Category: Killer phone sex

Killer Phone Sex Is Well, Killer…

killer phone sex

 Killer phone sex is so hot and well, its killer!  I enjoy the way we hunt bitches down so you can off them after we tear apart those holes. My own daddy has become a serial killer and I was forced to be his accomplice form a young age. Am I fucked in the head because of it? I don’t know, I just know that blood and death really turn me on. I remember one time he brought a sweet young prostitute home from his travels and I was expecting a pretty strung out teen. But what I got what a pregnant slut. She had track marks and was so high that I knew the only service we could do was to kill her and take that crack baby out and sell it off. Daddy knew it was a girl and a few years go girls made a lot of money on the black market. Boy brats are selling higher now. P-men love to have house boys.  

I had her tied up on the bed like the piggy slut she is with that belly getting squeezed as I watched men come in and pay 5 dollars to fuck her ass or pussy.  Then daddy turned her over and grabbed some forceps and proceeded to make her a forced birth. After we got that girl brat out my sister took it and cleaned her up and We bound that bitch again. This time daddy fucked her with his Pistol until it fired a round in her ass killing her instantly. That was the first orgasm I had without touching myself. We ground her body up and had food for a week. Well we took out the ruined flesh first, we are not that crazy!

murder phone sex

Thrill & Kill Snuff Sex Gang-bang

snuff sex


Was it snuff sex gone wrong? Or was it perfectly right for daddy and a bunch of his friends? I wanted him to destroy this neighbor slut with me. What I thought was going to be an intimate sexual assault on her little whore body turned into a gang bang murder. Not that this killer accomplice slut has any problem with that whatsoever. In fact, watching her think she was going to fuck my daddy and not have any consequences was a turn on. Daddy had just whispered that he had a couple of his evil friends coming over to force fuck her and that the ending would be a surprise for me! I was so horny; I began to masturbate my tiny cunt as this was a few years ago. As daddy put his hands around her throat until she turned purple I had my first real orgasm of the night. Watching her panic as he didn’t let her throat go until she blacked out was very fucking hot. When she came to, it was another man using her ass hole and her mouth being fucked while her hair was yanked violently!

I was told to go get my little knife so I could cut her nipples off and have my very own souvenir. I rubbed my pussy for days with those little pieces of flesh. At one point one of the men had me sit on her face and piss all in her mouth before I rubbed her face in my cunt. She bit my pussy, but that just made me drown her in my cum! Daddy had enough of torturing her and said it was time for my surprise. His friends and him were jacking off those big hard cocks and as they began to cum. one of then pulled a gun and blew her brains out.  It was a big mess to clean up but I never minded being his little accomplice phone sex helper!

Accomplice Phone sex


Killer Phone Sex Impulses

killer phone sex

We all have killer phone sex impulses lingering inside of us. Some people suppress those impulses, sadly. That is until they meet me. I am that devil on their shoulder telling them to fuck the cunt. We only live once. Why not enjoy it to the fullest? When I met Sam, he was a shy, even meek loser who let women drain his wallet but not his balls. Normally, I would not give a loser like that the time of day, but he appealed to me. Rich and handsome and desperate for a woman’s attention equals easy to get to do my dirty work. He was like a ball of clay I could mold into a killing machine. I had a girl in mind. She and I have had many public beefs, so if she goes missing or turns up dead, the cops would look at me. I needed a patsy and in walked Sam. I was able to get him drunk easily and fill him with information like how this cunt represents all the cunts who have done him wrong. How he needs to take what is his and stop letting little bitches get away with his money and dignity. I went with him, so I could watch. I watched him let out years of frustration on my enemy. He acted on his rape phone sex fantasies. He acted on his murderous impulses too. It was a bloody mess. She screamed and pleaded and begged. And my cunt just got wetter. It was cathartic for him and satisfying for me. He had a lot of pent up frustrations to unleash. It was his DNA all over her. Not mine. If they even find him or match her violent death to this pipsqueak, he will not remember a thing. I hypnotized him into being my killing machine. I can do the same to you.

Snuff Phone Sex Call From A Stalker

I was never aware of the fact I was being Stalked. Not completely. Since I take calls as a Snuff Phone Sex victim, I just thought it was the usual wanking fucks that try creeping us out. He would call me and whisper to me the things he planned on doing to me. I was clueless that the strange flickering I’d see sometimes was actually him taking my picture. He shined his flashlight in my windows and I figured it was just the usual juvenile fucks playing around. I live in a townhouse and you know neighbors with horny teen boys and all. Sometimes I know the dads and husbands kinda watch me, and they are always trying to be discrete. But this was different. This guys was stalking me and calling me. He even slipped notes in my mail slot. Lewd comments always about how he was watching me. He would say shit like maybe you should use a bigger dildo because when I get my hands on you those holes best be ready for my big fat dick. I’ll rip those holes while you beg me like the worthless cunt you are. So the night he came to my door and shoved himself inside as he overpowered me took me by surprise. He did everything he promised. He ended up cracking my neck and snuffing me out while ripping my ass with the most violent phone sex yet.

Exploding Balls For Daddy

Accomplice phone sex is best with daddy. He loved when an ex boyfriend of mine was coming around. He knew I had big plans for that ass jack and he wanted in on it. He would ejaculate and save it for me. I would feed it to the ex without his realizing he was eating another mans cum. It’s only the start. This dipshit little weaselly fuck bought me shit, paid for a boob job and for my car. He came around thinking i wanted his stale ass back. I played him. Daddy wanted to experiment with him. He wanted me to burst his balls and explode his asshole. Daddy is like a teen boy sometimes wanting to play with firecrackers and wanted to see how an anus explodes. We had butt flesh all over the little torture rooms walls. I took a set of vice scripts to his balls after getting his penis hard. I snipped off the tip and that brought on a blood fountain. I followed with a nice hard squeezing of those balls and finished with the finale. Daddy waned to use firecrackers but I wanted the M80’s those little bitches may have matched his cock size but the M80’s are more suitable for the jackass that he is. We had that ass exploded all over. Of course I lit the fuse and we stood outside the door watching. It was a ballistic! Daddy liked to ejaculate all over these tits while Mr. Ass jack was still conscious. I have fun with my daddy, and was so happy he came back into town.

Accomplice phone sex

Faith’s Cannibalism Phone Sex

cannibalism phone sex

When he told me that I looked good enough to eat, there was no way that I could have been prepared for what he really meant. He told me that he was a Dominant man with a very particular fantasy in mind. I’m a no limits kind of a fuck slut, what could he want that I’m not ready for, right? His voice lowered to a near growl, and his heated breath beat the words into my ear. ” I told you, you look good enough to eat.” My legs went limp, and I fell into his embrace while I scrambled to gain a hold with something around me.
My pussy would always quiver when I had cannibalism phone sex. This was taking place, though. My heart thundered in my chest while the knife shredded my dress like it was made of paper. The cannibal marched me into his kill room and pressed the blade into my fragile neck before dragging it across in one swift motion, bleeding me like a pig. As each drop hit the drain, he told me how he’s feast on me for days, and then the lights faded, and I just melted into death’s arms.

Lured Into Snuff Sex

I had a nice romantic dinner with a handsome older man. He wined and dined me just how I expected some one with my looks should be. I am a very entitled whore and a real pain slut. The perfect mix for a snuff sex victim. I can’t help it that my looks get me everything. I always end up in trouble. It’s etched into my DNA to get what I deserve being such a bimbo. I always did things to my body to get off when I was younger. The years of daddy using me really paid off. I think I like getting into bad situations. I mean I am always walking home from the strip club early morning looking like a hooker. I should expect to be grabbed and forcefully violated. I’m a walking target for sexual abuse. I cum best when I am being beaten. So it’s only natural that this well to do man was a Movie producer for some of the most radical ass rape porn productions and other sadistic underground type films. He has been watching me at the club. Yeah, of course this date would lead to no good ending. I was banged by ten men. They paid for this. To get what they could never have and to take out every ounce of rage from the rejection they have always been dealt.

Snuff sex

Knife Play Phone Sex With Faith

knife play phone sex

The dream that I had last night caused me to wake up in wet sheets. My panties were soaked, and my sheets looked as if I had been squirting relentlessly. Do you perverted animals want to know what got my masochistic cunt drenched and creamy? My mind races to the dark, dangerous places with me being your vulnerable victim. My hand went into my messy cummy panties, and I started to fuck myself with brutal finger pumps, but as you probably could guess, that’s not enough for this pain slut. I needed more force, more anger fucking into me and pushing me to the edge.
I hopped up from my bed and got the cold silver blade that I keep in the fridge for knife play. Then I pressed the cold metal to my neck and held it there while I writhed around in the sheets and begged you not to slice my throat and take me. I heard the rough, emotionless voice in my ear telling me to fucking beg all that I wanted but that I wasn’t going to live through the night. My clit was humming with need, and it needs knife play phone sex. Take me.

Why I Prefer Knife Play Phone Sex

knife play phone sex

Knife play phone sex is near and dear to me. I am a cutter. I do not cut myself. I cut others, maybe even you. I love the sight of blood. I like the sound of skin tearing. I like cries, whimpers, and screams. Sure, I could shoot some one dead but no fun in that for me. One bullet and a thud. It is over quickly. A knife, however, can inflict pain for hours. A knife can do a lot more than a gun. It can castrate a tiny dicked tool. It can stab the cunt of a trailer trash whore. It can dismember body parts. It can skin the flesh off a person. I can gut a little whore like a pig. I can disfigure a vain cunt.  A knife is perfect for torture sex. A gun is what a hothead uses. I do not partake in crimes of passion or anger. I do not just stab a person. I plan it out. That is how I have never been detected. I plot. I hunt. I observe the patterns of my prey. No rush in killing either. I take my time, so my victim feels the pain and feels the impending death. That is what gets my cunt wet. I am a hunter. I get off on stalking and planning some little slut’s death or even some grown ass prick’s death. You can have your guns. I will keep sharpening my knives and planning my crimes. Care to join me?

Snuff Sex Is My Favorite

snuff sex

Have you ever found yourself thinking about the ultimate taboo subject? You know what I’m talking about – snuff sex. I know a lot of people might think that’s weird, but I don’t. I’m a submissive girl and I love the thought of someone literally fucking me to death. It’s the most amazing way of surrendering to your lover. I sometimes masturbate while I think about someone fucking me from behind and wrapping his hands right around my throat. As he starts to fuck me harder, he starts to squeeze harder. I can’t breathe very well, but I don’t care because his dick is making me feel so good.
In my fantasy, he squeezes until I pass out but I’m still alive. When I wake up, he fucks me again and again. Every time, a different position. But every time, he squeezes until I lose consciousness. Every time I wake up, I’m surprised that I’m still alive and finally I tell my lover to put his hands around my throat and squeeze until I completely stop breathing. I want to give him the ultimate gift of my life. If reading that made your dick hard, pick up the phone and call me.