Category: Killer phone sex

Just Hot Ass Rape Porn

I was called in to do an ass rape porn. They didn’t do the kind of porn that would appreciate my perfect barbie plastic persona. They wanted my ass and they wanted it in a bad way. I was drugged and dragged into their dungeon when I went to see about the porn film that they wanted actresses for. It was during the interview and the drink they offered me was laced with something. I was weak and passing out. I awoke to being chained over a saw horse with my ass aching and bleeding. They ripped my ass with all kinds of big cocks and liquor bottles. At one point they even used a broken necked wine bottle. That really ripped my cunt up and had it stinging and burning intensely. I was ruthless in my need to rub my cunt but I couldn’t I was chained. I cannot say whether being chained and unable to rub one out while I was being brutalized was making me scream more or if it was the sheer pain and blood loss. I wasn’t going to last long for this snuff sex porn shot. I was a relentless Barbie of brutality but I can’t stand it when I can’t get myself off due to restraints.

Ass rape porn

Snuff Sex on My Mind

snuff sexSnuff sex is always on my mind. Right now, however, it is on my mind even more. Stupid people are multiplying and spreading faster than this damn virus. I was at the store trying to get some damn toilet paper like everyone else. This stupid cunt had her cart full of what appeared to be all the toilet paper in the store. Others were asking for one package and she was giving flippant responses. She was a Paris Hilton looking skinny spoiled bitch. She screamed rich bitch entitled whore. No one would miss her. I watched her put her loot into her new Escalade. I followed her home. I needed to know where she lived. She lived in a mansion. She represents what is wrong with this world. Nothing I hate more than self-entitled cunts who think the world owes them and that they are better than the rest of us. She was likely rich from the labor of others. The sugar baby, gfe vacuous type who gets men to pay her way in life. I had to reel in my hatred for her. It was broad daylight and I did not want to kill her in her home. I decided to hunt her at night. A hot bitch like that would be going out. I waited. I stalked her. I prevented her from draining the pockets of a man like you. I ran her off the road, hit her on the head and took her to my cabin the woods. She had some choice words for me, but I dished it right back. I let her know it was too late to redeem herself. I told her she was dying because she is a self-entitled cunt. Then I stabbed her in the stomach and cut up to her sternum. It is painful, but a slow death. I played with her internal organs and stuck my hand through her cunt from the inside. She screamed in pain, which aroused me. I know, I am a sick bitch. She finally died. Quicker than I had hoped. There are more pretty cunts like her, so next time I will do better. Maybe you will join me?

You Are Not Safe

Sadistic phone sexThe world is full of evil, just most people are to blind to even notice it these days. They are desensitized. I look down at the pale brunette struggling to breathe at my feet. Oh, Master had fun with you. You really shouldn’t have trusted me, what kind of stranger just walks up to you and ask if you want to come over for snacks. I didn’t know you, and you have never seen me before. It’s why I picked you for Master’s easy prey. You thought it was a nice warm day out so you put on your cute flimsy work-up clothes that are not ripped and drenched in blood. Then you went for your run and ran into me. What made you trust me? Was it my hair? My “kind” eyes? I wish I could understand why the mind hasn’t properly developed warning systems when you meet evil. I guess it doesn’t matter now. I think Master plans on draining all of your blood and then he will fuck me in a pool of it. Turns out your great day was actually my great day. Goodnight silly girl.

Killer Phone Sex Accomplice Revenge with Your Slutkins

killer phone sexYou have no clue what this killer phone sex sadistic is capable of! I asked you to bring me your youngest since you owed me money for the slutkins porn I made you. Do you fucking even know the risks involved in that shit? I might be a whore, but I am no dumb bitch! Your youngest was to be collateral until you went to empty your bank account for me. But no, You thought paying me wasn’t of importance. You were fucking wrong! I waited until I knew you were just a sick p-daddy want a be and had no intentions of making things right. I was angry, and I was out for revenge. I stalked your home with accomplices until the timing was right. I took your precious family. Your wife and three daughters down very fast. I made sure to leave plenty of blood at the scene. When you came home you found me waiting in your armchair. I had the heart of your wife in my hand and asked you if you were happy with what you had done? Lights out! When you woke in my dungeon of pain and gloom your precious milky skinned daughters were crying out in pain as they were being gangbanged. Blood drenched them and these little whores could take a pounding. I told them that this was all daddies’ fault as I pushed your face into each sweet cum and blood-filled cunny. Are you happy now daddy! I will string you up and kill you if you fuck with me! Pay me my money bitch or don’t I will get revenge.Bloody Phone sex

Caniballism and Sex with dead Bodies

sex with dead bodiesLet me slice you into pieces and eat your soul. I get off on sex with dead bodies just as much as the next pervert. But I love to watch the aftermath of how I will get rid of your pathetic useless body. You deserve to be on a spit and roasted until the meat falls off your bones. Yes, Your cock will be inside me before I cook you, A nice post mortem boner, you will never feel my pussy in life, but after death, I will ride that cock until my cum rains down on you. I will glaze and marinate you and eat your fucking flesh. Gutted and your intestines thrown out for the vultures. Don’t fuck with me if you’re a vanilla man. I am only interested in death, rape phone sex fantasies, and blood and gore! How would you like to serve your Goth Queen today, Alive or In my crockpot? Make my pussy cum with your pathetic weakness, and fill my dark soul with death!

Snuffing Out The Junkies is Hot

Accomplice Phone SexDuring these times people have become desperate for money and that makes it a lot easier for me and daddy to have a little fun. We find druggies on the street and offer them a little cash or drugs to come back and make a little video. They never even ask what kind of video, they are desperate. We grabbed a couple of them the other night and after we got them all fucked up, we started. They were dirty and unkept which made it all the hotter. We tied them up and daddy had his way. He didn’t go easy on this group either. He beat them with belts and straps until their skin was broke and blood ran down their bodies. And of course, he let me cut off their tits because that is my thing. For added excitement he used a cattle prod to ram up their dirty nappy pussies, making them scream and shake. It was glorious. My pussy was wet just watching. After torturing them some more he took out his knife and slit their throats as they twitched and gagged on their own blood. Daddy is a sick man so he made sure to get that video camera right up to their faces so he could capture their very last breaths. It was so fucking hot I can’t wait to do it again.

Faith Loves Blasphemy Sex

blasphemy sex

Easter Sunday is my favorite time of year because that’s the day I love to get lost in blasphemy sex. It’s the day that I visit my old pastor from when I was a young girl. I’m laughing because that man still doesn’t know how to resist the forbidden fruit of my loins. He desperately tries to and I always see that look of terror on his face whenever I enter the church in my slutty little Easter dress, with no panties on underneath and take my usual seat at the front row. I love watching him sweat bullets up at the podium while he tries to focus on preaching about Jesus coming back from the dead and blah blah blah. I know what’s really rushing through his mind and body and that’s me. He knows that I’ll be the last one to leave the building and he knows that he won’t have the strength to say no to my young little cunt yet again. I sit there teasing him as he recites versus from the good book like a damn robot. I spread my legs a little and slip my hand up underneath my bible and begin to play. This is when he starts to peak whenever he gets a chance. I know he’s trying to control that raging hard-on happening behind that preachers stand, but I know him well enough to know that he’s just oozing pre-cum while he reads from the book of Matthew. I can’t wait to tell you how the rest of that Sunday played out for my poor old preacher.

Snuffed out with Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape pornShe would be extinguished with homemade gangbang Rape porn. We became friends online sharing our sick and twisted perversions. Going to places like rotten tomatoes, the gore site and taking pictures of tow truck crash scenes seemed to feed our blood lust. But this twisted Angel of death had a plan for her fair skin and beautiful Brown eyes staring back beneath a heavy layer of black eyeliner. I knew she was a young thang and she would soon be masturbating on video calls with me so I could see her complete body. She was fit to be a cam girl, but she liked to cut herself and orgasm, squirting n the camera sometimes. She had confessed that she thought she was a lesbian and that she loved me. That would be her undoing. I knew that she had been talking to random men and hooking up for cash. This young Sadist knows all. Bitch never had my heart, she was only good as the men who fucked her. Now I love dick just as much as bald cunt. But I will not be deceived. Ten men were at my house the night I had her drive 100 miles to meet me. She thought playing goth girl and getting her pussy ate was in her future. No BITCH, you were going to be torn apart by all these cocks, and I would be slicing open holes for them to fuck as she bleeds out. The smell of Cum, Blood, and death had me riding her last breath and smothering her with my pussy. This was her last live feed, and I would be paid handsomely for killing a trusted sweet angel face! I ate her heart out literally and had no guilt about it at all. Cum with Jezabel for some bloody rape phone sex fantasies tonight!

Bloody Easter

Evil phone sexMaster says everyone is supposed to be staying home. Their gathering was selfish and pointless so they were worthy of punishment. He dressed me in a beautiful white gown and had me infiltrate into the group. They started with prayer and praise to the false god. Each minute felt like nails against a chalkboard to me. The hypocrisy was laughable as their preacher talked about avoiding sin, he was always looking at me with eyes full of lust. While he talked about how important this day was, he undressed me with his eyes. Bet he was grateful his robes hid his boner, but I knew it was there. I started with the hypocrite first, Master said it was ok to start without him. While the service was over and the group started gathering for the Easter festivities the preacher found me in a back room. The tension was high, he couldn’t control himself trying to use religion as a way to describe our connection. I smiled and hopped up on a table and pulled up my dress. Watching as the “holy” man got down on his knees before me and started to eat my cunt. It felt good so I waited until the cusp of orgasm before I drove my long blade into his neck. Cumming against his face while he choked on his own blood. I left his lifeless body behind, admiring the bloodstains on my dress, smiling as it seemed like an approval. I walked into the room where the rest of the sheep gathered. Master was already there, waiting for me. They had no idea the wolf that hid among their flock. When people noticed me and the blood of my dress all fell silent. The only sound next was the slashing of Master’s blades as he worked quickly but efficiently through the room.

Bloody Phone Sex Surprise

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex was not on my agenda, but sometimes life gives you a sign. A fucking little girl knocked on my door. There is a worldwide pandemic going on and this little cunt knocks on my door selling cookies. I told her to come in. I wasn’t buying her cookies. I was buying her cunt. No, technically, I was taking her cunt. I came back with a chloroformed pair of panties. I was bigger, stronger and meaner than that little scout bitch. She passed out quickly. I had been planning a Postmates delivery of wine, but I would much rather drink the blood of a little girl. Did you know that the younger the person is the sweeter the blood tastes? If I have a choice, I will drink young girl blood daily. It is rich in essential vitamins. While my little windfall was passed out, I dumped her in the tub. I started to exsanguinate her slowly. I was in the tub with her because I planned on bathing in her blood. My kind of a special blood bath. I put little cuts on all her major arteries, and she filled my tub with her blood like a faucet. I had my wine glass with me. I dipped it into the blood filling up in the tub and sipped on my favorite drink, young girl blood. She was awake, but weak from blood loss. I was covered in her sweet and sticky blood. I drank her blood and masturbated as she was taking her lasts breaths. She was too weak to fight me. Too weak to even question me. I am sure it felt like being trapped in a horror movie. I was not planning on making snuff movies today, but the little slut came to me. It was fate.