Category: Killer phone sex

Home Invasion Rape Fantasy

home invasion phone sex

The sound of breaking glass woke me with a start. It took me a few minutes to realize what was going on Then it hit me. The house was being broken into. I froze with fear. I saw the door crap open and a dark figure slip inside. He approached the bed quietly, then turned a light on in my face, causing me to scream. His hand clamped roughly over my mouth, silencing me. I begged him to let me go, but in moments, he had me tied tightly, more tightly than any of my masters ever had. The rope bit into my flesh, breaking it open, causing me to bleed. Seeing my naked body laying there helpless turned him on. My toy lay beside me, left there after my intense orgasm last night. Without a sound, he roughly plunged the toy deep into my ass, making me scream. A knife held to my throat silenced me again. I tried desperately to remain quiet as he ravaged my body with the toy. I could hear his zipper lower. Then his cock was inside me, battling for space inside me, since the toy was already filling me up. He fucked me roughly. Tears streamed from my eyes. Soon he was coming inside my raw cunt. His cum burned my insides that had been so roughly fucked. Thankful it was almost over, but then I felt the steel of the knife press harder into my throat. I felt the warmth of the blood as it began to flow, and then darkness surrounded me.

Accomplice Phone Sex With Georgia!

Accomplice Phone Sex

You see that cute little bitch over there Georgia?” master said to me. I snapped my head to the side and saw an adorable little blondie. She was looking too sexy to pass up being the perfect candidate for accomplice phone sex. We snuck up on that little bitch while she wasn’t paying attention and snatched her to bring her back to our “humble abode”. Master quickly tossed the little one onto a mattress in the basement with ductape around her lips and a tight rope biting into her flesh about her wrists. He had plans for her and I was his willing accomplice to her torture! First he shoved his cock down her throat and began face fucking her roughly, making her gag and choke on his huge cock. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she gurgled and whimpered loudly. Her shrill cries made my pussy throb and pulse with pleasure, I wish I could be her right now. Getting my face fucked into oblivion. But master doesn’t really punish me as often anymore because he knows I enjoy it way too much.

Kidnapping Phone Sex


Master’s disposable toy

Murder phone sex fantasiesAs I prepared our most recent victims remains for dinner, dancing around the kitchen naked and bloody from head to toe, mistress perches on a counter, lazily watching me with those terrible, dangerous eyes. She informs me we have a guest for dinner, and dessert. Her own master has arrived. I pause, what horrible creature could be so powerful, so much more murderous as to be HER master? Then the thought occurred to me, I hadn’t made anything for dessert. She tells me it’s already been handled, and not to worry. That his coming was a very special occasion. I go back to rubbing salt and thyme into the chunks of pink flesh I had rinsed the blood from earlier. But my heart still beat.

Suddenly I’m waking up. I don’t remember falling asleep. My body is moving, back and fourth on a table of some sort. There’s something in my throat. I can’t breathe. But why doesn’t it hurt? I can’t see very well. My eyes aren’t all the way open.

Oh, God help me! He’s on me. It’s gotta be him. He looks like they say demons do. Beautiful, big, dangerous. He’s thrusting in…in…oh fuck! his dick is in my throat. But not from my mouth, from my chest! I’m cut open, and he is fucking my throat from the bottom up. Mistress is holding my esophagus, helping to jerk his dick off in the back of my mouth. WHY DOESSN’T IT HURT?! My heart is poun… wait, no it’s not pounding…. then it occurs to me. It doesn’t hurt, because I’m dead. I was fucking dessert. They are using my mangled, empty corpse to fuck. I’m covered in pussy juice, cum, blood, and pieces of myself.

But it doesn’t matter…. not anymore…

The next victim

cannibalism phone sex I’m hunting, and she’s waiting. I see the bitch I was looking for, she’s walking out of the building. She’s by her car, digging for something in her purse. Then I’m there. Tattered clothes, begging for help. She’s concerned.Here, “I can call you an ambulance, or something” she stammers, and turns to grab her purse again. I hit her with chloroform, wrapping all my extremities around her, holding the rag to her face. Her world goes black.

She starts to come to in our chamber, I’m preparing her.

Thinking she might have a chance she struggled, trying to get free. As she was struggling, trying to loosen the bindings cutting into her skin she heard the clicking.

I have her attached to an engine hoist for her arms, and her ankles directly to metal loops in the cement.

Mistress has arrived. She carries a platter, piled with sharp utensils, spreaders, saws.

First she slit her throat, allowing her to bleed out, and started taking her apart from the middle out. Slowly, delicately, almost lovingly she removed each precise piece.

One breast at a time, each ass cheek, long strips of her flanks. And so on, until the platter was piled high with bloody meat chunks and bits. Her sexy body nude, covered in blood, meticulous. I began rubbing my pussy, watching her gut this fucking bitch. She turns to beckon me, and smiles at my finger fucking.

She lays me down in the hot, liquid, bloody pile and fucks my cunt with her bloody fist.

That’s one way to work up an appetite before dinner…

Snuff Porn and Blasphemy Sex on Sunday

snuff pornSnuff porn Sunday has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? I drove by a church this morning and was filled with evil thoughts. Does that ever happen to you? First, I think of all the pious cunts inside those so called sacred walls. The bitches and snobs who look down on girls like me. The hypocritical bitches who praise god, then turn around and judge others for not conforming to mainstream America. Second, I think of all the little ones in their Sunday best being spoon fed a bunch of lies by a bunch of hypocrites about some dead guy who could give a rat’s ass about them if he ever even existed in the first place. I’m a blasphemous bitch.  There is no god. The only church I would ever worship at would be the church of Satan because that mother fucker knows how to have a good time and he wouldn’t judge me for wanting to force fuck and slaughter all the dumb asses sitting in church. Fuck, he would encourage it. In my Goth clothes with my big ass knife, I storm in slicing throats and slashing bodies. I piss on the altar, wipe my ass with torn pages from the Bible and fuck my cunt with a cross as the surviving members look on in horror. I have blasphemy sex with the priest in front of the congregation as I hail Satan as my leader and only savior. I tell the little lambs God is dead. He doesn’t give a fuck about them, so why not have fun? All religion does is kill one’s spirit. I give the little ones knives so they can kill their parents. I cum so hard watching those little angels in their Sunday best slashing the throats of their elders and saying Hail Satan. Being a blasphemous bitch is more fun than being a stuck up religious cunt any day. Want to join me in some hot blasphemy phone sex?

blasphemy sex

Kidnapping phone sex with Makayla

Kidnapping phone sex

I was on a beach, enjoying the sun when it got too close. I started burning, really feeling the burning feeling on my skin. Then it got worse and my eye opened. I must have fallen asleep while he was taking a break from brutally fucking my tight teen pussy and forcing his hard cock in and out of my asshole. I have been here for days, no weeks, no minutes. Non-stop torture against my body. The cutting, biting, fucking and the beatings. I can see my blood dripping down the walls. I can hear it dripping off this table. The burning was so intense it woke me up from death. He had a red hot poker in a his hand. I could see the orange glow of the tip of the poker. He came at me again. Stabbing the red hot poker into my thigh meat. Burning me, making me scream, making his cock hard all over again.

I love making snuff movies!

snuff moviesI love making snuff movies, I love everything about it from picking where we are going to film at to choosing my perfect victim! This time I found the perfect whore to kill, she was young and innocent and stupid enough to accept a ride from a stranger. She knew that she had fucked up as soon as she got in my car because there was no door handle on that side of the car… no way to open the window either and if she still had any doubts left as soon as I slapped the handcuffs on her wrist she was certain that she was going to die. Everyone was excited to see this little bitch, she looked so pure, so ready for total destruction. They all had a piece of her, fucked all of her holes and by the time they were through she was begging us to kill her. I was only too happy to oblige her, it was a snuff film after all.

His ex wife had to go!

accomplice phone sexI have a very wealthy friend who’s wife was getting a little too nosy about where he spends his time so that bitch had to go! He couldn’t divorce the bitch because she would take a big chunk of his money and there was no way this guy was going to pay a nosy whore like this one… instead he called me. He knew that I would not only be discreet about the whole mess, but that I would also let him help me. He drugged the bitch’s wine and waited until she was passed out, then he called me over and had me help him tie her up so we could take her somewhere a little more private. We used that bitch up! She was fucked by a whole gang of ruthless thugs before we beat her to death and threw her naked body on the burn pile. Trust me they are never going to find this bitch alive again anywhere! This way my friend gets to keep all of his money so he can continue to spend it all on me!

Rape phone sex Fantasies with Georgia

Rape phone sex Fantasies

You stop me on my walk and grab me from behind to yank me into an abandoned alley way. Your hands roughly force my arms behind my back to slam me back up against a hard wall. I’m screaming and crying, begging you to stop while your hands are tearing away at my shorts to shove them down my slender legs to bunch up around my ankles. My purple thongs get ripped from my body, painfully biting into my skin before you discard them carelessly. My mind is whirling, I’m actually about to be violated in this guys rape fantasies and possibly murdered. I struggle and plead but you’re relentless in your endeavor. You clamp your hands around my throat to limit my breathing as you begin to plow roughly and brutally in to my tight little pussy. Once you’re finished using my body for your own personal pleasure, your intentions become more sinister as you punch my face repeatedly, turning my beautiful face into a bloodied mess. I know these thoughts turn you on… it’s not a bad thing. I’m here specifically so you can fuck me senseless and then beat me until I bleed and stop breathing.

This is some fucked up taboo phone sex!

taboo phone sexBuckle up baby because this is about to be some real twisted, fucked up taboo phone sex right here. See, I got really fucked up, like the most fucked up I have ever been! I was trippin balls on acid and I did some real messed up shit to this bitch even though I was supposed to be saving her for a client. I had picked her up the night before and had chained the little whore down in my basement, the plan was to starve her for a few days to make her weak and then my friend was going to come and torture her to death. Well that ain’t gonna happen now! I was all fucked up and she made the mistake of screaming her fool head off… in my drug addled state that shit sounded like a wolf howling and all the sudden it was like I was an animal myself! I practically flew down the stairs and jumped on her and just started biting her everywhere, ripping and tearing through her flesh like I was a starving animal! It was all a blur for me, I was just tearing her apart using nothing but my teeth! I was in a total frenzy until my blood lust was quenched and I passed out only to wake up with blood all over me and a sore jaw. Oh well, guess I will have to go hunt a replacement whore tonight…