Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Knife Play Phone Sex with Marley

Knife play phone sexI awoke to a harsh, driving pain in my side. I couldn’t recognize my surroundings, what little I could see of them in the dim light and from my angle. I went to move my hand to comfort my side, only to realize I was restrained. I felt the pain in my side erupt again, and paid attention to it. It was the feeling of a blade being drawn back out of a stab wound. I had felt that before, and it drove my blood through my veins at double the rate. I tried to scream, only to realize that my mouth was taped shut. It wouldn’t do me any good to scream anyway, it seemed. The best I could make out, I was in a sealed room that looked to be made of rock or stone.

A slap across my face drew my attention to my attacker. He had a huge grin on his face as he reprimanded me for not immediately focusing on him as my superior in every way, instead of exploring my environment. I watched as that knife found its way into my side again, this time piercing one of my kidneys. I felt his hand drive into my cunt, wide open and in full. The tears poured out of me as I screamed and writhed from the pain he was putting me through. Then, I saw the knife flash upward, above my chest, only to be driven down, just below where my sternum ends. I struggled to breathe, but he drew it up again, forcing his hand deeper into me as he stabbed lower. He did this again and again, driving the knife into me lower and lower with every move, until he finally buried it to the hilt in my uterus. I wanted to die, but he wasn’t done with me yet.

Fuck Doll

Bloody phone sexI love being a good little fuck doll. I love being tied up, down, anyway that I am wanted and having the shit fucked out of me. Use my body as your cum dumpster. Choke me, slap me, beat me, kill me, I am yours to choose what to do with. My life and body is yours to use and to dispose of. I want to be your cum whore, I want to be filled with cum while you beat me bloody. I want you to end my useless life, and then fuck my dead body; I want you to get your fill out of me, any way that you think is best. I am forever your willing slut to use.

Crafty Bitches

Violent phone sex

Do you know why witches would snag little ones out of their bed and those brats are never seen again? For their blood. Those little fucking brats have magic in their blood. It keeps those witches looking hot and young. They would fuck in a little brats blood. It would tighten their pussies and assholes. It would lift their titties and make them look 18 again. That is my plan. I found the cutest family and I mean little. They were perfect for what I needed. I noticed the other day as I was riding a big fat black cock that my titties weren’t as bouncy. There were lines in my face. What the fuck! I’m not old, I’m not even fucking 25. Parting and fucking has worn my body out and I knew what I needed. I needed to steal those brats from that little family. Keep them around for a week or two. Fatten them up, get them juicy and swollen. Stop letting them move around. They would be so pure and tender. Plus their young blood would make me beautiful again. I knew exactly what I was going to do. Do the oldest one first. bleeding her out will be easy and she is fatter than the other one.

Sadistic phone sex

I would hang her upside down and slice her throat, letting her young warm blood drip down my body. I would rub it in and all over my face. I can feel my skin tightening up. My fingers trace over my beautiful firm tits down to my belly, down to my pussy. I start rubbing the blood into my pussy, making me virgin tight. I shove my bloody wet fingers in my asshole. Making it feel like a fresh virgin ass. As I finger both of my holes the pre heat on the oven goes off and I cum. She is going to be so fucking yummy. The other one was going to be even better. Fatten her up and make her pure. She is going to be so tender and her bloody it going to put me at my peek. I will be looking hotter than ever and enjoy the fun fucking all the guys who want me so bad they won’t take no for an answer. I am so fucking horny. I am going to let her slow roast and see how many cocks I can get before this little one is cooked to perfection.

Snuff phone sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies – Kidnapped

Murder phone sex fantasiesHis voice chilled me to my very bone. He had called twice before, issuing what I had thought were empty threats by way of prank phone calls. But, this time, I had chills going up and down my spine.

*3 days later*

He grabbed me after I left the grocery store. He has me tied up in the back seat of his car, and I have no idea where he’s taking me. I am so scared!! Oohh, we’re stopping! Please let there be people around!!! No!!!! No people, only trees!! Why?!

He’s carried me to a clearing, and oh gods!! He’s cutting my clothes off with a knife!! He’s crushing me, and … ahhhhhh, that hurts!! I think he ripped my cunt open!! I can’t scream with this damned gag!! Why is he doing this to me?! Oh god, my lungs!! He’s crushing my chest; his hands are so big, and his fists are just crushing my chest!!! I think that’s a broken….Yep, that’s a broken rib!! Someone please help me?! What’s that? Oh, please gods, NO!! Please? I can’t breathe. I can’t…

Taboo Phone Sex: Strangulation Snuff Porn Sites Arouse Me

taboo phone sexI enjoy exploring your taboo phone sex fantasies.  I have so many myself. Some I don’t even realize I have until I do a phone call or peruse the Internet. A revenge phone sex call where my caller strangled his cheating whore wife, prompted me to look at strangulation snuff porn sites.  Fuck they were hot. My pussy was a puddle of creamy wetness after watching a few videos. We all know some bitch we want to strangle right?  Not a day goes by that I don’t think about strangling someone, usually some whore. The other day, it was Rita. She is the wife of a friend of mine, a guy I have known since I was a school girl. He has always been one of the few men in my life I could be my dark twisted self with, which means a lot to me.

strangulation snuff porn sitesSunday I was over at their place for football. Rita was in bitch mode making jab after jab about my appearance and my relationship with her husband. It pissed him off too. But the icing on the cake was when she insulted his dick size in front of me. Personally, I have not seen his willy since I was a teen girl and we pissed in the woods together. It wasn’t small then, so I was sure she was just being a royal bitch. I looked at him and I could see him about to snap. He had my approval.  Hell, he had my assistance if he wanted. We could alibi one another. I stood up first, bitch slapped her. The rest happened rather quickly. As he throttled her throat, I yanked her granny panties off her body and wrapped them around her throat. That was something I saw on one of those strangulation sites. I was not strong enough to strangle the cunt dead, but her husband took over the honors. I stood over her so I could watch the life go from her eyes. I told her I would take real good care of her husband right before he snuffed out the bitch. We fucked for the first time next to her warm dead body. Hottest fuck of my life.

He kept teasing me…

He called and gave me his info just like the other 10 thousand times he has called. It always declines. After it does I always hear “Goddess Ivy, I just need you to punish me so badly.” And hangs up on me. He always gives me his address, the only thing he never changes. I went there in the middle of the night. Turns out he lives 45 miles away from me.

Home invasion phone sex

He was rich, so he had money and I fucking wanted it. I broke in, snuck up to their room. Cracked em both in the head, when they woke up I was covered in blood sitting on the edge of their bed holding their brats teddy bear. They tried to get lose but the razor wire was cutting into their wrists. I started telling his wife how badly he wanted me to punish him, So I am here. I smiled and slid up between his legs, “You are gonna want to watch this honey. I bet your husband is gonna love this cock up his ass.” I shoved the razor studded cock up his ass making him cry and scream a high pitch scream.

Evil phone sex

“Living out in the middle of the desert with no one around, well that is just inviting to someone like me.” I kissed him on the forehead and moved to his wife. I took her gag out and made him watch as I throat fucked her with the razor studded cock. My pussy is so fucking wet right now.. I wonder how if he can keep his cock hard till I cum ? The sick fuck had a ragging hard on after watching his wife’s throat getting sliced and diced. Such a sick fucker! 

Murder phone sex

Lets have some bloody sex!

Bloody phone sex I would love to have some bloody phone sex with you! Blood turns me on so fucking much. Just feeling the warm sensation of the blood running all over my body, and the iron taste and smell! Just getting some of the blood on my tongue and the iron taste just makes me cunt so wet. Even if it is your blood my blood, or the blood of some bitch we gutted together. I would love to lay back and slit someones throat and let the blood spray all over my body. I will use it as lube for you big cock to shove inside of me. Just fuck me with that bloody nasty cock. I would love to have the blood and cum mixed all together in my fucking throat.

She isn’t going to bother me ever again!

torture sexDon’t you just hate whiny bitches? I know that I do, that is why I had to kill my new neighbors. They were this family of annoying hippie vegan types, usually I am live and let live about that shit but these assholes complained literally every single time that cooked any kind of meat! If you want to starve yourself and not eat meat, that’s fine but don’t tell ME that I have to go along with your stupid ideas! I am a fucking carnivore and I have no problems killing people, why the fuck would I have an issue with killing animals? Anyway, the worst one out of that family was the teen girl, she bitched and moaned and made puking noises every time I ate dinner, I couldn’t take it, they had to fucking go! I waited until they were sleeping then I slipped into their house and made my way upstairs. The parents died first, I slit their throats while they were sleeping, it was the girl I really wanted, she was going to suffer! I drugged her and dragged her back to my place and threw her on the grill while she was still alive… She ruined so many of my meals, it was time for her to become one! She really was delicious too, I guess her diet made her flesh nice and tender…

Snuff Sex – Coulrophilia/Psychrophilia

Snuff sexI was hitching through North Dakota when he came across me. I felt bad about him from the moment he pulled up alongside me, but all my efforts to make him move along failed. That was when I knew I was in trouble, and I tried to take off. He was spry and agile for an older man, and he very quickly and easily caught me. I had no chance to fight; he was so quick that he had me pinned before I could even turn over. I felt him begin to bind my hands, I think it was with rope, but I would have to find out later. I struggled under him, the little bit that I was able to move. He gagged me with a ring-gag, so I knew, once again, that I was in deep shit.

He drug me back to his truck and buckled me in, since he knew I was unable to do anything about it. I have no idea how long we drove, or how far. I just know that when he stopped, it was in a place surrounded by wooded areas. The temperature was dropping, so I knew it was early evening. He drug me through the trees for a good while before finally tossing me to the ground. I could hear water, and I wondered if anyone lived nearby who could help me if I could just project my voice well enough. When he didn’t even bother trying to get me to shut up, I knew it was hopeless. He bound me, hands and feet, to roots in the ground, and I knew I would never get up from there again. He left my view, and I began to search around for a weapon of some sort.Killer phone sex

When he came back, I was completely at a loss. He was dressed as a clown! He had the makeup, a wig, everything! The only way I knew it was him was that he was carrying the clothes he had just changed out of!! He set those down, walked back out of view, and came back carrying 2 large buckets. He poured freezing water all over my body, and I began to shiver. As the night grew closer and the temperatures dropped, he kept dousing me with water until he saw ice start to form from the moisture. Then, he started some ritualistic something or other. He was touching me all over, rubbing me with various parts of his clown getup. It was as I was getting closer to freezing to death that I noticed his cock was poking a huge tent out of his outfit. It was mere moments before I drew my last breath that I saw his cock hovering above my face, and then slipping down into my throat through that ring-gag.

Sexy snacking

Cannibalism phone sex There’s something extra evil, and extra naughty, about accomplice phone sex. Snuff sex itself is so fucking nasty and hot by itself, but the imagery of helping someone capture, fuck, and tear apart makes my pussy squirt almost instantly. Now, add cannibalism phone sex to that, and oh my fucking GOD do I get off hard.

I picture you and me, people watching in a dark corner of a goth club. You’ve dressed me as slutty as you could. Every curve is accentuated and shown off perfectly. I do so love your tastes. You pick out some sexy little Asian all by herself in the bar, and tell me to go buy her a drink and bring her to the table. On the way I roofie her drink.

When she’s starts giggling and swaying, we walk her outside, down a few blocks to our car. Stupid little cunt thinks we’re going to driver her home. Hahaha!

We get back to yourhis place. The little bitch has passed out. That’s good, easier to get her where we want her. We park in the garage, as soon as the door drops we unload her. She’s so small, it’s easy to pack her to the basement chamber I’ve helped you build. We put her wrists in the irons we have hanging from the ceiling. While she’s dangling, you cut all her clothes off. She looks so tiny and pathetic. Nice, perky brown tits, and the tiniest bush over her cunny.

She starts to stir, she’s crying and whimpering, begging for us to let her go. It doesn’t fucking matter, no one will hear her screams down here.

You shove everything you can think of in her pathetic holes, gaping and splitting them open, before fucking the shit out of her. I start slicing the bitch open, collarbone to pelvis. And while I grip your dick from inside her body, you pump a massive load of cum into her womb.

I’ve always enjoyed having dinner well marinated before we eat.