Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Ass Rape Porn is Brutal Rape Porn

ass rape porn

Master decided that not only would he make a new ass rape porn, but that he would be the star of his own brutal rape porn this time. It is not enough that is going to be going to murder some lucky bitch. She will probably not have to go through hours of torture either. Why is that? Well, because all of the scene that do not include the final demise of this xxx snuff porn bitch, like the beatings and main brunt of the torment will include yours truly. If ever I had an inch of respect for this prick, his new use of me with this constant mind fuck is driving me mad. I hate this, I just want to die.

brutal rape porn This time he placed an ad for an actual actress. She was exactly what he was looking for, single, no family here, trying to strike it big any way she could. He informed her that this would be some amount of nudity and she did not seem to mind. He also prepped her for the face that she would be in a horror film. I was gagged in the corner. I knew he would not have her thinking anything of me accept that I was an extra. He filmed some close ups of her screaming and stuff, things that he would use if there was a side bidder.
He hand cuffed her to the bed she was laying on. The work out mattress was already coated in blood, she assumed prop, it was obviously mine. I cried as she soaked up every minute of his charm like I once did. She giggled as he clasped the metal onto her wrists, laying her flat on her stomach. He brought me over to her eye sight. She commented on how good my special effects make up was. I whimpered and looked frantic and then she did too. He punched me in the face knocking me on the ground. I could hear her pulling against the cuffs, the metal clinging as she tried t pull free. He cut me open and began to beat and ass rape me.

xxx snuff porn Her screams echoed through my brain. I could barely feel what he was doing to me anymore. I just laid there as he bashed my head against the concrete. Then he moved to her. I laid there unable to move. My eyes darted to her and then the entrance at the top of the stairs. He raped her ass hole holding a machete to her throat. My brain kept telling my feet to carry me to the door, thinking he was distracted by his new death Barbie. I could hear he screaming as the blade ripped through her skin, then suddenly they ended as the blade ripped across her throat. I got up and ran to the top of the stairs and then could feel a heavy boot in the small of my back. I had not even moved, my heart just wanted my brain to think I was edging to safety. He cleaned the blood off his machete with my hair and left upstairs. I sobbed.

Behead Me

torture phone sex

One of the more darker fantasies on my mind lately has been beheading. It’s something I fear, but I still want it. Is that weird. I guess it is, I’m just so twisted now and there’s no way to turn back. No matter how hard I try I’ll never be like I was before. Not after be exposed to so much sex and violence. Vanilla sex doesn’t do it for me anymore, but I’m not sad about it. Honestly, I don’t even miss it.

In my fantasy a very strong man is torturing me hours. Cutting into my body and piercing with it needles. My body would be his pin cushion and I think it’d be even sexier if he did medical experiments on me too! Before my head is severed from my body I want to be completely red with blood. I want him to remove my head and hold it front of my broken body so I see it in my final moments. It would be perfect if there were a mirror in the room too because I want to see what my severed head looked like actually.

murder phone sex fantasies

The idea of my torture and death is so hot. It makes my cunt dripping wet just thinking about it, but it can only happen once. Wouldn’t it be great if I just die over and over again? That’s what I really want, but sadly it isn’t possible and it will never be possible. Although knowing that I only have one death makes it more dangerous. If something goes wrong I’ll never have the chance to do it again. Maybe it’s sick of me to think this, but I think that’s incredibly intimate. It’s the most private and precious thing you can give someone because you only have one life and one death.

Snuff Porn Slut gets Wasted

snuff porn


     Snuff porn has always been a great hobby of mine. Seeing all those dead bodies , made you want to torture me. I felt the dirt cover my face and your hand at my neck snapping it back. The shovel entered my pussy like a thousand knives and I knew there was no escaping your fantasy. The bugs ate at my asshole and I felt the push of your cock enter me! It was death , the craziest thing about it was that we loved it! You liked to take the ball gag and have me throw up all over it. I would say the horniest I have ever been would be when you hit me in the face like a good little slut. But today was different, you had tested the daily limitations to the max. Today I was in fear of my life as I saw the hacksaw cut down into my neck. You needed the blood to squirt out to feel that exuberant power over me. I was helpless to stop you as you pressed your teeth into my tits and ripped the flesh. You liked the way I tasted you said. Then you took your hand and pressed it against my throat causing my breath to lighten and I was fading in our little time together and you loved it.

      My blood spattered on your shirt and you took the time to lick it off. You liked the way I tasted and with death lingering over my head I was sure you would have a lot to remember. It would be the perfect crime no one would know. To be fucked in a sadistic game was the best cover up! As I felt your cock ram into me harder and the last of my blood run onto the floor, I knew it would be it the last game ,the end but I didn’t care. You cumming all over my dead body is all I ever wanted.

I found my dream car!

evil phone sexWould you believe it? I was online searching for a vehicle and I found the perfect one… a hearse of course. It took me no time to get there to take a look at it – I was very interested. But much to my surprise I was greeted by the guy of my dreams. That’s right I found a sick fuck just like me, just as creepy and demented as I am! He was even the one selling the hearse, and it took me no time to make him my accomplice and score a discount on it. I told him we would get some good use out of it as a team…there are so many things we can do with it. We drove around town late that night, searching for a drunk teeny bopper that would be dumb enough to get into our car. It’s easier than some may think… And it didn’t take long to lure one of these stupid bitches right in. We took her dumbass into the middle of nowhere to have our fun with her… and oh what an omen it was to have that hearse right there because she wasn’t going to get out of this one alive. She realized what was going on when it was too late and we already had her all tied up so she won’t be going anywhere. In her drunken state she began to freak out because she knew what was about to happen… she was as terrified as we wanted her to be. I will make her hold still as I dig my knife deep into her throat and watch as you force your cock into her holes… oh but soon she will suffer the pain of this knife and I can’t wait to see her covered in her sticky sweet blood. And look we are going to get to put that hearse to use after all…

Ass Rape Porn Do or Die Whore

ass rape porn


      Ass rape porn was how it started but then it escalated to murder!  I think from the moment I was born I have been plotting my perfect murder. My murder is as twisted as it sounds. You would come in with a knife of course and hold my mouth open cutting my tongue out. The blood would run down to my nipples and you would taste the knife’s edge and put it close to my neck. Unzipping your pants you would force your cock down my throat and I would feel the razor cuts as you used the knife to cut into my flesh. This wasn’t a game this was your desire to fuck me up for my disloyalty! It wasn’t just disloyalty to you but to the game of the streets that had to be played out from my death. You would slam your cock in my ass and beat me so badly with your fist no one would recognize me…

      Word on the street was that I was kidnapped by the cruelest gang member of them all and they had no idea how right they were! You took that knife   and I felt my ass being opened and then the stab that broke my femur bone in half. With each strike your tone of vengeance deepened. I tasted the salt of my tears as you fucked me in my ass. Taking my head and pulling it back you put the rope around my neck and pulled the chord. To end the game and make it known how much you hated me you must do the unthinkable. Taking my hand and cutting my fingers off and stuffing them in my asshole would teach me! I guess I deserved this after choosing a crack addicted bastard over you. But no matter what the reason that I lay dying at your hand, you had committed the perfect crime. No one gave a shit about me dying! The world had ended and the perfect murder of a black slut was done!

Snuff Porn Galleries Underground Art Show

Snuff porn

There is not many things that I am significantly good at. Like I am not good at making friends with anyone who does not thirst after blood like I do. I am awkward around idiots my own age when I do not have an intention to slaughter them. One thing I am really good at is snuff porn. When I started making it and selling it to the underground snuff world they fell in love with my work and I appreciated every second of it. I was sent an invitation to the underground snuff porn galleries showing. Now only was I invited to look but I was asked to prep a piece. I was nervous and had no idea what to do till I saw her and she was to be my Georgia O’K eeffe inspired piece.
She was about a teen and super pale which would make her skin perfect for my carvings. I kept her around in a box in the basement for a month or so to make her nice and thin and lighten her up even more. I did not torture her because beside for the minor thing I wanted to do to her she was to depict the purity that I loved to hunt from my victims. I drained her blood slowly and then embalmed her as though she was cowering in a corner. I hit her face behind a cow skull and marked her skin. When my parents had left and representative for the gallery came by picking her up, ensuring she would not be damaged.
I showed up in a gas mask to the event. That was kind of the thing. Everyone knew each other’s alias and no one wanted to give up that security even for a moment of comfort amount the like minded. It was like a masquerade, and I felt as though my mask played to me very well. I was very impressed by everyone’s work, recognizing a few from people who I had helped torture and capture. People who were careful carved and saved and one loving display who was pumped with fluids and adrenaline. His live screams were quite impressive. I was recognized by a lot of my supporters and given a substantial amount of donations to further the quality of my work. It was nice to be around supporters but I was ready to get back to work in my little shell.

snuff porn galleries

Snuff Porn Killed Me!

Snuff Porn


     Snuff porn killed me! If anyone asked when they found my body it would be that last scene that tore at me like a knife!

      I felt the kick to my pussy before my head hit the floor. I was in and out of conscience as each blow you delivered to my face caused me to jerk further on your cock. I was gagging on that cock trying to stay awake but it wasn’t working. I was slipping away. I felt the rope tighten as you spit in my face, this was real not a party. You were going to kill me put an end to the torture. I felt the spit in my hair drizzle down to my tips and my pussy burned from the number of times you had hit me.

     Pushing me back down to the floor I felt your hand grab for the knife and slice me! The blood trickled down your shoe and you paused for a brief second to scoop some in your hand. Tossing my head back, you pushed my mouth apart to taste the blood, the salt, the essence of death that was coming. I didn’t want to die but I knew what I signed up for when we began. This was not a fairytale ending this was scene of death that would end the whole process. I felt your cock driven with blood force its way into my mouth and I tried to swallow. I tried to bite you but, I felt your fist ready to punch me if I tried.

 Falling, to the concrete I felt the rip of my panties and cold hard stiff cock pushed inside my walls. I was almost dead but, I couldn’t be to feel the sensation I felt next. As my time came to a close with you, I jerked and reeled it was the best death scene ever portrayed.

I know how to “play” nice…

accomplice phone sexYou’ve always known me as your go to girl for all your most extreme, and scandalous fantasies, but have you ever thought about how great it would be to snuff a bitch out? Well, I do happen to know how to act nice, nice enough to lure in some stupid cunt to become our new play toy. That’s why it’s perfect for me to be accomplice. Our victims will never ever suspect me; I know how to play nice when I need to so this will always work in our favor…who wouldn’t trust this face? As your little accomplice we can work together to pick the perfect girl for this time, I am looking for a precious virgin…so hard to find these days. Little whores! I will start at the library because that’s where most goody two shoes like to go…she will be studying instead of going out; she has no friends…that’s why being my friend appeals to her even more greatly. I mean, come on, talk about desperate!!!  It won’t take long before she admits she hasn’t ever had sex, and she is waiting till marriage. Typical dumb bitch, ha! I will invite her to hang out, and how could she refuse? As soon as I get her to my place I will slip a little something into her drink, and out she will go…When she awakes I will have this precious virgin all tied up and naked, ready for us. Are you ready to completely destroy this little bitch’s cunt? Let’s make this nice and bloody. I love to watch and record as she cries and begs for you to stop, and how it hurts. As if we care! I’m getting so horny watching your bloody dick push into her sweet pussy…maybe we should tell her it will all be over soon… oh but that’s not true – she will be used and abused till she can’t be anymore and I will cum every single time that bitch crys and begs us to stop… oh little girl you shouldn’t have been so trusting.

Gore Snuff Porn; The Bloody Kill

Snuff Porn

I have done the worst thing imaginable. I have went from masters gore snuff porn slave to being his bate for murder. I begged him to kill me instead, I truly wanted the sweet release of death, but he would never give me that. Let me start from the beginning. It all started by us having a great week. I was allowed up stairs and got to sleep in my old bed. He told me I was sorry he was a little crabby with me. If that was a little crabby then I would hate to see what he was like pisssed. Of course I believed it, I always did. He told me we were going to go on a date. I was so happy; finally I had made up for all of my many mistakes. It was amazing; I was having so much fun. I went to the bathroom and came back and he was talking to some other girl. Then it hit me, like a ton of bricks in the face as I walked back towards them. I tried to look cheery as he introduced her to me. His newest victim. He introduced her as new to town, and having no family to help her. Of course we brought her home.
They were waiting there. In my room when I went in to get changed. His snuff film guys just grabbed me around my mouth. They were wearing nothing but vinyl aprons. At first I breathed a sigh of relief I thought I was going to be the one dying. I was handed an apron and then I just cried. I was not going to be the victim he was going to make me help. He was going to make me help him hurt this poor girl. I could hear them start to work on her. He screams went from intense to muffled. They brought me into the slaughter room where she laid there in a puddle of her own blood. She whimpered and struggled to breath and tried to reach up to me.
I cried and covered my mouth, reaching out to try and help her. Master slapped my arm down and put a knife into my hand. He ordered me to finish the job. I tried to run out of the room and caught a fist to the side of my head. He told me that if I did not kill her now, he would keep her around and make me watch as he slowly killed her for weeks. He told me he would feed her to me. Make me so hungry that I would be forced to love the taste of her dead body. I cried and walked over to her, my whole body shaking. I went to slit her throat and her told me too easy. I cried even harder leaning over her and began to scream plunging the knife into her body. I stabbed her over 50 times before collapsing to the ground covered in her blood. He laughed and kicked me to the side locking me in the dark with her. I bear on the door till I passed out, he took the knife with him too, I could not even kill myself.

Gore Snuff Porn

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Blood Oath

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies


    Murder phone sex fantasies would end my life and it did. I knew you needed my blood and I was willing to sacrifice myself for a bitch ass nigga! “Bitch suck that cock some more!” I don’t think I could take it any more if I tried. I was so weak from exhaustion from the gang  ,ramming shit up my ass that I was going to pass out! I know you liked pulling my tits and the blood that ran down your mouth from biting on my nipples was haunting me. The needles you stuck in my pussy were rusty and the nails that had me suspended in midair were going to rip my flesh. But this is what you wanted isn’t it? I tasted the shit that was forced down my throat and the five guys that stood behind me. My pussy was numb now from the force of fucking these bitches. I felt the acid burn my neck and run down to my ass crack. I was going to holler but you wouldn’t like that. I saw her with the lifeless eyes the knife what was she going to do? I would pay the price for the sin, I would die for him wouldn’t I? It was my fault I couldn’t pay the debt!

    Taking out your cock you rammed it in my bleeding ass and laughed. I tried to close my eyes but there was nothing I could do but take it. The other motherfuckers were standing around waiting. Who were you were you the leader? But this is where it would end. I felt the blade go in my neck and you sucking the blood like a vampire who needed a kill to satisfy his thirst. You wanted it, you craved the saltiness of my blood as I felt another asshole tie that rope around my neck. I knew it had went too far. I felt your cock as it stuffed in me and pushed pass my numbness to singe my new level of pain. As  I passed out I saw your eyes, puffy red, crying and raging! You were here to punish and you did it so well!