Murder phone sex Fantasies are one of my favorite pass times!
I had one that got me off so hard, I think I might have to send my work bench to be refinished…
I was at a bar, and of course, all my friends had left me there, by myself…. Poor me, right? Right. So I was pretty buzzed when this hot guy sat beside me, and started talking with me. We had a wonderful conversation, with so much in common! As we smiled and laughed, trading stories, his hand laid upon my thigh. My nipples shot out so very hard, and I was very aware of how wet I had become!
Needless to say, he came home with me! I was so horny, and so excited! But, as I walked through the door, a pain exploded behind my eyes, and everything went black…
I came to in my shop, naked but for my panties, and very strapped down! I could barely squeak around the gag in my mouth. There was that hot guy, standing over me, smiling so wickedly! Naked, and rock hard, he moved around my shop, opening drawers, examining shelves… I was crying, begging for my life with all I had, but it didn’t faze him. It seemed nothing would.
When he rolled my little table over to me, full of all things I owned out there with a blade, my blood froze! I couldn’t breathe for the terror gripped my throat so tightly!
Faster than my eyes could follow, he grabbed my curved skinning knife and slammed it deep into my pelvic bone! I screamed and screamed, choking on my own saliva-drenched tongue. I barely drew a breath before another slammed into the other side of my bone, shattering it to pieces within me. I started to black out from the pain, but a jolt from my own fucking tazer brought all new pain and awareness.
He was now holding my jigsaw, looking at the blade adoringly. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…
He turned it on, and with his eyes looking deep into mine, slipped it through my flesh from hip-to-hip like a bot knife through butter. Small bits and pieces of me flew from the blade, splattering wetly all over his naked body, the walls, the ceiling. Pieces of my meat, my organs, everywhere.
As I cried, choking on my own fluids, and shaking from the deep cold only shock can bring, I could barely feel his hard cock stroking through my internal organs like a sickly wet pocket pussy.
As the last of my life drained from my body, and his hand playing at my mangled, missing pussy, I heard him come in my bloody body cavity…