Category: Killer phone sex

Knife play phone sex slut

knife play phone sex

I was sitting on my bed, in my dorm room when the door slowly creaked open. I stood frozen in panic, in nothing but a tank top and g string panties as a strange man walked in. As he turned to lock the door, I caught sight of a big, sharp knife in his hand. He pushed me back onto my bed and told me that I better not try to fight back. He slid the blade down my body, slicing my panties off. He lifted them to his nose and took a deep breath. He pressed the blade into my throat and told me that he was going to force fuck my brains out. He then told me that I better beg, plead and pray if I wanted my pathetic life spared. I don’t think he realized that the dorm he had broken into belonged to a twisted, evil knife play phone sex whore. I was more than ready to be his snuff slut for the evening. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him into me. I begged him to stab that blade into my throat instead of begging for my life. He wrapped my sliced up g-string around my throat and started to strangle me with it as he was jamming his cock into my asshole. As I began to lose consciousness I could feel his hard dick dumping cum into me. He pulled the fabric tighter and watched as my face turned pale blue and then deep purple. When he felt my body go limp, he dropped me on my face and left to find his next victim. I wasn’t the first and I won’t be his last…


Rip My Heart Out

Knife play phone sexOh that dreaded holiday is finally behind us. You didn’t need a valentine, if you want someone’s heart you just take it. Carefully playing with your blades, sharpening and testing the points. Save only the sharpest one for me. Make sure the table is ready and straps tested to be tight and secure. I won’t run away but can’t promise my body won’t react to the craving into my flesh. Make the first cut just the upper left of my chest follow the dotted lines you marked out a complete circle to carve out a little hole in my chest. Pulling off the flesh, with minimum blood giving you a perfect view of the heart currently still pounding in my chest. You tease me as you reach in and ask if I can feel my heart in the palm of your hand. Sharing one last laugh with you, as you grip tight around the beating muscle and tear it right out of my chest. My last sight as the world fades away is you laughing covered in blood splatter, and blood shooting out my chest cavity traveling down my tits and slowly dying down as my blood grows colder. Unable to live on without the missing piece currently in your hand.

Cooking With Daddy Pt. Two

Cannibalism phone sexDaddy served us our drinks and I carefully watched as she grew sleepy. I love when the panic spikes for a moment when the little piggy realizes that she’s just been drugged. By then it’s too late nothing can be done except enjoy the desperate look and fear on her chubby little face. Then there is only the small things left to do while daddy preheats the industrial oven he has in the basement. I have the pleasure of undressing piggy and removing any annoying hair and rubbing her whole body down with olive oil mixed with several herbs so the skin cooks to a perfect crispiness. Daddy comes up to help me out, he loves stuffing her insides with potatoes, onions, carrots, and some apples for a slight sweetness. It’s my job to help daddy hold up her limbs to tie them with wire to ensure proper cooking. We carried our fat piggy down stairs to her pan, to finish up the final touches before covering her with foil and then slid into the oven. I like to sit by the oven and watch the moment when piggy squeals as she bakes. It only lasts a few minutes but it’s the most enjoyable for me. This little fatty took about 6 hours to thoroughly cook all the way through. The first cut into the crispy flesh had a clear river of juices leaking out from it. I smiled watching it drip after cutting the first slice of the rump for daddy to enjoy. It’s his favorite part.

Brat Soup For the Cold Front

                                            cannibalism phone sex              Such sick and twisted cannibalism phone sex tales I have…

 Can I help that brats are naturally drawn to me? I hate the little fuckers, but they seem to adore me. At least until the pain starts! That macabre, erotic fix I crave can sometimes kill two birds with one stone! Quite fucking literally! 


                                  It’s getting colder than a witches titty or even my heart at this point! The Midwest is not where I tend to winter, but an alluring job helping crotch goblins with home studies, a live in nanny situation with a big payday blurred my visions for a warmer climate. I would be alone with these darling young piles of flesh. I have no clue why these short people like to crawl all over me and are so devoted. They will do anything Miss jezebel asks them too. Perhaps its my blade or the sexual games I make them perform that keeps them scared. But at any moment I could lob a  little head straight off and eat the flesh from the bone. This is how I then would be able to start selecting little urchins to put in my soup. I guess freezing rain, and five feet of snow would be good surroundings for a chunky meaty bowl of brat stew!


                                 But first these little ones would need to be tenderized and pulverized with a little cream sauce injected into tiny fuck meat holes. Maybe even some Iv drugs to make them loopy and more willing to be cut up and tortured! Can you help me prepare my cold front pot of young flesh meat? 

Snuff Movies: Let’s Netflix and Kill

snuff moviesWanna Netflix and Kill? I much prefer to watch snuff movies and plot our next kill. As you have probably guessed it, I do not do romantic girlfriend shit. You will never see me on dating sites. You will never see me on social media begging for attention either. I lay low. I stay in the shadows, so I am not on anyone’s radar. That does not mean I do not enjoy an accomplice because I do. I just need one who lays low too.  People get busted every year doing something stupid and posting it on social media. I am smart about how I kill. Stealth. I look all Goth like with my jet black hair and pale skin. Yet, I blend in. No one remembers seeing me or anyone who looks like me. I stand out in a crowd and at the same time, I am completely invisible. It lets me get in and out of places and has allowed me to kill thousands of folks without so much as a sketch on America’s Most Wanted. Because of my skills and ability to remain invisible in plain sight, I am your perfect accomplice. I like to hunt humans. Young humans. Super young humans. It is not that I think it is easier to kill or lure them right into the arms of danger. It is that I hate brats and so many men want to do depraved things to their cute young bodies. That is why I am here. To help you do bad things to young bodies like explore your rape phone sex fantasies. The way I see it I am helping you finally get that young cunt your dick craves and I am getting rid of brats that will grow up to be gold digging cunt. So, are you in? Wanna Netflix and Kill with me?

Cooking With Daddy Pt. One

Cannibalism phone sexI stalked this chunky bitch for weeks. Playing the sweet, caring, and attractive friend always in her corner. Always meeting for coffee after her classes pretending I had some on the other side of campus. She was a little naïve but daddy picked her specifically for her meat, not her brains. For as long as I can remember daddy every few months needed a little taste of long pig. Trained me to be the perfect lure. Here I was extending an invitation to this fat piggy to come over for dinner, insisting that she come over early so we can study. Thankfully this was coming to an end, I hate pretending to give a shit about the feelings and thoughts of an entrée. It’s understandable why this piggy was selected; her thighs alone have plenty of meat enough to last for days. I’m starting to think maybe Daddy is planning a dinner party with this one. I’ve been taking her out to eat for the past few nights, encouraging her to fill up with plenty of savory foods. Daddy has a list of restaurants that he believes helps with flavorization and fattening up of course. It will be go-time in just a few days, I better go recipe a great stuffing for this one. Yum.

Evil Phone Sex Torture Chamber

evil phone sex

I’ve been in this torture chamber for a long time now. There has been no concept of time for me for a while, so I really have no idea how long it’s been. It started when I was a sweet, unassuming waitress in a diner and this guy kept coming in and sitting in my section. He sweet-talked me and eventually, I felt like I knew him well enough to go over to his house to hang out with him. That turned out to be a big mistake, because as soon as I started drinking the drink he gave me, I knew that he’d drugged me.

I woke up in a dungeon and it wasn’t one of those sexy ones that are trendy now. I saw him walking toward me with nipple clamps and he put them on me and they were so tight it made me cry and I saw blood trickle down my tit. It was then that I realized my legs were strapped down and I was spread-eagle and couldn’t move. He took a clamp and put it on my clit and it made me scream. But as he told me, nobody could hear me. That was just the very beginning of what he did to me. If you want to hear more, call me for evil phone sex!

He Said They Are Better Cold

Blasphemy phone sexDeath follows me around like a lost pet I’m starting to believe. Somehow I’m always attracted to the most devious and evil of souls. As I watch him hunched over his latest victim breathing deeply after unloading deep inside him, I’m both disturbed and jealous of the lifeless corpse. He’s different….I mean each master I’ve followed and served all had a perverse way about them each unique in their own way. Him however he doesn’t want to be called master, he prefers I can him “The Idol”. Enjoys being viewed as a unique bringer of death. However I’m starting to think death stays by my side. Maybe I’m slowly sinking into blasphemous thoughts of my own, I’m nobody. Death wouldn’t be my friend, or companion. Yet here he is draining and crumbled over another dumb slut I lured to him. Oh yes, I was going to mention what made him so unique it’s the way he defiles them. The Idol likes to drain them of most of their blood quickly, so as the warmest fades the pussy can still get wet just colder. He claims they feel better cold and dead around his cock. I’m a follower of “The Idol” now he tells me, though I’m not sure what that means. Do I serve him or is something more sinister lurking beneath the surface. It’s too late to save me. My soul is lost either way.

Depraved Sex with dead bodies

sex with dead bodies

Sex with dead bodies is nothing new.

The story of Herod, King of Judea, stored the corpse of his second bride, Mariamne the Hasmonean, in honey so he could indulge himself with them for seven years. He made her dead body still soft enough to fuck. There is no sensual lust in my tale, only the depraved side of men.

Just a couple years ago a man was arrested in Las Vegas and accused of penetrating the dead body of a 35-year-old homeless woman he purported to have met the night before. His arrest report indicates the woman had expired only two hours prior to his sexual contact with her.

I am extremely turned on by both the historical dead body fuck and the recent news of a man fucking a fresh hot female corpse.

I enjoy my own sexual encounters with dead male cock. It just gets so hard after I murder a man. I can ride his rigid cock for hours!

Never fear if you are a Snuff Phone Sex connoisseur and need that dead body orgasm, I have your fetish.

Maybe we can devour these dead remains together after we fuck them!

Killer Phone Sex Victim

killer phone sex

The other night, I had a dream that would make a killer phone sex fantasy. Literally. I was dating this guy and he told me that he’d been having some pretty dark fantasies. I asked what he meant, and he leaned over and kissed me and told me that he’d been thinking about kidnapping a girl with me. When I wanted to know what we were going to do with her once we got her into our possession, he told me that we were going to force fuck her together and then snuff her out. I was very excited by this and fucked him right there.

While he fucked me, he told me that he wanted me to wear a strap-on and he’d push her down onto me and then he was going to ravage her ass from behind. He said that he hoped I wasn’t grossed out by blood, and when I asked why, he pulled out a big, shiny knife and told me that when he busted his nut in her ass, he was going to slice her throat and that the blood was going to get all over me. He did just that, and he just pushed her off me and started kissing me. It was delicious and I woke up and masturbated. Wanna join me for some more?