Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Well I did TRY…

evil phone sexWell… I have to admit. For the New Year I made a resolution. My resolution was that I would TRY and be nicer…but I already broke my new year’s resolution can you believe it? I am sure you can… a girl like me seriously struggles with being nice, I am a mean, cold hearted bitch and I know it and you know it and that’s why you’re here. Well let me tell you… I couldn’t contain myself. I had to kill this dumb little whore. SO I suppose I am just going to have to be myself and stay mean. A coldblooded killer, and evil bitch I am and always will be. Not only can I not control my anger with stupid sluts but the satisfaction in my pussy as I do so many terrible and violent things to them makes nothing else be able to compare… I am sure you know what I mean. Do you want to be mean together? Fuck being nice, those whores deserve to die. They deserve everything we are going to do to them.

Ass Rape Porn

ass rape porn angieWhat a deliciously evil New Year I had! I was able to lure a fine young couple to my place that were completely inebriated! I couldn’t believe how turned on he got when I started to torture and torment his girlfriend. He had a dark side that I hadn’t counted on but it drove me wild and was a bonus. As a result I snuffed the poor little bitch way to soon. But just when I thought I had ruined the night he decided he wanted to fuck her dead body. She never let him fuck her int he ass and he wanted to ram that cock up her ass. Anal sex with a dead body made for the perfect ass rape porn. I filmed the entire thing and it took me over the edge. He was so fucking good that I let the bastard live. i am sitting her fingers deep in my wicked cunt watching the film again!

Evil phone sex

Evil phone sex

He kept me locked in that fucking box for a week. My muscles were so sore. I begged and begged for him to let me go. The cramps I got from being in the same position were horrible. I begged him to end my suffering instead he shocked me with a taser. He wanted me to stay awake and torture me. He shot me up with so many fucking drugs. I was wired and tied up, gagged with my head covered. I squatted in that same position in my own fucking piss and shit. He forced me to get higher and higher. I knew the day he opened the box and pulled me out, that this was going to be my last day. My body was sore and if I didn’t crawl on my hands and knees he would spank me with a whip. I could hardly move. He tied me up to the table choking me with the rope just enough to make me struggle. He wanted me alive, he wanted me to watch him cut off my pussy lips.

Merry Mutilation Phone Sex Day

mutilation phone sex angieShe was a little ho ho ho and Holly was a perfect name for her. Such a pretty thing with a twinkle in her eye. To bad I would be turning that twinkle into pain and agony. After all tis the season. What better way to celebrate then with an evening of Merry Mutilation phone sex while I decorate the halls with the Bowels of Holly. Disembowelment is such a festive procedure. Covering everything in holiday red! Screams that fill the air like the carols sung by innocent little ones wondering the neighborhood. Unsuspecting of the horror going on just inside. I five her drug that renders her helpless. Unable to move and yet able to feel every thing that is happening. A pleasant little paralytic. Placing the knife in her hand I sing “Deck the Halls: and guide her hand to her abdomen. Where my expert skills go to work slowly disemboweling her with precision that keeps her alive as long as possible for maximum pleasure!

Snuff Porn With My Pretty Prize

taboo phone sex karmaKali is daddy’s little fuck toy and I know it. When he invited me over to play a game of poker with him and his buddies I jumped at the chance. I need a pretty little victim to star in the snuff porn that I am filming tonight and his little Kali would be perfect for the part . Watching her scurry around like a helpless little victim while they paw at her is making my cunt so fucking wet under the table. I am enjoying the abuse they are inflicting on her more then normal because I know she will be coming home with me and this will all seem like a school yard game when I am done. I wait for her to go to the kitchen to refresh drinks and make my move. Excusing myself to the bathroom I corner her in the kitchen. I propose that she help me cheat so I can win her and take her home with me. Then she won’t have to deal with all her daddy’s drunk buddies. The twinkle of hope that is clear in her eyes as she agrees to this saving grace makes me cum in my panties. If she only knew what was in store for her….this is going to be so easy. It doesn’t take long for me to clean the old coots out with her help and she is all mine. Taking her home I tell her she is going to be the star in a porn film I am making and she is squealing with delight. I put her in a cute little nightey and she lays on the bed. With one hand she pushes the panties to one side, spreading her pussy lips. The other hand is caressing a young nipple through the material as she smiles sweetly for the camera. That is when her co star walks in. Big and black with a bull whip in one hand and chains in the other. The smile fades and the punishment begins as she whimpers. A victim’s fate is always the same, resistance is futile. snuff porn kali

An Evil Phone Sex Christmas with a Sadistic Bitch

evil phone sex taboo goth Evil phone sex is what this sadistic bitch is delivering to naughty boys and girls this Christmas. Instead of Santa, I will be teaming up with Krampus to deliver some well earned torture and death to annoying brats everywhere. I am sure you know some young cunts that you would like to give your cock and maybe a knife to this holiday season? You can be my Krampus. We show up at a naughty girl or boy’s house with torture devices in your red bag instead of toys. I strap a little one down while you fuck away at an ass or cunny. I can slice off little bee sting boobies, clits, dickies and tiny balls while you fuck away in a tight hole. Blood will ooze over your cock like a warm red sea. I can get more violent with a little one too. Annoying little brats, spoiled little bitches and cock teases all deserve pain for Christmas. My sharp blade goes deep in a belly button and cuts up to the breast bone. I stick my hands into the chest cavity and pull out entrails and organs. When you fuck that little cunny or ass your cock will be visible poking in and out of him or her. She will see your cock fucking her soon to be cold pussy. He will see you fucking his dying ass. I can choke them with their intestines. I can asphyxiate them with their own internal organs. I can squeeze the life out of a beating heart with my hands. Or, I can wait till they slowly just slip away from us in agonizing pain.

home invasion phone sexThe possibilities are endless on a taboo phone sex call with a sick bitch like me. I am sure you will prove to be an equally demented accomplice. Let Santa take care of the good boys and girls. We can take of the ones no one will miss much. Merry fucking Christmas.

Fuck your human rights day!

snuff pornWhat the fuck are human rights? Why is there even a special day dedicated to it? Honestly, if we’re being real here we all know the only one who deserves human’s rights is me! I know that I am the only deserving bitch on this earth that can get what I want and I should be able to get away with it too. Be able to kill all the fucking humans I want, that’s the right I know I deserve! All the stupid whores and stupid tiny dicked boys…they deserve it. Deserve for me to snuff them the fuck out, beat them till their body is lifeless and as bloody as I like it. Who knows maybe you’ll see me on the next snapped! Or not! I am much too smart to get caught! And haven’t we already decided that I get to do whatever want? That I am the only human that deserves to have these basic human rights and all the rest of you bitches deserve to have a very fucking painful and oh so bloody death! I bet you’re so thankful to be celebrating this day!

Frosty the Pervert

Fantasy phone sexI felt the snowball slam into the back of my head. As I turned, another one slammed me in the face. I felt my lip bleeding and my cheekbone turning black. I ducked my head to avoid the next one but it hit it’s mark, knocking me off my feet. You were on me in an instant, wrapping my scarf tightly around my neck and pulling my knit cap over my eyes. I heard you gasping in the chilly air as you groped at your zipper. You yanked me upright by my scarf, choking me some more, as you shoved your cock at me. “Just suck it, bitch.” you growled, jabbing at my lips. I opened as you pushed into my throat, forcing your cock to the hilt.
Steam rose from your cock as you plowed my face. grunting. The stocking cap covering all but your eyes made me scared but I felt my pussy getting wet despite it. I was not ready for the massive eruption of sperm from your cock nor the punch to the side of my head. It was lights out.
I awoke several hours later with cum icicles hanging from my chin. The sperm you had blasted all over my face was frozen too, leaving me unable to close my mouth. As I pulled my broken body from its icy grave, I spotted a snowman coming out of the woods. He had a cock of ice and an evil grin. I screamed out loud as I fell, my consciousness fading to black.
Was it real or just a perverted fantasy coming to life? I would soon find out. Tomorrow, my dear…..

violent phone sex

Snuff phone sex with Ivy

Snuff phone sex

There is something about those sweet young whores. I see them around and I finally picked a whore up. God she was so young and selling her tight young body. She was not sure about me, she should have gone with her gut. Once she got into my car she would never be seen again. That fifthly cunt has no one who cares about her! No one cared that she ran away and that she is selling her pussy for food and drugs. This fucking whore was going to die and she has no idea. This fucking whore was going to scream as I tortured her. She is going to beg and plead for help. No one will come looking for her. No one will miss her. She is now mine, mine to fuck with!

Happy Horror Days-Evil Phone Sex

You didn’t expect anything less then a bloody Horror Day Season did you? I didn’t think so. “Tis the season to be an accomplice. To join me on the dark side. To satisfy your deepest fantasies for inflicting pain. To delight in the stiffening of that dick of yours when the screams of terror meet your ears and when the sight of flowing crimson red blood begins to escape the flesh of out victim. Of course it wouldn’t be the season without some good old Horror Day Carols to sing while we plot the evil plans that we are about to make reality. Spreading sorrow and bringing agony to the time of year when every one walks around happy and sharing good cheer is our way of balancing things out in the universe. Join me for evil phone sex and we can sing together.

snuff porn

On the 12th day of Christmas Karma gave to me…

12 death threat letters

11 scary phone calls

10 cut off fingers

9 midnight visits

8 creepy nightmares

7 bloody pictures

6 severed heads

5 bloody panties

4 lacerations

3 decapitations

2 dead bodies

And a corpse hanging from a tree

taboo phone sex karma