Category: Killer phone sex

Sex with dead bodies

sex with dead bodies

So I have always wondered about my biological parents so I thought I would try finding them. I did my best to seek them out and I finally got a lead on a pretty little couple at the park. No little ones which was weird. But they were sitting on a bench just talking and looking at little ones run all around them. I decided to approach them and tell them that I was their daughter. When I got there they looked me up and down as I uttered the words out of my sweet mouth. They invited me to their house to talk about this more. They drove a van which was kind of weird since again- it looks like I was an only little one in the family. As I got into the van they immediately started driving. As I reached for my seat belt I looked behind me and there were two girls tied up. I started to panic and then my mom hit me over the head with a bat. I felt my body lay there lifeless and helpless. The car stopped and they got all of us out and tied us up in various parts of a big empty garage. My body finally awakened and I looked around me. “Good morning bitch and no we are not ur parents, haven’t you ever been told don’t talk to strangers ?” I could not get words out, only cries. My snot and tears ran down my face. They made me watch them hurt the blond one. They ripped her to shreds and made her bleed out as they took turns shoving things inside her cunny. The man penetrated her holes with his big cock letting the blood run down his thighs. I guess this is a sport for them. They moved on to the second one. The decapitated her and he began fucking her lifeless mouth filling it up with cum. “You’re next sweet heart.”

Fantasies Can Cum True

taboo phone sex angie1He calls on a regular basis. Every time I hear his voice, my blood begins to run hot and my pussy gets wet, I am his Mistress and he is my sub. He needs to be put in his place. Castration, cock and ball torture, whips and chains…..he makes all my rape phone sex fantasies come true. Our last session was particularly violent and evil and our phone time together just didn’t satisfy me. I had to have more. Getting in my car I drove to the address. The car was parked in the driveway and the lights were on. Grabbing my tools and putting on my mask I approached the house. Picking the lock was easy. Once inside the smell of testosterone and masculinity filled my nostrils. I heard the shower and walked toward the bathroom, this was perfect. I opened the door with out a sound and approached the side of the tub and ripped back the shower curtain. There he stood with a soap covered hand full of cock. It took him a second to register what was happening. Just long enough for me to grab that dick and cause him some real pain. Instead of getting soft he got harder, but then I knew that was going to happen, it just had on the phone. Placing a knife to his throat and shoving him against the cold tile of the shower, the cock and ball torture began, for real….fantasies can cum true.

Stupid sluts never learn

evil phone sexAs usual this college town never ceases to amaze me. Stupid sluts wandering out at all times of the nights, drunk and stumbling around in their slutty outfits. They’re just asking to get killed! Among other violent and brutal things… I found this college whore passed out drunk next to my car, she was OUT! I almost thought she was already dead, but once I realized she was free game I stuffed her in my car and brought her home. I planned to kill this one slowly, make the pain and suffering last a while. When she woke up I already had her tied up, but not blindfolded. I wanted her to see me cutting her. I want to see her eye wide with fear, and listen to her beg for me to spare her. But she’s no different than any other drunk whore I’ve found before, and she’ll have the same fate of them too. Fucked, used up, tortured and killed…slowly.

Taboo Phone Sex a Murderous Maelstrom

A murderous maelstrom of taboo phone sex compulsions with an evil babysitter. I will engage you with my sultry voice as I work my enchantress magic in hijacking your mind. You will become mesmerized by all that I say and I will make you my accomplice in murderous rape phone sex fantasies. We will join together and perform sexually driven rituals on the sweet innocent victims. 

Taboo phone sex

The parents of these sweet young sacrificial offerings have no idea what they signed into when they employed me and signed my contract. A deal with the She-Devil if  you will. My ability to give a shit is non-existent and that, my dear brain washed assistant, is what separates me from the rest. I have no conscience in what we do with these fuck dolls, and when I am done playing with them – or rather when your done fucking and penetrating their enticing fuck holes – they become disposable. I will decide on how we snuff the slut out if it hasn’t happened while you took out all your pent up rage on the cum receptacle. 

Killer Phone Sex School is in Session

Killer phone sexKiller phone sex fun is a given with me. I am a sick bitch with a creative mind. Double trouble is my nickname. My sick world began when I was a little girl. I was sort of the Wednesday Addams of the neighborhood, then grew into the female Ted Bundy. I have never been caught because I am not a crime of passion bitch. I’m OCD about planning my kills. Even as a goth teen babysitter, I was methodical. My babysitting days are behind me. Turns out there are very few brats I like. Most of them are annoying little twat waffles. Whiny, germy, self entitled brats that waste time and energy. One summer, I spent babysitting in the Hamptons. I know what you are thinking. And you are correct. I didn’t fit in and I hated them all. But, my mother was a nanny to a very wealthy family and I went along to help out one summer. The brat in our care was actually pretty cool as far as brats go. Of course she had me as an influence for years. She was friends with this blonde, blue eyed bad seed. Little twat I am sure from the day she was yanked out of her momma’s cunt. Well she made the mistake of stealing from my little brat, bullying her and spreading rumors. Her mother’s way to deal with the devil’s spawn was simply to sever ties. My way was to sever her head.

snuff pornSo, I taught my brat a few moves to render the little twat incapacitated. While playing dolls, my fed up little charge smashed the bad seed’s head against the wall. She got a little carried away, crushed her skull. Eyes popped out of her head, blood splattered everywhere. I had planned to just stuff her little unconscious body in a cooler and give her a burial at sea, which still happened, just had a lot of clean up to do first. I was impressed that my charge had so much strength and anger to bash her nemesis’s head in like she did. I was a proud babysitter that day. There was a lot of blood and sinew to clean up, but it was a teachable moment on crime scene clean up. When the little twat came up missing, no one suspected me or my angelic charge. Not with all the brat molesters in the area. Let’s just say I have kept tabs on my former charge and she has done most excellent work in ridding the Hamptons of its summer trash over the years. I take pride in my tutelage. I can help you become a seasoned killer too. From young to old, I know how to get away with murder.

Torture Phone Sex Fun

torture phone sex karmaShe was a bad little bitch in her leather and chains. Leaving her husband at home to set out for an adventure with the bad boys on the rough side of town. She had no idea she would run into me. I saw right through her tough persona right to the innocence that was her true self. Some things just can’t be covered up. It didn’t take me long to convince her that she should come home with me and one of the boys. He has the same desire for torture phone sex as I do and he just loves getting sweet things like this and showing them what real evil sex is all about. We started slow just because we wanted to build up the momentum. We whipped her with a cat of nine whip tearing her flesh and watching her wiggle, scream and bleed for us. That is when I got the cactus off the window ledge. Carefully I broke a piece off and slid it in her oft mouth watching as the spines tore at her tongue and lips. In that moment I knew her cunt would feel the fucking from my prickly plant. I fucked her good with my green dildo. With each brier that stuck in her pussy, my cunt became wetter. I grabbed a large bottle of rubbing alcohol and began to pour it all over her. In her mouth, on her body, and cunt. The pain was to much for her and she passed out. I didn’t let that state stop me. The torture continued till late in the night as she slipped in and out of consciousness.

Goth teen phone sex with Morticia

I love feeling your warm blood running down my body. I rub my pussy at the blood slowly runs down to my cunt. Using your blood as my lube to rub and finger fuck my pussy, makes me so fucking horny. The sounds of your screams as I whip you makes my nipples hard. I love to see the pain in your face, the way you try to run from me while you’re tied up makes me giggle. You are never going to leave here alive. I’m going to use you, and then leave your body here for the wild animals to eat. Call me know if you want to know all the dirty and evil things I will do to you.

Goth teen phone sex

Welcome To My Nightmare

taboo phone sex karmaShe was the cutest thing I have ever seen. A sweet button nose and a cute little haircut. Brown curls caressing her forehead. Her smile was big and bright and she was practically skipping along. She didn’t see the uneven spot in the sidewalk and fell feet over head to the ground. The blood came to the surface of her knees as she tried to push down her skirt and cover the tightest pair of g string panties I have seen in a while. Such an innocent looking thing with a inner kinky side combined with the bright red blood had my pussy soaking wet. Offering her help, telling her that I live right around the corner, my mind was racing as I helped her back to my place. Once inside I sat her on a chair in the kitchen to clean her scraped knees up. I used alcohol and acted like I thought it was peroxide when she screamed. the sound went straight to my already tingling pussy and I couldn’t wait any longer. Balling up my fist I felt her chin give under the force of my punch. Blood spattered across the floor as her unconscious body hit the floor. Dragging her body down the steps to my basement, I cum a little each time her head bounces off a step. By the time I get her on my special table her head has a big gash and blood is dripping every where. Fucking her lifeless body is pure bliss…

Hide and seek

taboo phone sex paulinaI was successful for quite some time at hiding out from my husband. Well I knew it was not going to last forever. He found me last night and well….it’s all I can do to sit here and type.

I can barely see out of my eyes because as he skull fucked me I took a severe pounding to my face. He made sure that his jizz was not the only bodily fluid I tasted on my lips it was a 50/50 mixture of his nut and my blood. I knew the more I resisted the more I’d be punished. So I just sat there on my knees and took every pump and punch he had coming to me.

Once he wore out my face my old ass was the next victim in line. He bent me over and grabbed me by the head of my hair using my head as leverage for each thrust he nailed into my ass with his thick cock. I will never admit this to him but I have always loved the way he pounded my ass. It was the only time I ever felt he loved me. It was his most sensual touch even tough anytime he used my asshole as a pin cushion it would end up in a bloody massacre.

I have mixed emotions about our reunification. But one thing is certain you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. He is still the same old dirty dog he has always been and it’s not any new news I will always be his bitch.

Mind Altering

taboo phone sex angie1My mind is spinning. My vision is blurred. The walls of the room are breathing and her blood is the brightest red I have ever seen. Ecstasy is my favorite drug. Not only do i love the mind altering effects but the way it heightens my senses drives me insane in the best of ways. Fucking her tight pussy with my special bat that has nails sticking out of it while high as fuck, listening to her screams, watching her velvety pussy get chewed up and feeling the blood spattering on my skin is a sensation beyond erotic. The feel of my knife against the resistance of her flesh is intense and now looking at her covered in blood panting and writhing in pain has taken me to another level of euphoria. The IV drip has begun. Watching the fluid drop into the tube is mesmerizing. Soon her body will start to respond to the toxin. Her skin will begin to bubble as she feels the burn like fire growing with in her body. The areas on her body that haven’t been mutilated already will eventually tare and fluids will rush out of her as she takes her last breath. Evil and twisted is so delightful when I am high.