Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Accomplice phone sex can be a real fun ride, Daddy!

Accomplice phone sex

Accomplice phone sex can be a real fun ride, Daddy! I am now a lover of all things dark and twisted, especially when it comes to serial killers. There is something about their raw power and dominance that gets me soaking fucking wet. The way they take control and inflict pain on their victims, it sends shivers down my spine. My favorite is my serial killer Daddy, he knows just how to fulfill my darkest desires.

Being an accomplice to my Daddy’s heinous acts is like a thrilling game for me. The rush of adrenaline I get as we plan and execute our next victim is indescribable. Daddy’s voice, commanding and deadly, telling me what to do and how to do it, makes me cum so hard. I am his right hand girl, his partner in crime, and it brings me so much pleasure.

Ramirez, Dahmer, Kemper, they were true artists in their craft. The way they raped, tortured, and murdered their victims, it’s mesmerizing. And I aspire to be just like them, to carry out the truest form of pleasure. I dream of snatching up a sweet, fresh girl and taking her to a secluded place. Daddy and I would have our fun with her, in every way imaginable, until she is nothing but a bloody lump. And then we would feed her to the pigs, a perfect way to dispose of the evidence.

He loves it when I seduce our victims, when I play my part in luring them towards their inevitable demise. And I love it when he praises me, he shoves that thick bloody cock down my throat, showing me how proud he is of all my hard work. He shoots a thick wad of cum down my throat and I just need more. I love when Daddy gets his dick all dirty and bloody. 

So if you’re into hot murder phone sex fantasies and want to indulge in some snuff, then give us a call. We guarantee you a wild and unforgettable ride. And who knows, you might even get to meet us in person. Just remember, no one can resist the twisted allure of a hot and violent teen whore like me. Daddy and I are always ready for our next prey.


Sadistic phone sex in the mornings is a sinful good time phone sex starts my mornings off the right way! Even before I have had my first bump,  or J, I get extremely sick fucks at my doorstep.  But you know what? 

     Little Miss Harper loves to be your slut in the early morning. It’s okay to make me into your total cum rag! You better be ready for my sloppy seconds and third rounds. I’ll make sure you’re satisfied before you leave. Just make sure you leave a big load for me to clean up! 

Sadistic phone sex sick fucks need early morning release. 

      Have to be quiet about the things you really love? For instance, I have a man who loves to have his brain melted with blasphemy as I have a herd of Girl calves mutilated and tortured. As I whisper his brain full of horrible dark things he is absorbing all my evil! Mwahahahaha!  Hail satan and the disastrous blood shed That I have for your cock. Let me whisper your name as I let loose a torrent of blasphemy and bloody phone sex in your ear.  You need a young thang like me to lead you astray. And I am up for making all men just as vile as I am!             

          Come and join me in my dark and evil world. I’ll show you the darkest pleasures of life. Together, we can make the world an even more corrupted place. Let us be partners in crime and create havoc and mayhem. Let us be the devil’s disciples and rule the world!

Killer phone sex that isn’t hard to find Daddy!

Killer phone sex

Killer phone sex that isn’t hard to find Daddy! Some might say I have a twisted mind and a thirst for blood, but to me, it’s just an insatiable hunger for pleasure. And I am not afraid to admit it. I love offering the hottest and most disturbing fantasies to anyone who is brave enough to call.

I get off on using sharp objects to stab and torture my victims, both physically and mentally. The screams of pain and the fear in their eyes only intensify my pleasure. And when I’m done, I take things to the next level by indulging in some sexy and violent activities with my Daddy!

Together, we get fresh meat and use all kinds of objects to make them squirm. We tease and taunt them, driving them to the brink of madness before finally giving them the ultimate release. Our favorite part is when we get to fuck our victims, and we do it with intensity and insanity. I love seeing the fear and pain in their eyes as we ravage them. And I know daddy loves it too, as he takes control of their mouths while I go to town on their pussy and asshole with my big hunting knives.

 We love seeing blood and sweat mix together as we indulge in our dark desires. And for those who are brave enough, we also offer wild mutilation phone sex. That’s right, we don’t just stop at pain and pleasure, we take it a step further and fulfill your darkest and most twisted fantasies.

So, daddy, if you’re looking for something truly wild and unforgettable, give me a call. I promise to give you the best playtime experience you’ve ever had. But be warned, once you enter my world, there is no turning back. I am ready to fulfill your every desire.

Violent Phone Sex Tendencies Should Be Harnessed

violent phone sexI am prone to violent phone sex tendencies. When I was a schoolgirl, some shrink diagnosed me as clinically psychotic. My parents worried about me. I was a quiet girl. A Goth girl too. No friends but my grandpa. But I did not need any friends but him. He saw potential in me. He saw me in him. Perhaps the serial killer gene skips a generation. My youth mirrored that of the fictional character Dexter. However, I never spent time locked in a storage shed with my mother’s dead body.

My grandpa taught me how to kill. As a schoolgirl I acted impulsively. Like the time I killed my bully when she followed me home and began taunting me. To this day, she is still listed as a missing person. That’s because my grandpa covered up her death for me over 20 years ago. He carried her dead body to our farm, put her in a wood chipper and used her evil ground up bits as hog feed. I am a killer phone sex bitch because of my grandpa.

My Grandpa Turned Me Into a Stone Cold Killer

I miss him. He made me the smart killer I am today. He too learned to harness his psychotic nature. When I was little, he ran a prison, and often tortured death row inmates as a way of getting out his anger and tending to his violent needs. Eventually the state shut down his prison, and he retired. But he did not stop killing and torturing people. He helped me with my hit list. I had a long list of school bullies and teachers I wanted to hurt. And he helped me kill and torture them all.

In the process, he taught me how to kill smartly. And he shared with me key principles I carry with me today, like do not kill folks with a connection to you. Find a surrogate. Do not kill in your own back yard, which means never bring a victim back to your place or kill someone in your neighborhood. Find a place not connected to you to kill, like my kill shack in the woods.

Grandpa was my first accomplice phone sex partner. The only one worth a damn in my life. So, now, I am looking for a new hunting buddy. Some one I can mentor just like my grandpa did for me. Is that you?

Cannibalism Phone Sex Fulfills My Need to Murder My Meal

Cannibalism Phone Sex is one eliment of why I am not your average Goth girl. I am a sadistic whore that hungers for sexual satisfaction. That sexual satisfaction is also not of this world or normality.

In fact I am a huntress. Hunting my meal comes in many non traditional places. I do not hunt nor harm furry friends. I do enjoy the great big beasty cock of theirs but never do I eat. It’s human flesh I entice in. Furthermore more often than not the human flesh I enjoy most is that sexual clitoral meat. And yes that includes peni.

Just today I was out at the grocery store. Nothing pisses me off more than lame cunts that obviously stare at me. Today it was some nigger bitch just off the damned boat. Fucking whore with all her long braids and strong ethnic facial features. This bitch was bringing out the White supremecy in me and I just wanted to burn her.

Finally I confronted her and asked her what the fuck. Like bitch you are stalking me in the shop and staring. What fucking gives lesbo? She really got nervous as I can be quite intense.

Cannabalism Phone Sex is exciting to bite off a nigger bitch’s cunt and eat it.

So at it seems the bitch was enthralled by me. My pale complexion and dark dress. She kept telling me she wasn’t a gay. I spat her words back at her oh I’m not a gay. I laughed and pushed the bitch into my van. As I confronted her in the dark parking garage and stopped her right at the tailgate of my van.

As a huntress I always have a plan. Now that I shoved her in my van I got in behind and closed the door. I guess we will have to explore all the options of fun we can have when you give me a call.

Canabalism phone sex

Snuff porn is hot, the blade in her and entrails slide out!

Snuff porn

Snuff porn is hot, the blade in her and entrails slide out! I embrace my new lifestyle with pride and pleasure. It all started when I met my master, the man who opened my eyes to a whole new world of pleasure and pain.

I remember the first time he took me to his hidden shack in the woods, it was filled with all sorts of tools and toys that made my heart race with excitement. He showed me how to use a razor blade to make a small cut on my skin, letting the blood drip onto his tongue as he moaned in pleasure. 

As the days went by, I became his devoted slave, willing to do anything to please him. He taught me how to use a blade to cut open my own stomach, watching in pleasure as my entrails spilled out onto the ground. It was a beautiful sight, to see my own insides and to know that I was his to control.

We would often seek out fresh meat, finding unsuspecting victims and bringing them back to our hideout. My master would take great pleasure in watching me sit on their cold, lifeless faces, feeling their skin against mine as I rode them until I reached climax. The sensation was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, it was the ultimate form of pleasure and taboo.

Our love for Snuff movies only grew stronger with each passing day. There was something thrilling about watching the blade slide into our victims’ bodies, the sound of their last breaths and the sight of their lifeless eyes. All the blood, made my pussy gush so much. 

They Scream, writhe in sweat. painful discharge leaking into my mouth tastes so sweet.  I tell the meat, I tear your limbs apart, death now descends and rip out your heart. There is one like me, I have no remorse or pity. Walk among the night if you dare, I have no name I’m your worst fucking nightmare.

We shall explore our darkest desires and to feel the rush of adrenaline as we push the boundaries. let’s embrace the taboo and explore the depths of our minds. We are not broken, we are simply free from society’s constraints and expectations.


Necrophilia phone sex it’s hotter when they’re dead.

          Necrophilia phone sex it’s hotter when they’re dead. Give it a try. Like once rigor mortis sets in the cock will stay hard for up to eighteen hours. Now that is a boner that I can get on top of. Ha ha. After all what nasty evil bitch wouldn’t ride a hard fucking cock for hours. At the same time knowing that the guy will never get off.

          All the better. At the same time when you fuck a cunt whore after they have most notably passed from these plains. That cunt gets tighter than a virgin doll that never has been penetrated.

          For the most part you are going to have snuff sex knowing that you are going to be terminating the cunt whore or at the same time the useless dick. Necrophilia phone sex

          Pumping into that tight little hole that won’t stretch. You might as well be fucking a soda bottle. That is how small the hole will be. Tight just making you cum hard. Emptying your cock and balls into that fuck hole.

          With this in mind you are going to want to have plenty of lotion available. After all fucking for hours, shooting lotion in will keep it moist.

Finally, you will have to decide will it be just rough pretend die going bad or will it be Murder phone sex Fantasies that are simply to die for.

In summary dead bodies getting fucked hard is excellent and only a misdemeanor. Dispose of it in the end. Prior fuck it hard for no one is caring and what happens; happens.


Blasphemy sex makes even the most devout cock spurt

Blasphemy sex

Blasphemy sex makes even the most devout cock spurt rivers for me. While I am mostly a dark witch I do call on Lucifer a time or two when I really need him. The Devil provides for his followers. He has provided me with many opportunities to turn my perversions into financial gains. In turn that perversion you seek with my little sisters or nephews is priceless. I know you have been dying to slide up in a  little girl’s pussy like mine! Addicted to brat movies, and pictures doesn’t help anything. 

It just makes the craving to turn away from the light and into the dark that much more. 

But even for non p-men Darkness calls when your world falls. Wife cheated? Snuff her! Your car broke down, ask Lucifer for a new car and he will tell you what he wants in return through dreams. 

Satanism is freeing. Fuck God. Screw Jesus of Nazareth. You’re such a sheep! 

Satan wants you to kill murder and live out Rape phone sex fantasies with me.  Embrace the darkness. Become a demon. Live your life the way you want to. Your rewards in hell far outnumber the riches of Heaven, this I promise you. 

Blasphemy sex makes even the most devout cock spurt

Your heaven is here on earth with all the delectable murder, force fucking and anything you could ever want. Drive that new Porsche and have a sexy siren like me whispering in your ear what we need to do to please Satan this time!

If you have never felt the thrill of a kill before, Cum ride with me!  It’s time to get off your knees for God and explore the depths of your darkest desires By ruling hell. Embrace the evil darkness and join me in hell on earth.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Run Amuck in a Tech Savvy World

murder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies run amuck in times like these. I blame social media and smart phones. In this sort of instant world, we have created with everything at our fingertips and a Siri question away, no one has patience anymore. Also, some folks feel emblazoned to say whatever the fuck they want in a text or a comment. They falsely think there will be no repercussions if they do not say what they think to your face.

Not me. This sadistic bitch makes a note of everyone who offends me, and I get my revenge eventually. I have exchanged blows with this one tool for almost a year in a mutual group we belong to. However, he does not live near me. So, I was not sure if my killer phone sex fantasies would ever come true. But dreams do come true when you are patient.

I stalk his social media pages looking for trips he takes for work. And finally, he was nearby. About three hours away. Dumbass posted where he was staying and all his favorite bars and places to eat. Social media makes it easy to stalk your prey. Since he has no clue what I look like or even my real name, it was easy to trap him. I just acted like a woman who wanted to fuck him. Most men let the thought of sex rule their brains over common sense.

Venus Always Gets to Kill Her Man Eventually

I disguised my looks, and when we were back in his hotel room, I gave him a shot of Fentanyl. Just a little bit to subdue him and prevent him from screaming when I carved him up. I do not often kill anywhere but my kill shack, so I had to plan this out carefully, so I did not get caught. But I am a good planner. I knew where the cameras were in the hotel ahead of time, so I could hide my face from them.

Castration phone sex in a hotel room is never ideal, but this bully of a man needed a lesson learned. And since he lives on the opposite coast, I did not have any other choice but to do it this way. I guess he is a lightweight because he never woke up. I did still cut off his cock and his balls, but I did not gut him like a pig. Too much of a risk I would cut myself in the process and leave some DNA behind.

When you take a man’s family jewels the kill looks personal. So, they look at ex-girlfriends first. I have no connection to this loser. I traveled 3 hours to kill him. And I disguised myself. He did die. Not sure if it was from shock and blood loss or from the Fentanyl. But I do not care. He is dead. This marked the first time I killed a man and left the body behind. Normally I get rid of all the evidence. But the loser is dead, and I can rejoice. Now, to work on the other assholes who made my naughty list. Perhaps, you are on my list.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Keep Me Awake At Night

I’m Scared Your Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Will Come True

Your murder phone sex fantasies plague my dreams. Every night I go to bed and wake up in a hot sweat, thinking about one of you finding me. I’m terrified that I’ll wake up to one of you breaking into my house. Throwing a brick through my front window and just climbing your way in. If I woke up, you would find me scared hiding in the closet. Or worse for me. You would find me still sound asleep and ready for you to snuff me. You would find me stripped completely naked, sleeping on my stomach clutching a mirror. 

murder phone sex fantasies

Break In and Make Me an Ass Rape Porn Star

I’m a sound sleeper. You could set up a camera and make me your first snuff movies victim. Pull out your hard cock and stroke it to my sleeping body. Then get on top of me. I’d wake up screaming and thrashing around. Hold my legs together between your thighs and grab me by my hair. Threaten to fucking slice my throat if I don’t stop screaming. I want you to tell me that you found my posts online. Tell me you just couldn’t help yourself and had to come and pay me a visit. Say you just want to fuck me and then leave. 

Maybe I’ll listen. Or maybe I’ll scream. Forcing you to wrap your hands around my neck and squeeze until the sound stops. Then smash me over the head with my lamp. When I’m knocked out, the ass rape porn can begin. Spit on your cock and slap it against this fat ass. Then push your sick cock into my tight ass hole. You won’t have to be gentle when I’m unconscious. Rip my ass apart. I want to wake up to my shithole bleeding around your cock. Push my face into the pillow and suffocate me while you use my hole to milk your cock. Shoot your cum inside of me. And always remember dead whores don’t tell.