Category: Knife play phone sex

Snuff Phone Sex Because I’m Not Someone You Want to Mess With Ever

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex, I do best. The gfe thing, I never do. Perhaps you could call me a black widow. I do not marry men to kill them for their money. However, I will kill a man for not listening to my verbal warnings to get lost or stop calling me baby. Most men see the look in my eyes and know I am not messing around. But some men just do not listen. Not my fault.

Last night, I went to my neighborhood Goth bar because I wanted a drink. Although I do not socialize in that bar, I know most of the regulars and they know me. The bartenders all know me, and what I like to drink. But everyone there also knows I am a loner. And I prefer it that way.

A guy came up to the bar, sat next to me and told the bartender to put my drinks on his tab. He was not a Goth boy or a Steampunk guy either. More like some suit and tie nerd. Even the bartender told him he best move along. But the nerd did not take the hint. So, I looked him right in the eye and said unless you leave now, I will give you free castration phone sex.

He laughed like he thought I might be joking. So, I showed him my knife. But only one. When I go out, I usually have about 5 strapped to my body. The fucking idiot challenged me with, “I’d like you to try, bitch.”

Men Need to Pay Attention to My Body Language and My Words

The bartender looked at the guy with shock on her face and told him he better run now. Even though I don’t do not socialize at this bar or any bar, everyone there has my back. In that place, I can get away with murder and mutilation. And I have many times. So, when this idiot did not heed the bartender’s warning, I unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock and prepared to chop his dick off in the bar.

This idiot thought I changed my mind and wanted to jack him off. Stupidity deserves extreme cock and ball torture sex. So, I sliced his entire dick off and watched the expression of confidence change to one of horror. He passed out. While he was down, I cauterized the wound to slow the bleeding. Other bar regulars helped me take him out of the bar and into his car.

 We drove his car to a park miles away to put him in the front seat. This way he would think he drove himself there. Oh, I drugged his beer.  But it did not kick in until after I severed his cock. I planned it that way. And as a final touch, I put his dick on the dashboard. If anyone finds him soon enough, they can likely sow it back on. He will not remember he was at the bar or how he lost his dick. But he will never come on to another woman again.

Torture sex is so fucking awesome for you , me or a victim we choose

Torture sexTorture sex is so fucking awesome. It doesn’t matter if it is for me or a nice little fuck slut we have found to hurt real bad. As you will see, I can be a very good accomplice, but i want some pain in my ass and pussy occasionally.

I love those weird bloody snuff horror flicks and have great ideas for making pain last for her and me. And on the reverse UNO card I can give you pain and torture in your balls, cock, and all over your body. People think because I am small that I can’t do a whole lot of damage, but ha you will soon see! 

Torture sex is so fucking awesome for you , me or a victim we choose

Give me a small one and or your wife and see how much pain I cause! Your cock will so enjoy every bloody step of me snuffing out something for you! And if you’re feeling really guilty for your sins, I can put you on my medical table and start dissecting you from your balls up!

I’ll make sure to inflict the most excruciating pain imaginable, leaving you begging for mercy. Your screams will be music to my ears as I revel in your agony. Let’s see how much torment you can endure before you break.

Chained, tortured, lifted in the air for a clean shaven pussy

Knife play phone sex

My leg’s spread wide open, you’re cussing me out, telling me “what a bad bitch” I am while holding your knives. Scars covered my little body all the way down to my cut up, tight cunt from your constant abuse.

Didn’t shave, so I gotta pay. Genital stubs, my puffy muff looked at under a light, your face turning red. Thrown on the torture table you chained me up. My chained legs lifted into the air in your sick fucking medical examination room. Your knife, slowly running down my tight snatch lips, sharpened for this fucked plan you had for me.

With a six blade razor you shave me, I’m shaking in fear but dripping wet, turned on as your fingers reach far deep up my smooth, silky snatch and asshole, swirling around, cleaning cum and feces with your rubber gloves on,  you lift my lip for that close cut in my dark spots. Juicy jizzy pre cum dripping down to my asshole onto the paper you had me lay on to collect every hair, every drop of various fluids.

Unable to move, you push on me, swinging me, with your finger still deep in both holes, smashing at rapid speeds for that sweet squirt.

Woe is my pussy as a Gothic Phone Sex slut who just wants to ride a stiff one.

Gothic Phone Sex

As a younger one, I was on the goth side of life. Loved the whole thought of being that dark and macabre slut who’d bone a dead guy if his dick was the right size. Or a dude was defile my holes with his fuck rod, while I’m powerless to do anything. Cause I wouldn’t have a beating heart.

But, I’d rather be the one who enjoys the stiffy. I wouldn’t have to worry about keeping a heater going for the thighs, as my puss would keep the dip stick warm enough. Also, pussy stays wet, no lube really required.

Be as beautiful as that one scene in Nosferatu. Get to make sweet music one last time and have one hell of a ride while going out? Be as rough and gritty as you want to remember what they felt like?

One hell of a way to go. Gothic Phone Sex keeps just giving me ideas to play out too.


Knife Play Phone Sex Requires Precision and Skill

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex gives me more control over your death. Guns kill almost instantly. But unless you slice the jugular, you can prolong the torture and pain with a knife. Plus, knives require more skill than guns. With guns, you aim, you shoot and most of it gets chalked up to luck.

But to kill, maim and torture with a knife requires precision. And it requires knowledge of anatomy. I know just where to cut and how deep to cut to avoid a quick death. No fun in a quick death. Not for me at least.

Last night, I hunted for girl meat. These two blonde bimbo Barbies walked into a Goth bar drunk as skunks. And they started insulting everyone in there, including me, a sadistic phone sex bitch. Being as drunk as they appeared helped me lure them away. I pretended to be an Uber driver. I have an Uber sign and everything for situations just like this. So, I rolled down my window and showed my sign and asked if they were the ones who called for an Uber. They said yes, even though I knew they did not call.

I Love to Profit Doubly Off Young Sluts

I took the drunk twins back to my dungeon. And they are still there too. Alive, even if barely. I love torture. And prolonged agony. Knives let me do both. But I kept them alive for other reasons than just my amusement. I am live streaming their torture at my hands for money. Plus, I am auctioning them off. Although they have a lot of cuts on their bodies, they will not exsanguinate any time soon. And if someone buys them before the weekend ends, I will cauterize some wounds and stop any bleeding.

Men love to watch spoiled bitches get their comeuppance. And they love to own private sex slaves too. So, I am hopeful that I will profit doubly off these two cunts. I mean wouldn’t you love to own two coeds to make teen rape porn with?

Ass Rape Porn : The Best Secrets of Anal Bliss

Ass rape porn is the ultimate experience to have with a young whore. As a good assistant, or accomplice my goal is to give up my ass And to find fresh ass. So after I give my ass ring up I will already have a fresh piece of ass or two in the waiting room.

In fact the two young things I had last time, well, they were terribly sweet. It’s that tight young plump asshole of the jailbait school girls that get my Master all worked up. Those plump round butts, spreading those cheeks we see that perfect pink pucker. Untapped virginal ass.

However, there’s a little problem. Sometimes I just get so jealous. And I see him going to town on that ass. And what a fine ass it is. But, ya know that sweetness of the innocent virginal holes being forced open and gaped.

Finally with this jealousy, I have to do something.

Ass Rape Porn

Snuff Phone Sex Comes to Life for Losers Who Live Close By

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex is all I do. Well, snuff, torture, castration and assisting men in force fucking is what I do. I mean I am on a snuff site for a reason. And it is not so men can call me honey and baby. Or expect me to give them the girlfriend or mommy experience either. But every day I encounter more than one dumb ass who clearly cannot read. And sometimes, those dumb asses live near me.

Tyler called me last week. And he called me every pet name in the book despite me telling him not to do that at least a million times. He called me for some boring vanilla shit and did not understand why I wanted to give him castration phone sex instead. The way I see it, if you cannot respect a woman’s boundaries you do not deserve your balls.

So, I Googled his address and found out he lived 10 miles away. That rarely happens. But if I am getting billing info and a guy lives near me, I tell him I am a CA girl. That way I can pay him an unexpected visit like I did to Tyler over the weekend. Of course, the loser still lived at home with his mommy. How pathetic. No way this guy gets pussy. Well, no way now, LOL. I had to stake out his house to learn his habits and figure out a way to remove his nuts without mommy waking up.

I am Not Your Girlfriend or Your Mommy

This guy gave me Norman Bates vibes. But he will not fuck again. I snuck into mommy’s room first and chloroformed her while she slept to ensure she did not wake up. Then I went to junior’s room, put duct tape over his mouth, strapped him to his bed and gave him some extreme cock and ball torture sex. Just what he needed. However, I wore a ski mask to hide my identity. And I never spoke so he would not know my voice.

I chopped his balls off while mommy slept in the next room. This little bitch boy cried and screamed, but no one came to his rescue. My guess, mommy discovered him the next day with blood all over his sheets and his balls stuffed in his mouth barely breathing. Perhaps, I should have killed him, but I think it will be more fun for him to be without balls or an erection for the rest of his life

Knife Play Phone Sex Because It Takes More Talent and Skill to Kill with a Knife

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex is my specialty. My nickname is Wicked Butcher. Some folks do not even know my real name. And I like it that way. I do not want my crimes linked to me. I find it much harder to match up a blade than a bullet. But I literally own thousands of knives. And most of them my grandpa purchased on the black market so they would never get linked to him or me.

Some of these knives are centuries old and priceless too. But since so many of them have been used in crimes, I could never sell them. I find knives the best killing tool. I can stab, cut, slice, dice, skin and gut a person with a knife. And I can give a man free castration phone sex with a knife too. It feels more primal to hunt with a knife. Plus, it requires more skill. A bullet only requires decent aim. I’m a hunter. And I like a fair fight.

I am Like Chucky. Tiny, Stealth, Evil and Violent

Usually, I always strap two knives on my body because you never know when you might need to fight. I am tiny. Barley 5 feet tall and less than 125 lbs. Men underestimate me all the time. Sometimes, I like to pretend that I am a helpless dainty girl to lure a predator. Men never see my knife until it’s too late.

A guy underestimated me last night. Thought he could scoop me up and put me in the trunk of his car. I let him think he captured me. But my knife allowed me to fiddle with the inside of the trunk and end up in the back seat of his car where I stabbed him through the seat a few times. Not enough to kill him. But enough to let me gain control of the car so I could drag him out of the car and eviscerate him. And I took my time too.

So, if you try to harm me, you get torture sex for a long time, including cock and ball torture and castration before I kill you. So, this predator lost his balls, lost his cock and eventually lost his life. Men never see me coming. I am like Chucky. Small, evil and violent.

Sadistic phone sex offensives makes my pussy want to breed

Sadistic phone sexSadistic phone sex can help us plot out how to get an army of little breeding slaves. You have so much Daddy juice, I would hate to waste it. But you have to promise me that we can make some of those little cum rag brats disposable.

You know how much Mommy likes to make innocent little pussies suffer, The sensation of ripping those little bald lips off with my teeth is electrifying. Your cock looks so sexy and delicious with breeding slave blood on it. We can amplify the sound of screams and create a whole fleet of cum sucking slaves for Daddy.

My pussy throbs at the countless Torture sex possibilities. I mean I even want you to knock me up. We can have twins, triplets, and make those little sluts push out some of there own. They will only be fed your cum and they will eventually offer themselves to the next sacrifice!

I’ve always been fascinated by those little body’s ability to withstand pain. We can get so much use out of them, so much delicious suffering!  The sight of their tears and the knowledge that I am the one causing their suffering makes me cum so fucking hard. But what makes it better is that you’ll keep breeding them till they are completely ruined!


Bloody Phone Sex Fantasies With Rena

bloody phone sexI have so many bloody phone sex fantasies. As blood trickled down onto our skin from where mine had broken through into hers for the first time ever (or so she thought), an unholy moan escaped both our lips at once – a mixture between pleasure and pain which only served to fuel this twisted passion burning within us both! My hips began moving faster now; each stroke deeper than before until soon enough there was no more resistance left inside her tight little body except perhaps tears streaming down cheeks stained crimson red by shame or arousal…it didn’t matter anymore because all that mattered now was satisfying this dark desire coursing through veins like wildfire consuming everything in its path without remorse or regret!

I couldn’t help myself, the sight of that young boy waiting at the bus stop was too much for me to resist. As he stood there oblivious to my presence, I crept up behind him and grabbed him tightly before shoving him into my car trunk. The smell of fear mixed with innocence filled my nostrils as we sped away from civilization and towards our dark destination where no one would hear his cries or come looking for him ever again…

Once inside an abandoned warehouse far from prying eyes (and ears), I pulled out a knife from underneath seat just in case things got messy later on – which they always did when dealing with those who dared cross paths with someone like me! With trembling hands yet determined heartbeat pounding wildly within chest cavity demanding release through violent means only known by true deviants such as ourselves ,I undid belt buckle slowly revealing what lay beneath: A massive cock throbbing eagerly against zipper restraints begging entrance into warmth awaiting it patiently within confines of this stolen life now forever changed by sinister actions.

My hands gripped the boy’s shoulders tightly as I forced him to his knees. The look of fear in his eyes only fueled my desire for him, making it impossible to control myself any longer. With one swift movement, I pulled down my pants and positioned my throbbing cock at the entrance of his mouth – ready to take what was rightfully mine!

As he began sucking on me with a mixture of terror and curiosity (or so it seemed), moans escaped both our lips; echoing off concrete walls surrounding us like some perverse symphony played by demons from underworld come up top just for this moment alone… And when we heard sirens approaching outside signaling end game nearer than ever before ,I grabbed hold fistfuls hair pulling head back hard enough causing tears stream down cheeks stained crimson red by saliva mixed blood while whisper-growling into ear,”Enjoy your last taste because soon you’ll be gone forever!”