Category: Killer phone sex

Snuff movies are so much fun to make!

snuff moviesSnuff movies are so much fun to make! Especially this last one I made, the victim was someone that I have been wanting to kill for a very long time. He was this pathetic little bitch boy with a very small dick but he acted like he was some bad ass alpha male! He was always rude to me, very arrogant and just an all around pain in my fucking ass! The funny part tho is the fact that he was the easiest victim I have ever caught, all I had to do was act like I was into him, he came right out to my death cabin like a lamb to slaughter! This asshole was so cocky and full of himself that when I suggested he let me tie him up, he didn’t even hesitate at all, he just let me tie him to the bed. It was all over for him then, he tried to free himself once I started cutting on him but the ropes were far too strong, he just had to lay there and take it as I cut him to ribbons! I did show him a tiny bit of mercy in the end tho, I was so turned on by cutting him up that I just had to sit on his face. At least he got a taste of heaven before I sent him to hell!

Accomplice phone sex by Langley

accomplice phone sex LangleyI met up with my accomplice phone sex caller the other day, and he had let me know it was his birthday, so I wanted to prepare something extra special for him. And I knew the perfect teen to snag….. An hour later, as soon as I unloaded her limp little body from my van, I drug her down to my basement torture chamber. It was easy to slice her fucking clothes off her unconscious form, stopping to admire her tiny slit, just barely forming her first bush. It turned me on so fucking hard to slide my middle and ring finger deep into her little fuck hole, so creamy and tight. Oh! And a pleasant surprise! This little fucking cunt is a virgin!  He’ll be so happy to hear that! I explored her ass a bit and enjoyed groping and crushing her tits. I was getting myself so fucking horny! I slid down my own panties, and ground my clit into hers, fucking her hard till I came. Dumb bitch, her eyelids barely fluttered. 

I Had this great little setup, with a wooden wedge frame to straddle her on, angled to dig into her cute little ass, and shackled her ankles to chains that could be drawn apart through the eyelets sticking up from the concrete floor. To the front of her, a hardened forked spear just barely dug into her tits, while I placed a yoke with two buckets on her thin shoulders. Once she was all handcuffed and in place, I signaled him to come on over. As soon as he saw her, I could see his prick shoot to it’s full hardness, undoubtedly dripping in his pants, which I removed right away. Us both working naked was just the only way to go. She was just starting to moan and whimper. Not that it mattered, the dumb slut could scream all she wanted here, in fact, I hoped she would!

I stood him in front of her, a large container of rocks by his side. One-by-one he dropped them into one bucket, then the other. She was begging and crying to be let go. I leaned into her ear, whispering to let her know she’d never see the light of day again. That got those screams I wanted! I had to fucking laugh, even though blood was beginning to run down her front from her jugs being pierced, and down from her asshole getting sliced open by the sharp, sliver-riddled wood, that sweet little pussy of hers was dripping and running! I got down on my knees, face fucking my caller’s cock while he added more and more weight to her load, pressing her further, and further down on the implements of her torture. She was screaming, sobbing, begging, and pleading just like a good little whore! I could feel he was getting close to surging his load down my fucking throat, when I told him of her virginity. He came so fucking hard!

The grand finale, each of us went to one bucket, and at the same time put all our weight down. With a series of delicious, sickening cracks, pops, and a wet ripping sound, my bench cleaved her in half, cunt to collar bone!

I finished cutting her head from her shoulders, using his re-hardened cock to smear a thick sheen of blood over her dead fucking lips. Sticking his massive dick down her throat, I grabbed her loose-hanging esophagus, and began stroking him inside her decapitated fucking head!

He said it was the best blowjob of his fucking life!

Taboo Phone Sex With Worthless Cunt Victim

Something stirred me in my sleep and when I opened my eyes, behind the sleep blur I could see a couple of masked men standing over me. I noticed one had a syringe in his hand and it must have been the prick of the needle that stirred me. I tried to move but found myself in a sleep paralysis sort of state. I saw the men pull their cocks out and started stroking them over my face and for a moment one stepped away… and I couldn’t see where he went to but he returned as his friend started taking his knife to my nighty and panties slicing them off of my body.

“Thunk”, smack in the mouth I was bashed with a baton or baseball bat and bone fragments from my teeth and blood spewed from my bloodied bashed mouth. Not seconds later his cock was penetrating my bloodied up mouth and he was fucking the mess, and I still couldn’t move in the slightest nor did any sound escape me when I tried to scream. The other man was now raping the hell out of my ass and cunt using the baton to fuck one hole while he fucked the other and switched every so often. The two just kept raping my fuck holes for hours it seemed and I was drugged up and helpless like the worthless cunt I am.

I enjoyed every fucking bit, and came so fucking much, and I fear that fueled them.

Taboo Phone Sex

I buried her under the snow

suffocation phone sexWe went for a walk in the woods yesterday, it was snowing and cold but the air was so fresh and clean! Honestly, I never planned to kill her, she was my friend. We were both feeling burned out and tired so we decided to go out to the middle of nowhere and soak up the peace and quiet. But I couldn’t stop the urges to kill no matter what I did, it was like I could hear voices chanting “Kill her, kill her, kill her!” I couldn’t resist them! She had no idea that anything was wrong, she though we were just enjoying a nice hike… until I pushed her into a deep snowbank and began burying her in the snow. She was fighting me but I was far too strong for her, I kept piling more and more snow on top of her and eventually she stopped fighting and started dying. It was fascinating watching the life leave her eyes, the terror faded and then she was gone. Killing her had me so wet that my panties were soaked and even though it was freezing out, I couldn’t wait! I pulled off my pants and rubbed my dripping wet pussy until I squirted all over her snowy grave… it was the most intense kill for me yet!

snuff sex

Knife Play Phone Sex with a Blasphemous Bitch

knife play phone sexI’m a blasphemous knife phone sex bitch. When I kill my prey, I make sure they know they going to hell because there is no God. I look them square in the eyes as they are praying to their make believe God for help. “If God existed, do you think he would let some random bitch kill you,” I always inquire before I gut them like a pig. God is dead. God is nonexistent, but the devil is real and alive inside of me. I think the clinical terms for me are insane, sociopath, narcissist, crazy ass bitch. Well maybe the last one is not a clinical term, but it is my favorite. I like to spread fear not joy. I like to bring death not life. This world is over populated with assholes, dip shits, annoying fuckers, brats and whores. Think of me as population control. Really, when you think about it, I am a do-gooder who is making this world a better place by killing the ones we don’t need. You will thank me one day when I off that cheating whore girlfriend of yours or kill that demanding boss who has never given you an ounce of respect in the decade you have slaved for him. Hell, you may even thank me when I decided to kill you because you are too weak and pathetic to stand up to either. Fuck God. Fuck you.

Strangulation Phone Sex – Stuffed

I knew the moment that his car pulled up beside me that I was in trouble. The car was old, almost decrepit, but the windows were nice and new-looking, clean, tinted so that you couldn’t see inside. I took off running, of course, but he drove the car into my side as I tried to veer away. As I was recovering, he got out of the car and made it to my side, lifting me up and all but throwing me into his passenger seat. Once he slammed the door, and I tried to open it, I realized that it was impossible. There was no handle, no opening mechanism at all. It had been completely removed. The only way to open it was through the outer handle, and the window mechanisms were also missing.

When he got me where he wanted me, he drug me out, tied me down with my head hanging off the end of a table, and proceeded to smack me around some for causing him any trouble. Then, he held a knife to my throat and told me to open my mouth. When, I did, he rammed his cock deep into my throat, cutting off my air. I felt his hands go around my throat and start squeezing to intensify the tightness around his shaft as he fucked me. I felt one of his hands move and twist a nipple til it felt like it tore right off of my body before his hand returned to my throat. I could feel my life slipping away with every thrust of his cock into my throat, even as I felt his cock swelling and getting harder as he got closer and closer to cumming…Strangulation phone sex

More Snuff Phone Sex for 2017

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex is the perfect way to start off the New Year. My only resolution this year was to wreck more havoc. I want to kill more people. I want to dismember more folks. I want to up the torture and the pain. I want to castrate more men. I want to kidnap and destroy more little ones. I want to get more revenge. I want to put more losers out of their misery and ours. I want to see more blood and guts. I want to hear more cries and pleas. I want to consume more flesh. I want to ruin more lives. I want to fuck with people’s heads more. I want to kill more for profit. I want to kill ore for pleasure. You get the picture, right? I want a lot of snuff sex. So far, 2017 is looking like a great year. At the stroke of midnight last night, I killed my first victim for 2017. A precious little blonde angel. I saw her so sweet and innocent at the mall. Her adult companion was paying more attention to his phone than his angel. I rescued her but she had to die after what my accomplice did to her tender little body. He wanted to ring in the new year inside the tightest pussy and ass he ever had, so I gave him what he wanted.  For a price of course; a very hefty price. You have to pay for your naughty taboo predilections. But, think about it. If I am your accomplice, you can do whatever you want to whomever you want whenever you want. I even do the clean up and disposal for you.  You have all the fun but I take the risk. Something tells me I will be hearing from you soon.

We had to kill her

accomplice phone sexA friend of mine had this drunk bitch at his place, she was so wasted that he could pretty much do whatever he wanted to her so he invited me over to play. By the time I got there though, shit had gotten real crazy! He was fuckin her ass when she woke up and decided to get all pissed off about it, he got pissed off and beat her fuckin ass. Now she was huddled in the corner all bloody and he didn’t know what to do. Well, there was only one thing we could do, we had to kill her! May as well have some fun with her first though right? We fucked all her holes open, first with his cock and then with my biggest strap on cock, the one with that is wrapped in razor wire. Bitch bled out and our problem was solved!

Bloody phone sex with Langley

bloody phone sexWalking home last night, trudging through the snow, I was an idiot, and accepted a ride from a stranger. I was so fucking cold even my cunt juices were freezing, so I hopped in. He didn’t take me home, he took me to a living nightmare. I went from sipping coffee in the cab of his truck, to waking up chained against a wall in some old abandoned shower room.

At first, the feeling of being chained, the exhilaration that comes with fear, and whatever he used to drug me, made my pussy flow heavily with horny, hot, wetness. It was quickly overpowered by the screaming terror filling my belly. I couldn’t focus my eyes, couldn’t see my attacker. But I could hear him breathing heavily behind me. I felt the head of his cock brushing my ass cheeks, and I started to cry, and beg for mercy. Hard hands grip my hips as he tries to press into my ass. He was so big he couldn’t fit as hard as he tried. For a split second, I thought I was going to be ok. What a fucking stupid whore I was. The next thing I feel is cold, sharp steel, and my ass cheeks being spread. I scream and scream as I feel the searing pain of my perineum being sliced deeply, making my vagina and rectum one big, bloody hole.

As I bled out, he fucked me hard and fast.

The world went black before he finished coming in me…

Snuff Porn Babysitter Phone Sex Fantasies

snuff sexI made a snuff porn for Christmas. What did you do? I had some help of course. I was babysitting last night. I know, right? I hardly look like the kind of girl who likes brats. You are correct. I hate them. Germy, needy, self entitled cesspools. They drain your time, energy and money. That is why I don’t have any. But, they are fun to fuck with, literally and proverbially. The little devil’s spawn I was in charge of last night was a blond blue eyed devil in disguise. Perfect ray of sunshine when her folks are around, but the moment they are gone, she turns into the bad seed. I decided to teach the little whore a lesson with the help of a dirty old accomplice friend. Monica has this stupid Elf and a Shelf doll she loves. First, I had my friend dress up as the creepy Michael Myers to scare the crap out of Monica. I promised him if he did this favor for me, I would let him explore his ageplay rape fantasies with her. I could always say we were victims of an unknown assailant. Sweet little Monica would never see his face. She woke up screaming when she saw the scary man with the knife killing her fucking doll. I acted like the concerned babysitter at first. At first when I thought she was just going to get force fucked by my wicked accomplice. But, darling little Monica went into rabid little bitch mode, so I told him to kill her. Told him he could fuck her alive then dead to compare which was better. She looked at me in horror. I pinned her down while he fucked her tight virgin hole. So young. So tender. So dead. He stabbed her after he fucked her, then he fucked her some more. Pinned her to the wall  next to her annoying elf on a shelf. He  hit me hard over the head to cover up my involvement. Merry Christmas to her parents. They will be brat free in 2017. Merry Christmas to me too. I love being a sick accomplice, especially in the murder and torture of annoying little creatures.

babysitter phone sex