Want some nasty snuff phone sex? You came to the right place, and I think your in luck. I haven’t recently got a call from anyone that is as fucking twisted and demonic as me. I have had a few vanilla snuff calls but I miss the blood smearing, people eating, raping calls. Those are the calls that get this tiny cunt wet. I want you to fucking cut off pieces of my beautiful skin and fry them up right in front of me and feed them to me. Make me pay for being the nasty skank I am. I am on my knees begging for you to call and put me in my fucking place. I want a real twisted fucked up person just like me to tell me how they would mutilate me.
Category: Killer phone sex
Call Me
Brother’s favorite
“I’m so tired” I thought to myself. I got so very drowsy at dinner tonight. I should have known something was wrong, but my head was just so fuzzy while I struggled to climb the stairs to my room. The next thing I registered, was not the pounding in my head, but the pounding in my ass! My mind frantically grasped and worked to come through the fog, and figure out what was happening to me. OOOHH but it hurt so nicely. I tried to speak, but all I could muster was a loud groan. SLAP across my face! “Shut the fuck up, you dirty little slut, mom will hear us!” Oh my god, that’s my brother’s voice. My big brother is fucking the hell out of my poor, tiny little asshole! My pussy flooded at the knowledge of my very own big brother’s hot, hard cock slamming into my small body again, and again! This isn’t the first time he’s hurt me. He likes drugging me, or surprising me out in the barn and pushing me down to have his way with me. He says if I ever tell on him I’ll be sorry. I struggle a little, but he’s so much bigger than I am! Besides, little does he know, this is exactly the playtime I love!
Snuff Sex
My palm is sweating against the cold leather of the brief case in my hand. The sound of my footsteps against the cold concrete is echoing in my ears. Every one of my senses are alive from the finality that only snuff sex gives me. I can hear the dripping of blood on the ground and I can feel the small splashes of blood against my ankle. Watching her angelic face contort under me as I assaulted the most sacred parts of her well cared for body was the drug that I needed. The large strap on modified by yours truly to cut the sensitive interior of her pussy as I slammed in and out of her without mercy or care. The feel of her hot, fresh blood on the front of my thighs, dripping down to my knees before it cooled enough to congeal a little was an aphrodisiac to my senses. Nothing beats the rush of snuff sex and all that leads up to that final moment. But this is even better, a grand finale of sorts to the thrill of the snuff sex that we just shared. I had to keep part of her to share in the most sadistic and evil way possible. Walking up the steps now, the large and ornate building growing closer with each step. My heart is pounding in my chest. Pushing opened the heavy wooden door I step inside and place the satchel on the marble floor. I open it and take the bloody mask that was once her face out carefully lining up her eye and nostril and mouth holes with mine. Rinsing my hands in the basin of holy water I can feel the trickles of blood sliding down my neck and onto my cleavage. As his footsteps approach I turn. His look of horror tells it all. I feel my cunt release a load of cum in my panties as I say, “Forgive me Father for I have skinned.”
I bet you never thought you would like this!
I know that you were under the impression that since I was your accomplice that I would just do whatever you asked without question… well you were very wrong my friend. I want to do things MY way, even if that is very different than what you think you want! This one guy learned that lesson very well yesterday; we had planned on attacking this bitch but what he didn’t know was that this particular woman had a little brat and that little brat was the one that I wanted to see all fucked up. My accomplice said that he wasn’t into girls that young but all men like young pussy… even if they don’t think that they do. I convinced him to let me blindfold him, he thought that I was forcing the mother to suck his cock and he was loving it… that’s when I ripped off the blindfold to reveal that it was the little brat sucking his cock. He was shocked but that didn’t make him stop… if anything it made him fuck her mouth even harder! Turns out that he likes them just as young as I do!
A Dish Served Ice Cold
Be very careful who you piss off. I am not the one to piss off, that is for sure. Everything is all set up and ready, he just doesn’t know it yet. He thinks we are taking a nice drive in the country tonight to a deserted shack that we know of. He thinks it will be a nice romantic evening.He has no clue. Pulling up the head lights shine on the shack giving it an eerie glow. I spread out a blanket and pull out the wine glasses. Slipping the hallucinogen into his glass is easy and the high will enhance his fear. Fifteen minutes go by and I know the drugs are about to kick in. I take him by the hand and walk him into the old shack. There in the middle of the room is a dick cage attached to a metal steak that is deep in the ground. He doesn’t fight it and lets me lock his cock in giggling at the kinky game he thinks we are about to play. I pull out the knife I brought with me and stick it in the old wooden floor close enough for him to reach before setting the cabin on fire around him as I back away. As I am crossing the threshold he begins to scream frantically. Laughing I tell him he can survive if he cuts his cock off and can get out before he burns to death or bleeds to death.
The Last Heart Beat
I can still hear the echo of her screams in the black darkness of the night. The air is damp and cool as the slight breeze rustles the leaves of the trees that surround my glorious alter. Her body is almost lifeless and I can barely see the movement of her chest as she takes shallow breaths. She is a fighter I have to give her credit for that. I have inflicted more pain then most mere mortals can stand and still she hangs on to her pathetic little life. Her blood is still warm as it drips down the sides of the grey alter that she is laying on. It has been a long time since I have tasted a still beating heart. The thick salty taste of blood with just a hint of iron, the feel of the muscle that we all equate with love, still pulsating as I sink my teeth into it and rip a piece of it off savoring every thing about what I am ingesting. I must act now before the last beat passes and I miss my chance.
Fantasy Phone Sex Gone Wild
Ever since I started hitchhiking my way across our amazing country, I’ve had some crazy interesting chats. I’ve been tied up, cut, slapped, punched, choked, kicked, stabbed, shot, strangled, mutilated, and aggressively fucked time and time again. It’s really opened my eyes to the pleasures that can be had through pain and suffering.
I made a new friend the other day, and just today, she told me about one of her sites. https://darkfantasiesphonesex.com/
Apparently, it’s full of girls who live out a man’s deepest, darkest desires on a daily basis. Nothing is taboo, no topics are off limits, and no boundaries can be found anywhere at any time. She told me stories of some of the girls she works with. My adventures paled in comparison to the dark, sadistic pleasures that those ladies have. I have lots of learning to do, and lots of growing too, but I hope one day to find myself on https://darkfantasiesphonesex.com/. Nothing would please me more than knowing that I can fulfill a man’s deepest and most deliciously painful fantasies.
Snuff Porn Sacrificing a Virgin
This biker whore is all about the snuff porn videos she is instrumental in creating and finding the victims is only part of the excitement. This time I chose to visit a local charity event put on by a Church just knowing there will be the perfect piece of innocent and pure virginal meat to abduct. Always a do good, church going primadonna in need of real life enlightening will be in attendance at these functions, and they will always approach the biker whore she feels needs to be saved.
Approached, as expected by the busy body little woman that wreaked of purity and posed the pristine picture of a fucking virgin with pent up angst due to that lack of arousal, and penetration. Smiling to myself I accepted her presence and managed to get her to come away and talk to me. With a rag and some chloroform I subdued her quietly and walked her to my car. Arriving at the warehouse where we do the filming I noticed her starting to stir.
In the warehouse on site of where we film I slice her clothes off with my knife inspecting her I jam a few fingers up her hairy snatch. Yes, a virgin it would seem by her distress and tightness of her cunt. I laugh and call to Bruno to come see our latest victim. The 6’5″ Norwegian approaches from around the corner with his butchers apron on. His massive 9″ long with a 6″ girth cock starts to twitch and become fully erect as he gazes at the whore I have strapped to the beams on the wall. Her legs are spread and arms above her head, and a look of terror in those pathetic prudish eyes.
He approaches her and slaps her in the face as the camera’s are rolling he begins to pull her from the bound position she was in and throws her to the ground demanding her to her knees. His hard prick ready to deflower the cunt as I position my large black strap-on cock to take and ass rape porn that tight bum. We begin to invade her holes as she screams and fights us. Laughing as he fills her virginal snatch with his seed I throw a black hood over her head with a noose and he pulls the rope until we hear a snap.
Tossing her used body into the incinerator Bruno and I rub the blood from her violated cunt and fornicate.
Snuff Porn Auction: What Price Would Pay to Kill Me?
Ever hear of a snuff porn auction? It is where you are sold to the highest bidder for whatever sick depraved thing they want to do to you. I owed my dealer a lot of money. He was no longer content with exchanging blow for my well used cunt and ass. I promised him I had his money, but I didn’t. I was desperate for a fix so I lied. I was sure he would settle on fucking me in exchange because I let him do anything he wants like piss on me, smack me around, rough anal…. He can even share me with his friends. He smacked me hard, put a collar and chain on me, then dragged me into the back of his van. I thought he was going to take me for a gang bang, share me with his friends. Where we ended up was what I thought was a burnt out warehouse awaiting demolition. I needed a fix, so I went with him without a struggle. He led me like a dog down a cement staircase. Honestly, I was a bit scared. I had really pissed him off. He is not the sort of man you want to piss off either. When we reached the basement, bright lights came on. Great, I was going to have to do some dirty ass rape porn to pay off my debt. That would have been ideal in comparison. I saw a row of strung out women on leashes facing a line of scary men. No one would answer my questions, but it became clear that we were being bid on. For what, I was not sure. That was the scary thought. Was this like those Hostel movies? Women are kidnapped and sold to the highest bidder to live out their dark fantasies? I swallowed my own puke at the possibility I was being sold to die. Everything happened so quickly, but I was bought by a foreign man for $5,000. Now I am his, awaiting my fate in a small cage. Will I be a fuck doll? Will I be a torture doll? Or maybe I will be a snuff doll? If you bought me and could do anything you wanted to me, what would it be?
Snuff sex is the best sex!
Snuff sex is the best kind of sex as far as I am concerned. I like to watch a bitch suffer unimaginable pain, I want to hear her screaming and begging for her worthless life, I want to feel her blood on my skin. I seriously don’t think I could even get off on regular boring vanilla sex so I don’t even try, it’s snuff sex or no sex with me! You and I can go hunting, we’ll find the perfect little bitch to kill, she’ll be small and delicate and oh so very young… we’ll make her grow up in a hurry though, won’t we? I’ll hold the bitch down while you force all of her little virgin fuck holes open and we will listen to her screaming and get off on it. We will take our time, lets make this last because snuff sex should be savored, never rushed! And in the end, she will beg us to kill her and that is one request I will be happy to grant!