If having a knife pressed to my neck wasn’t torture enough the last time he fucked me. Try having a gun pressed to the back of your head while concentrating on taking a cock down your throat. I was so fucking nervous as he kept saying just one slip up the wrong way. And I could end your fucking life. I was scared shitless that if I was to make him cum and he had his finger on that trigger it was all over for me. He would be lost in a euphoric climax and not realizing that gun was still in his hand loaded and pressed against my head. But then again I think it’s exactly what he intended to do. He could have cared less if he blew my brains out while i had his cock stuffed down my fucking mouth. I don;t know why I keep letting myself fall victim to his sick and demented games. But honestly it’s all I know. I couldn’t function living any way else. I felt his hand begin to tremble as he shoved my mouth down with his other hand. Making me swallow every inch of his dick. Eventually his balls we pressed against my chin and I felt my airway cut off. I struggled beneath his gun filled hand trying to move just the slightest so i could gasp for some air. And then it happened. I thought I’d seen my life flash before my eyes. I started to get dizzy as I was choking and puking at the same time while his cum burst in my throat. I thought any second now my life is going to end. It was a sick and twisted version of russian roulette. Just waiting for his cock to blow not knowing if that gun was going to follow right behind.
Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies
Ass Rape Porn: Geneva Meets Her Demise
Lost and roaming the alleys of the meat packing district trying to find the location for the audition, I started to doubt the directions I received. An ass rape porn shoot was going to pay out a good chunk of cash that would cover my rent. I was just about to try hailing a cab but realized the area was pretty desolate and I had no cell coverage, *Shit*!
Not paying attention to my surroundings and trying to get to an area with a signal I was suddenly grabbed by a leather gloved hand over my mouth. I felt the stabbing pain in my kidneys as a knife penetrated me and I was dragged into a doorway. Seconds pass and I feel my clothes being cut off and the blood loss had me losing consciousness. Barely aware of what was happening I felt a massive cock forcefully enter my ass as my face is shoved into a raw cold carcass of something skinned and bloody.
Completely unconscious, the continued violation and fucking of this damsel in her cunt and ass by a meat processor who just happened upon the lost victim was like heaven for him. He took his use of her and would just skin and hang her just like any other piece of meat he processed. This would certainly make the most tender cuts for his culinary creations for the next week.
Snuff Porn Hostel Style
Snuff porn is what I masturbate too. I love Russian, Japanese and German snuff films the most. They seem the most brutal, the most realistic. Some American horror movies turn me on too. My favorite is Hostel 2. I love the fact that it is a woman who turns the tables on the men and takes control of the kill club. However, my favorite scene is about 40 minutes into the film, when this hot bitch gets naked in a tub with some big ass knives and a naked nerdy girl hanging over her. She slices her slowly at first, letting the blood drip on her before going for the neck slice. As the blood cascades over her hot naked body, she cums, I cum, anybody with a sick mind cums. It is my favorite scene in a horror film. I have always wanted to make a snuff short just recreating that scene, but with a much younger girl as the victim. So, I made it happen. I snatched a little cock tease from the mall. A daddy’s princess type. You know the kind. Rolls her eyes, smacks her lips, twirls her hair and thinks she is better than anyone, especially a Goth girl like me. She got a wakeup call. Literally. I spiked her Starbucks frappuccino at the mall, then slapped her awake once she was suspended above me. I had to suspend her from the drain pipes in my basement and I had no tub, just a plastic tarp to lay my naked body on. I saw the fear in her eyes. She pissed on me, which I half ass expected, but didn’t enjoy. I cut her cheek with a sickle and laughed as she cried. I gauged and eye out too. It plopped on to my right tit. I made lots of little slashes on her tender tight stuck up body. Blood was dripping all over me. I was rubbing it in my skin, but I wanted more. Needed more. I sliced her open like a captured animal. I didn’t go for the neck. I wanted her to see her entrails, organs and blood spill onto the body she mocked earlier. She watched me play with her guts before she drifted off to never never land forever. It was so fucking hot. But, in my excitement, I forgot to hit record on the camera. That means I need to find another little one to snuff out. Maybe this time, you would like to help?
Snuff Porn with Little Whores on Friday the 13th
For this snuff porn whore, my favorite holidays are Halloween and Friday the 13th. Why? Because death and dismemberment is so widespread on those days, most murders go unsolved. They get blamed on drunken pranks and sick Michael Meyers wannabes. Personally, I have always preferred Jason Voorhees. Not sure why, but a man in a hockey mask wielding a big ass knife killing horny teens gets my cunt so wet. I already have my Friday the 13th mayhem planned out. There is a secluded girls’ camp in my city. It’s off the beaten trail, but all the dirty old men know where it is at. Many have been arrested spying on young girls in the community showers and even jacking off on their angelic little faces while they sleep in their bunk beds. Anything I do will get blamed on one of the many registered sex offenders in town.
I hate young self entitled bitches. Instead of butchering just one this year, I am going to slaughter an entire camp of young girls. Young bitches. I have an array of knives to use. Small ones for cutting nips and clits. Bigger ones for shredding cunts and asses. And a huge sickle for cutting off little pretty heads that can be shoved down on the posts of the bunk beds for the camp counselors to discover the next morning. What a horrific discovery. All girls camp massacre. No one discovered alive. I love hearing about my carnage in the press. Because of the young age of my victims they only show before pictures. That’s okay. I always take pictures of dead little whores for my spank bank. I love to masturbate thinking of the torture I inflicted on the little ones. I kill adults because they annoy me or are a waste of space. I kill the little ones because taking innocent lives makes my cunt drip. Who wants to help me slaughter the innocent? They may be innocent now, but they will just grow up to be cock teasing money draining little whores. Let’s have fun with them while we can.
Taboo Phone Sex Accomplice
I wanna take you on a REAL mindfuck baby with some taboo phone sex making you an accomplice. So let’s not waste any time as it’s late Saturday night and I’m ready to take these MDMA tabs while slipping you a couple and off to an adventure we go.
You become my little pawn and I use you to do my bidding. I take you to an Home invasion Phone Sex job, and have you stick close behind me. The stealth one and a pro at picking locks I get us in and you realize we’re in your family’s home and start to panic. Grabbing you I start duct taping your mouth, wrists behind your back and drag you down to the master’s suite. Opening the door I shove you down into a chair at the vanity and tape your ankles to the legs.
Yanking mommy out of the bed I shove her towards you as I open your pants and yank mommy’s panties down and shove her down on your dick. I force her to wrap her legs around you and tape her ankles together. I make sure she is viewing her husband on the bed while she’s sitting on her son’s cock. I return to the husband now and pull out a 14″ black strapon cock, a bullwhip and my buck knife. I mount your father while he tries to fight me I push my cock into his ass… I push it in DRY. Forcefully fucking and ripping his ass I continue to force the full length on him all the while wrapping the bullwhip around his neck I tug as I thrust in. I hold eye contact with your Mother as I continue fucking her husbands ass like a little faggot whore that he is.
Right before I pull out I take my bull knife and with a quick swipe I castrate that fucker and let him bleed out while I leave the two of you in the compromising position.
I love killing them slowly!
Sometimes it’s fun to take your time and kill a whore nice and slow, don’t you agree? Don’t get me wrong, I love a good quick death too but when you have time to really savor the moment, why not take it? Like last night, I had this whore all to myself, she was tied up and bleeding and I was about to stab her in the heart and kill her but then I was like why rush it? I had no place I really had to be, nothing important to do, so why not just have some fun right? So I decided to go old school, I grabbed a plastic shopping bag and pulled it over her face and held it tightly… oh she struggled and tried to get away but she couldn’t, I was way too strong. I held the bag over her head until she passed out, then took it off to see if she would wake up. It took a while, but she did wake up and tried to get away so I just jumped on her, wrapped my hands around her neck and strangled her until she was quite dead. It was so fun that I will definitely have to do that again, wanna join me?
Snuff Sex Fun with Young Ones
Snuff sex is hot. I love being a murderous bitch. I get asked all the time if I have a type I like to torture and kill. My mood is different from day to day. Yesterday, I was in the mood for a young morsel. The beauty pageant type. The malls are filled with girls like that. I found a sweet tender thing begging for trouble. Little jean shorts with her butt cheeks hanging half off her ass. Half top showing a succulent tender belly. Hot pink lips, toes and finger nails. A little whore in the making. I see girls with those Bambi eyes and tight little bodies and I have bad thoughts. Very bad thoughts. My appearance is off putting to those little suburbanites, so I had to get an accomplice. Amy is my young muse. She is very skilled in the art of torture sex. In fact, she takes great joy in mutilating little ones. Anyone actually. She lured my little victim to my car with zero difficulty. A little bop on the head and she woke up in my cabin in the woods. It is like my artist’s retreat. I do all sorts of creative things with blood and body parts there. I’m a performance artist. The little whore woke up tied naked spread eagle to a bed. Amy was over her with a knife. I was filming the torture and streaming it live to a few select dirty pervs who pay me well to see a little whore tortured to death. Sometimes, like yesterday, I let them dictate what they want done to a little cunt. Amy fisted the girl’s bald little slit on request. She also sliced off her clit and her nipples then fed it to the girl. She was tortured for hours before her cunt was fucked with a serrated blade. Amy pretty much carved her insides out, then pierced through her belly from the inside out slicing her in two. Once the cunt took her last little breath, I plopped her body in a tub of lye and watched her little limp body dissolve away. Then Amy and I masturbated watching the snuff porn I made.
The torture sex was so satisfying!
Oh it was so perfect! A new family moved into my neighborhood this weekend and as soon as I saw them, I knew that soon I would have a fun filled day full of torture sex. This was seriously a perfect family… no dad in sight, just a tired, worn out looking mother and two delicate little girls. They looked like little angels with their long blonde hair and big blue eyes…just picturing them covered in blood was making my panties wet and I knew that I would be going over there at the first opportunity. I waited until it was dark and quiet, everyone over there was asleep in their beds like little sheep, completely unaware of the danger that was coming toward them. Those stupid little whores were so clueless, they thought they had moved somewhere safe, they had no idea that pure evil was coming their way to rudely awaken them with torture sex. I went to the mother’s room first, she must have taken something to make her sleep because she was tied and gagged before she even woke up! Then I dragged her daughters in there, they were hogtied and gagged, all they could do was cry and you all know that tears are not enough to make me stop! Oh it was so fun, the torture sex was so satisfying, the blood was so red and I was so thoroughly satisfied at the end that I was almost sorry that I had killed them all! Oh well, there will soon be another new family moving in, maybe they will also have some pure young innocents for me to play with… maybe next time there will even be a few boys for me to kill…I can’t wait to see who will be my next victims!
Snuff Phone Sex Vampira
These fucking urges I get sometimes will lead to some of the kinkiest sex… for me anyway! I never really know how the victim feels as his body grows cold beneath me. His hard pecker inside my soaking wet pussy as I bite his nipples with my incisor implants ad lap the blood up. I love when they go into rigor mortis with their fuckstick inside me still. Riding a hard stiff rod on a stiff is just one of those things for me. Then again I love dick, no little dick men, nah, I castrate phone sex that shit!
So, earlier I got the damned urge for a bite and that taste of sin while at the bar. I looked around for a feasible victim, when I spotted you watching me. I turn on the flirtation and your at my side buying me a drink. Your going to be my bitch from here on out and die loving it.
Keisha v.s. Makayla Dirty whores Fight!
Fighting to the death has always been something my daddy wanted to see. He wanted to watch stupid worthless whores like me taring each other apart. He wanted to see blood. He wanted to hear the hard smack as each girl hit each other with their fits. He wanted to watch a skull get crushed by bare hands of a naked whore. Daddy always told me “one day when you get big enough you are going to earn your keep around here. If not your life will be over. Now that I’m not so little Daddy says it’s time. Time I fight to live or be fucked till I turn blue. He has been watching this big tittied nigger whore. She keeps winning and getting stronger. I have never fought anyone off me. I can’t handle her and I know that. But daddy wants to see if I I’m worthy enough to live anymore.
He says my pussy is used up and I can not make money off a worthless pussy. I try to remember that during our match. I bite that nigger bitch on her big titties. I shove two fingers into her stinky pussy. Just when I thought I had her I was going to win. That fucking nigger cunt punched me so hard in the face she broke my jaw bone. Then she sat on my face. She rode my face smothering me. I took all the energy I had and bit down on her pussy lips. She screamed and smashed her bloody pussy on my face. I was weak and couldn’t move. She had gotten her fake strap on cock on. She bent me over and jammed that big thick cock into my asshole. She started fucking my ass and choking me at the same time. I was turning blue just like my daddy said I would.