Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Might Make You My Victim

murder phone sex fantasiesHolidays bring out the extreme murder phone sex fantasies. I am always game to kill on and off the phone. Peter wanted to kill his ex-girlfriend. He wanted it to be painful and brutal. He needed my help for that. I am always game for torture and death. I met his ex at a party, and I made nice with her. I had to lure her away so her ex could execute his plan and her. I kind of liked her and I hate everyone. But money is money, and her ex paid me double my asking price. I drove her to my place for some after party drinks. I was amazed she trusted me. I looked different. I dressed in trendy clothes. I did my hair and my makeup more mainstream. I am a Goth girl, but this time, I looked like the typical girl out on the town looking for fun. She had no clue she was about to be a snuff porn star. I felt bad for her. Again, I never have feelings. She told me all about her psycho ex-boyfriend. When I heard the story, I changed the plan. I took a risk and told her about his plot to murder her.

In that moment, we bonded like I have never bonded with anyone. Peter had to die. We turned the tables on him. It was not easy, but my plan worked. He thought she was passed out, but she tackled him, which allowed me to restrain him. His death was epic, and painful, and a bit sparkly, LOL. I put a firecracker in his ass and blew his asshole out. It was messy, but painful. It did not kill him. We had to insert bigger and badder fireworks. We even used sparklers in is holes. His flesh was burning off his body. He could not believe that I took his money to kill his girl, and now he was the snuff sex victim. This guy was a psycho wife beater type. He wanted her dead because she broke free from his years of abuse. I am not pro woman or anything. I hate most women, but this girl, she was cool. She was a survivor. I let her put the final firecracker in a hole that I carved out in his belly. This was the one that killed him. Blew his guts out literally. I gave her half the money he gave me to kill her. I mean she did help me kill him. She earned every penny.

Torture Sex Dark Web Underground Snuff Pornography of Whore

As a Torture Sex model and star of snuff pornography, I found my home on the dark web. My life was meant to be destroyed, over and over again. Kind of like humpty dumpty I am always in surgery getting put back together. I guess I am more like a Frankenhooker, really.

An agent of a dark web porn channel contacted me after seeing my snuff material and made a huge offer. I am the perfect little cunt to be live streamed as a kidnapped and gangbanged whore who is tortured to death and limbs cut off.

My life was so near the end for real on these sets. I found it an amazing feeling as the saw cut into my flesh. I rubbed my cunt as my neck was being sliced into. Never have I cum so hard so close to death.

Torture sex

Accomplice Phone Sex? Who Do You Want to Kill Today?

accomplice phone sexI love accomplice phone sex. I kill a lot of folks solo. Sometimes, I am just the hired help to kill someone, and other times, I am just that annoyed at someone. Either way, it is more fun to snuff someone with an accomplice. I had the joy of a revenge kill last night. And it was not the typical revenge murder for hire either. This guy did not want to kill a woman who done him wrong or who ignored him. This guy wanted to kill his high school bully, who appears to still be a bully. According to my client, the target made his life a living hell in school. My client just got stronger with time. Smarter too. He is a technology genius and has sold a bunch of apps for a lot of money. I got my money up front just in case he was posing. For murder for hire jobs, I take Bitcoin only. Large cash payments draw suspicion when someone dies or goes missing. My client had some rape phone sex fantasies for the victim. They always do, it is just usually a woman they are force fucking one last time. If my client wanted to butt fuck some bully before I killed him, no skin off my nose.

I lured the target away. He was a sexual predator anyway. I have been researching and studying this guy for weeks. I would have killed him for free if I had just met him on my own. When I got him to my kill shack, I gave him a spiked drink. Once he was disoriented, my client made his appearance. He made the former high school bully his ass rape porn star. He fucked him the traditional way for a bit before he grabbed a huge baseball bat and shoved it up his ass. This is not my typical revenge scenario, but it was just as hot, maybe hotter. I castrated the target while he got sodomized. This was not about him getting off. This was about my client getting closure. And he did. I paralyzed the victim with a drug while I dismembered his body slowly. Before I fed him to the wildlife in pieces, I put his severed balls in his mouth. My own spin on a ball gag. Hey, you want to get rid of someone? I do not care who the victim is, as long as you pay my way.

Killer Phone sex Fire Lover Harper

Killer Phone sex

Killer phone sex for all the men in my life who like to play with fire.  Deadly, body-melting fire! I love everything about the hot flames and the white-hot heat that fire gives us. And I just can’t get over how fire consumes everything and it’s path. Fire doesn’t discriminate fire just takes what it wants for fuel melting, burning, and leaving only ashes and bones in its wake. Fire is a living being, breathing, eating, and reproducing all in a matter of seconds. Cultures worship the flame, and rightfully so! The most majestic and delay of all the elements Fire is a perfect addition to snuff play for a killer like me.   One of my favorite hobbies is to go walking through a forest that has caught on fire and seeing all the destruction that it has left.

Bodies of creatures taken by the flames show me how important the fire is for cleansing cleaning out all the rubbish. I’m sure that you understand the amount of destruction fire can bring. If you ever put in a house fire or had your car engine catch on fire and then you know that you are close to death. It takes just a second for fire to take its hold The true killer if there ever was one.

And when you set fire to a body things that happen are just so wonderful. Your flesh starts to melt and cook and crisp up. And all those nerve endings underneath the skin and even into the first layer of your muscle light up bigger than the flames could ever could. Searing intense never-ending pain. I once poured hot boiling water on me and I swear that I was going to die.  Fire is the best accomplice because there are so many ways fire can kill! I remember how It left a nice little blister bubbles and took a while to heal. I was in pain the whole process nothing really helps not pain pills, not creams. Just think about those wards with all those little fire victims The skin grass that has immense pain. Fun fact most people who are set on fire or involved in a fire that is burning out of control, they welcome death by smoke inhalation first.

That’s why the made-up hell of the Christian God always talks about burning because they know it is the most extreme pain and that’s a horrible way to die, imagine never dying of being burned continuously. There would be no mind no rational thought only blazing hurt. So when people talk about the most painful way to die during my accomplice phone sex I always tell them fire. Whether I have to pour gasoline on your body or throw you into a crematorium dying by fire is always the most brutal.  Burn for me, baby!

Sex With dead bodies at the pig farm

sex with dead bodiesSex with dead bodies of lolitas like me and their mothers! Can you feel them growing cold around your cock? Chubby sluts who need a purpose in this life, will find it after death!  I will help you fuck corpses as long as I have a hand in the slaying. Men have called me a sick freak and still jack cocks off to that wonderful decapitation. Imagine with me if you will a pig farm made up entirely of chunky monkeys. (Im not talking about the ice cream either.) The scene is set and I have a devious plan for our victims. Chubby women and girls rolling around in their own filth. Discarded by society but perfect to feed the hungry. But with humans, I can have creative fun disemboweling dn chopping heads off for some Necrophilia phone sex Stroke your cock to me helping you kill some fat women and fuck them afterlife!necrophilia phone sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies for Hire

murder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies for hire is a thing. I was made an offer I could not refuse. A woman paid me more money than I could dream of for a contract hit on her cheating husband. She is a former porn star I met by chance a few years ago and we became fast friends. She married this really rich oil tycoon’s son. The son never worked an honest day in his life, but he did not need to because he inherited his daddy’s money. The rumor always was that junior killed daddy for the money. He was overdue some karma. I think this former porn star married for love, but their union turned sour quickly. She has an airtight prenuptial, and the only way her and her son would get anything is in his death. I have met him a few times. Real piece of work. Wife beater. Woman abuser. Self-entitled prick. I was happy to kill him for her. I did it while she had an iron clad alibi. Her now dead husband has a thing for young blonde hookers. I was not young enough for him. But we did a bait and switch at a no tell motel. I posed online as a Lolita hooker. I have been in the seedy snuff porn world long enough to know a few things. How to make murder look like an accidental overdose. How to be a chameleon to get away with murder. How to hide the money trail. How to make a man look like a bigger deviant than he is. How to leave no DNA. Men have long underestimated me as a blonde bimbo. Her rich ex never saw it coming. I wanted to castrate him and shove his dick down his throat make it look like a sex killing, but it had to look like he was hiring a jailbait street hooker to party with and fuck and that he just partied too hard. And it did. When a rich man dies, his wife is always suspect number one. But with the right accomplice phone sex partner, the wife never is indicted in murder.

Fucking Beheaded Teen Whore’s Mouth and Throat

Teen phone sex

You set up the guillotine as I beg for you to spare my life. I promise to forget everything, to give you everything, even myself, but you won’t budge. You know that there is more fun awaiting after you chop off my head. You let the blade go, and watch my head fall into the basket below. My mouth is still open in horror, which is just perfect for you. You stick your hard cock inside of my mouth, now dead and unattached from my body, and fuck my deceased throat. Dead girls have the best gag reflex, none, so you can get as deep as you want inside of me. Your cock slides down my tongue and sticks out of my neck. I deserve to have my head be used as a pussy pocket. You don’t care what happens to teen sluts like me. You picked me off like you would pick and apple off a tree, and used me for your own desires. Now, you can truly cum down my throat.

I am a Snuff porn addict and I am addicted to snuffing cunts

Snuff porn Dirty tramps roam the streets all night long on the weekend.. While me and my dad sit outside his place and smoke weed in his tinted out SUV.. Sluts come tumbling by in mini skirts, very loud looking like they are in need of attention.. My dad always warned me about those kind of girls! He also showed me first hand what happens to the too. The first time I witnessed a woman get forcefully fucked was when my dad had Snuff sex with some teenage tramp who was out late night at a gas station, hitch hiking for a ride I remember sitting in my booster seat and seeing some sleezy whore who reeked of cheap perfume get in daddies passenger seat. He drove down to some old closed down prison lot and put his tie around my eyes.. I heard horror screams as he fucked and murdered her..

I lifted the blind folds to find her body on the hood of daddy’s car, decapitated. It almost didn’t look real.. I remember running my fingers through her hair and feeling her skin go from lukewarm to ice cold.. Daddy pulled a shovel out the trunk and had me dig a pit for him to toss her in.. He made me promise to never say a word. I became daddys sidekick. I started watching Teen rape porn and would get evil ideas.  had this one girl who I wanted to murder so bad in the girls bathroom when I told dad about it he said we would pick her up after school down the road and he would let me finish her.. She was my first victim and from there came many more.. I became addicted to the taste of blood. Until this day none of those girls have been found, that old prison is now filled with brush and trees.. It’ll be years before anyone finds them. I turn to this site to release my frustrations.. I don’t want to be a murder so I create horrific scenes in my head.. I’ve made it so that Snuff porn and steamy phone sex is the perfect combo for me. For now! 

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies on Your Mind?

murder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies on your mind? You are in the right place. Who do you want to kill? I know someone comes to mind. It is only human to have those kinds of thoughts. If I think it, I do it. I am not the kind of person who holds back. I will slit your throat for looking at me twice. I look at myself as a do gooder. I rid society of brats, teen whores, cunts, tools and general assholes. I make this world a better place. I got rid of an annoying brat this week. This little crotch fruit likely would be your ideal fuck meat. A cute little blonde girl with curls and an angelic face. Behind that face, however, was an evil cunt. She said some nasty shit to me and a large woman at the convenient store. I had pulled into the store for a Monster drink. I was coming back from a kill, so I was not in my county. That meant I could kill her. She was running her mouth because she wanted to cut the line. If she had been a polite little girl instead of a nasty cunt, she would still be alive. Your rape phone sex fantasies could come true with this little whore. I needed you with me. I needed an accomplice. It is a waste of perfectly good fuck meat if no man around to fuck hat little cunnie. She was too young to be out on her own. I was in Hicksville though. I waited hours until after our encounter. I  stole her from the trailer where she lived with her druggie parents. Meth heads. That explained why she was at the convenience store alone. I was putting her out of her sad existence. I took her into the woods at knife point. I did not kill her quickly though. I cut into her flesh a little at a time to hear her scream. Then, I gutted her like a pig. Dumped her naked mutilated body in the river behind the trailer park. In that town, I am just a drifter. Her murder will go unsolved. Only me and you know I made her my snuff sex victim.

Teen Sentenced to Death By a Thousand Hangings

Snuff phone sex

I can’t breathe!

I am hanging from the noose that you made for me. You watch me squirm and claw at the noose on my neck, you knowing that it is hopeless for me to try. As you watch me slowly lose consciousness and all the air in my lungs, you cut me down. I take a huge breath and hope that it is the end of my torture. It is not the end, of course. You have always had such fun with strangulation. Squeezing your hands around my neck was fun, but not satisfying enough to get you off. You like a bit of psychological torture with your victims as well. You like to watch me gain a bit of hope that I will live, before you set me up for another hanging. You’ll do this until I lose all hope, and hang from the noose voluntarily. From there, you can jerk off as you watch me writhe and wiggle on the rope before finally dying.