Category: Killer phone sex

Murderous New Year Party

It was a Murder Phone Sex Fantasies kind of start to my 2021. I’m just such a fucking slut and whore. It’s inevitable that I get these fantasy raped kind of things happening to me all the time. We have snow where I live. It was fucking freeing out New Years Evening and the day as well. I was cornered at the club by a group of frat type guys. They were not letting up with their comments. Instead they started to grope at me. They got crude. All I did was giggle at one that commented on how hot I looked and how he’d fuck me hard. I walked away without thanking him. He was livid with me and called me a stuck up bitch. He and his crew of guys cornered me and asked why I was such a cunt.

I didn’t find any of them attractive nor my type but their sadistic phone sex plans were clear. They were college guys with no money. I am a material girl and a gold digging whore. These poor assed mommy and daddy supporting assholes aren’t worthy of my time. They were as inexperienced and useless as their bank accounts were overdrawn. I hated their attention. They started manhandling me and ripping my clothes off once they shoved me out the back. I was freeing and shoved down in the snow and got what was coming to me. They all took their turns on me and tried to be some kind of snuff sex superstars. I was bleeding in the snow with frost bit nipples and in so much pain when a couple of guys found me moments after the guys took off. They were back there smoking a joint when they noticed me and showed mercy. I know you won’t show mercy on my whoredness.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

New Year Knife Play Phone Sex

knife play phone sex

This masochist is aching for some hardcore knife play phone sex. There are some fantasies that you can’t tell the women in real life. You can tell me about how you want to strap me down and introduce me to your blade collection. Most men want to show women their cocks, but not you; you want to show me the other hard long things you have for me. When you told me you wanted to push the handle of your favorite blade inside of my cunt and then press the Hitachi vibrator to it and see what happened, I only hoped you’d tell me the bloody hell you had in store for me. My skin looks enticing with your cum sprayed all over it, but can you imagine slitting me open and creating a crimson rain to fall all over my naked body? You could fuck me, pump into me, and force my heart to push my blood right out of my wounds. I want you to show me what a sadistic evil mother fucker you can be when you call me for knife play. I can more than take it; it gets me super wet.  Call me real soon.

More Murder Phone Sex Fantasies for 2021

murder phone sex fantasiesI made a resolution to bring you more murder phone sex fantasies this year. If 2020 taught me anything, it is that you guys need to kill and torture a blonde bimbo. It is better and cheaper than therapy. I love being the star of your snuff fantasies. I died thousands of ways last year and my goal is to die a few more thousand ways this year. Something is wrong with me, I know. I am a pretty girl. I am smarter than my Bimbo looks suggest too. I never have a problem getting a man or making friends. People like me. Maybe more men than women like me, but very few folks know the dark fantasies I harbor. It likely goes back to daddy. As much as I fought to reinvent myself, I only get off to rough and violent sex. I am attracted to sadistic men who harbor dark secrets. My daddy had dark secrets. I have been forthright about how him and his buddies abused me when I was young. I was not out of high school yet and I was a gangbang rape porn star. Most people assume I ran away because daddy was force fucking me several times a day. That was part of it, of course. But the main reason was because I discovered daddy’s dark secret. The house I grew up in belonged to my grandparents and had a bomb shelter behind the garage. Daddy told me it was not safe, and he would tear the skin off my ass if he ever caught me going down there. I got scared one day when I was home alone, and the tornado warning went off. I was mortified. Shackles built into the concrete, food in dog bowls, no light, creepy crawlies and an emaciated girl in a locked cage. The worse part was the big vat of lye. Daddy was kidnapping girls, doing sick shit to them and getting rid of the evidence right under my nose. I wanted to free the girl, but I feared my daddy’s wrath. I always regretted leaving her to die, but I ran away the next week. Now here I am 20 years later wanting to explore your killer phone sex fantasies. Therapists say girls want men like their fathers.

Ring in 2021 with Snuff Movies

snuff moviesRing in the new year with snuff movies. I am not kidding either. 2020 has been a train wreck. Let snuff films make you feel better knowing that some worthless cunt is getting slaughtered. I am a sick bitch. I do not just watch, however. I make my own snuff flicks too. I have made my one resolution for 2021 and that is to kill more. I want and I need to make more snuff films. 2020 was harder to get access to folks. My usual hunting grounds were closed down for months like malls and school playgrounds. I am hopeful that a vaccine will open shit back up and allow my mayhem to continue. I got the celebrations off to an early start but luring a teen whore away from Starbucks with the promise of making her a scream queen. Now, it was not a lie. It was just a different interpretation. She thought I was casting for a big screen horror movie, not a private snuff porn. I like girls thinking this is a real audition because it is so much fun when they give me their best audition. I let them tryout before I really torture and murder them so I can compare the staged fear against the real fear. The little skank I picked up last night was not giving me her best work during the audition. Once I pierced her perky nipples and sewed her whore cunt shut, she started giving me much more to worth with. Pain is a great motivator to give your best performance ever as a scream queen. Once my knives were out and piercing her tender age flesh, that little teen whore was giving me her best screams and her best fear. I tortured her for hours before I put her out of her misery. My guess is tonight, I will look for another young whore to mutilate and murder. The world needs more snuff sex videos. They are cathartic.

Carve Into Me Sadistic Phone Sex

sadistic phone sex

I had the absolute best sadistic phone sex dream the other night and I would really love to tell you all about it. When I woke up on a table tied down, I freaked out, but I couldn’t scream. I had a ball gag in my mouth and there was no way I could make a sound. I looked over and saw a man that I’d never seen before and he was just sitting there staring at me in a really creepy way. Next to him was a big saw and the sight of it made me almost piss myself. It was huge and it terrified me.

He turned it on and walked toward me and I was squirming to try to get away but there was no way I could. He never said a word, but he just took the saw and pressed it up against my arm, right at the shoulder and he started to saw my arm off. It was a pain I couldn’t even begin to describe. But then, he walked down to my legs that were tied apart and started shoving my sawed-off arm right into my cunt. That’s when I woke up, but maybe we can talk more about what he probably did to me when you give me a call!

Satanic Killer Phone Sex Wedding

Killer phone sex We worship the One true one, Our lord Satan, We fell in love over killer phone sex. I knew our love of murdering helpless young ones and their mothers would have to be included in our wedding. It wasn’t until the ceremony with my beloved that I knew why he asked me to wear white. He says it was because our sadistic love is pure, and we will never conform.

He is my deep and bloodthirsty lover as we said our vows, We promised an enteral love filled with torturing other worthless souls and taking by force the virginity of as many girls and teens as we could. He would bring them to me and we would slaughter them together. I have never heard anything as poetic in all my life. We had the usual, never leaving the toilet seat up and I would cook him homemade cannibalism meals and devote my life to his sadistic cocks pleasures.

Then he called for the tots to be brought up as sacrifice. Mothers tied up screaming for those sweet young offspring! I plunged my knife in small hearts to bind myself to my husband in a satanic ritual. He loved making me happy and after each tyke was killed he would slice the corresponding mothers neck, drenching me with mother and offspring blood! He said I was never prettier as he kissed my face and lips to taste the blood off me. And of course the  Blasphemy sex is out of this world with my new husband. We fucked right there in that open forest for our guest to see how much we enjoy killing and fucking!

I love you you baby! You are my Demon for eternity! 

Blasphemy Sex For The Lord’s Birthday

blasphemy sex

I wasn’t feeling like going to church for Christmas this year. Well, that’s not true; I did feel like going. I wanted to go for the same reason I always go. I take my devilish ass to one of the churches in town and leave some holy water of my own. I’m not talking about cunt juice, though I left that there as well. I let my piss go all over the seat in god’s house on his bastard son’s birthday. Everyone smells it, but no one knows who for sure or what to say. Their looks of confusion and revulsion fueled my evil pussy later when I mocked god with my fellow satanic girlfriend. This year though? I’m not digging getting out around those delusional fucks. What I am down for is blasphemy phone sex. I’m horny for a particular sort of blasphemy fantasy. My cunt craves Christian men to blaspheme with me. You know guys, your god said that Jesus died for your sins; you should get his blood’s worth. He fucking died in agony for this shit and that makes me smile.. Today is the lamb’s birthday; it’s time to get off your heathen ass and fucking celebrate.

Killer Phone Sex with Santa Claus

killer phone sexKiller phone sex fantasies come true for Christmas with me as your accomplice. I hate Christmas. As far as I am concern, all the little ones are naughty boys and girls. I like to break into the house of little scamps and destroy Christmas. Knock down the tree, destroy the presents and eat the cookies. I do love this time of year, however. Twelve Kills of Christmas. Brats mostly. I have an accomplice I work with who poses as a mall Santa. He is a Bad Santa. He gets info out of the cute little girls because dumb young cunts trust Santa Claus. Bob is more like Satan Claus. He brings me the intel on his favorites. I case their house, stalk them for a few days and use the info they told Santa to lure them to my kill shack. Dumb cunts believe I am one of Santa’s helper’s and that what they asked him for is waiting for them in a cabin in the woods. I took these twins to my kill shack over the weekend. It has been Bob’s fantasy forever to force fuck and kill little blonde twins. I told them the puppy they wanted was waiting in the woods for them in Santa’s workshop. My god these cunts believe anything. Anyway, Satan Claus was ready for the cunts. When we got to the cabin, Bob was in costume. He explored his rape phone sex fantasies dressed as Santa. Pretty sick, right? I was turned on. I had to help. I sat on one brat while he fucked the other one. Tiny enough that she could not get away from my weight on her body. These little dumb brats screamed a lot. They had some fight in them too. Bob shredded their pink holes. Turned them into prolapsed bloody messes. I killed them for him. His DNA was in them and on them. Plus, they knew the mall Santa was their attacker. I had to protect Santa Claus, right? They became coyote food. No one will ever know what happened to those twin sluts but me and Santa Claus.

Holiday whore

gangbang rape porn

Walking home tonight I was approached by some scary looking guys. One of them grabbed me and the others opened the trunk and got out some tape. They taped my hands and legs together and then put some over my mouth. I heard them say that I will be a delicious treat for them before they closed the trunk. We drove for a bit and then stopped, the trunk opened and they pulled me out. I was in a dimly lit room with about 5 guys all standing around with hungry looks in their eyes. I was pushed to them and they caught me by my hair and tits. My clothes were cut off but the tape on my mouth stayed. One of them cheered for gangbang rape porn and then it was on. I had mouths, teeth and tongues on my nipples. I had a hard cock shoved down my throat and another shoved into my cunt. There was another yet who used spit as lube before he rammed his prick into my asshole. I was screaming and crying but they didn’t care and continued using me for their pleasure. When they each had had a chance to cum at least once each one of them came up behind me and slit my throat with a sharp knife. They left me in that cold room to bleed out and die on my own. What a way to spend the holidays

I live to fuck again

sex with dead bodies

You all get so excited to see Santa this time of the year but you wouldn’t be so happy if you knew his dark secret. Santa every year when he is done delivering gifts to all the brats in the world will make another trip and have sex with dead bodies. Now he won’t do it to all bodies just those of young women that have died recently. He is able to dabble in the black magic as well as white. I was one of the victims last year. I had come home and got in between my boyfriend and the tv and he killed me for it. Early on Christmas morning I was brought back to life enough for Jolly Old St. Nick to have his way with my body. He ripped off what was left of my dress and then spit onto my old dry pussy. He rubbed it in and with his magical tough my cunt was running over. He then took his giant candy cane and shoved it all the way in on the first go. My nerve endings were gone and so I didn’t feel any pain but I did moan out load at being so full. I was getting into being a good fuck again when he decided that he wanted my mouth. His cock was delicious and it wasn’t too long before he shot his yummy egg nog down my throat. A short time later I was back in the ground and cooling off. I wonder if he will remember me, I need a good fucking again.