Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Kidnapping Phone Sex

kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex is one of my favorites.  Picture this scenario.  Trembling with fear as I see the moonlight hit your eyes. I‘be never seen those eyes before or after that day. I will never forget.  Pale blue with no soul behind them. Taking a cloth forcing it over my mouth until I went back to sleep. I drifted in and out of consciousness but pretended I was out. My limp body thrown over your shoulder. Dressed in my Frozen nightgown, no shoes, and my small cotton underwear wouldn’t be white for long

You took me to an older vehicle that smelled of cigarettes and booze. The old leather seats was now my new bed as you laid me down in the backseat. You quickly jumped into the front seat Snd sped off.  Next thing I remember is being laid in the woods completely naked with your big strong hairy body over me and your monster cock out, hard as a rock.

I noticed how wet I was and hoped you didn’t get mad that I had peed myself. I stayed silent as you took that hard cock and forced your way into my Virgin pussy hole. Aching in pain and frozen in fear. Next, you thrust that large dock in me so hard and so deep. I felt a pop Snd heard you mutter something about my blood.

Finally, as you got harder and I felt throbbing between my top walls of my little hole. You got more aggressive with each thrust. You hit me, pulled my hair, beat me while your cock had all the control. You got louder and louder with each thrust. Until at last, you put your hands around my neck, choking me until I had been snuffed out completely. At least that was the goal. What type of rape phone sex fantasies do you want to play out with me?

Accomplice Phone Sex A Victim is All We Need to Violate

Sometimes I get to have a lot of fun with Accomplice Phone Sex. Generally speaking I am a very take charge type of sadistic. However, sometimes I have to say it is super fucking hot to play accomplice to a sadistic guy that has a plan.

For example I have guys that call to make me an assistant to their desire to ruin and violate some dumb bitch. Often it can be a daughter, wife, sister or mother. Other instances have been random cunts that these guys want to violate. Maybe even to just watch as my sadistic tendencies take over at a club.

Many guys obviously get off on watching a sadistic witchy bitch ruin a fuck doll of a barbie type whore. Obviously just let me have my way. Specifically, let me violate the bitch with a broken bottle. I will destroy her holes and cut the whore up.

Following all the blood sport and defiling of a whore I want to watch my assistant take her. Fantasy rape episodes are a deliciously violent kind of fun. Little girls are great to prey upon. My cunt gets wet as the blood starts to spill.

Accomplice phone sex

Evil Phone Sex, How Low Can You Go

Evil Phone SexMy evil phone sex fantasies are naughty and taboo.  I like blood, knives, torture, kidnapping, being an accomplice, getting snuffed out, etc. Basically you name it,  I am down. Victim play definitely suits me. Something about my body helpless and at the mercy of my captor and their cock’s desires.  They can cut me up, torture me, put their hands around my neck as they pump that hard cock throbbing into my pussy.

Other girls may not admit they like the feeling of that cock getting harder in them. The rougher and more vulgar a guy gets, the wetter my pussy feels.  What is there not to like?

As someone holds a sharp knife at your throat and you are within millimeters from life or death. All control in the hands of the guy holding it. That feeling his cock gets as he thrusts inside my slut hole dripping with my juices down him, it makes me quiver.  His cock gets harder and harder each thrust as he screams at me and puts more pressure on that knife.  It’s so naughty yet so good.

Or as you are getting kidnapped and bound, staring in between the captors legs at that cock growing. Knowing they are getting off on hurting and scaring you.  You think you may die and he is growing by the second at your cries for help and whimpers.

Also, tears role down your chin.  He can’t get his cock out fast enough to fuck your helpless little body.  That’s all you are is another body to him.  To get used to drain the creamy white cum from his balls. Your pussy, mouth, or ass being his dumping ground and he has no use for you after.

Yet you get that feeling, that tingly one in your clit.  You know you shouldn’t love it but you just say “Take me and make me yours” because you secretly love how evil things get.  Those are the people that get me.  Dirty mind is too tame, but evil minds are the ones you need to look out for.

Murder phone sex Fantasies? Jade is down for it all.

Murder phone sex Fantasies


Murder phone sex Fantasies? Jade is down for it all, she’s hot and horny for Torture sex. Jade is into even the darkest of erotica. She’s a murderous skank with a black soul for vengeance and a lust for revenge. More then willing to help you in your crimes and how to cover them up, it’s her turn on torturing new victims. When the deed is done, fuck Jade in a pool of blood while you both stare into their dead life-less eyes.  Sick porn movies play in the background and with the most evil smile jade lets out sadistic laughter and begins to masturbate with a pair of shiny knives.  That Jade is one dangerous fucking bitch, watch out.

Snuff Sex Means All Sorts of Things, But Someone Will Die and It’s Never Me

snuff sex

Snuff sex anyone? Do you know what that means? For me, it means if I fuck you, I kill you afterwards. Or it could mean we kill some bitch together. Or it could even mean I just kill you without fucking you because I find you that annoying. Most people annoy the fuck out of me. And it they do not annoy the fuck out of me, they often do soon enough.

Very few people last in my world long. However, I think I may have found an exception to the rule. I have a neighbor who a few months ago I helped out of a jam when he accidentally killed his Tinder date. Why he came to me for help, I still have no clue. I could have called the cops on him. But then I guess I do not look cop friendly or anyone friendly, LOL.

Snuff Fucking is the Best Fucking

Although sadistic phone sex pays my bills on paper, I have a dark underground world that makes me my real money. However, my neighbor did not know that. He got lucky. Perhaps, I did too because now we are like Bonnie and Clyde without the bank robbing. That accidental killing awakened a dark side he had no clue he had. And I have nurtured that dark side ever since. My first kill was an impulse kill. I was a schoolgirl and my grandpa covered up my mess. But same thing. An accidental murder awakened my dark side too.

I enjoy helping people find their inner killer. Perhaps, we all have one, but an accident happens, or we just meet the right person who brings out our homicidal impulses. Either way, I can help you like I helped my neighbor. Not saying we will become the best of friends or anything because chances are you will annoy me, and I will have to show you my killer phone sex side. But until then, I can help nurture the killer in you too.

Bloody phone sex teen whore knows what you need

Bloody phone sex

Bloody phone sex teen whore knows what you need. It’s not a complex deduction for me regarding my sadistic accomplices. You need it tight, raw, and for the blood to flow on your cock.  Let me tell you how in love with blood I really am. I’m talking about the first penetration of a sweet young virgin hole. I’m looking for a smear of blood on your cock.

I also enjoy a bit of blood on your dick after a sweet young boy or girl ass it’s ripped open for the very first time. But with my slice and dice any living being is always guaranteed a be a river of blood. Snuff phone sex that isn’t bloody really shouldn’t be considered snuff in the first place. I know I’m young but my daddy taught me all I need to know about murder and destruction. 

Snuff and blood just go together!

Secondly, you need to know that blood makes my little pussy flow! From the switch blade slice of a throat to the stabbing of some nice big titties, it’s a fucking smorgasbord! I even have some cannibalistic instincts inside of me.

You may thank my daddy for showing me an American horror story. I got so wet when one of the cannibals slice some thigh meat off of a bitch! But there’s some more to it than that. It’s soaking in a tub full of blood of your murder of victims. It’s a taste of blood out of a wine glass after Daddy has ripped your ass open and killed a young one in front of you.

Blood play gets my teen cunny off

What can I say molestation, physical destruction, and sweet blood-letting get me off! Can I stab you and suck your blood out of your cock? Or would it be better just to take a bite of you and swallow it whole? I think you  get really fucking hard as the blood smears all over my face and my little flat titties!

Take me

Gangbang rape porn

I knew he wasn’t going to bring me back once he got me into the car. This new master of my cunt took me captive at his house to use me as his personal fuck toy, and I’ve been servicing him for the past five weeks. I was constantly tied down to the bed, and never unchained, not even to piss. But he kept me high as a fucking kite, and my cunt was consistently dripping wet from the drug lift. I’ve been fucked raw’s days ago, and at this point, I was just three worthless fucking holes. I could hear him walking up, as he came to ram his cock right down my throat and make me choke. He only stopped whenever he grew bored of the sounds of me choking and gasping for breath. That’s when he’d switch over to my once-tight little asshole, all gaped out like an old rubber band now. I was absolutely filthy, and laying in my own feces and piss. But he didn’t seem to care. He fucked me and my shit hole before making me clean all my own ass juice right off of his cock. But he always came in my cunt because he said he was going to turn me into a little breeding whore. He wanted to see me get nice and pregnant, with a big fucking belly and some saggy swaying tits that he swore he would suck all the milk from. I love being high as shit but it was not worth living through these rape fantasies of his. My pussy disagreed with my mind, however, because I just kept getting wetter and wetter as he began to pound away inside of my already destroyed cunt. It wasn’t long before he came so fucking hard inside of me, and ten months later so did our little one.


Violent Phone Sex Scary Stuff

violent phone sex You wouldn’t think it could get so violent phone sex wise since you are on the phone.  However, I rememeber one of the first ones I did, I felt like I was there.  There were knives slashing throats, screams in high pitched horror begging for their lives that were about to come to an end at the hands of my caller.  He had a deep voice that demanded his victims listen and listen carefully.  If they didn’t, he would have no problem putting his hands around their necks.  He was evil and wouldn’t kill right away.  He had the timing down to choke them just before they went unconscious.  Let go some so they could breathe and let their guard down. Then again, he repeats. He gets a kick out of them thinking he’s going to let them live until suddenly, when you think he’s given up trying to snuff you out, you are choked until you don’t come back.

The evil giggle he let out after each one of the victims was gone.  The way he used the different knives to strategically cut them into pieces so they would be easier to get out of the house.  The way he put his finger in the blood after it started coming out and grinned from ear to ear saying “it’s like steak, well done.”

Dark, evil, twisted, and it’s just how I like it.  Come into this world of mine sometime, it’s sure to mess you up as much as it’s messed up me.

Bondage phone sex before Snuffing out a whore!

Bondage phone sex

Bondage phone sex before Snuffing out a whore! All too often the bondage part of snuffing out a sweet little charge of mine gets glossed over. But there are some brutal men that think no matter how small a Victim is she should be in hardcore bondage! 

In truth,  some of those girls and boys are so mean and feisty that they need to be immobilized. Kicking, scratching and biting are common when faced with death and extreme hole carnage. With my petite frame in mind, I have to subdue my whorelettes with handcuffs, gags, and rope often. Dehumanizing and trussing a slut up for your meat kabob up for your cock is so erotic! 

Bondage phone sex before Snuffing out a whore!

As a snuff phone sex accomplice, I live for the whip and shackles on a slutkin, wife, or girlfriend. Hell, I love men in bondage just as much. But the other side of BDSM and keeping our sweet ones tied up is that we can mutilate. I love rubbing my cunny and cummimg while A baby girl or baby boy bondage whore gets sliced up!  Little bodies are perfect to carve on. Blood play makes me cum so hard that my body shakes and I squirt everywhere! Screams of pain make me cum so much harder than anything! 

So along with Snuff, we can add some violent Hardcore Mutilation phone sex into our taboo scenes! 


Babysitter Phone Sex Nightmare

babysitter phone sex renaBabysitter phone sex call, a true story. I just started to babysit when I would get these calls on the home phone saying “I am watching you through the window, I am going to rape your pussy and cut you open you little whore.” Being young and naive, I thought it surely had to be boys from school overhearing I had my first babysitting job so I didn’t take it seriously.  The next night, when the kids went to bed, I laid down on the couch, changing into my nightie knowing the parents would be out real late and they said I could crash there.

As I fell asleep, the phone rang again. “You look beautiful in that nightie, you’d look better with my cock ramming your insides until they are inside out.” At that point, there had been quite a few random calls and it was silly to me. “Stop pranking me, I am not falling for this again. Don’t you have homework”

The voice behind the phone turned terrifying as he started describing in detail the underwear I had in my drawer at home and all my clothes in my closet. I lived next door to the house I was at.  He threatened to hurt my family if I didn’t come outside in between the houses and suck his cock.  I hung up hoping this creep would just give it up as I knew he just wanted to scare me and it was working.  He didn’t give up. He called back again.

“Tell me what you would do to my cock or I will kill your fucking family.  Suck my cock on the phone with me you dumb whore”

I started complying, while terrified with fear, and he seemed to settle for phone sex vs. needing to have sex in person, for now at least.  My nightmare would continue later but for now, he squirted his cum all over my phone as I sucked it down on the other end of the line.  “Good job Rena, you kept your family alive, one mistake, and they are gone. Be a good whore Rena. We will be in touch.