Killer phone sex fantasies anyone? Be honest with yourself. There is someone in your life you wish dead. You have come to the right place to explore them. I hate just about everyone. I wish people dead every day. Sometimes, fantasies become reality in my world. Either I take matters into my own hand because I have a low tolerance for dick heads and stupid cunts, or I am contracted out for disposal services. Why do people come to me to hide their bodies? Because I know what the fuck I am doing. Spring is the best time to hide the evidence. Human remains make great fertilizer for my garden. Folks who hunt with me always ask how I never get caught. That answer is simple. Never leave any evidence. A human body can’t be left for discovery. I hate hunting in winter because I need to find a place to keep a body on ice until the ground thaws and I can dispose of it in my fertilizer granulation machine. This machine is awesome. You shove the body in and it grinds it up, even the bones, into minuscule parts that are later sprinkled over my couple acres of land. The body can go in dead or alive. Either way its bloody fun. The smell is far less pungent than horse shit. Bonus, human fertilizer produces very nice vegetables and lovely flowers. Right now, I have a few bodies chilling in the meat freezer until the first day of Spring when they get mixed in with some coffee grounds in the fertilizer machine. I take sadistic pleasure too in serving people food that was grown in the soil of their missing loved one. So yes, this sadistic bitch can’t wait for Spring. Let’s hunt together. Let me get rid of your ex girlfriend’s body . For shits and giggles, let’s make her grieving family a carrot cake with carrots grown in her remains and deliver flowers to her grave that grew in the same manner.