Category: Killer phone sex

Nurse Ivy

Medical fetish phone sex

I have always wanted to be a nurse. Maybe its seeing people in pain and even causing pain that draws me to it. Sticking people with needles, shoving tubes into people’s urethra’s. Fuck yes sign me up! I also like the idea of maybe forcing a patient to fuck me. Like one who is in a full body cast. Cut a hole out for his dick and sit down on it. Ride him till I feel his bones break again. Fuck thinking about it makes my pussy drip. I could go to pass out pain pills and just keep them for myself. Watch my patient sit there in horrible pain. I would love to fucking watch people suffer and slowly slip away. Maybe clamp off some oxygen to someone. Watch them turn blue and struggle to fucking breath. All of these people are worthless and one less body on this earth is what we really need.



Mutilation phone sex

Mutilation phone sex

I am watching you sit there rubbing your cock. Blood is pouring out of my body. I had a pussy, now you have destroyed it. All I have is a bloody hole. You are turned on by my blood. I am so fucking high, I had needles hanging out of my arms. You spread my legs open wide, and I am ready for your cock. I am ready to feel pain and pleasure at the same time. My body is yours to use and abuse. Fuck me and leave me there to die. I am your special victim. I feel the sharp pain in my pussy, I look down to see your cock sliding into my cunt. What I see is a big fucking knife in my pussy. You are fucking me with a knife, shoving that big knife deep into my pussy. Fucking me, stabbing and slowly ending my life all at the same time. This is what you always wanted. End it then.

Ass Rape Porn: Castration Phone Sex

You were brought in for an ass rape porn session and I was the one to be raped. Well, you really got all fucking excited thinking you would get a chance to rape a badass bitch like me… For fucks sakes the fact you would be able to even get your little prick near me had you creaming your trousers. I took one look at you and your pathetic prick and laughed. Leaning over to the director I whispered how pathetic you were and how I was greatly amused in how this was to play out.

I had Bubba in the corner napping on his bed and smiled knowing he was going to get an extra special bone this evening. We took our places and the cameras started rolling. I was playing the drugged up helpless bitch that some geeky serial killer had abducted. Only thing is, I had a tolerance for the crap he thought he had drugged me with and had my own itinerary for him. I let him think he was getting away with putting his pathetic prick in my ass and just took it until I knew he was too into it to notice.

As he was in a daze fucking my ass I slipped my boot knife out from the drawer and in two swift motions had turned the tables with him on his ass. Leaping at him with one swift swipe of my blade I severed his penis at the base and tossed it to Bubba. The pathetic fucktard was screaming and spurting blood like a fucking fountain. 

ass rape porn

Halloween is my favorite!

killer phone sexHalloween is my favorite holiday, and if you know me you know why, if you do not know me…then I think you should get to know me because I am a bloody fun time waiting to happen. Anyway, back to what I was saying; my favorite holiday is by far Halloween because the screams of my whores I kill are not paid attention to, they all think someone just got a good scare. People see the blood on my clothing and think it is that fake shit from the store, that I had simply covered myself in for my costume. On Halloween I can get away with murder, literally. I can even bury the bodies in my front yard, people walk by, unknowing, just thinking I have the best decorations. Last year I actually won a contest for my yard “decor”. I will never forget. It was a few weeks before Halloween and this whore was already wearing her little slutty bunny outfit and prancing past my house, my good day had been ruined. I invited her in and the dumb bitch said yes. When I got her inside I grabbed a lamp and smashed it on her head, knocking her out cold. I stripped her down and shoved the bunny suit in her mouth.I cut off her nipple and drug her outside where I had a line of fresh holes dug. I buried her still alive, paying special attention to leave a few bloody fingers out, so she could feel the breeze of out here while she suffocated in there. When the judges came by they were so impressed by the twitching bloody fingers that they had to give me the win, they wanted to know how I made it work, but I will never tell.

Killer Phone Sex on Halloween

killer phone sex fantasiesHalloween is my favorite night. No one notices me. It is the one night of the year a creepy Goth girl doesn’t stand out. With everyone dressed up to go get drunk and laid or to trick or treat, no one suspects that this is my everyday look. The big ass blood tinged knife I am carrying, is believed to be nothing but a prop. It doesn’t get a second look. I skulk along the sidewalk, watching for the right homes. I knock on the doors with babysitters and brats too young to go trick or treating. Surprise the stupid babysitter with the tidbit that my knife is not a simple prop, but the tool of my trade. I can always spot the bad babysitters. The ones who sneak their boyfriends in to fuck and raid the liquor cabinet instead of watching the precious little ones trusted in their care. Stupid cunts.

babysitter phone sexNo one pays any mind to the blood curdling screams coming from the homes of the privileged on Halloween night. It is just expensive sound effects to anyone who can hear the screams. But what is really going on behind the walls of gated homes throughout my community isn’t discovered until the parents arrive home. Dismembered dead babysitters and castrated barely alive boyfriends become Halloween decorations in the homes of the wealthy. Bad babysitters get their limbs cut off with a rusty old saw. I save my knife to slit their mouths from ear to ear. I cut out their tongues. I stitch up their mouths so they cannot cry and whine. I chop off the cocks and balls of the boyfriends. My little apprentices feed all body parts to their family pet.

taboo phone sexThe little ones watch and help. The brats love to assist in the mutilation and death of bad babysitters. They think it is a game. Just a Halloween game. They finger paint in the blood. Parents come home, find their wee ones sitting in blood, playing with their new life size dead dolls. Crimes are blamed on tweakers, not some Goth girl from their community. The brats never tell. They want me to come back and play with their parents.

You really don’t want to cross me

evil phone sexYou DO NOT want to cross me. I am fucking ruthless and will stop at nothing. I do not have time for all of the pathetic little slutty bitches in this world and if you fuck with me I will ruin you. I don’t need any friends I am too hot to have friends! All I need is dick and to be someone’s nasty accomplice. I had a friend one time; I cannot even remember her name. Can you see how much I cared?! Anyway the little slut thought she could bad mouth me for talking to her husband. Well she was very wrong and had no idea that me talking to him was the least of her worries. So one night her husband let me in and I went upstairs. I put on some of her sexy clothes. We tied her up and I woke her up and glued her eyes open. I then put some safety pins through her nipples and clit and attached it so if she opened her mouth they would pull through. I then walked over to her husband and dropped to my knees. And started sucking his cock. It felt good to see her bitch ass cry. All her husband could do is moan my name! I walked over and let her know that this had been going on for a while because I could fuck better than her wanna be slut ass. She kept crying and I started to fist this slut’s pussy. She jolted and the safety pins pierced her further. I grabbed all her wedding pictures and shit and smashed them on her head and then I rubbed it all over her face and body, along with a nasty load for this bitch. Seemed fitting because she was a piece of shit! I brought her husband over and bent over so she could get the perfect view of the love of her life giving me the best fucking of the year!

Use me as you please…

accomplice phone sex kaliWhy are you wasting your time reading my blogs? You should be calling me. You and I, we need to find our next victim. I want them to hurt, I want to see the pain on their face and we are going to love it. That’s what gets us off and we can torture our newest victim as long as we want then at last relieve them of their pain and misery in any way you see fit. I hope they beg a lot, they always do. “Please don’t, no, please, I will do anything!” And we look at each other, making our victim have a glimmer of hope, then we get right back to it. My favorites are virgins, or super sluts. Virgins because their sweet pussy is untouched, perfect, and innocent… but not for long. The sluts, they deserve it and I know they fucking like it. Well, some of it haha. I know I am the perfect accomplice because my sweet looks and young face makes it easy to get any victim you want. It’s me or them, and truth it, as much as I am Daddy’s little accomplice I am also going to be his favorite victim. The one that get to live…Ugh, we need to do this soon, the whores will be flocking the streets in their slutty attire. If we don’t find the kind of slut that you want, then you should know I will always be horny, because I never stop wanting to fuck, and I never say no accomplice phone sex. I’ll be the best of both worlds for you, use me as you please. I’m waiting.

Freaky Cannibalism Feasting

Cannibalism Phone Sex

Every now and then I get a craving for some fresh young flesh. I crave it in an entirely different way than you’re probably thinking right now. I mean sure I do enjoy fucking fresh meat but I also enjoy tasting it. Not just licking a fresh young cunt but literally eating it, taking the pieces of flesh into my mouth chewing and swallowing it down. Of course part of the fun of cannibalism is the hunt and the tormenting of my chosen victim. I attract a lot of the young innocent girls at the club. They’re drawn in by my big tits and my piercings they think that I’ll be a good time between the sheets. I am a good fuck but fucking is the very last thing on my mind tonight. Come with my and join me as we hunt for our evening meal together. Wait in the car while I lure her into my web.

Once we get to the car and she sees you she realizes that something isn’t quite right but the drugs that I slipped into her drink are already beginning to take effect. We get back to my house just in time to take her in before the paralysis sets in for her. She is fully aware of everything that is about to take place but she is literally helpless to even lift a finger in her own defense or to even scream. We have her just where we want her. Strip those clothes off of her while I prepare the special marinade and grab the turkey baster. Mmm the look of horror on her face is so very divine as she begins to realize what we are doing. I take that turkey baster suck up that buttery marinade and begin to squirt it all over her naked body. Then it’s time to bind her hands and feet together with twine like a pig and put her on that spit roast over the fire pit in the back. My privacy fencing is absolutely perfect for keeping prying eyes away as we slowly roast our victim alive. As her flesh begins to cook I reach out and poke her with a fork, her flesh flaking off as I savor the taste of it in my mouth. Our dinner is still awake and aware though she is slowly dying. I can only imagine the horror she must be going through watching us eat the flesh right off her bones as we burn her alive.

My First Snuff Porn Experience

Snuff Porn

I couldn’t resist answering your ad for a new snuff porn movie that you were casting for. I’ve done tons of different types of porn before and I’m one kinky fucking bitch so I knew this would be the perfect opportunity for me to make some extra money while indulging my freaky extreme side at the same time. I showed up at your studio and was very impressed with the set. You had me follow you down into a space that was set up like a bdsm dungeon. There were shackles, whips, paddles, cock cages, electrocution devices pretty much every sort of torture device imaginable. I was pretty impressed with the props and I couldn’t wait to see what scene I would get to play out. Once you brought in the girl that I would be auditioning with I realized that you weren’t just pretending. This was all 100% real and I would be using those instruments of torture on the little shaking sobbing blonde mess curled up in the corner.

She looked like she had been pretty badly beaten already, she had two big black eyes and a couple of cracked ribs from the looks of her. That’s when you told me that it was my opportunity to prove how badly I wanted to star in your latest snuff porn. I looked around the room to decide where to start. I reached for a wine bottle smashed it against the wall and rammed the ragged shards of that glass bottle straight up her twat. She shrieked as her body convulsed in pain, her skin turning a sickly gray as the blood began to pour in rivers from her bloody tortured cunt. Then I reached for the hooks hanging from the ceiling and shoved them through each of her nipples, then I turned the crank and slowly raised her up off the ground by her nipples. I reached for a baseball bat that was covered in spikes and I rammed that straight up her ass. Then I reached for a massive butcher knife and as she was hanging from the ceiling by her nipples with that broken wine bottle up her cunt and the spiked baseball bat up her ass I decided how I would deal her final death blow. I decided to cut her clitoris from her body and once I had done that I looked over at you jerking off behind that camera as I slowly drove that knife into her belly button and dragged it all the way way up the collar bone, cutting her right open up the middle and completely gutting her. All of her insides fell out and hit the floor as the red bloody puddle beneath her quickly grew larger until she bled out. How was that Mr. Director? Did I make the cut?


Taboo Phone Sex With A Killer

 Taboo Phone Sex



You are so very gullible and trusting although I think that a large part of your stupidity right now is coming from the fact that you’re mesmerized by my big tits. You’re always thinking with your cock instead of stopping to use the head on your shoulders for once. I approach you completely confident and lean over to whisper in your ear that I think you’re incredibly sexy and I want to take you back to my place and fuck you. You’re so egotistical that you never stop to think for one second that I might have ulterior motives. You’ve slept your way through half the women in town and you just see it as any other night. You make such easy prey I am really going to enjoy this. Once we get back to my place I take you down to my basement all I have to tell you was that I’m really loud when I’m getting off and I don’t want to bother the neighbors. You eat it up and get rock hard.

Strip naked while I take my time peeling my clothes off. I can feel your eyes glued to me as you stroke your cock in anticipation. I walk toward you with my hand behind my back holding my favorite steel blade. As I get closer I wrap my arms around you and press my lips to yours. I can feel your cock twitching against my thigh eager to fuck me as I plunge my blade into your ribcage. The gasp of pain makes my cunt tingle as I feel and see the blood trickling from your ribs. You double over in pain and shock and that’s when I pull the blade back out and plunge it into you over and over again laughing at the look of horror on your face and the muffled cries gurgling from your throat. Killing brings me more pleasure than the biggest cock could ever do. Once your body is drained of every last drop of blood and you’re slumped in a heap on the floor, I use your blood to masturbate and I squirt all over your dead lifeless face.