Category: Killer phone sex

Bloody phone sex at the dentists

Bloody phone sex So I went to the fucking dentist. Nothing unusual, right? Everyone does it, no one likes it, but it’s fucking normal… Or so I thought. SO I’m laying there in the chair staring up at the exam light, feeling like I’m a costar on the X-Files. The dentist comes in with his usual bullshit chatter that always leaves me wishing he’d shut up and get it over with. He puts the mask for laughing gas on my face, though it smells different than last time. I try to lift my hand and tell him that, only I can’t fucking move. My heard starts to thud. I can’t move my limbs or speak. I can’t even fucking blink, just look back and fourth. He takes the mask off, and I realize there was never a nurse that came in. In fact, the building was very quiet. Fuck. He smiles darkly at me, as he starts lifting my shirt, crushing each of my breasts painfully in his huge hands, and lifting my skirt. He bends my knees up and over the armrests, spreading my little pussy wide. Eagerly, he whips his pathetic little cock out, and starts playing around stuffing it in my cunt. His breath coming in ragged gasps as he humps away at me like some little chihuahua. Panic seizes my throat hard when he leans over and grabs one of the pick tools from the tray. While he’s pumping in and out of my tiny fuck hole, he presses the pick against my throat, over the pulse.

Looking into my eyes, I feel his dick twitching. I’ve never been more afraid of a man climaxing than I was at that moment. All at once he jammed the pick into my neck upward, popping out under my tongue. He uses the damn thing to throat fuck me as he comes hard in my kitty. He keeps fucking my dying body as I choke and drown on my own blood…

And my vision slowly goes black… 

Medical Fetish Phone Sex for VDay

Medical fetish phone sexI had no idea where we were. He’d grabbed me off the side of the road, knocked me out, and when I woke up, I was blindfolded. I knew I was naked, my body was laid out on the something metal, and I could feel every inch of the cold. My hands were stretched above my head, tied together to whatever was up there. My feet were spread apart and each bound down, too. What scared me were the straps I felt around my thighs and under my tits. I heard someone come in, and I waited, holding my breath for whatever was going to happen. They took my blindfold off, and I was stunned to see the most gorgeous woman I could think of. She was grinning down at me like the cat who’d got the cream. She told me that I was going to be her love’s Valentine’s Day present. Not a moment later, he walked in. It took a minute to realize that they were both naked except for some plastic-looking aprons. I heard a rattle, and a couple of snaps. He held up gloved hands, smiling at me sadistically while she just kept that Cheshire cat grin on her face. She picked up a marker off of what I assumed was a table, and started drawing on my stomach. I picked my head up to try and see what she was doing, and she just looked at me with that grin again. I could see her drawing hearts on either side of my stomach, and then a line straight down the middle between them. Then, he took over and she walked up to the head of the bed, looking straight down into my face. She leaned over and put her hands over my tits, playing with them, tweaking the nipples, pinching them, squishing them into my chest. He looked up and nodded at her with a grin. Then, he picked up a scalpel and held it right above one of the hearts as I stared on in horror. She looked directly into my eyes and told me to scream as much as I needed. He cut into the first heart, leaving a searing pain behind with every inch. I bit back the screams for as long as I could, but it got to be too much. I just kept watching and screaming as he sliced the hearts out of my body, cutting the skin completely away from the meat. Then, he dug that scalpel as deep into the line on my stomach as he could go, slicing quickly straight down, opening me for all my innards to be seen. She joined him, then, and they started to bathe each other in my blood before grabbing bits and pieces of me to cut out. Apparently I was to be dinner….

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies: I Kill Brats and Stupid Men

killer phone sexWhat are your killer phone sex fantasies? I have so many. This political season has made me even more violent. Are you on Face Book? I was, but after seeing so many stupid political posts and bickering between sides I decided to shut it down. But, not before I made a list of fucking assholes. A hit list. I am a bitch in charge. Two things I despise: brats and stupid men. I know right? Stupid men is so broad. Let me break this down for you in case you are one such stupid man. If you engage me in conversation and don’t like the fact that I have a brain I use and you take the low road and make comments about my appearance because you can’t handle being  outsmarted by a woman, you are a stupid man. If you treat women as sex objects and think Lady Gaga is fat, well you are a stupid man. If you think you are god’s gift to women and you are balding, with a pot belly, a minimum wage job and a small dick, you sir are a stupid man. If you think women are just here to serve you and that we should be seen and not heard, you are a stupid man. I hunt, torture, castrate, even kill stupid men. And let me tell you, I have been on one hell of a killing spree lately. I fancy myself a champion of humanity. I get rid of stupid men so they can’t breed more stupid men. Some of you are worthwhile. You know your place; would never try to dominate or insult me. Some of you make worthy accomplices. Guys who share my disdain for little whores  or even stupid people. Consider yourself warned. If you call me and you act like a stupid man, I will chop your balls off, maybe even your head. I am a sadistic bitch in charge. I take no shit, especially not from a stupid man.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex: Dr. Death

So my BFF, a dude, works in the morgue of an hospital that happens to have a botch job of a Neurologist Surgeon. My medical fetish phone sex needs get so stoked when I hear about another victim of this fucking tool that talks really big of himself, he’s a total fraud and so fucking arrogant.

I decided the other day to start flirting with this arrogant ass and see how far I could get with him. Jordan, (my bff), wanted to perform a lobotomy on the creep with my assistance in botching that. We were going to have some fun with this arrogant dick. I lure him to the morgue and tell him I want to play nurse with him and one of the corpses. We get to the basement and as soon as the elevator opens Jordan is waiting with a baseball bat which he bashes Dr. Death in the head with. He has a strong swing and the great doctors’ head nearly explodes as he stumbles backwards bashing head into the frame of the elevator.

Blood, skull fragments and brain matter is everywhere and standing over him watching the blood hemorrhaging from his head was a complete fucking turn on. I knelt in the crimson stickiness and started smearing it on me I leaned in and kissed his filthy fucking brain before getting up. I turned to Jordan and noticed he had the biggest boner I grabbed him and pulled him down and we just started fucking right in the mess of blood and brain matter getting it all over our naked bodies as we fucked in the hospitals’ morgue.


Sex with dead bodies

The room is quiet and a little cold. My nipples are hard and makes my nipples rings feel tight and aching. Everything is still; I remove the sheet and climb on top. It’s hard, but won’t stay that way. I squat over the hard cock and start to bounce up and down. Playing with my clit, this is so hot. I pull on one of my nipple rings and bounce even harder.
Suddenly the door opens. “What are you doing in here this is a morgue!” he says. As he approaches, he starts to look aroused. His hands are on my ass helping me get fucked by this stiff cock. He moves my hand from my clit and starts to play. “This has been a fantasy for years.” He says. Cum you dead body fucking, slut. His finger goes up my ass and I start to cum just like that. “I knew that would make you cum, whore. There are 10 more bodies in here with rigor, you better get going.”

Sex with dead bodies

Rape phone sex fantasies are so romantic!

Rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies are to me what romantic novels are to most people. My dearest crush, Stephen King put it so perfectly in his book, “Rose Red.” He writes,

“Blood, under the skin. Rationalistic asses like you don’t see it. It’s liquid instead of solid. Hot instead of just warm. It is a world full of mystery…”

That’s how I feel about my snuff world. Where we shed the mundane, the “normal” and the socially acceptable sex we all grew up with. Where we thrive on abductions, on violent fucking. Where dismemberment and stroking your cock with your lover’s removed internal organ. In our world, teeth biting deep into flesh, and gushing blood feed the flames of desire and stoke the primal need for bloody fucking! The animalistic rush as an accomplice, hunting prey with my partner, or presenting a catch to my Master, sets my nerves on fire! Truly, the masochism tango is my mantra!

That hot life force flowing from my mouth and cunt makes my body come alive!

Even the life leaving my body is so deeply sensual.

Take me against my will, use me as your disposable toy, and pay tribute to my body with our blood!

What is your darkest fantasy? Will you share it with me?

Covered in blood and horny

Snuff phone sexI woke up covered in blood and a chainsaw behind me. My first thought was how fucking horny that makes me, and how that chainsaw vibrating the floor is making my pussy wet. I couldn’t believe what is going on but all my mind is thinking about is my cunt. Then a man walks in with a mask on and he is also covered in blood! He is completey naked and he walks over to me with his huge cock out, and I immediately get on my knees and open my bloody mouth. His big cock jams in my mouth and all I can taste is blood. The taste of blood turns me on like no other so my pussy starts dripping down my drenched legs. All of a sudden I feel his cock slip down my throat  and a jab right through the left side of my skull. The last thing I remember is blacking out with a big cock covered in blood down my throat.

Bloody phone sex for Valentines day

Bloody phone sex

Let me guess, you are going to be a lonely loser on Valentine’s day and you just want some company. Boy you picked the wrong girl to keep you company. I plan on chaining you up and making you my bitch. My worthless pathetic bitch boy! I’m gonna force a big fat dildo into that tight ass of yours without lube! It’s going to be a bloody valentine’s day with me this year. I’m gonna force fuck your dry asshole till you almost pass out from the pain! Then while you are still holding on to your worthless life, Ill start dismembering your body. Limb by limb. Making you watch me destroy your body! Even taking a nibble from your body. Your warm blood is making my pussy drip! Watch me as I slice your cock off and use it to fuck myself!

Sex With Frozen Dead Corpse

Sex with dead bodies MaceyI was out solo to a BDSM Dungeon Club last night and I got so fucked up! This random dude drugged me with a Roofie pill in my drink and when I was incoherent enough, he dragged me out of the club, threw me into his car and brought me to his house. This sadistic mother fucker was a serial-killer and stored the bodies of his victims at his home inside of a large freezer in his garage! The Roofie pill didn’t totally knock me out so even though I appeared pretty lifeless to him, I was still semi-aware of what was happening! Thankfully he didn’t kill me, he just decided to use me as a prop for his frozen victims! He threw me onto a metal slab of a bed he had in his garage and opened up the freezer. The smell was fucking horrific as it was piled high with many bodies! He removed a little boy out of the freezer who he propped up on to a chair and adjusted his limbs, making sure his little dick was sticking out as far as it could go! He strapped my legs into a harness and spread them open wide so that my ankles were touching my ears and he brought the little boy over to me while I was laying on the bed. He threw his frozen little body on top of mine like it was a slab of meat and shoved his small frozen cock into my pussy! This sick fuck was jacking his dick off while he used one hand to fuck me with the little boy’s lifeless corpse! I remember moaning and resisting but I could barely move or make any sounds! I eventually faded off into a sleep and when I came to, I was able to escape out of the harness and through the garage door! I ran out down the street screaming for help and eventually a neighbor came out of his house to see what the commotion was. He let me use his phone to call a taxi but he didn’t believe my story of what had happened to me! Glad I wasn’t killed, my Master would have missed me too much!

bloody phone sex is my pennance

bloody phone sex LangleyBloody phone sex doesn’t begin to describe what happened to me! One moment I was minding my own business on a swing, reading my favorite book, the next thing I knew I was waking up in a pitch black room, on an ice cold concrete floor.

I was dizzy, and I hurt. I hurt so bad all over so badly I couldn’t even sense where on me was hurt. Then bright, blinding light. As my eyes adjust, I see a tall man, naked, covered in blood from his chin to his feet. My heart is pounding! It dawns on me to look down. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! My breasts! they’re cut almost completely gone!

I scream and scream! Strong, powerful hands, he’s on me. Opening my weak legs, pushing his bloody dick into my little raw cunt.

I keep crying, then lightly sobbing.. As he fucks the life right out of me, me lowers his head, drinking my flowing blood from my ruined tits, slurping and suckling like a hungry brat on steroids.

The last thing in this life I knew was his hot seed pouring into me, as my life poured out…