tied in the backseat and driven somewhere for about 30 minutes time. I was pulled from the car and beat by the two men and syringes shoved into my arms.

Soon as I regained a little consciousness I came to in a black plastic covered room with red lights and chained up on all fours. There were a bunch of filthy men, crack heads all around taking turns violating my holes, pissing and cumming on me and beating me. The whole thing was filmed.

Snuff sex