Category: Killer phone sex

taboo phone sex

taboo phone sex

I got knocked up by some jerk at the bar who is really just after some ass. He really doesn’t care that I am pregnant and insists on me getting an abortion since he is not ready to be a father. I ignored him which just infuriated him since I was doing what was not  being asked. I went home later that night which was a huge mistake.

I walked into my room and found a gentleman sitting on my chair with a gun pointed at me. I yelled at him to not shoot, begging him to spare me since I was pregnant. The masked man then grabbed me bounding my hands and feet together. I couldn’t help but cry and feel helpless as he began drawing a dotted line around my big round belly followed by an x.

I was screaming for help but it was no use, he placed a strip of duct tape over my mouth and just chuckled as he began cutting me opened tracing the dotted line with a very sharp knife. I could feel a sharp pain followed by an intense burn, then a slight coolness as my organs were exposed to the elements. The masked man began to sing as he continued to slash and snip his way inside of my body ripping out my unborn.

I screamed in pain as he continued to mutilate my body scraping every remanence of what was once there and alive. He held the unborn alien looking creature in his one hand and laughed at me as he squeezed it in his hand until finally it busted under pressure  bleeding all over his hands. I cried out loud since it was torture seeing something helpless just explode.

I sat quietly as the man began stitching everything back up cleaning my open wound. Right when I thought things couldn’t get worse he turned me around and began fucking my bloody pussy. I cried as I just took his hard large cock inside of me. Each time he penetrated me I could feel the stitches separating.

I cried as he pulled the tape off of my mouth encouraging me to scream. He began pounding my pussy harder telling me he was going to fuck me open. Until finally the stitches began to tear letting my insides rip open. He pulled out of my pussy and began fucking the gaps In between my stitches until he filled up my insides with his cum.

Bloody phone sex

bloody phone sex

I finally awakened from what I thought was a nightmare but instead was a reality. I was chained from the ankles and wrists, while lying naked on what appeared to be a surgical table. I tried to scream but I had a gag on, and the more I panicked the more real the whole situation became. A man appeared from out of the darkness and began laughing, really enjoying the fear he saw in me.

He placed his cold white surgical glove on my breasts and began sucking on my nipples. His tongue then ran down my body until it reached my bald pussy. I felt an awful pinch followed by the smell of silver. When I looked down the man began cutting me with a scalpel. Carving his way from my pussy down my ass hole.

Blood began to gush all over since he made what was once two holes into one. I screamed in pain as he began cutting the skin around my ass hole.  Once he was done with my ass hole he began to snip and cut everything inside of my cunt  making sure there was no skin or folds just a giant seamless hole.

Once the man finished his little operation he began to fuck my giant bleeding Cyclopes hole making blood gush out getting him covered in it. He came all inside of me, squirting his hot cum load in me. He looked at me, and I knew he was not finished. He started to fist me. He was punching my insides.

 I do not think there is any happy ending to this story, other then his own.

Devilishly Delicious

torture phone sex karmaArm in arm we walk the streets.

Whispering in each others ears.

Pointing at the vast array of delightfully delicious morals around us.






Images of naked little bodies, shaking with fear fill our heads.

Finally we pick a sister duo with rosy cheeks and big round eyes.

Luring them over with a desperate plea to help us find our lost puppy for a reward of five dollars, they follow us with out a fight.

Watching them now with tear streaked faces as he runs his hands over their fresh young bodies, I can feel the moisture between my legs.

I speak so soft and gently to him. Telling him it is all right. they are gifts. Urging him to do this for me. For us.

Instructing him every step of the way.

Where to kiss them.

How to touch them.

When to take them.

While watching him follow my every direction to the letter.

Bringing us closer and closer to the earth shattering orgasm we have been waiting for.


Alternative Mutilation Methods

torture phone sex angieThere are so many creative ways to cause pain. So many ways one can mutilate a sweet body. So many ways to extract the beautiful red fluid that brings a flutter to my stomach and a tingle to my clit.

Looking down at her naked body strapped down, shivering , goose bumps covering her flesh, not from the cold, from the fear.

Tonight I am not using my usual tools for her mutilation. No knives or scalpels.

Tonight I am using my new piercing tools. the plan is to pierce and then rip.

I will decorate her body from head to toe in beautiful piercings. Admiring them all as I go. And then I will rip every one out one at a time.



Watching the blood as it drips down her fair white skin.

Dancing to the song of her cries of pain and agony.

Laughing as I show her the scared and disfigured body that I have destroyed.

I am going to hurt you so good!

mutilation phone sexOh I had so much fun this morning! This arrogant little prick came to see me, he seemed to think that I was some kind of subby whore that he could do whatever he wanted to… well he found out real fucking quick that he was very wrong! He pulled out this tiny cock and ordered me to get on my knees and suck it… well I almost did end up on my knees but only because I was laughing so hard that I almost passed out! As if a bitch like me would get on her knees to suck a tiny dick, he was fucking crazy to think that, he learned that real quick when I hit him so hard upside his head that he fell over! I knocked his pathetic ass right out and tied him up while he was out. He was so confused when he came to and all I could do was laugh at him. I told him that he was going to have to be punished for his cockiness in a way that he would remember for the rest of his life so I pierced his cock and balls with as many rings as I could fit. He screamed like a little bitch the whole time too, it was fucking hysterical! Pretty sure he learned his lesson though, he knows now not to ever disrespect a girl like me!

Cunt Sitting!

Babysitter phone sexOh you know what I did? I babysat some new little cunts. But not just any cunts…they’re the perfect little whores! Want to know why? They were twins…twin virgins. And at they were the STARS of my video I made. I thought it would be perfect… I thought it would make me some extra money and oh it did. Who doesn’t want to see two twin virgin cunts getting 100% violated?! It’s very popular…seeing little bitches getting all used up by tons and tons of guys. And that’s about half the reason I babysit! I wanna see these sluts cry. I want to make them squirm and beg and wish that they were dead. But they’re not going anywhere. They can cry and beg and scream all they want but what they are really going to get is what they deserve! I wanted them both to hurt like the itty baby sluts they were. Who wears shorts like that? Who the fuck lets their daughters dress like that at that super young age?! I mean…seriously they had all this shit cumming and ME TOO!!! Mmm, my pussy is so soaking wet, and these virgins? Well their pussies are soaking wet with BLOOD! Ahh… who doesn’t love a virgin? Or two…haha!

Taboo Phone Sex Happy Father’s Day

Taboo phone sex fun for a twisted fucking Father’s Day celebration with your vixen of sin Dusty! 

Taboo phone Sex

The deadbeat asshole of a “father” decided he wanted to fucking meet me for the first time since he became the sperm donor to my whore mother. My first reaction was to tell him to fuck off by sending a few of my guys over to “take care of him”. After a moment of consideration I had a better thought!

Inviting “daddy” over I dressed up like some fucking sweet housewife and prepared a couple side dishes to play it up. I prepared a roasting pan with stock, carrots, potatoes, and garlic cloves to add the main ingredient in nice and fresh. Fucktard sperm donor showed up with flowers and his little whore wife. I served them drinks and had a bit of small talk waiting for my man to show up. Once Anthony showed up things could get interesting, and they did.

Inviting daddy up to my bedroom to show him some pictures and shit I left Anthony to entertain the whore wife. He had his way with her as I seduced my father into fucking me. I got him to the point of nearing orgasm when I whipped my switchblade knife out and whacked his dick off. I quickly straightened my clothes as I watched him bleed out on my bed and then returned to the kitchen with the main course.

USDA Grade A Meat;Cannibalism Phone Sex

Cannibalism phone sex karmaI am very picky about my meat. That is why I love The Body Farm. It is a well kept secret, deep in the woods and well hidden from the outside world.

They actually save lives, for a while. They offer the homeless a warm bed, a roof over their heads and hot meals. The lure to get off the streets is to hard to resist so they come willingly.

Sure enough they are feed, and they live comfortably while they are getting fatten up. They get medical attention to make sure they are free of disease and as soon as the doctor deems them healthy enough they are shown to the customers.

I love walking through and looking over the plump bodies naked and ready for slaughter.

I am having a big dinner and I need nice young and sweet meat after all this is their first time and I want them to enjoy their meal and the sacrifice this young lady gave to nourish their bodies.

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies: How Should I Die for You?

killer phone sexI have been told I give killer phone sex in more ways than one. I fantasize about being killed. Not accidentally either. I want to die in a very graphic and violent way. That is fitting for a trailer park whore like me, don’t you agree?  I deserve the worst treatment imaginable. What can you think up? I love hearing how creative guys get with their snuff fantasies. One of my regular callers loves to torture me with all sorts of medieval devices that inflict horrible pain and kill me in the most violent ways. Another caller finds it hot to beat me to death. His dick gets hard looking at my purple, bloody, swollen body and hearing me plead for my life though gargled sounds as I choke on my blood. Another loves to pimp me out to his sick friends for snuff porn so they can gang bang me into pieces.  I had a hot call last night where I was hunted like prey in the wilderness. Hunted like a deer. I was running around in the dark trying to avoid death, but I was not smart enough to escape the dark labyrinth of the woods behind his barn. He shot me in the shoulder to disable me, then like a dead animal, he tied me to a branch and carried me into his cabin in the woods. I was his dinner. The idea of being killed through cannibalism turns me on so much. It is so taboo. He stripped my body of all chemicals, shaved my bleach blonde hair, basted me with a herb butter sauce and put me in an industrial oven to slowly cook to death. He told me I would make a delectable meal. I was plump in all the right places. As my skin crackled and popped, I felt the life being cooked out of me. Perhaps in death, I can serve a man better than I ever did in life. In this case, I was served quite literally.

Oh Daddy

torture phone sex julietI heard daddy coming up the stairs and I knew I was ready for him. I had my legs tied down and a ball gag in my mouth. I was very happily playing with my throbbing pussy. As daddy came in the room he got very angry. He started yelling about what if mommy had come home but why should I care. I needed daddy’s cock deep inside me and for him to chock me into passing out. I begged for daddy’s cock and he finally gave it to me. Not without tying me down the rest of the way first and blindfolding me. He then fucked me so hard I passed out, then when I woke back up he chocked me out. I loved ever minute of his cock being inside of me. Well at least all of the minutes I was awake. His cock is so big and it makes me go completely insane.