Category: Killer phone sex

Lured Them with A Pretty Dolly

I have clients that pay me good money to lure young sweet girls and sometimes boys. Today I was offered a nice sum of green to lure two blonde little sisters he has been watching. I lured them with a couple of pretty dollies that were new on the market and every girly girl type wanted. What better way to lure a couple of brats who’s parents were too irresponsible to keep in the house during this quarantine. The most susceptible and they cheerfully came with me so they could both get the new dolly. I only had one to lure them with. I offered them candy and 2 new dollies and pretty dresses for the dollies. It was fucking easy. Took them back to an abandoned house that was for sale. My mother was a realtor so I got the codes to many places to have fun in. I lured the girls right into the hands of my pervert client. Oh the games we played with these two. The best part for me was chopping off the head of the dolly and putting a pocket pussy in the neck. I loved watching the pervert pump it joyfully as I taunted the girls that this would happen to one of them while the other got to watch. So which one will it be? The two little things were petrified. I love the taste of fear in their blood, don’t you?

Evil Phone Sex

Snuff Porn Sex is Still Possible

snuff phone sexThis snuff phone sex bitch has isolating down to an art form. It is easy for me. I don’t have boyfriends. I don’t have family. I don’t have friends and I work from home. I can go days without seeing anyone. I can go months too. I don’t need human contact. I prefer to be alone. The only problem is I like to kill. Now that I can’t hunt at malls or bars, I am left with finding prey online. That is what I did last night. I found some desperate loser in need of pussy and so desperate for it, his better judgement was out the window. He has a thing for Goth girls. And that thing for girls like me got him killed and castrated. I spiked his drink. He wanted to get down and dirty from the get-go. Eww. He was short, dumpy and not attractive. He thought that after a week of self-isolating I was that desperate for cock. I would never be that desperate for cock. Never ever that desperate. The spiked drink kicked in fast. He was going to be a fun kill. One I would take slowly and savor. In these times, I don’t know how easy it will be to find another jackass loser like this one. I castrated him first. I waited until he came too, so he could feel me slicing his balls off. Then I cut his dick off. I didn’t just slice it off either. I skinned his dick first, then I cut tiny bits off until he was a bloody stump. He kept passing out from the pain. I ended up stapling his eye lids open and sticking smelling salt up his nose. I then slice him open like he was a dead cadaver. I was making some sick snuff porn and getting fucking wet. He died while I was playing with his insides. He went too quickly. I didn’t have the intense satisfaction for death that I normally get. I guess I am back on the hunt for another stupid loser tonight.

Have You Been Stalking Me

violent phone sexI wish my boyfreind was here to dick me down. It was just a quiet night. I was lying on the sofa in some sexy lingerie. I have the TV on. I was just watching my show hanging out. I thought I had locked the back door, but I might be mistaken because I suddenly heard a strange noise. I assumed it was my boyfriend coming over. I was just about to play with myself with a dildo but since he is here maybe I won’t need to. I just spread my legs open waiting for him to come into the room. I was sure that it was going to be a great night. But to my surprise, what I saw shocked me. See it wasn’t my boyfriend, it was a complete stranger. My heart stopped beating. How did you get in here? I screamed. I had seen this stranger before. They have been following me in the neighborhood. They didn’t say anything but they pointed a gun at me. I raised my hands. They forced my on to my knees and made me suck their dick at gunpoint.

Snuff Sex Evil Bitch Strikes again, and again!

snuff sexI am a snuff sex junkie. I love men who have no idea just what they have gotten into. I am going to make this a long drawn out painful process that keeps that dick hard for me as I tempt you with my sweet virgin cunnies. I will destroy him piece by piece… Make no mistake I will have his dick and balls as my supper. I am a young goth killer and cannibal. “I am the extreme that makes your nightmares tame,” I whisper in his ear. “I adore in pathetic men like you who only used that battery sized dick for the small innocent victims. And my favorite part is when you come willingly to have them removed by you evil bitch Jezabel!” The last thing he sees is an army of men fucking his daughter and wife. And a big butcher knife plunging into those hearts! I wheel the gurney to the cremation chamber and he burns alive. He is you! And you are he! Dare to fuck with this accomplice whore, you might get more than you bargained for!

Stone Cold Slut

sex with dead bodies

If sex with dead bodies is something that gets your cock hard, then I’d say now is your time to shine! Imagine the body count in the next coming months. All I can say is that I don’t so much fear death if the end result includes being fucked by you. I want to be chased and tortured until my icy cold body lay there waiting for you to fully enjoy. Just a stone cum receptacle for the taking. I only hope that you preserve my dead corpse and enjoy it for awhile. Knowing full well that it’s exactly the demise I’ve been fantasizing about all my life. To lay there motionless in your sadistic embrace. Imagine being able to dress me in anything you like. Like your own personal ‘real girl’ doll, but instead I’m your dead girl.
I do wonder how many times you’ve thought about squeezing the breath put of some beautiful woman you see regularly at the market or the post office. Or are your fantasies a bit more violent and bloody? I’d really like to hear about those gory details. It sends icy cold shivers down my spine, while it warms up my tight little cunt.

Laylas Psycho Stalker

kidnapping phone sex I’ve been getting threatening calls lately. Ever since I snitched on my boyfriend who was a drug dealer some of his gang member friends have been threatening to harm me. I didn’t think that they would actually do anything though until things started to get violent. I had a cat and I let her out one day and she never came home. I had went to work as usual and came home that evening and I found a deadly discovery. When I opened up my door I found my cat laying near the front door she was decapitated and written in blood it said your next bitch. I was so shaken up my initial thought was to call the police but I had a feeling that there wouldn’t be much they could do with the evidence they found. I could tell someone was watching me when I was going through the neighborhood I would see a car that would slow down a bit when it came into my view. It had tinted windows so I had no idea who was driving it. I was getting more and more paranoid. One night I was lying in my room when all the sudden I heard a strange noise downstairs. I went to go investigate. There was a man standing there with a gun in his hand. I screamed!

Layla Cant Escape

kidnapping phone sex


                                So I was feeling kind of horny tonight. I decided it was time for a little fun. I dressed up really slutty and started walking outside on the rough side of town. I was just walking the streets alone. I saw a man standing on the corner. He kept staring at me but said nothing. So I walked right passed him. I kept looking over my shoulder. I just had an uneasy feeling bout him. So I turned the corner of a dark alleyway. I heard some footsteps very close behind me. I was about to turn around whhenn suddely someone grabed me from behind and put a knife to my throat. I was so startled I didnt know what to do. “Dont make a sound or Ill stab you” they warned me menacingly. They pushed me over on my back in the alleyway and took advantage of me. I was to scred to fight them back. There was no way for me to escape.

Tied Their Sweet Asses Up

I had the cutest little things in my care for hot Babysitter phone sex fun. I hated their attitude, spoiled little fuck trophies needed some discipline. Fuck their little sweet faces getting their way. I had a few of the neighborhood p daddy’s I knew pay us a visit. They paid me with stacks of green, cash moola and I paid them with three sweet little angels. Two sweet in the looks but attitude was out the fucking mind and that needed to be fixed. The little man, well he was just a fag in the making. These three were part of some sort of divorce battle and the mother was a whore, daddy paid to have things done with them that would fall on that whore in a way that she would be just as fucked. But my gang took care of her too. The little man was made into the cock sucking fag he was destined to be with so many females in his life. I decided we could put him out of that misery early. He was fucked in the sweet little bum and he sucked cock til that little belly was full of cum. Yeah we destroyed his innocence but no worries, he was made into mincemeat for the strays out back. The two girls, well lets see what sort of fun we can have with them on the black market. Let’s make some sadistic phone sex snuff.

Babysitter phone sex

Evil Bitch On the Prowl

evil phone sexThis evil whore is the prowl tonight! I need some sweet slutkins to destroy. There is an orphanage just down the way and I am seriously thinking of having someone break in there and steal me a brat or two. I know just the men who want to see some sweet fresh flesh destroyed by my deviant self. Would you like to come along with this accomplice whore so that your cock is the last thing they see before I ut them in that Hansel and Gretel oven I have? We could enjoy some whiskey shots as we watch them burn after your cock has had the pleasure of ripping smooth tight little holes apart! Don’t be scared, I won’t harm you unless you want me too! We can broil these sweet fleshed littles and have them as our dinner! I love teh way brat flesh taste!

Mutilated Slut

mutilation phone sex

I’ve decided to take my dark and twisted fantasies to the ultimate level. I’m going far beyond mutilation phone sex. It’s time to let my sadistic lover have his fun taking me out. He’s been cutting pieces of my flesh off day by day. He promised to flay me and cook me up one slice at a time while I’m still alive. I just know he’ll feed me to myself as he slices away my life. Why does it make my pussy so wet thinking about him mutilating me before he ends it all. I’ve been cumming like crazy thinking about him removing parts of me while he leads me to death.
I know it really excites him too. He gets so breathless when he jacks off over my bound body. He slams his hard cock into my cunt while he digs the knife in and takes pieces of me while fucking me senseless. I can not wait to give him my life. I just know that he’ll fuck my corpse too, after he finishes me off. He tells me He’s going to use me once I’m gone. The thought of being fucked after death makes me so damn wet.