Category: Knife play phone sex

Late Night Hunting


It was a perfect night for a late night hunt. I met up with my friend Pandora and we went looking for a little victim. We walked upon a young lady walking alone in the park that we were driving by. Pandora got out of the car and walked over to the young girl and put a rag covered in chloroform over her mouth and drug her to the car. Where we took the long drive back to Pandora’s morgue. We carried her inside and laid her on the cart and began cleaning her. We hosed her down and scrubbed all the dirtiness from her. Pandora then grabbed her autopsy tools. As she started to cut her the prey started to awake. I held her down till Pandora could tie her up. She cut her all the way down opening her chest cavity. She was screaming and crying all we could do was laugh. Asking her what kind of diet she was on. She could not answer she was bleeding out to much. I leaned over and told her we eat HUMAN! Young pretty girls like you as she took her last breath. We took the little girls body all apart and called a friend over to help cook dinner for the party we are having tomorrow night.

Squashed Like a Bug


You know what happens when a pathetic, waste of breath tries to waste my time? I like to watch them squirm, like worthless vermin beneath my shoe, while I laugh at their pleas for freedom. They try to wiggle free and escape from the pain that I bring, but to absolutely no prevail. It just makes my cunt too juicy wet to let them go free without some mutilating torture. Take for example, this pathetic little soul that I met awhile back. He claimed to worship the Dark Lord and that he wanted my help to find the perfect, innocent sacrifice to please his Lord. I could see right through that bullshit. He didn’t worship anybody, but me. No, in reality, he was just an eyeliner-wearing faggot that was trying way too hard to impress my twisted mind. I played along at first, picking out the prettiest virgins for us to ravage together and eventually drain the life from. He was fucking scared. He didn’t want to go through with it, so he just kept telling me that it wasn’t the right one yet. Give me a fucking break, you fucking loser! So, one day I just called him up and told him, in my most seductive voice, that my pussy was slippery wet and craving and nice hard fucking. Haha, the piece of shit showed up to my door in five minutes flat. I led him into a dimly lit room in the back of the house and the moment that the door slammed shut behind us, I brought my foot up and kicked his ass to the floor. His face smashed into the the floor and I stripped him down, tying up his legs and arms while he gargtieddickeditled helplessly in a pool of his blood. Then, I put on my prettiest high heels and stood above his face so that he could see my cunt dripping with the anticipation of his impending doom. I pressed one foot down on his neck and pushed my heel so that it just barely broke the skin. Blood gushed everywhere while I bent forward and used the handle of  one my favorite knives to tear into his asshole. That faggot probably loved it, his little cock was growing harder and harder as I rammed the handle in, ripping his asshole open.I wrapped some rope around his pathetic cock and pulled it tighter and tighter until his balls looked like they were ready to pop and he was screaming, begging me to stop. Haha, my worthless little bug had my cunt gushing and I couldn’t stop my body from convulsing while I orgasmed over and over watching him squirm. 

Daddy’s Missing Friends


Daddy’s friends from his office keep going missing there are a total of five missing right now. They said they were all tied up to the bed with a collar on their necks. The room lingered of cigar smoke in all the victims rooms. They are saying the suspect is on top of them in a sexual position as she stabs them over and over again with what seems to be a average kitchen steak knife. Then the suspect leaves after placing a lit cigar in the mouths. One of the victims rooms were burnt up by the fire caused by a cigar. Daddy said the detectives are saying the suspect is more than likely a woman that is sadistic and is angry at men for some reason. They told him that every victim’s family said something is missing from them the first one had a ring,second one had a shirt, and third one had his family’s pictures from his wallet they are still trying to see what is missing from the rest. After Daddy was finished talking to the detectives. I told Daddy I was going out for a bit he said to be home by curfew. I was gone for a few hours. Returning home that night Daddy noticed I had a maroon scarf around my neck, and I lingered of cigar smoke. I told him that my friends got it for me and that their parents smoke. The next morning Daddy had yet another friend stabbed and this time he was missing a maroon scarf and the room lingered of cigar smoke.

Throwing out the Trash

Murder phone sexI am the bringer of pain. But within reason. I was driving home yesterday when this truck threw a pillowcase full of something out at a red light. I could see the bag moving on the side of the street. I knew instantly it was some type of animal. Of course I stopped and looked. And inside the stinky nasty bag was 4 kittens. They had been in that bag for days. You could tell by the piss and shit! And they just looked so close to death. They were NASTY. I stopped at a quick mart and got some tuna fish and milk. And they tore into it! I let them fill up and took some baby wipes and cleaned them off. I was on my way home with the babies when I spotted his truck. Same crappy truck. Same stupid bumper stickers… And I waited. He was inside a little bar in the middle of no where. It couldn’t have been more perfect if I wanted. So I waited. And when He came out drunk and stumbled to his truck. He was so willing to get in my car for sex. Of course when he got in I tasered him. When he finally woke up. I was ready for him. I had him chained hands above his head his feet barely touching the ground. I waited for him to wake up before the fun started. When He came to he was still a little groggy so I threw ice cold water on him. When I had his FULL attention. I took my favorite knife and cut all his clothes off. Fat Bastard really got scared. Was screaming at me. What the hell was I doing? Why? … lol I picked up the box of Kittens. And set them on the table one by one. They curled up in a little pile. Soooo cute. I could hear him.. yelling “Fuck.. Fuck for the cats? They are only cats? Hey? What the fuck?” I took out that nasty shitty pissy pillowcase and placed it over his face. I duck taped the bottom around his neck and cut little slits for him to see out of… I want him to know what is about to happen to him. I can hear him gagging on the smell. And I smiled. I petted the kittens as I decided what I wanted to do to him first. As he begged and pleaded. He actually pissed on himself crying like a little fucking pussy! I hate little bastards like this.. They think they are so fucking tough. Throw out some little kittens. Like killing is so easy. But when it comes down to it.. just a big fucking PUSSY! I love the pain. Causing it. And I know I’m gonna love this. Cause he deserves it so fucking much. I pick up my little blade and start. Cutting little slices all over his fucking body. Then picking up the salt water and throwing it on him. I love how high pitched his screams are. We have a long night ahead of us. I’m gonna take off his nails both toes and fingers. I’m gonna pierce his nipples, dick and balls. MMMM I’m gonna rape him like the pussy he is. Then peel his skin off. He needs to learn what a real fucking killer can do. Not some wanna be. And when I am done with this sack of shit. I’m gonna cut his dick off and leave him in a bag on the side of the street.

Burned At The Stake

One of my neighbors came over today he’s a real piece of work. He knows some of the things that I have done,maybe more than he should. He begs me to punish him. I took him out to a secluded area where I make him get on his knees. I grab a branch and start beating him all over his body till he was a bloody mess. I placed his worthless body on the stake. I took the small bottle of gasoline out of my bag and a lighter. I poured it on to his legs and lite him on fire. As he was slowly burning I took my knife and stabbed him over and over again. I then took the knife and grabbed him by the fucking hair and cut his throat. Blood squirted all over me . I stepped back to watch him burn into nothing but charred remains. he shouldn’t of asked to be punished by a fallen angel.

Evil Teddy Knife Fight

Knife Play Phone SexThe sound of crying usually makes my cunt drip, but that’s just because usually I’m the one causing the crying. However, when a stupid little bitch starts screaming and crying for no reason it pisses me the fuck off. A friend of mine begged me to cover a babysitting job for her (she still owes me a favor for that). Anyway, I agreed because she said she hated the little brat anyway and really didn’t care if I fucked with her in my own special way. So, the stupid bitch was crying her eyes out because I wouldn’t let her have a snack. She was squeezing her little arms around her teddy bear, whining and saying I was a “meanie”. She soon learned that the word “meanie” doesn’t really do my sadistic little soul justice. I ripped that teddy from her hands and pulled out one of my favorite knives. The blade was long and shiny and it looked so pretty as I ripped into that teddy bear and began pulling out all the stuffing. She watched me, screaming and crying. I made her open up her mouth and stuff all the bear’s insides down into her throat. She was trying to beg me to stop, but the stupid bitch couldn’t speak with all those bear guts in her mouth! Once her mouth was full I took the point of my knife and thrust it up through her chin. The blood began to gush out, soaking all the white teddy bear stuffing. I sliced her all over, making her rub her tiny hands all over her sticky blood and even finger her tiny little bald pussy with her bloody hands. Finally, once I was bored with her, I took my knife and slid it fast across her throat. I laughed out loud  with glee when all the blood spurted from her fucking throat! Looks like I gave that bitch and her teddy bear a reason to cry tonight.


Late Night Cravings


It was late into the night when everyone in the house was sleep when I arose having one of my late night cravings. I knew there was no more in the freezer. I dressed and decided to go for a late night stroll. As I was walking along I came across two girls all alone barely being able to walk from being so intoxicated from their college party. I walked over and offered to help them home they were both lost and did not know which way they were going. I told them that if they walked home with me I would give them a ride back to where they live the next town over. As we got to my house they came inside and had a seat on the couch before long they were both passed out cold. I called my friend Liz over to help me carry them one by one to the basement where we placed them in the tub where we shaved and them washed them down. Once they were both cleansed we took them and placed them both in our large baking pans and chopped from delicious veggies and potatoes to bake them with. As we were doing so the slowly started to awake that is when Liz told them they were going to be the main dish, as she stuffed each of their mouths with a apple. We placed them in the over. After just a few hours you could smell the wonderful aroma of two delicious young girls that were going to make the best meal for Liz and I.


Karma is a bitch!

snuff phone sexKarma is a Bitch and so am I. I’m done with people pissing me off! I take shit all day long from complete strangers. Cashiers and waiters. Throwing all kinds of SHITTY attitudes. Being bullies or punks. And I am just the wrong Bitch to mess me. So I am going to start teaching all these cock suckers some fucking manners. Like today. I go to the mall and wait for a space.. This little old lady is taking for ever to move her car. But.. I have to pick up a present for my grandmother and this is the only place to get it. So I wait. After she leaves a little fucking BMW Z3 whips into the spot I was pulling into! So blonde Bitch gets out ON her phone and walks by me smiling. I find another spot and when I am walking by her car puncture all 4 of her tires and then carve CUNT on the side of her door. I go into the store feeling better… Until that fucking perfume sales girl asks if I want to try on some stinky shit. I said NO very loudly and she sprayed me anyhow. When I looked at her she smiled and said ” Isn’t that better.. You smell nice now” Like I fucking smelled bad  So I walk up to her and say can I see that please when she goes to hand it to me I move my hand the bottle drops to the floor and spills all over her. I move away quickly.. now the shit smells better. And then… I finally buy my grandmother the perfume she wants. I go to my car and some ass hole is leaning against my car talking on his phone. I ask him to move and he tell me to wait a fucking minute while he is yelling at someone… so I do. While I am waiting I pull out my tire Iron and the second he hangs up the phone I smash his fucking head in. He falls to the ground bloody and mutilated… Lessons learned

Torture Phone Sex In The House of Hell

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Francis, Storm and I love to get together with our victims and enjoy the pleasure of mutual torture and pain. We fucking get off  hearing the sound of the screams in unison as we stand back and make each other cum, basking in the glow of our torture. Last week when we were driving around looking for victims, we came across a house with an overgrown yard and menacing appearance. We had to go check it out. Once inside we were delighted to find blood stained floors and walls. The smell of death was in the air and we were thrilled. We decided to do some more research and get the scoop on this place. We found out that a master mind mass murderer used this place for his fucking and  killing zone. He would bring his victims here and torture them, dismemberment the bodies and burring them next to the house. They found twenty bodies, chopped up into pieces here and the place is reported to be fucking haunted. It is known now as The House of Hell. Tonight we are taking our victims to this house we are going to torture and molest them from sun down to midnight while we fuck each other to their screams. We have metal skewers that we are going to insert into their dicks, tits and pussies and a truck battery with jumper cables to give them electric shock. We have several bottles of alcohol to pour on open wounds and cuts that will be strategically applied. We have fish hooks and  whips and branding irons to burn their flesh. It is going to be exquisite. At midnight we are going to dismember them at the same time. We aren’t going to use saws they are to fast and easy, we are going to hack them with axes, blood flying as it takes several blows to remove each limb. When we are done we will bury them by the house. This is going to be a night of fun! I love girls night out with my wicked fucking friends!torture phonesex house

Step Parents

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 Every one knows Step-Parents do not even deserve to be here. They are fucking annoying, they really think they can tell you what to do. That is what I have had for my Step Mother for the longest time. Today the bitch just took it way to fucking far. She is always complaining about something. Today was enough. She told me that I needed to watch my little brother again knowing how much the little fucking brat gets on my nerves. She walked off as I was talking to her so I wait till the bitch was in the shower when I crept in the bathroom took my knife out from behind my back and stabbed the fucking cunt over and over again till her body went limp and fell into the bathtub that’s when I leaned over and cut the fucking cunts tongue out now she will do no more fucking nagging. If her son don’t shut up he will next!